UPDATED SATURDAY 3.8.25 ….JUST ARRIVED…CITRUS TREES, FRESH HOUSEPLANTS, SHRUBS, AND ROSES. LOTS OF NEW ITEMS WE HAVE NEVER CARRIED BEFORE! SO HAPPY TO BE BACK AND CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF GROWING HAPPINESS FOR THE COMMUNITY. CAN’T FIND AN ITEM? SEND US AN EMAIL. WELL BEHAVED PETS ON LEASH WELCOME After you select a category below, click bold “Botanical Name” for a plant care sheet (pdf). If you don’t have free Adobe Acrobat Reader software, you may download it here: Adobe Reader (Hit “Control+F” on your keyboard on the Complete Inventory Page to search for items)
**DISCLAIMER** WE ARE A SMALL FAMILY BUSINESS AND NOT A CHAIN STORE. Please understand that items may sell out quickly so send us an email if you are driving a long distance for larger quantities, and we can give you more information about inventory. If you need a large quantity (15+ of the same item) of product please email us, and we will try to bring in extra. Sorry, we do not have holding area or sufficient staff to hold orders. This list changes nightly, and IT IS NOT PERFECT! (“by request” means an item we can try to order, but may take 1-2 weeks / “on order” means currently on order, but no confirmed ETA)
- Perennials
BOTANICAL/COMMON NAME COMMON NAME SIZE RETAIL SPECIAL Abutilon 'Lucky Lantern Series' Lucky Lantern Series Flowering MapleLucky Lantern Series Flowering Maple 5 in $4 on order Acanthus 'Whitewater’ PP23342 Whitewater Spiny Bear's BreechesWhitewater Spiny Bear's Breeches 1 gal $8 Achillea millefolium 'Sassy Summer Taffy' Sassy Summer Taffy YarrowSassy Summer Taffy Yarrow 1 gal $5 on order Achillea millefolium 'Saucy Seduction' Saucy Seduction YarrowSaucy Seduction Yarrow 1 gal $5.50 Achillea millefolium New Vintage 'Red' New Vintage™ Red YarrowNew Vintage™ Red Yarrow 1 gal $5 Achillea millefolium New Vintage ‘White’ New Vintage™ White YarrowNew Vintage™ White Yarrow 1 gal $5 Achillea millefolium ‘Balvinrose’ PP25712 New Vintage™ Rose YarrowNew Vintage™ Rose Yarrow 1 gal $5 Achillea millefolium ‘Desert Eve Red’ Desert Eve Red YarrowDesert Eve Red Yarrow 1 gal $5 Achillea millefolium ‘Desert Eve Terracotta’ Desert Eve Terracotta YarrowDesert Eve Terracotta Yarrow 1 gal $5 on order Achillea millefolium ‘Desert Eve Yellow’ Desert Eve Yellow YarrowDesert Eve Yellow Yarrow 1 gal $5 Achillea millefolium ‘Sassy Summer Sangria’ PP31355 Sassy Summer Sangria YarrowSassy Summer Sangria Yarrow 1 gal $5 Achillea millefolium ‘Summer Berries’ Summer Berries YarrowSummer Berries Yarrow 1 gal $5 Achillea millefolium ‘Tutti Frutti Pomegranate’ Tutti Frutti™ Pomegranate YarrowTutti Frutti™ Pomegranate Yarrow 1 gal $5 Adiantum capillus-veneris Southern Maidenhair FernSouthern Maidenhair Fern 1 gal $6 Adiantum x mairisii Mairis's Hardy Maidenhair FernMairis's Hardy Maidenhair Fern 1 gal $6 Agave geminiflora Twin Flowered AgaveTwin Flowered Agave 5 in $5 Agave victoriae-reginae 'Porcupine' Queen Victoria AgaveQueen Victoria Agave 5 in $5 Allium 'Mt Everest' Mt Everest AlliumMt Everest Allium 1 gal $7 Anemone 'Pretty Julia' Pretty Julia AnemonePretty Julia Anemone 1 gal $7 Anemone ‘Frilly Knickers’ Frilly Knickers AnemoneFrilly Knickers Anemone 1 gal $7 Armeria pseudarmeria Dreameria® Dreameria® Dreamland Sea ThriftDreameria® Dreamland Sea Thrift 5 in $4 on order Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri' Sprengeri Fern BasketSprengeri Fern Basket 10 in $11 Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri' Sprengeri FernSprengeri Fern 5 in $4 Asparagus plumosa 'Nanus' Plumosa FernPlumosa Fern 5 in $4 Brunnera macrophylla ‘’Silver Heart’ Silver Heart Siberian BuglossSilver Heart Siberian Bugloss 6 in $8 Calendula 'Bon Bon Mix' Bon Bon Mix CalendulaBon Bon Mix Calendula 4pk $5 5/$20 Calendula 'Bon Bon Yellow' Bon Bon Yellow CalendulaBon Bon Yellow Calendula 4pk $5 5/$20 Campanula x 'Birch' Birch's BellflowerBirch's Bellflower 5 in $4 on order Cordyline australis 'Charlie Boy' PP20139 Charlie Boy CordylineCharlie Boy Cordyline 3 gal $26 on order Cordyline australis ‘Red Sensation’ Red Sensation CordylineRed Sensation Cordyline 1 gal $6 Cordyline australis ‘Red Sensation’ Red Sensation CordylineRed Sensation Cordyline 10 in $20 Cordyline indivisa Draceana SpikesDraceana Spikes 5 in $3 Cordyline indivisa Draceana SpikesDraceana Spikes 5 in $3 Cordyline indivisa Draceana SpikesDraceana Spikes 1 gal $6 Coreopsis grandiflora UpTick™ Series UpTick™ Series CoreopsisUpTick™ Series Coreopsis 1 gal $5 Coreopsis grandiflora ‘Leading Lady Charlize’ Leading Lady Charlize Corepsis/TickseedLeading Lady Charlize Corepsis/Tickseed 1 gal $5 Coreopsis ‘Mercury Rising’ PP24689 Big Bang™ Mercury Rising CoreopsisBig Bang™ Mercury Rising Coreopsis 1 gal $5 on order Cyrtomium falcatum ‘Rochfordianum’ Rochford's Holly FernRochford's Holly Fern 1 gal $6 Cyrtomium fortunei Fortune's Holly FernFortune's Holly Fern 1 gal $6 Dahlia sp. Assorted DahliaAssorted Dahlia 6.5in $8.50 Delosperma 'Firespinner' Firespinner Ice PlantFirespinner Ice Plant 5 in $4 Delosperma cooperi ‘Jewel of the Desert Grenade’ PP27014 Grenade Jewel of Desert Ice PlantGrenade Jewel of Desert Ice Plant 5 in $4 Delosperma cooperi ‘Ocean Sunset Series’ Ocean Sunset Series Ice PlantOcean Sunset Series Ice Plant 1 gal $5 Delosperma cooperi ‘Ocean Sunset Series’ Ocean Sunset Series Ice PlantOcean Sunset Series Ice Plant 5 in $4 Delosperma Wheels of Wonder™ Hot Orange 'W1813' PP34533 Wheels of Wonder™ Hot Orange Ice PlantWheels of Wonder™ Hot Orange Ice Plant 5 in $4 Delosperma ‘Fire Wonder’ Fire Wonder Ice PlantFire Wonder Ice Plant 5 in $4 Delosperma ‘Topaz Perfect Orange Jewel of the Desert’ Topaz Orange Ice PlantTopaz Orange Ice Plant 5 in $4 Delphinium grandiflorum 'Blue Mirror' Blue Mirror DelphiniumBlue Mirror Delphinium 2.5qt $6.50 Delphinium grandiflorum 'Hunky Dory' Hunky Dory™ Blue LarkspurHunky Dory™ Blue Larkspur 6.6 in $10.50 on order Dianella tasmanica ‘Variegata’ White Striped Flax LilyWhite Striped Flax Lily 1 gal $6 Dianthus 'Barbarini Series' Barbarini Series DianthusBarbarini Series Dianthus 4pk $6 Dianthus 'Barbarini Series' Barbarini Series DianthusBarbarini Series Dianthus 5 in $4 Dianthus 'Coronet Series' Coronet Dianthus BasketCoronet Dianthus Basket 10 in $7 Dianthus 'Delilah Series' Delilah Series DianthusDelilah Series Dianthus 5 in $5 Dianthus 'Diamond Series' Diamond Series DianthusDiamond Series Dianthus 9pk $6 3/$15 Dianthus 'Eastern Star' Eastern Star DianthusEastern Star Dianthus 5 in $4 3/$10 Dianthus 'Firestar' Firestar DianthusFirestar Dianthus 1 gal $5 on order Dianthus 'Frosty Fire' Frosty Fire DianthusFrosty Fire Dianthus 1 gal $5 on order Dianthus 'Mad Magenta' Mad Magenta DianthusMad Magenta Dianthus 6 in $5 Dianthus 'Sunflor Series' Sunflor® Series DianthusSunflor® Series Dianthus 5 in $4 Dianthus 'Telstar Series' Telstar Series DianthusTelstar Series Dianthus 4 in $1.75 18/$28 Dianthus American Pie® 'Bumbleberry Pie' American Pie® Bumbleberry Pie DianthusAmerican Pie® Bumbleberry Pie Dianthus 5 in $4 Dianthus American Pie® 'Cherry Pie' American Pie® Cherry Pie DianthusAmerican Pie® Cherry Pie Dianthus 1 gal $5 Dianthus American Pie® 'Georgia Peach Pie' American Pie® Georgia Peach Pie DianthusAmerican Pie® Georgia Peach Pie Dianthus 1 gal $5 Dianthus h. ‘Coral Reef’ PP19660 Scent First® Coral Reef DianthusScent First® Coral Reef Dianthus 5 in $4 Dianthus h. ‘WP05Yves’ PP18828 Scent First® Coconut Surprise DianthusScent First® Coconut Surprise Dianthus 1 gal $5 on order Dianthus Jolt™ ‘Purple’ Jolt™ Purple DianthusJolt™ Purple Dianthus 4pk $5 Dianthus Jolt™ ‘Purple’ Jolt™ Purple DianthusJolt™ Purple Dianthus 4 in $2.25 15/$30 Dianthus PP21016 Beauties Kahori® DianthusBeauties Kahori® Dianthus 1 gal $7 Dianthus PP21017 Beauties Kahori® DianthusBeauties Kahori® Dianthus 5 in $4 Dianthus Pretty Poppers™ 'Electric Red' Pretty Poppers™ Electric Red DianthusPretty Poppers™ Electric Red Dianthus 5 in $4 3/$10 Dianthus Pretty Poppers™ ‘Double Bubble’ PP29972 Pretty Poppers™ Double Bubble DianthusPretty Poppers™ Double Bubble Dianthus 1 gal $5 Dianthus x 'KonD1014K3' PP30190 Mountain Frost™ Pink Pom Pom DianthusMountain Frost™ Pink Pom Pom Dianthus 5 in $4 3/$10 Digitalis purpurea 'Camelot Lavender' Camelot Lavender FoxgloveCamelot Lavender Foxglove 5 in $3 4/$10 Digitalis purpurea 'Camelot Rose' Camelot Rose FoxgloveCamelot Rose Foxglove 5 in $3 4/$10 Digitalis purpurea 'Dalmation Series' Dalmation Series FoxgloveDalmation Series Foxglove 5 in $3 4/$10 Dryopteris erythrosora ‘Brillance’ Brilliance Autumn FernBrilliance Autumn Fern 1 gal $6 Dryopteris erythrosora ‘Brillance’ Brilliance Autumn FernBrilliance Autumn Fern 2 gal $10 Dryopteris erythrosora ‘Brillance’ Brilliance Autumn FernBrilliance Autumn Fern 3 gal $15 Dryopteris ludoviciana Southern Shield FernSouthern Shield Fern 1 gal $6 Echinops bannaticus ‘Blue Glow’ Blue Glow Globe ThistleBlue Glow Globe Thistle 1 gal $6 3/$15 Eucalyptus pulverulent ‘Baby Blue’ Baby Blue EucalyptusBaby Blue Eucalyptus 4 in $3 on order Eucalyptus pulverulent ‘Baby Blue’ Baby Blue EucalyptusBaby Blue Eucalyptus 5 in $3 Euphorbia x martini ‘Ascot Rainbow’ Ascot Rainbow SpurgeAscot Rainbow Spurge 1 gal $6 Farfugium jap. 'Giganteum' Giant Leopard PlantGiant Leopard Plant 1 gal $6.50 on order Farfugium jap. 'Giganteum' Giant Leopard PlantGiant Leopard Plant 3 gal $24 Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' Elijah Blue FescueElijah Blue Fescue 5 in $3 4/$10 Festuca glauca ‘Beyond Blue’ Beyond Blue FescueBeyond Blue Fescue 1 gal $8 on order Gaillardia Gusto™ Series Gusto™ Series Blanket FlowerGusto™ Series Blanket Flower 1 gal $5 Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Spintop Mango' SpinTop® Mango Blanket FlowerSpinTop® Mango Blanket Flower 1 gal $5 Gaillardia x grandiflora ‘Arizona Red Shades’ Arizona Red Shades Blanket FlowerArizona Red Shades Blanket Flower 1 gal $5 Gaillardia x grandiflora ‘Spintop Mariachi Sky’ SpinTop® Mariachi Red Sky Blanket FlowerSpinTop® Mariachi Red Sky Blanket Flower 1 gal $5 Gaillardia x grandiflora ‘Spintop Orange Halo’ SpinTop® Orange Halo Blanket FlowerSpinTop® Orange Halo Blanket Flower 1 gal $5 on order Gaillardia x grandiflora ‘Spintop Red’ SpinTop® Red Blanket FlowerSpinTop® Red Blanket Flower 1 gal $5 Gaura lindheimeri 'Ballerina Rose' Ballerina™ Rose Whirling ButterfliesBallerina™ Rose Whirling Butterflies 1 gal $5 Gaura lindheimeri 'Baltincite' PP20326 Ballerina™ White Whirling ButterfliesBallerina™ White Whirling Butterflies 1 gal $5 Gaura lindheimeri 'KLEAU04263' Belleza® Dark Pink Gaura /Whirling ButterfliesBelleza® Dark Pink Gaura /Whirling Butterflies 1 gal $5 Gaura lindheimeri ‘Passionate Rainbow Petite’ Dwarf Passionate Rainbow Whirling ButterfliesDwarf Passionate Rainbow Whirling Butterflies 1 gal $5 Gaura lindheimeri ‘Siskiyou Pink’ Siskiyou Pink Butterfly Whorl GauraSiskiyou Pink Butterfly Whorl Gaura 1 gal $5 Gaura linheimeri ‘Sparkle White’ Sparkle White Wand FlowerSparkle White Wand Flower 1 gal $5 Geum 'Double Bloody Mary' Double Red AvensDouble Red Avens 5 in $4 3/$10 Geum 'Double Bloody Mary' Double Red AvensDouble Red Avens 6 in $5 Geum coccineum ‘Koi’ Koi AvensKoi Avens 6 in $5 Helleborus HCG 'Maestro' Maestro Lenten RoseMaestro Lenten Rose 4 in $9 on order Helleborus Honeymoon® 'California Dreaming' Honeymoon® California Dreaming Lenten RoseHoneymoon® California Dreaming Lenten Rose 1 gal $15 Helleborus Wedding Party® 'Blushing Bridesmaid' Wedding Party® Blushing Bridesmaid Lenten RoseWedding Party® Blushing Bridesmaid Lenten Rose 1 gal $15 Helleborus x ballardiae 'Merlin' HGC® Merlin® Lenten RoseHGC® Merlin® Lenten Rose 6 in $19 few Helleborus x ericsmithii 'Pink Frost' HGC® Pink Frost® Lenten RoseHGC® Pink Frost® Lenten Rose 6 in $19 few Helleborus x HCG 'Joker' Joker Lenten RoseJoker Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Helleborus x Ice N Roses® 'Red Romance' Ice N Roses® Red Romance Lenten RoseIce N Roses® Red Romance Lenten Rose 1 gal $15 Helleborus x Ice N Roses® 'Red Romance' Ice N Roses® Red Romance Lenten RoseIce N Roses® Red Romance Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Helleborus x Ice N Roses® 'Red' Ice N Roses® Red Lenten RoseIce N Roses® Red Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Helleborus x Ice N' Roses 'Corvina' Ice N' Roses Corvina Lenten RoseIce N' Roses Corvina Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Helleborus x Ice N' Roses® 'Brunello' Ice N' Roses® Brunello Lenten RoseIce N' Roses® Brunello Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Helleborus x Ice N' Roses® 'Pink Promise' Ice N' Roses® Pink Promise Lenten RoseIce N' Roses® Pink Promise Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Helleborus x Ice N' Roses® 'Rose' Ice N' Roses® Rose Lenten RoseIce N' Roses® Rose Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Helleborus x Ice N' Roses® 'White' Ice N' Roses® White Lenten RoseIce N' Roses® White Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Helleborus 'HGC Jacob' Jacob Lenten RoseJacob Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Heuchera 'Citronelle' Citronelle Coral BellsCitronelle Coral Bells 6 in $7 Heuchera 'Fire Chief' Fire Chief Coral BellsFire Chief Coral Bells 6 in $7 Heuchera 'Forever Red' Forever Red Coral BellsForever Red Coral Bells 6 in $7 Heuchera Carnival™ Series ‘Rose Granita’ Carnival™ Rose Granita Coral BellsCarnival™ Rose Granita Coral Bells 6 in $7 Heuchera villosa 'Caramel' Caramel Coral BellsCaramel Coral Bells 6 in $7 Heuchera villosa ‘Red Lightning’ Red Lightning Coral BellsRed Lightning Coral Bells 6 in $7 Heucherella 'Cracked Ice' Cracked Ice Foamy BellsCracked Ice Foamy Bells 6 in $7 Heucherella 'Tapestry' Tapestry Foamy BellsTapestry Foamy Bells 6 in $7 Heucherella villosa 'Sweet Tea' Sweet Tea Foamy BellsSweet Tea Foamy Bells 6 in $7 Heucherella ‘Gold Zebra’ Gold Zebra Foamy BellsGold Zebra Foamy Bells 6 in $7 Heucherella ‘Hot Buttered Rum’ Hot Butered Rum Foamy BellsHot Butered Rum Foamy Bells 6 in $7 Hypericum calycinum St John's WortSt John's Wort 1 gal $5 on order Iberis s. 'SnowCone Imp.' Snow Cone™ Imp CandytuftSnow Cone™ Imp Candytuft 2.5qt $7 Iberis s. 'Snowsation' Snowsation CandytuftSnowsation Candytuft 2.5qt $7 Iberis s. 'Whistler White' Whistler™ White CandytuftWhistler™ White Candytuft 2.5qt $7 Iberis semperviren 'Purity' Evergreen CandytuftEvergreen Candytuft 5 in $4 3/$10 Iberis semperviren 'Summer Snowdrift' Summer Snowdrift Evergreen CandytuftSummer Snowdrift Evergreen Candytuft 5 in $4 3/$10 Iberis sempervirens 'Snowsurfer Forte' Snowsurfer™ Forte CandytuftSnowsurfer™ Forte Candytuft 5 in $4 3/$10 Iberis sempervirens 'Snowsurfer Forte' Snowsurfer™ Forte CandytuftSnowsurfer™ Forte Candytuft 2.5 qt $7 Iberis sempervirens ‘Snowsation’ Snowsation Evergreen CandytuftSnowsation Evergreen Candytuft 5 in $4 3/$10 Iris 'Dashing' Dashing IrisDashing Iris 1 gal $8 3/$20 Iris 'His Royal Highness' His Royal Highness Bearded IrisHis Royal Highness Bearded Iris 1 gal $8 3/$20 Iris 'Persian Berry' Persian Berry Bearded IrisPersian Berry Bearded Iris 1 gal $8 3/$20 Iris 'Renown' Renown IrisRenown Iris 1 gal $8 3/$20 Iris 'Victoria Falls' Victoria Falls Bearded IrisVictoria Falls Bearded Iris 1 gal $8 3/$20 Iris germanica ‘Pleasant Peasant’ Pleasant Peasant IrisPleasant Peasant Iris 1 gal $8 3/$20 Iris germanica ’October Splendor’ October Splendor IrisOctober Splendor Iris 1 gal $8 3/$20 Kniphofia 'Orange Blaze' PP31545 Pyromania® Orange Blaze Red Hot PokerPyromania® Orange Blaze Red Hot Poker 1 gal $11.50 Kniphofia hybrid PP31185 Pyromania® Hot and Cold Red Hot PokerPyromania® Hot and Cold Red Hot Poker 1 gal $11.50 Kniphofia uvaria ‘Border Ballet’ Border Ballet Hot PokerBorder Ballet Hot Poker 1 gal $5 on order Leucanthemum x superbum 'White Lion' White Lion Shasta DaisyWhite Lion Shasta Daisy 1 gal $5 Leucanthemum x superbum Sweet Daisy 'Jane' Sweet Daisy Jane Shasta DaisySweet Daisy Jane Shasta Daisy 1 gal $5 Leucanthemum x superbum Sweet Daisy 'Rebecca' Sweet Daisy Rebecca Shasta DaisySweet Daisy Rebecca Shasta Daisy 1 gal $5 Leucanthemum x superbum Sweet Daisy 'Sophia' Sweet Daisy Sophia Shasta DaisySweet Daisy Sophia Shasta Daisy 1 gal $5 Leucanthemum × superbum 'Madonna' Madonna Shasta DaisyMadonna Shasta Daisy 5 in $3 4/$10 Leucanthemum × superbum 'Real Goldcup' Real Gold Cup Shasta DaisyReal Gold Cup Shasta Daisy 1 gal $5 Leucanthemum × superbum Sweet Daisy Birdy’ Sweet Birdy Shasta DaisySweet Birdy Shasta Daisy 1 gal $5 Leucanthemum × superbum ‘Sweet Daisy Christine’ Sweet Daisy Christine Shasta DaisySweet Daisy Christine Shasta Daisy 1 gal $5 Lithodora diffusa 'Grace Ward' Grace Ward LithodoraGrace Ward Lithodora 2.5qt $7 Lobelia speciosa 'Starship Blue' Starship Blue Cardinal FlowerStarship Blue Cardinal Flower 5 in $4 Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’ Creeping JennyCreeping Jenny 5 in $3 Monarda didyma ‘Grape Gumball’ Sugar Buzz® Grape Gumball Bee BalmSugar Buzz® Grape Gumball Bee Balm 1 gal $5 Monarda ‘BeeMine Red’ BeeMine Red Bee BalmBeeMine Red Bee Balm 1 gal $5 Musa acuminata 'Dwarf Cavendish' Dwarf Cavendish BananaDwarf Cavendish Banana 1 gal $12.50 Myosotis sylvatica ‘Mon Ami Series’ Mon Amie Forget Me NotMon Amie Forget Me Not 5 in $3 4/$10 Nepeta 'Picture Purrfect' PP34502 Picture Purfect CatmintPicture Purfect Catmint 2.5 qt $7 Nepeta cataria CatnipCatnip 1.5 gal $8 Nepeta racemosa 'Blue Wonder' Blue Wonder CatmintBlue Wonder Catmint 1 gal $5 Nepeta x faassenii 'Novanepjun' PP23074 Junior Walker's Low Dwarf CatmintJunior Walker's Low Dwarf Catmint 1 gal $5 Nepeta x faassenii ‘Cat’s Pajama’s’ Cat's Pajama's CatmintCat's Pajama's Catmint 1 gal $9 on order Penstemon 'Husker's Red' Bearded Tongue PenstemonBearded Tongue Penstemon 1 gal $5 Penstemon barbatus 'Novapenblu' PP 27786 Rock Candy® Blue Bearded TongueRock Candy® Blue Bearded Tongue 1 gal $5 Penstemon barbatus 'Novapenpin' PP 26701 Rock Candy® Pink Bearded TongueRock Candy® Pink Bearded Tongue 1 gal $5 Penstemon barbatus 'Pristine Primrose' Pristine Primrose Bearded ToungePristine Primrose Bearded Tounge 1 gal $5 Penstemon barbatus ‘Pristine Lilac Purple’ Pristine Lilac Purple Bearded ToungePristine Lilac Purple Bearded Tounge 1 gal $5 Penstemon barbatus ‘Pristine Scarlet’ Pristine Scarlet Bearded ToungePristine Scarlet Bearded Tounge 1 gal $5 Penstemon hybrida 'Amethyst Quartz' Quartz® Amethyst Bearded TongueQuartz® Amethyst Bearded Tongue 1 gal $5 Phlox divaricata ‘Blue Moon’ Blue Moon Woodland PhloxBlue Moon Woodland Phlox 1 gal $6 3/$15 Phlox drummondii '21st Century Blue' 21st Century Blue Phlox21st Century Blue Phlox 4 in $1.75 on order Phlox interspecific 'Woodlander Pink' Woodlander Pink Smooth PhloxWoodlander Pink Smooth Phlox 2.5 qt $7 Phlox stolonifera 'Sherwood Purple' Sherwood Purple Woodland PhloxSherwood Purple Woodland Phlox 1 gal $5 Phlox subulata 'Candy Stripe' Candy Stripe Creeping PhloxCandy Stripe Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Crimson Beauty' Crimson Beauty Creeping PhloxCrimson Beauty Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Drummons Pink' Drummons Pink Creeping PhloxDrummons Pink Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Early Spring Dark Blue' Early Spring Dark Blue Creeping PhloxEarly Spring Dark Blue Creeping Phlox 6 in $5 Phlox subulata 'Emerald Blue' Emerald Blue Creeping PhloxEmerald Blue Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Eye Candy' Eye Candy Creeping PhloxEye Candy Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Fort Hill' Fort Hill Creeping PhloxFort Hill Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'McDaniel's Cushion' McDaniels Cushion Creeping PhloxMcDaniels Cushion Creeping Phlox 2.5qt $7 Phlox subulata 'Purple Beauty' Purple Beauty Creeping PhloxPurple Beauty Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Red Wings' Red Wings Creeping PhloxRed Wings Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Scarlet Flame' Scarlet Flame Creeping PhloxScarlet Flame Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Snowflake' White Ceeping PhloxWhite Ceeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Spring Lavender' Spring Lavender Creeping PhloxSpring Lavender Creeping Phlox 2.5 qt $7 Phlox subulata 'Spring Pink' Spring Pink Creeping PhloxSpring Pink Creeping Phlox 2.5 qt $7 Phlox subulata 'Spring Purple' Spring Purple Creeping PhloxSpring Purple Creeping Phlox 2.5 qt $7 Phlox x h. 'PHL090201' 'Jagger' Paparazzi® Jagger PhloxPaparazzi® Jagger Phlox 2.5qt $7 on order Polemonium boreale 'Heavenly Habit' Heavenly Habit Jacob's LadderHeavenly Habit Jacob's Ladder 1 gal $5.50 Polemonium ‘Brise d’Anjou’ Brise d' Anjou Jacob's LadderBrise d' Anjou Jacob's Ladder 1 gal $7 Polygonatum biflorum var. commutatum Large Solomon's SealLarge Solomon's Seal 1 gal $9 on order Polystichum polyblepharum Japanese Tassel/ Lace FernJapanese Tassel/ Lace Fern 1 gal $6 Polystichum tsus-simense Korean Rock FernKorean Rock Fern 1 gal $6 Primula 'Danova Series' Danova Series PrimroseDanova Series Primrose 5 in $3 4/$10 Pulmonaria 'Trevi Fountain' Trevi Fountain LungwortTrevi Fountain Lungwort 1 gal $7 Pycnanthemum muticum Short Toothed Mountain MintShort Toothed Mountain Mint 1 gal $6 Salvia Artic Blaze® 'Fuschia' Artic Blaze® Fuschia SageArtic Blaze® Fuschia Sage 1 gal $6 3/$15 Salvia Artic Blaze® 'Red' Artic Blaze® Red SageArtic Blaze® Red Sage 1 gal $6 3/$15 Salvia nemerosa 'April Night' April Night SalviaApril Night Salvia 6 in $5 Salvia nemerosa 'Blue Marvel' Blue Marvel SalviaBlue Marvel Salvia 1 gal $5 Salvia nemerosa 'Caradonna' Caradonna SageCaradonna Sage 1 gal $5 Salvia nemerosa 'Noble Knight' Noble Knight SageNoble Knight Sage 1 gal $5 Salvia nemerosa 'Pink Nebula' Pink Nebula™ Meadow SagePink Nebula™ Meadow Sage 2.5qt $7 Salvia nemerosa ‘Bordeau™ Steel Blue’ Bordeau™ Steel Blue SageBordeau™ Steel Blue Sage 2.5 qt $7 Salvia nemorosa 'Dark Matter' Dark Matter™ Meadow SageDark Matter™ Meadow Sage 2.5qt $7 Salvia nemorosa 'Salute Ice Blue' Salute™ Ice Blue Meadow SageSalute™ Ice Blue Meadow Sage 1 gal $5 Salvia nemorosa PP31033 Blue By You SageBlue By You Sage 1 gal $5 Salvia x hybrida 'Novasalpur' PP28717 Artic Blaze® Purple SageArtic Blaze® Purple Sage 1 gal $6 3/$15 Scabiosa columbaria 'Butterfly Blue' Butterfly Blue Pincushion FlowerButterfly Blue Pincushion Flower 1 gal $5 Scabiosa columbaria 'Vivid Violet' Vivid Violet Pincushion FlowerVivid Violet Pincushion Flower 1 gal $5 Scabiosa columbaria ‘Flutter™ Series Flutter™ Deep Blue Pincushion FlowerFlutter™ Deep Blue Pincushion Flower 1 gal $5 Scabiosa columbaria ‘Flutter™ Series Flutter™ Pure White Pincushion FlowerFlutter™ Pure White Pincushion Flower 1 gal $5 Scabiosa columbaria ‘Flutter™ Series Flutter™ Rose Pink Pincushion FlowerFlutter™ Rose Pink Pincushion Flower 1 gal $5 Scabiosa japonica ‘Pink Mist’ Pink Mist Pincushion FlowerPink Mist Pincushion Flower 1 gal $5 Sedum 'Lemon Ball' Lemon Ball SedumLemon Ball Sedum 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum hybrid 'Lime Zinger' PP24632 SunSparkler® Lime Zinger SedumSunSparkler® Lime Zinger Sedum 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum kamtschaticum variegatum Variegated Russian StonecropVariegated Russian Stonecrop 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum makinoi ‘Ogon’ Golden Japanese Woodland StonecropGolden Japanese Woodland Stonecrop 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce' Blue Spruce SedumBlue Spruce Sedum 1 gal $5 Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce' Blue Spruce SedumBlue Spruce Sedum 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum rupestre 'Angelina' Angelina StonecropAngelina Stonecrop 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum spurium 'Pink' Spot On™ Pink StonecropSpot On™ Pink Stonecrop 5 in $4 Sedum SunSparkler 'Angelina's Teacup' SunSparkler® Angelina's Teacup SedumSunSparkler® Angelina's Teacup Sedum 5 in $4 on order Sedum SunSparkler 'Blue Elf' SunSparkler® Blue Elf SedumSunSparkler® Blue Elf Sedum 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum SunSparkler 'Firecracker' SunSparkler® Firecracker StonecropSunSparkler® Firecracker Stonecrop 5 in $4 on order Sedum takesimense 'Atlantis' Atlantis StonecropAtlantis Stonecrop 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum tetractinum ‘Coral Reef’ Coral Reef SedumCoral Reef Sedum 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum x Autumn Fire Autumn Fire SedumAutumn Fire Sedum 6 in $5 Sempervivium 'Royal Ruby' Royal Ruby Hens and ChicksRoyal Ruby Hens and Chicks 5 in $4 Sempervivum 'Carmen' Carmen Hens and ChicksCarmen Hens and Chicks 5 in $4 Sempervivum 'Commander Hay' Commander Hay Hens and ChicksCommander Hay Hens and Chicks 5 in $4 Sempervivum 'Red Beauty' Red Beauty Hens and ChicksRed Beauty Hens and Chicks 5 in $4 Sempervivum 'Ruby Hearts' Ruby Hearts Hens and ChicksRuby Hearts Hens and Chicks 5 in $4 Sempervivum 'Silver King' Silver King Hens and ChicksSilver King Hens and Chicks 5 in $4 Sempervivum 'Silverine' Silverine Hens and ChicksSilverine Hens and Chicks 5 in $4 3/$10 Semprevivum 'Hippie Chicks' Hippie Chicks Hens and ChicksHippie Chicks Hens and Chicks 5 in $4.50 Setcreasea pallida Purple Heart SetcreaseaPurple Heart Setcreasea 10 in $9 Setcreasea pallida Purple Heart SetcreaseaPurple Heart Setcreasea 5 in $4 Setcreasea pallida 'Variegata' Variegated Purple Heart SetcreaseaVariegated Purple Heart Setcreasea 5 in $4 3/$10 Sisyrinchium 'Blue Note' Blue Eyed Grass **native**Blue Eyed Grass **native** 1 gal $6 3/$15 Sisyrinchium 'Moody Blues' Moody Blues Blue Eyed GrassMoody Blues Blue Eyed Grass 1 gal $6 3/$15 Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks' Fireworks GoldenrodFireworks Goldenrod 1 gal $6 Stachys byzantina 'Balstaclamb' PP35738 Little Lamb Lamb's EarLittle Lamb Lamb's Ear 1 gal $5 Stachys byzantina 'Furby' Furby Lamb's EarFurby Lamb's Ear 5 in $3 4/$10 Stachys byzantine ‘Helen von Stein’ Lamb's EarLamb's Ear 1 gal $5 Stachys byzantine ‘Silver Carpet’ Silver Carpet Lamb's EarSilver Carpet Lamb's Ear 1 gal $5 Stokesia laevis ‘Colorwheel’ Colorwheel Stoke's AsterColorwheel Stoke's Aster 1 gal $5 Stokesia laevis 'Divinity' Divinity Stoke's AsterDivinity Stoke's Aster 1 gal $5 Stokesia laevis 'Mary Gregory' Mary Gregory Stoke's AsterMary Gregory Stoke's Aster 1 gal $5 Stokesia laevis 'Mel's Blue' Mel's Blue Stoke's AsterMel's Blue Stoke's Aster 1 gal $5 Stokesia laevis 'Peachies Pick' Peachie's Pick Stoke's AsterPeachie's Pick Stoke's Aster 1 gal $5 Thelypteris kunthii Southern River Wood FernSouthern River Wood Fern 1 gal $6 Tiarella 'Angel Wings' Angel Wings FoamflowerAngel Wings Foamflower 6 in $7 Tiarella 'Appalachian Trail' Appalachian Trail FoamflowerAppalachian Trail Foamflower 6 in $6 Tiarella 'Running Tapestry' Running Tapestry FoamflowerRunning Tapestry Foamflower 6 in $7 Tiarella 'Spring Symphony' Spring Symphony FoamflowerSpring Symphony Foamflower 6 in $6 Tiarella 'Sugar and Spice' Sugar and Spice FoamflowerSugar and Spice Foamflower 6 in $6 Verbascum 'Southern Charm' Southern Charm VerbascumSouthern Charm Verbascum 5 in $3 4/$10 Verbena 'Homestead Pink' Homestead Pink VerbenaHomestead Pink Verbena 1 gal $5 Verbena EnduraScape™ Series EnduraScape™ Series Verbena BasketEnduraScape™ Series Verbena Basket 10 in $9 3/$24 Verbena EnduraScape™ Series EnduraScape™ Purple VerbenaEnduraScape™ Purple Verbena 1 gal $10 Verbena ‘Homestead Purple’ Homestead Purple VerbenaHomestead Purple Verbena 1 gal $5 Veronica 'Perfectly Picasso' Perfectly Picasso SpeedwellPerfectly Picasso Speedwell 1 gal $5 Veronica 'Royal Rembrandt' Royal Rembrandt SpeedwellRoyal Rembrandt Speedwell 1 gal $5 Veronica 'Tidal Pool' Tidal Pool Creeping SpeedwellTidal Pool Creeping Speedwell 1 gal $5 Veronica 'Very Van Gogh' Very Van Gogh SpeedwellVery Van Gogh Speedwell 1 gal $5 Veronica hybrida Moody Blues® 'Mauve' PP31833 Moody Blues® Mauve SpeedwellMoody Blues® Mauve Speedwell 1 gal $5 on order Veronica peduncularis ‘Georgia Blue’ Georgia Blue VeronicaGeorgia Blue Veronica 1 gal $5 Veronica repens Creeping SpeedwellCreeping Speedwell 5in $3 Veronica spicata 'Novaverpin' PP25748 Pink Moody Blues™ SpeedwellPink Moody Blues™ Speedwell 1 gal $5 Veronica spicata 'Royal Candles' Royal Candles SpeedwellRoyal Candles Speedwell 1 gal $6 Veronica spicata 'Verpurg' PP33094 Purplegum Candles Spikes SpeedwellPurplegum Candles Spikes Speedwell 1 gal $5 Veronica ‘Novaverblu’ PP26602 Dark Blue Moody Blues™ SpeedwellDark Blue Moody Blues™ Speedwell 1 gal $5 Zantedeschia 'Airbrush' Airbrush Calla LilyAirbrush Calla Lily 5 in $6 Zantedeschia 'Frozen Queen' Lily Frozen Queen CallaLily Frozen Queen Calla 6.5in $12.50 Zantedeschia sp. Lily Assorted CallaLily Assorted Calla 6.5in $11 EdiblesBOTANICAL/COMMON NAME COMMON NAME SIZE RETAIL SPECIAL Allium schoenoprasum ChivesChives 5 in $3 on order Antheum graveolens Fernleaf DillFernleaf Dill 5 in $3 4/$10 Antheum graveolens 'Bouquet' Bouquet DillBouquet Dill 5 in $3 4/$10 Beta 'Bright Lights' Bright Lights Swiss ChardBright Lights Swiss Chard 9pk $5 on order Beta 'Ruby Red' Ruby Red Swiss ChardRuby Red Swiss Chard 9pk $5 on order Beta vulgaris 'Bulls Blood' Bull's Blood BeetsBull's Blood Beets 9pk $5 on order Beta vulgaris ‘Fresh Start’ Fresh Start BeetsFresh Start Beets 9pk $5 5/$20 Brassica oleacea 'Destiny' Destiny BroccoliDestiny Broccoli 3.5in $2 Brassica oleracea 'Castle Dome' Castle Dome BroccoliCastle Dome Broccoli 9pk $5 5/$20 Brassica oleracea 'Cheddar' Cheddar CauliflowerCheddar Cauliflower 3.5in $2 Brassica oleracea 'China King' China King CabbageChina King Cabbage 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea 'Copenhagen' Copenhagen CabbageCopenhagen Cabbage 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea 'Destiny' Destiny BroccoliDestiny Broccoli 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea 'Early Dutch Flat' Early Dutch Flat CabbageEarly Dutch Flat Cabbage 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea 'Flash' Flash CollardsFlash Collards 9pk $5 5/$20 Brassica oleracea 'Georgia' Georgia CollardsGeorgia Collards 4pk $2.50 Brassica oleracea 'Gypsy' Gypsy BroccoliGypsy Broccoli 9pk $5 5/$20 Brassica oleracea 'Jade Cross' Brussel SproutsBrussel Sprouts 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea 'Purple Magic' Purple Magic BroccoliPurple Magic Broccoli 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea 'Ruby Ball' Ruby Ball CabbageRuby Ball Cabbage 3.5in $2 Brassica oleracea 'Ruby Perfection' Ruby Perfection CabbageRuby Perfection Cabbage 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea 'Snowball Y Imp' Snowball Y Imp CauliflowerSnowball Y Imp Cauliflower 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea 'Stonehead' Stonehead CabbageStonehead Cabbage 9pk $5 5/$20 Brassica oleracea 'Top Bunch' Top Bunch CollardsTop Bunch Collards 9pk $5 5/$20 Brassica oleracea 'Twister' Twister CauliflowerTwister Cauliflower 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea ‘Green Magic’ Green Magic BroccoliGreen Magic Broccoli 9pk $5 5/$20 Brassica rapa var Pekinensis 'Blues' Blues Chinese (Napa)CabbageBlues Chinese (Napa)Cabbage 3.5in $2 Camellia sinensis Tea Camellia ShrubTea Camellia Shrub 2 gal $12.50 on order Camellia sinensis 'Korea' Korean Green Tea CamelliaKorean Green Tea Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sinensis 'Tetraploid' Large Leaf Tea CamelliaLarge Leaf Tea Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Citrus limon 'Eureka' Eureka LemonEureka Lemon 3 gal $27 Citrus limon 'Harvey' Harvey LemonHarvey Lemon 1 gal $18 Citrus limon 'Variegated Pink' Variegated Pink LemonVariegated Pink Lemon 1 gal $18 Citrus reticulata x sinensis Murcott Honey TangerineMurcott Honey Tangerine 3 gal $27 Citrus sinensis 'Washington' Navel OrangeNavel Orange 3 gal $27 Citrus unshiu Satsuma OrangeSatsuma Orange 5 gal $27 Citrus x latifolia Persian LimePersian Lime 1 gal $18 Citrus x latifolia Persian LimePersian Lime 3 gal $27 Citrus x limon 'Ponderosa' Ponderosa LemonPonderosa Lemon 1 gal $18 Citrus x meyeri Meyer LemonMeyer Lemon 1 gal $18 Citrus x meyeri Meyer LemonMeyer Lemon 3 gal $27 on order Citrus x meyeri Meyer Lemon Hanging BasketMeyer Lemon Hanging Basket 12in $27 few Citrus x microcarpa Calamondin Orange BushCalamondin Orange Bush 1 gal $18 Citrus x microcarpa Calamondin Orange BushCalamondin Orange Bush 3 gal $27 Citrus x microcarpa Calamondin Orange Hanging BasketCalamondin Orange Hanging Basket 12in $27 2 left Citrus x paradisi 'Ray Ruby' Ray Ruby GrapfruitRay Ruby Grapfruit 1 gal $18 Citrus x…. Citrus CocktailCitrus Cocktail 1 gal $25 on order Citrus × floridana 'Eustis' Key Lime (Limequat)Key Lime (Limequat) 1 gal $18 Citrus × floridana 'Eustis' Key Lime (Limequat)Key Lime (Limequat) 3 gal $27 Citrus × latifolia Persian Lime BushPersian Lime Bush 8in $35 few Citrus × meyeri Meyer Lemon BushMeyer Lemon Bush 8in $30 on order Citrus × microcarpa Calamodin Citrus BushCalamodin Citrus Bush 8in $35 few Diospyros virginiana American PersimmonAmerican Persimmon 3 gal $22.50 Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple GuavaPineapple Guava 3 gal $12.50 on order Ficus carica 'Black Mission' Black Mission FigBlack Mission Fig 1 gal $8 on order Ficus carica 'Black Mission' Black Mission FigBlack Mission Fig 3 gal $18 on order Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey' Brown Turkey FigBrown Turkey Fig 1 gal $8 on order Ficus carica 'Celeste' Celeste FigCeleste Fig 1 gal $8 on order Ficus carica 'Celeste' Celeste FigCeleste Fig 3 gal $18 Ficus carica 'Italian Honey' Italian Honey FigItalian Honey Fig 3 gal $18 Ficus carica 'Italian Honey' Italian Honey FigItalian Honey Fig 1 gal $8 Ficus carica 'LSU Purple' LSU Purple FigLSU Purple Fig 3 gal $18 on order Fragraria 'Eversweet Everbearer’ Eversweet Everbearer StrawberryEversweet Everbearer Strawberry 9pk $8 on order Fragraria 'Eversweet Everbearer’ Eversweet Everbearer StrawberryEversweet Everbearer Strawberry 10 in $8 on order Fragraria 'Ozark Beauty' Ozark Beauty StrawberryOzark Beauty Strawberry 10 in $8 on order Humulus Cascade Cascade HopsCascade Hops 1 gal $8 Lactuca sativa 'Buttercrunch' Buttercrunch LettuceButtercrunch Lettuce 9pk $5 Lactuca sativa 'Great Lakes' Great Lakes LettuceGreat Lakes Lettuce 9pk $5 Lactuca sativa 'Romaine Pariss Island' Romaine Pariss Island LettuceRomaine Pariss Island Lettuce 9pk $5 few Lactuca Simply Salad Alfresco Blend Simply Salad Alfresco Blend LettuceSimply Salad Alfresco Blend Lettuce 9pk $5 few Lactuca Simply Salad City Garden Mix Simply Salad City Garden Mix LettuceSimply Salad City Garden Mix Lettuce 9pk $5 few Lactuca Simply Salad Global Gourmet Mix Simply Salad Gourmet Mix LettuceSimply Salad Gourmet Mix Lettuce 9pk $5 few Laurus nobilis Bay LaurelBay Laurel 3 gal $22.50 on order Lycium barbarum Goji BerryGoji Berry 1 gal $8 on order Malpighia emarginata Barbados CherryBarbados Cherry 1 gal $12.50 Malus domestica 'Anna' Anna AppleAnna Apple 5 gal $26 Malus domestica 'Callaway' Callaway CrabappleCallaway Crabapple 5 gal $26 Malus domestica 'Dorset Gold' Dorset Gold AppleDorset Gold Apple 5 gal $26 Malus domestica 'Fuji' Fuji AppleFuji Apple 5 gal $26 Malus domestica 'Gala' Gala AppleGala Apple 5 gal $26 Malus domestica 'Granny Smith' Grannysmith AppleGrannysmith Apple 5 gal $26 Malus domestica 'Honey Crisp' Honeycrisp AppleHoneycrisp Apple 5 gal $26 on order Malus domestica 'Prairifire' Prairiefire CrabapplePrairiefire Crabapple 5 gal $26 Malus domestica 'Yates' Yates AppleYates Apple 5 gal $26 Mentha piperata 'Moroccan' Moroccan PeppermintMoroccan Peppermint 5 in $3 4/$10 Mentha piperata 'Orange' Orange MintOrange Mint 5 in $3 on order Mentha spicata SpearmintSpearmint 5 in $3 on order Mentha spicata 'Kentucky Colonel' Kentucky Colonel SpearmintKentucky Colonel Spearmint 5 in $3 4/$10 Mentha suaveolens 'Apple' Apple MintApple Mint 5 in $3 4/$10 Morus nigra Dwarf Everbearing MulberryDwarf Everbearing Mulberry 1 gal $12.50 Olea europaea 'Arbequina' Arbequina OliveArbequina Olive 1 gal $15 Olea europaea 'Arbequina' Arbequina OliveArbequina Olive 15 gal $155 Origanum vulgare 'Aureum' Golden Culinary OreganoGolden Culinary Oregano 5 in $3 on order Origanum vulgare 'hirtum' Greek Culinary OreganoGreek Culinary Oregano 5 in $3 on order Origanum x majoricum Italian Culinary OreganoItalian Culinary Oregano 5 in $3 on order Petroselinum crispum Moss Curled ParlseyMoss Curled Parlsey 5 in $3 4/$10 Petroselinum neapolitanum Italian Flat ParsleyItalian Flat Parsley 5 in $3 4/$10 Prunus persica 'AU Rosa' AU Rosa PlumAU Rosa Plum 5 gal $26 Prunus persica 'Belle of Georgia' Belle of Georgia Peach TreeBelle of Georgia Peach Tree 5 gal $28 on order Prunus persica 'Contender' Contender PeachContender Peach 5 gal $26 on order Prunus persica 'Redhaven' Red Haven PeachRed Haven Peach 5 gal $26 Prunus salicina 'Methley' Methley PlumMethley Plum 5 gal $26 Prunus salicina x angustifolia 'Bruce' Bruce PlumBruce Plum 5 gal $26 on order Psidium guajava 'Tropical Pink' Tropical Pink Patio Pot GuavaTropical Pink Patio Pot Guava 2.25 gal $28 Punica granatum 'Nana' Dwarf PomegranateDwarf Pomegranate 1 gal $8 on order Punica granatum 'Parfianka' Parfianka PomegranateParfianka Pomegranate 1 gal $8 on order Punica granatum 'Salavatski' Salavatski PomegranateSalavatski Pomegranate 1 gal $8 on order Punica granatum 'Salavatski' Salavatski PomegranateSalavatski Pomegranate 3 gal $20 on order Punica granatum 'Wonderful' Wonderful PomegranateWonderful Pomegranate 3 gal $20 on order Pyrus communis 'Bartlett' Bartlett PearBartlett Pear 5 gal $26 Pyrus communis 'Moonglow' Moonglow PearMoonglow Pear 5 gal $26 Pyrus comunis 'Kieffer' Kieffer PearKieffer Pear 5 gal $26 Rubus 'Ouachita' Ouachita BlackberryOuachita Blackberry 1 gal $8 on order Rubus cv 'Prime Ark Freedom' Prime Ark Freedom BlackberryPrime Ark Freedom Blackberry 1 gal $8 Rubus cv 'Sweet Ark Ponca' Sweet Ark Ponka BlackberrySweet Ark Ponka Blackberry 1 gal $8 on order Rubus idaeus 'Caroline' Caroline RaspberryCaroline Raspberry 1 gal $8 on order Rubus idaeus 'Fall Gold' Fall Gold RaspberryFall Gold Raspberry 1 gal $8 on order Rubus idaeus 'Heritage' Heritage RaspberryHeritage Raspberry 1 gal $8 on order Rubus idaeus 'Nova' Nova RaspberryNova Raspberry 1 gal $8 Salva officinalis 'Tricolor' Tricolor Culinary SageTricolor Culinary Sage 5 in $3 Salvia officinalis 'Aurea' Golden Culinary SageGolden Culinary Sage 5 in $3 on order Salvia officinalis 'Purpurescens' Purple Leaf SagePurple Leaf Sage 5 in $3 Salvia rosmarinus 'Tuscan Blue' Tuscan Blue Upright RosemaryTuscan Blue Upright Rosemary 1 gal $7 on order Salvia rosmarinus 'Tuscan Blue' Tuscan Blue Upright RosemaryTuscan Blue Upright Rosemary 3 gal $14 Spinacia oleracea 'Seaside' Seaside SpinachSeaside Spinach 9pk $5 on order Thymus vulgaris English ThymeEnglish Thyme 4 in $3.25 Thymus x citriodorus Lemon ThymeLemon Thyme 5 in $3 Vaccinium 'Pink Lemonade' Pink Lemonade BlueberryPink Lemonade Blueberry 1 gal $8 on order Vaccinium 'Pink Lemonade' Pink Lemonade BlueberryPink Lemonade Blueberry 3 gal $18 on order Vaccinium ashei 'Alapaha' Alapaha Rabbiteye Blueberry BushAlapaha Rabbiteye Blueberry Bush 3 gal $18 Vaccinium ashei 'Alapaha' Alapaha Rabbiteye Blueberry BushAlapaha Rabbiteye Blueberry Bush 3 gal $18 Vaccinium ashei 'Alapaha' Alapaha BlueberryAlapaha Blueberry 1 gal $8 Vaccinium ashei 'Brightwell' Brightwell BlueberryBrightwell Blueberry 3 gal $18 Vaccinium ashei 'Krewer' Krewer BlueberryKrewer Blueberry 1 gal $8 Vaccinium ashei 'Krewer' Krewer BlueberryKrewer Blueberry 3 gal $18 on order Vaccinium ashei 'Powder Blue' Blueberry (Late Season)Blueberry (Late Season) 3 gal $18 Vaccinium ashei 'Titan' Titan BlueberryTitan Blueberry 3 gal $18 Vaccinium ashei 'Vernon' Vernon BlueberryVernon Blueberry 1 gal $8 Vaccinium ashei 'Vernon' Vernon BlueberryVernon Blueberry 3 gal $18 Vaccinium ashei 'Vernon' PP18291 Takes the Cake® BlueberryTakes the Cake® Blueberry 1 gal $9 Vaccinium ashei 'Vernon' PP18292 Takes the Cake® BlueberryTakes the Cake® Blueberry 3 gal $18 Vaccinium ashei Brightwell Brightwell BlueberryBrightwell Blueberry 1 gal $8 on order Vaccinium ashei Tifblue Tifblue BlueberryTifblue Blueberry 1 gal $8 on order Vaccinium corymbosum 'ZF06-079' PP23336 Pink Icing® Blueberry BushPink Icing® Blueberry Bush 2 gal $22.50 on order Vaccinium corymbosum ‘ZF06-043’ PP23325 Peach Sorbet® Blueberry BushPeach Sorbet® Blueberry Bush 2 gal $22.50 on order Vaccinium Rosa's Blush Rosa's Blush Blueberry **nativeRosa's Blush Blueberry **native 3 gal $15 on order Vitis 'Catawba' Catawba GrapeCatawba Grape 1 gal $12.50 on order Vitis rotundifolia 'Cowart' Muscadine CowartMuscadine Cowart 1 gal $8 Vitis rotundifolia 'Hall' Muscadine HallMuscadine Hall 1 gal $8 Grasses/GroundcoversBOTANICAL/COMMON NAME COMMON NAME SIZE RETAIL SPECIAL Acorus gramineus 'Minimus Aureus' Dwarf Golden SweetflagDwarf Golden Sweetflag 4 in $3 Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' Golden Variegated SweetflagGolden Variegated Sweetflag 4 in $3 Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' Black Scallop BugleweedBlack Scallop Bugleweed 3.5 in $3.25 Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' Black Scallop BugleweedBlack Scallop Bugleweed 4 in $3 4/$10 Ajuga reptans 'Bronze Beauty' Bronze Beauty BugleweedBronze Beauty Bugleweed 4pk $9 Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' Burgundy Glow BugleweedBurgundy Glow Bugleweed 3.5in $2.75 Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' Burgundy Glow BugleweedBurgundy Glow Bugleweed 4pk $9 Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip' Chocolate Chip BugleweedChocolate Chip Bugleweed 4pk $9 Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' Evergold SedgeEvergold Sedge 1 gal $7.50 Carex oshimensis EverColor® 'Everillo' Variegated Japanese SedgeVariegated Japanese Sedge 1 gal $6 Chrysogonum virginianum Green and GoldGreen and Gold 4.5 in $4 Ficus repens Creeping FigCreeping Fig 1 gal $6 Hypericum calycinum St. JohnswortSt. Johnswort 3.5in $3 Lamium mac. 'Ghost' Ghost DeadnettleGhost Deadnettle 3.5 in $2.75 Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver' Beacon Silver DeadnettleBeacon Silver Deadnettle 4.5in $4 Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy' White Nancy DeadnettleWhite Nancy Deadnettle 4.5in $4 Lamium maculatum ‘Orchid Frost’ Orchid Frost DeadnettleOrchid Frost Deadnettle 4pk $6 on order Laurentia fluviatilis Blue Star CreeperBlue Star Creeper 3.5in $3 Laurentia fluviatilis Blue Star CreeperBlue Star Creeper 4.5in $4 on order Leptinella squalida 'Platt's Black' Platt's Black Black Brass ButtonsPlatt's Black Black Brass Buttons 4.5in $4 Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' Big Blue LiriopeBig Blue Liriope 18pk $28 on order Liriope muscari 'Emerald Goddess' Emerald Goddess LiriopeEmerald Goddess Liriope 1 gal $6 Liriope muscari 'Marc Anthony' Marc Anthony Variegated Liriope/LilyturfMarc Anthony Variegated Liriope/Lilyturf 1 gal $5.75 Liriope muscari 'Super Blue' Super Blue LilyturfSuper Blue Lilyturf 18pk $32.50 on order Liriope muscari 'Variegata' Variegated LilyturfVariegated Lilyturf 18pk $28 on order Lomandra longifolia ‘Roma 13’ PP25962 Platinum Beauty® LomandraPlatinum Beauty® Lomandra 2.5 qt $7.50 Mazus reptans Purple MazusPurple Mazus 18pk $32.50 on order Mazus reptans Blue Creeping MazusBlue Creeping Mazus 3.5in $3 Mazus reptans 'Alba' White MazusWhite Mazus 18pk $32.50 few Mazus reptans 'Albus' White Creeping MazusWhite Creeping Mazus 3.5in $3 Muhlenbergia capillaris Pink Muhly Grass **special buy!Pink Muhly Grass **special buy! 3 gal $12.50 on order Muhlenbergia capillaris 'White Cloud' White Cloud Muhly GrassWhite Cloud Muhly Grass 3 gal $15 on order Ophiopogon japonicus Tall mondo GrassTall mondo Grass 18pk $28 Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana' Dwarf Mondo GrassDwarf Mondo Grass 18pk $28 Pachysandra terminalis Japanese PachysandraJapanese Pachysandra 4in $2.50 18/$40 Sagina subulata 'Aurea' Scotch MossScotch Moss 4.5in $4 Thymus praecox ‘Coccineus’ Red Creeping ThymeRed Creeping Thyme 5 in $4.50 on order Thymus serpyllum 'Pink Chintz' Pink Chintz Creeping ThymePink Chintz Creeping Thyme 4.5in $4 Thymus serpyllum 'Pink Chintz' Creeping ThymeCreeping Thyme 3.5in $3 Thymus x citriodorus 'Archer's Gold' Archer's Gold Lemon ThymeArcher's Gold Lemon Thyme 4.5in $4 Trachelospermum asiaticum Asiatic JasmineAsiatic Jasmine 4in $2.50 5/$10 Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Snow-N-Summer' Snow-N-Summer™ Asiatic JasmineSnow-N-Summer™ Asiatic Jasmine 1 gal $10 on order Annuals/HouseplantsBOTANICAL/COMMON NAME COMMON NAME SIZE RETAIL SPECIAL Acalypha hispida Chenile Hanging BasketChenile Hanging Basket 6 in $14 Adiantum raddianum 'Fragrans' Maidenhair FernMaidenhair Fern 6 in $9 Aeschynanthus longicaulis 'Black Pagoda' Black Pagoda Lipstick PlantBlack Pagoda Lipstick Plant 4in $7.50 Aeschynanthus marmoratus Zebra Basket VineZebra Basket Vine 6 in $15 1 left Aeschynanthus obconicus 'Mona Lisa' Mona Lisa Lipstick HBMona Lisa Lipstick HB 6 in $9 few Aeschynanthus sp. 'Bolero Bicolor' Bolero Bicolor Lipstick PlantBolero Bicolor Lipstick Plant 4 in $6 few Aglaonema 'Silver Bay' Silver Bay AglaonemaSilver Bay Aglaonema 10in $35 Alocasia 'Silver Dragon' Silver Dragon AlocasiaSilver Dragon Alocasia 4in $7 Aloe Vera Aloe VeraAloe Vera 4.5 in $6.50 big! Anthurium sp. AnthuriumAnthurium 5 in $12.50 on order Antirrhinum m. Liberty Classic™ Series Liberty Classic™ Series SnapdragonLiberty Classic™ Series Snapdragon 4.3 in $3.25 Antirrhinum m. Liberty Classic™ Series Liberty Classic™ Series SnapdragonLiberty Classic™ Series Snapdragon 1 gal $4 3/$10 Antirrhinum majus 'Candy Showers' Trailing Snapdragon BasketTrailing Snapdragon Basket 10 in $8 Antirrhinum majus Snaptastic™ Series Snaptastic™ Series SnapdragonSnaptastic™ Series Snapdragon 4 in $1.75 18/$30 Antirrhinum majus Snaptini Series Snaptini Series SnapdragonSnaptini Series Snapdragon 4pk $5 Antirrhinum majus Snaptotshot™ Series Snapshot™ Series SnapdragonSnapshot™ Series Snapdragon 4 in $1.75 18/$30 Antirrhinum majus Sonnet Series Sonnet Series SnapdragonSonnet Series Snapdragon 4 in $2.25 15/$30 Aptenia cordifolia 'Variegata' Baby Sun Rose BasketBaby Sun Rose Basket 6 in $13.50 few Asparagus densiflorus Foxtail FernFoxtail Fern 1 gal $6 on order Asparagus densiflorus Foxtail FernFoxtail Fern 5 in $3 Asplenium nidus 'Avis' Bird's Nest FernBird's Nest Fern 4in $3 Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail PalmPonytail Palm 10in $27 on order Begonia 'Miss Mummy' Miss Mummy Angel Wing Begonia BasketMiss Mummy Angel Wing Begonia Basket 10 in $8.50 Begonia 'Sophia' Sophia Angel Wing Begonia BasketSophia Angel Wing Begonia Basket 10 in $8.50 Begonia interspecific ‘Hula Series’ Hula™ Series Spreading BegoniaHula™ Series Spreading Begonia 10 in $9 Begonia maculata Polka Dot BegoniaPolka Dot Begonia 4in $8 Begonia rex-cultorum Rex BegoniaRex Begonia 5 in $10 few Begonia sp. ‘Viking /Viking XLSeries’ Viking Series Begonia BasketViking Series Begonia Basket 10 in $8.50 Begonia x tuberhybrida Tuberous BegoniaTuberous Begonia 4.5 in $4.75 few Begonia x tuberhybrida Tuberous BegoniaTuberous Begonia 6 in $11 few Begonia ‘Canary Wing’ PP27148 Canary Wings BegoniaCanary Wings Begonia 5 in $3 4/$10 Begonia ‘Canary Wing’ PP27149 Canary Wings Begonia BasketCanary Wings Begonia Basket 10 in $9 Begonia ‘Looking Glass’ Looking Glass Angel Wing Begonia BasketLooking Glass Angel Wing Begonia Basket 10 in $8.50 Cactus Asst Cactus AsstCactus Asst 2 in $4 Cactus Asst Cactus AsstCactus Asst 4 in $4.50 Cactus Asst Cactus AsstCactus Asst 4.5 in $10 Cactus Asst Cactus AsstCactus Asst 6 in $12 Cactus Asst Cactus Asst in ceramic potCactus Asst in ceramic pot 2 in $7 Calandiva sp. CalandivaCalandiva 2.5 in $3.75 Calandiva sp. CalandivaCalandiva 4.5 in $5 Calandiva sp. Calandivva TricolorCalandivva Tricolor 6 in $10.50 Calibrachoa hybrid 'INCALTRSUN' PP29029 Superbells® Tropical Sunrise Million Bells BasketSuperbells® Tropical Sunrise Million Bells Basket 11 in $12.50 on order Calibrachoa ‘’Superbells Dreamsicle’ Dreamsicle Superbells Million Bells BasketDreamsicle Superbells Million Bells Basket 11 in $12.50 2/$20 Callisia repens 'Pink Panther' Pink Panther Turtle Vine BasketPink Panther Turtle Vine Basket 10in $9 Callisia repens 'Tortuga' Tortuga Turtle Vine BasketTortuga Turtle Vine Basket 10in $9 Campanula sp. Camapanula in Self Watering PotCamapanula in Self Watering Pot 2.5in $4 few Campanula sp. CampanulaCampanula 4 in $7 few Chamaedorea elegans Neanthe Bella PalmNeanthe Bella Palm 4in $5 Chlorophytum comosum Hawaiian Spider Plant BasketHawaiian Spider Plant Basket 10 in $8 Chlorophytum variegata Spider Plant BasketSpider Plant Basket 10 in $8 Cineraria sp. CinerariaCineraria 6 in $7.50 few Codiaeum variegatum 'Petra' Petra CrotonPetra Croton 6in $6.50 Columnea nematanthus Goldfish premium BasketGoldfish premium Basket 6 in $15.50 few Cordyline australis 'Red Sisiter' Red Sister CordylineRed Sister Cordyline 10in $20 Cotyledon pendens Cliff (Hanger) CotyledonCliff (Hanger) Cotyledon 6 in $13.50 Crassula mesembryanthemoides 'Tenelli' Tenelli CrassulaTenelli Crassula 3.5 in $5 Crassula mesembryanthemoides 'Tenelli' Tenelli CrassulaTenelli Crassula 6 in $9.50 on order Crassula ovata Jade (Lucky) PlantJade (Lucky) Plant 6 in $9.50 Cyclamen sp. Cyclamen in Self Watering PotCyclamen in Self Watering Pot 2.5 in $5.50 Cyclamen sp. Cyclamen in ceramicCyclamen in ceramic 2.5 in $5.50 Cyclamen sp. CyclamenCyclamen 4.5 in $5.50 Cyclamen sp. CyclamenCyclamen 6 in $10 Davallia tyermanii White Rabbit's Foot FernWhite Rabbit's Foot Fern 6 in $9 Davallia tyermanii White Rabbit's Foot Fern BasketWhite Rabbit's Foot Fern Basket 10 in $18 Dionaea muscipula Carnivorous Venus Fly TrapCarnivorous Venus Fly Trap 3 in $9.50 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Echeveria AsstEcheveria Asst 2 in $3 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Asst SucculentAsst Succulent 2 in $3 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Asst CrassulaAsst Crassula 2 in $3 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Asst HawthoriaAsst Hawthoria 2 in $3 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Hanging Ceramic Cylnder Succulent PotHanging Ceramic Cylnder Succulent Pot 3.5 in $12.50 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Ceramic Cat OvalCeramic Cat Oval 6 in $15.50 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Ceramic CatCeramic Cat 4 in $14 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Stoneware HedgehogStoneware Hedgehog 4.75 $14 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Blue Tile Round and SquareBlue Tile Round and Square 3 in $7.75 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Dovah PotDovah Pot 3.5 in $12.50 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Saratoga RoundSaratoga Round 3 in $10.50 Echeveria /Succulents Asst White OvalWhite Oval 9 in $24.50 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Crookneck Gourd PlanterCrookneck Gourd Planter 5 in x 3 in $11 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Buddha Head PlanterBuddha Head Planter 6 in $15 Echeveria /Succulents Asst White/Clay Two Tone CubeWhite/Clay Two Tone Cube 4.5 in $10 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Ceramic Animal Planter AsstCeramic Animal Planter Asst 4 in $14.50 Epipremnum aureum Golden PothosGolden Pothos 6 in $8 on order Epipremnum aureum 'Jade' Jade PothosJade Pothos 4 in $4.50 Epipremnum aureum 'Marble Queen' Marble Queen PothosMarble Queen Pothos 4in $6.50 Epipremnum aureum 'Neon' Neon PothosNeon Pothos 4in $6.50 Epipremnum aureum 'Pearls & Jade' Pearls & Jade PothosPearls & Jade Pothos 6in $18 Epipremnum pinnatum 'Cebu Blue' Cebu Blue PothosCebu Blue Pothos 4 in $9 Erica carnea Winter HeatherWinter Heather 4 in $7 Euphorbia milii 'Charlotte' Charlotte Crown of ThornsCharlotte Crown of Thorns 4 in $6.75 Euphorbia trigona Variegata Cathederal CactusCathederal Cactus 4 in $7.50 few Ficus lyrata Fiddleleaf FigFiddleleaf Fig 8in $30 few Freesia sp. FreesiaFreesia 6 in $17.50 few Gardenia jasminoides GardeniaGardenia 6 in $19 Gasteria 'Flow' Flow GasteriaFlow Gasteria 4in $4 Gerbera jamesoni Gerber DaisyGerber Daisy 4.5 in $5.50 few Gerbera jamesoni Gerber DaisyGerber Daisy 6 in $9.50 few Gibasis geniculata 'Purple Plush' Purple Plush Bridal VeilPurple Plush Bridal Veil 5 in $4 Gibasis geniculata 'Purple Plush' Purple Plush Bridal VeilPurple Plush Bridal Veil 10 in $9 Goeppertia burel marxii Burle Marx CalatheaBurle Marx Calathea 6in $5 Goeppertia lietzei 'White Fusion' White Fusion CalatheaWhite Fusion Calathea 6in $17 on order Goeppertia roseopicta 'Mysty' Mysty CalatheaMysty Calathea 4in $5 Grafted Cactus Grafted CactusGrafted Cactus 3.5 in $5.75 few Guzmania sp. Guzmania BromeliadGuzmania Bromeliad 6in $18 Hemionitis arifolia Heart fernHeart fern 6 in $14 Hoya australis 'Tri-color' Tricolor Hoya BasketTricolor Hoya Basket 6 in $14 Hoya sp. Asst HoyaAsst Hoya 4in $14 Kalanchoe sp. Kalanchoe duo 2ppKalanchoe duo 2pp 4.5 in $6 Kalanchoe sp. Kalanchoe YellowKalanchoe Yellow 6 in $9.50 Lobularia Crystal® Series Clear Crystal® Series AlyssumClear Crystal® Series Alyssum 4 in $1.75 18/$28 Mangave 'Mad About Moonglow' Moonglow Mad About MangaveMoonglow Mad About Mangave 1 gal $8 Mangave 'Mad About Racing Stripes' Racing Stripes Mad About MangaveRacing Stripes Mad About Mangave 1 gal $8 Mangave 'Mad About Red Wing' Red Wing Mad About MangaveRed Wing Mad About Mangave 1 gal $8 Mangave 'Mad About Silver Fox' Silver Fox Mad About MangaveSilver Fox Mad About Mangave 1 gal $8 Mangave ‘Mad About Falling Waters’ Falling Waters Mad About MangaveFalling Waters Mad About Mangave 1 gal $8 Matthiola 'Mime Series' Mime StockMime Stock 4pk $5 few Matthiola incana ‘Harmony Series’ Harmony Fragrant StockHarmony Fragrant Stock 4pk $5 Monstera 'Thai Constellation' Thai Constellation MonsteraThai Constellation Monstera 4 in $24 few Monstera adansonii Climbing Swiss CheeseClimbing Swiss Cheese 6in $14 Monstera adansonii Climbing Swiss CheeseClimbing Swiss Cheese 8in $19 Monstera delciciosa Climbing Swiss Cheese BasketClimbing Swiss Cheese Basket 8in $21 on order Monstera delciciosa Swiss Cheese Philodendron BasketSwiss Cheese Philodendron Basket 6 in $22 Monstera delciciosa Swiss Cheese PlantSwiss Cheese Plant 4in $8.50 Monstera delciciosa Swiss Cheese PlantSwiss Cheese Plant 10in $28 Monstera pinnatipartita Monstera PinnatipatiaMonstera Pinnatipatia 6in $20 Othonna capensis Ruby Necklace HBRuby Necklace HB 6 in $13.50 Oxalis regnellii Green ShamrockGreen Shamrock 6 in $8 Oxalis regnellii 'Francis' Purple ShamrockPurple Shamrock 2qt $7 Oxalis sp. Green ShamrockGreen Shamrock 4 in $3.25 Oxalis sp. Red ShamrockRed Shamrock 4 in $3.50 Oxalis sp. Red ShamrockRed Shamrock 6 in $8.25 Oxalis tetraphylla 'Iron Cross' Iron Cross ShamrockIron Cross Shamrock 6.5in $5 Pachira aquatica Money Tree in Clay PotMoney Tree in Clay Pot 5 in $8.50 Pelargonium citrosum ‘Van Leenii’ Citronella GeraniumCitronella Geranium 1 gal $6 Pelargonium ‘Savannah Series’ Savannah Series Geranium BasketSavannah Series Geranium Basket 10 in $9 Peperomia 'Frost' Frost PeperomiaFrost Peperomia 4in $3.50 Peperomia 'San Marino' San Marino PeperomiaSan Marino Peperomia 4in $3.50 Peperomia tetraphylla 'Hope' Hope Peperomia HBHope Peperomia HB 6 in $13.50 Petchoa x 'Caliburst Yellow' Caliburst Yellow PetchoaCaliburst Yellow Petchoa 10 in $8 Petunia 'Headliner Series’ Headliner Series Petunia BasketHeadliner Series Petunia Basket 10 in $8 Petunia Crazytunia® 'Black Mamba' Crazytunia® Black Mamba PetuniaCrazytunia® Black Mamba Petunia 5 in $3 Petunia Crazytunia® 'Black Mamba' Crazytunia® Black Mamba PetuniaCrazytunia® Black Mamba Petunia 10 in $8 Petunia h. 'WNPESVJAZ' PP34152 Supertunia® Vista Jazzberry® Petunia BasketSupertunia® Vista Jazzberry® Petunia Basket 11 in $12.50 on order Petunia hybrid 'BBTUN91601' PP29663 Supertunia® Lovie Dovie™ Petunia BasketSupertunia® Lovie Dovie™ Petunia Basket 11 in $12.50 2/$20 Petunia hybrid 'Sunremi' PP16803 Supertunia® Really Red Petunia BasketSupertunia® Really Red Petunia Basket 11 in $12.50 on order Petunia hybrid 'USTUNI6001' PP17730 Supertunia Vista® Bubblegum® Petunia BasketSupertunia Vista® Bubblegum® Petunia Basket 11 in $12.50 on order Petunia hybrida 'MIPEKA001' Frost Sapphire Petunia BasketFrost Sapphire Petunia Basket 10 in $9 Petunia hybrid 'USTUN3003' PP27312 Supertunia® Black Cherry® Petunia BasketSupertunia® Black Cherry® Petunia Basket 11 in $12.50 2/$20 Petunia sp. 'Dreams Series' Dreams Series PetuniaDreams Series Petunia 4 in $1.75 18/$30 Petunia x hybrida 'Balvoged' PP33378 Vogue™ Red Double Petunia BasketVogue™ Red Double Petunia Basket 10 in $9 Petunia x hybrida 'Balvogink' PP33337 Vogue™ Pink Double Petunia BasketVogue™ Pink Double Petunia Basket 10 in $9 Petunia x hybrida 'Balvogite' PP33400 Vogue™ White Double Petunia BasketVogue™ White Double Petunia Basket 10 in $9 Petunia x hybrida 'Kervovein' Vogue™ Lavender Vein Double Petunia BasketVogue™ Lavender Vein Double Petunia Basket 10 in $9 Petunia ‘E3 Easy Wave Series’ E3 Easy Wave® Series Petunia BasketE3 Easy Wave® Series Petunia Basket 10 in $8 Phalaenopsis sp. Orchids in CeramicOrchids in Ceramic 2.5 in $12.50 Phalaenopsis sp. Waterfall in CeramicWaterfall in Ceramic 5 in $32.50 Philodendorn'White Princess' White Princess PhilodendornWhite Princess Philodendorn 4in $12.50 Philodendron Ring of Fire VariegatedRing of Fire Variegated 4 in $6 Philodendron Ring of FireRing of Fire 4 in $12 few Philodendron Birkin PremiumBirkin Premium 5 in $5.50 on order Philodendron 'Moonlight' Moonlight PhilodendronMoonlight Philodendron 4 in $11.50 Philodendron 'Pink Princess' Pink Princess PhilodendronPink Princess Philodendron 4 in $11 Philodendron hederaceum 'Brasil' Brasil PhilodendronBrasil Philodendron 4in $5.50 Philodendron hederaceum 'Brasil' Brasil PhilodendronBrasil Philodendron 8in $19 Philodendron micans Velvet-Leaf PhilodendronVelvet-Leaf Philodendron 6in $14 Philodendron sp. Asst PhilodendronAsst Philodendron 4in $8 Phlebodium aureum Blue Star FernBlue Star Fern 6 in $9 Phlebodium aureum Blue Star Fern BasketBlue Star Fern Basket 10 in $18 Pilea cadierei Aluminum PlantAluminum Plant 4 in $5 Pilea glauca 'Aquamarine' Aquamarine PileaAquamarine Pilea 4 in $5 Pilea glauca 'Aquamarine' Aquamarine PileaAquamarine Pilea 6 in $7 Pilea glauca 'Aquamarine' Aquamarine Pilea BasketAquamarine Pilea Basket 6 in $13.50 Platycerium bifurcatum Staghorn FernStaghorn Fern 4 in $6 Platycerium bifurcatum 'Netherlands' Staghorn FernStaghorn Fern 4in $8 Primula 'Sweetheart Mixed' SweetHeart Double Mixed PrimroseSweetHeart Double Mixed Primrose 4 in $3.50 few Ranunculus asiaticus ‘Maché™’ Series Mache Series RanunculusMache Series Ranunculus 5 in $3 4/$10 Rosa sp. Mini Rose in Self Watering PotMini Rose in Self Watering Pot 2.5in $6 few Rosa sp. Mini RoseMini Rose 4 in $6.50 few Rosa sp. RosaromaRosaroma 4 in $9 few Rosa sp. Mini RoseMini Rose 6 in $11.50 Saintpaulia ionantha African Violet in ceramicAfrican Violet in ceramic 4 in $7.50 Salix matsudana Curly Willow 6' tall stems (cut flower)Curly Willow 6' tall stems (cut flower) 10pk $20 Salvia farinacea 'Victoria Blue' Victoria Blue SalviaVictoria Blue Salvia 4 in $1.75 18/$30 Sanseveria 'Boncel' Boncel Snake PlantBoncel Snake Plant 4 in $8 few Sanseveria 'Victoria' Whale Fin Snake PlantWhale Fin Snake Plant 4 in $5.75 Sansevieria trifasciata 'Black Coral' Black Coral Snake PlantBlack Coral Snake Plant 4 in $4.50 Sansevieria trifasciata 'Black Coral' Black Coral Snake PlantBlack Coral Snake Plant 8in $28 on order Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii' Variegated Snake PlantVariegated Snake Plant 6in $14.50 on order Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii' Variegated Snake PlantVariegated Snake Plant 8in $18 on order Sansevieria trifasciata 'Lotus Hahnii' Lotus Compact Snake PlantLotus Compact Snake Plant 4in $4 Sansevieria trifasciata 'Moonshine' Moonshine Snake PlantMoonshine Snake Plant 6in $11.50 few Scindapsus pictus ’Silver Satin’ Silver Satin PothosSilver Satin Pothos 4 in $5 on order Scindapsus pictus ’Silver Satin’ Silver Satin Pothos BasketSilver Satin Pothos Basket 6 in $22 Sedum morganianum Burro's Tail Sedum HBBurro's Tail Sedum HB 6 in $13.50 Selaginella kraussiana 'Aurea' Golden Club MossGolden Club Moss 4in $6.50 Senecio 'Cirrus' Cirrus Dusty MillerCirrus Dusty Miller 4 in $1.75 18/$28 Senecio 'New Look' New Look Dusty MillerNew Look Dusty Miller 9pk $6 3/$15 Senecio 'Quicksilver' Quicksilver Dusty MillerQuicksilver Dusty Miller 9pk $6 3/$15 Senecio 'Silverdust' Silverdust Dusty MillerSilverdust Dusty Miller 4 in $1.75 18/$28 Senecio (Curio) / Ceropegia sp. Asst String AsstString Asst 2 in $3 on order Senecio (Curio) radicans String of Bananas HBString of Bananas HB 6 in $13.50 Senecio peregrinus String of DolphinsString of Dolphins 4 in $5.50 on order Senecio rowleyanus 'Variegata' Variegated String of PearlsVariegated String of Pearls 6 in $21 on order Senecio(Curio) rowleyanus String of PearlsString of Pearls 2 in $4 on order Senecio(Curio) rowleyanus String of Pearls Hanging BasketString of Pearls Hanging Basket 6 in $13.50 Spathiphyllum 'Domino' Domino Variegated Peace LilyDomino Variegated Peace Lily 6in $14.50 Spathiphyllum sp. Peace LilyPeace Lily 6 in $9.75 Spathyphyllum 'Sweet Pablo' Sweet Pablo Peace LilySweet Pablo Peace Lily 6 in $9.75 Stephanotis floribunda Madagascar Jasmine in ceramic potMadagascar Jasmine in ceramic pot 5 in $32.50 few Succulent Asst Succulent Asst in ceramicSucculent Asst in ceramic 2 in $3.50 Succulent Asst Succulent AsstSucculent Asst 3.5 in $5 Succulent Asst Succulent AsstSucculent Asst 6 in $9 on order Succulent Asst Succulent Asst in ceramicSucculent Asst in ceramic 2 in $3.50 Succulent Asst Succulent AsstSucculent Asst 3.5 in $5 Succulent Asst Succulent AsstSucculent Asst 6 in $9 on order Tagetes erecta 'Endurance Series' Endurance Series MarigoldEndurance Series Marigold 9pk $6 3/$15 Tagetes erecta 'Endurance Series' Endurance Series MarigoldEndurance Series Marigold 9pk $6 3/$15 Tillandsia cyanea Pink Quill BromeliadPink Quill Bromeliad 4in $8 Tillandsia cyanea Pink Quill BromeliadPink Quill Bromeliad 4in $8 Tradescanita 'Nanouk' Nanouk Wandering JewNanouk Wandering Jew 5 in $6 Tradescanita 'Nanouk' Nanouk Wandering JewNanouk Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescanita 'Nanouk' Nanouk Wandering JewNanouk Wandering Jew 5 in $6 Tradescanita 'Nanouk' Nanouk Wandering JewNanouk Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia 'Rainbow' Rainbow Wandering JewRainbow Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia 'Rainbow' Rainbow Wandering JewRainbow Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia 'Sanna' Sanna Wandering JewSanna Wandering Jew 5 in $5 Tradescantia 'Sanna' Sanna Wandering JewSanna Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia 'Sanna' Sanna Wandering JewSanna Wandering Jew 5 in $5 Tradescantia 'Sanna' Sanna Wandering JewSanna Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia 'Sweetness' Sweetness Wandering JewSweetness Wandering Jew 5 in $5 Tradescantia 'Sweetness' Sweetness Wandering JewSweetness Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia 'Sweetness' Sweetness Wandering JewSweetness Wandering Jew 5 in $5 Tradescantia 'Sweetness' Sweetness Wandering JewSweetness Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia f. v. 'Yellow Zebra' Zebra Series Wandering JewZebra Series Wandering Jew 5 in $5 Tradescantia f. v. 'Yellow Zebra' Zebra Series Wandering JewZebra Series Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia f. v. 'Yellow Zebra' Zebra Series Wandering JewZebra Series Wandering Jew 5 in $5 Tradescantia f. v. 'Yellow Zebra' Zebra Series Wandering JewZebra Series Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia zebrina Wandering JewWandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia zebrina Wandering JewWandering Jew 10 in $9 Verbena 'Lanai Series' Lanai Series Verbena BasketLanai Series Verbena Basket 10 in $8 Verbena 'Lanai Series' Lanai Series Verbena BasketLanai Series Verbena Basket 10 in $8 Verbena hybrid ’Superbena Series’ Superbena® Verbena Series BasketSuperbena® Verbena Series Basket 11 in $12.50 2/$20 Verbena hybrid ’Superbena Series’ Superbena® Verbena Series BasketSuperbena® Verbena Series Basket 11 in $12.50 2/$20 Viola 'Penny Series' Penny SeriesPenny Series 4 in $1.75 18/$28 Viola 'Penny Series' Penny SeriesPenny Series 4 in $1.75 18/$28 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet SeriesSorbet Series 9pk $6 3/$15 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet SeriesSorbet Series 10 in $7 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet SeriesSorbet Series 18pk $9 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet Series Low BowlSorbet Series Low Bowl 10 in $7 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet Series Low BowlSorbet Series Low Bowl 11 in $8 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet SeriesSorbet Series 9pk $6 3/$15 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet SeriesSorbet Series 10 in $7 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet SeriesSorbet Series 18pk $9 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet Series Low BowlSorbet Series Low Bowl 10 in $7 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet Series Low BowlSorbet Series Low Bowl 11 in $8 Zamioculcas zamiifolia ZZ PlantZZ Plant 4in $10 Zamioculcas zamiifolia ZZ PlantZZ Plant 10in $35 on order Zamioculcas zamiifolia ZZ PlantZZ Plant 4in $10 Zamioculcas zamiifolia ZZ PlantZZ Plant 10in $35 on order Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Raven' Black ZZ PlantBlack ZZ Plant 4in $11.50 Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Raven' Black ZZ PlantBlack ZZ Plant 4in $11.50 Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Supernova' PP26262 SuperNova ZZ PlantSuperNova ZZ Plant 6in $25 new! Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Supernova' PP26262 SuperNova ZZ PlantSuperNova ZZ Plant 6in $25 new! ShrubsBOTANICAL/COMMON NAME COMMON NAME SIZE RETAIL SPECIAL Abelia 'Kaleidoscope' PP16988 Kaleidoscope AbeliaKaleidoscope Abelia 3 gal $28 on order Abelia 'Kaleidoscope' PP16988 Kaleidoscope AbeliaKaleidoscope Abelia 3 gal $28 on order Abelia hybrid ‘Radiance’ PP21928 Suntastic™ 'Radiance' AbeliaSuntastic™ 'Radiance' Abelia 2 gal $26 on order Abelia hybrid ‘Radiance’ PP21928 Suntastic™ 'Radiance' AbeliaSuntastic™ 'Radiance' Abelia 2 gal $26 on order Abelia hybrid ‘Radiance’ PP21929 Suntastic™ 'Radiance' AbeliaSuntastic™ 'Radiance' Abelia 3 gal $26 few Abelia hybrid ‘Radiance’ PP21929 Suntastic™ 'Radiance' AbeliaSuntastic™ 'Radiance' Abelia 3 gal $26 few Agarista populifolia Florida Leucothoe **nativeFlorida Leucothoe **native 1 gal $6 Agarista populifolia Florida Leucothoe **nativeFlorida Leucothoe **native 3 gal $15 Agarista populifolia Florida Leucothoe **nativeFlorida Leucothoe **native 1 gal $6 Agarista populifolia Florida Leucothoe **nativeFlorida Leucothoe **native 3 gal $15 Aronia melanocarpa 'UCONNAM165' PP28789 Low Scape Mound® - AroniaLow Scape Mound® - Aronia 3 gal $32.50 Aronia melanocarpa 'UCONNAM165' PP28789 Low Scape Mound® - AroniaLow Scape Mound® - Aronia 3 gal $32.50 Aspidistra elatior Cast Iron PlantCast Iron Plant 3 gal $16 on order Aspidistra elatior Cast Iron PlantCast Iron Plant 3 gal $16 on order Aucuba 'Hosaba Hoshifu' Hosoba Hoshifu Variegated AucubaHosoba Hoshifu Variegated Aucuba 3 gal $15 on order Aucuba 'Hosaba Hoshifu' Hosoba Hoshifu Variegated AucubaHosoba Hoshifu Variegated Aucuba 3 gal $15 on order Azalea (Rhododendron) 'HinodeGiri' Kurume Azalea (Red, low ht)Kurume Azalea (Red, low ht) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea (Rhododendron) 'HinodeGiri' Kurume Azalea (Red, low ht)Kurume Azalea (Red, low ht) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Astronaut' Holly Springs Azalea (md ht, white/light pinkHolly Springs Azalea (md ht, white/light pink 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Astronaut' Holly Springs Azalea (md ht, white/light pinkHolly Springs Azalea (md ht, white/light pink 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Chinzan' Stasuki Azalea (low ht, pink)Stasuki Azalea (low ht, pink) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Chinzan' Stasuki Azalea (low ht, pink)Stasuki Azalea (low ht, pink) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Conversation Piece' Robin Hill Azalea (low ht,wh/soft pink)Robin Hill Azalea (low ht,wh/soft pink) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Conversation Piece' Robin Hill Azalea (low ht,wh/soft pink)Robin Hill Azalea (low ht,wh/soft pink) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Coronado Red' Harris Azalea (low ht, dk red)Harris Azalea (low ht, dk red) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Coronado Red' Harris Azalea (low ht, dk red)Harris Azalea (low ht, dk red) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Formosa' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, purple)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, purple) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Formosa' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, purple)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, purple) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'George L. Taber' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, white)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, white) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'George L. Taber' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, white)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, white) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Hardy Gardenia' Lynwood Azalea (lw ht, white)Lynwood Azalea (lw ht, white) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Hardy Gardenia' Lynwood Azalea (lw ht, white)Lynwood Azalea (lw ht, white) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Hardy Gardenia' Lynwood Azalea (lw ht, white)Lynwood Azalea (lw ht, white) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Hardy Gardenia' Lynwood Azalea (lw ht, white)Lynwood Azalea (lw ht, white) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Hershey Red' Kurume Azalea (lw ht, red)Kurume Azalea (lw ht, red) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Hershey Red' Kurume Azalea (lw ht, red)Kurume Azalea (lw ht, red) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Hilda Niblett' Robin Hill Azalea (low ht, soft pink)Robin Hill Azalea (low ht, soft pink) 3 gal $15 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Hilda Niblett' Robin Hill Azalea (low ht, soft pink)Robin Hill Azalea (low ht, soft pink) 3 gal $15 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Judge Solomon' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, bright pink)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, bright pink) 1 gal $5 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Judge Solomon' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, bright pink)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, bright pink) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Judge Solomon' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, bright pink)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, bright pink) 1 gal $5 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Judge Solomon' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, bright pink)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, bright pink) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Karen' Gable Azalea (lw ht, lavender-purple)Gable Azalea (lw ht, lavender-purple) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Karen' Gable Azalea (lw ht, lavender-purple)Gable Azalea (lw ht, lavender-purple) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Koromo Shikibu' Macrosepalum Azalea(split petal lavender, med ht, unique)Macrosepalum Azalea(split petal lavender, med ht, unique) 3 gal $15 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Koromo Shikibu' Macrosepalum Azalea(split petal lavender, med ht, unique)Macrosepalum Azalea(split petal lavender, med ht, unique) 3 gal $15 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Midnight Flare' Harris Azalea (dk red, low ht)Harris Azalea (dk red, low ht) 3 gal $14 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Midnight Flare' Harris Azalea (dk red, low ht)Harris Azalea (dk red, low ht) 3 gal $14 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Momo No Haru' Satsuki Azalea (lw ht, pink)Satsuki Azalea (lw ht, pink) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Momo No Haru' Satsuki Azalea (lw ht, pink)Satsuki Azalea (lw ht, pink) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Nuccios Wild Cherry' Satsuki Azalea (lw ht, cherry-red)Satsuki Azalea (lw ht, cherry-red) 1 gal $6 3/$15 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Nuccios Wild Cherry' Satsuki Azalea (lw ht, cherry-red)Satsuki Azalea (lw ht, cherry-red) 1 gal $6 3/$15 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Pink Ruffle' Rutherford Azalea (med ht, clear pink)Rutherford Azalea (med ht, clear pink) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Pink Ruffle' Rutherford Azalea (med ht, clear pink)Rutherford Azalea (med ht, clear pink) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Poukhanense' Kurume Azalea (lw ht, lavender)Kurume Azalea (lw ht, lavender) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Poukhanense' Kurume Azalea (lw ht, lavender)Kurume Azalea (lw ht, lavender) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Pride of Mobile' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht,pink-red)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht,pink-red) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Pride of Mobile' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht,pink-red)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht,pink-red) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Red Formosa' Southern Indica Azalea (tall ht, cherry red)Southern Indica Azalea (tall ht, cherry red) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Red Formosa' Southern Indica Azalea (tall ht, cherry red)Southern Indica Azalea (tall ht, cherry red) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Red Ruffles' Rutherford Azalea (lw ht, bright red)Rutherford Azalea (lw ht, bright red) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Red Ruffles' Rutherford Azalea (lw ht, bright red)Rutherford Azalea (lw ht, bright red) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Red Slipper' Morrison Azalea (low ht, red)Morrison Azalea (low ht, red) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Red Slipper' Morrison Azalea (low ht, red)Morrison Azalea (low ht, red) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'RutRhod1' Augusta Echo® AzaleaAugusta Echo® Azalea 2 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'RutRhod1' Augusta Echo® AzaleaAugusta Echo® Azalea 2 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Snow' Kurume Azalea (lw ht, white)Kurume Azalea (lw ht, white) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Snow' Kurume Azalea (lw ht, white)Kurume Azalea (lw ht, white) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Sunglow' Carla Azalea (med ht,rosy-red)Carla Azalea (med ht,rosy-red) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Sunglow' Carla Azalea (med ht,rosy-red)Carla Azalea (med ht,rosy-red) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Sunglow' Carla Azalea (med ht,rosy-red)Carla Azalea (med ht,rosy-red) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Sunglow' Carla Azalea (med ht,rosy-red)Carla Azalea (med ht,rosy-red) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Tama No Hada' Satsuki Azalea(very large pink/white, low ht)Satsuki Azalea(very large pink/white, low ht) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Tama No Hada' Satsuki Azalea(very large pink/white, low ht)Satsuki Azalea(very large pink/white, low ht) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Wakaebisu' Kurume Azalea (lw ht, salmon-pink)Kurume Azalea (lw ht, salmon-pink) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Wakaebisu' Kurume Azalea (lw ht, salmon-pink)Kurume Azalea (lw ht, salmon-pink) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Watchett' Robin Hill Azalea (3.5" pink/white, low ht, repeater)Robin Hill Azalea (3.5" pink/white, low ht, repeater) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Watchett' Robin Hill Azalea (3.5" pink/white, low ht, repeater)Robin Hill Azalea (3.5" pink/white, low ht, repeater) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ''Roblet' PP25072 Encore® Autumn Sunburst® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Sunburst® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ''Roblet' PP25072 Encore® Autumn Sunburst® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Sunburst® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conleb’ Encore® Autumn Embers® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Embers® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conleb’ Encore® Autumn Embers® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Embers® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conled’ Encore® Autumn Coral® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Coral® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conled’ Encore® Autumn Coral® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Coral® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblev' PP25046 Encore® Autumn Ivory® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Ivory® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblev' PP25046 Encore® Autumn Ivory® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Ivory® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleza’ PP29770 Encore® Autumn Bonfire® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Bonfire® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleza’ PP29770 Encore® Autumn Bonfire® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Bonfire® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleza’ PP29771 Encore® Autumn Bonfire® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Bonfire® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleza’ PP29771 Encore® Autumn Bonfire® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Bonfire® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblezd' PP32967 Encore® Autumn Majesty® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Majesty® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblezd' PP32967 Encore® Autumn Majesty® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Majesty® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Conlep’ Encore® Autumn Twist® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Twist® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Conlep’ Encore® Autumn Twist® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Twist® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Conlep’ Encore® Autumn Twist® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Twist® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Conlep’ Encore® Autumn Twist® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Twist® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Mootum’ PP18416 Encore® Autumn Moonlight® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Moonlight® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Mootum’ PP18416 Encore® Autumn Moonlight® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Moonlight® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Mootum’ PP18417 Encore® Autumn Moonlight® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Moonlight® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Mootum’ PP18417 Encore® Autumn Moonlight® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Moonlight® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Roblee’ Encore® Autumn Sangria® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Sangria® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Roblee’ Encore® Autumn Sangria® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Sangria® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Roblel’ PP16278 Encore® Autumn Debutante® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Debutante® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Roblel’ PP16278 Encore® Autumn Debutante® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Debutante® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlea' Encore® Autumn Rouge® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Rouge® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlea' Encore® Autumn Rouge® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Rouge® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlec' Encore® Autumn Royalty® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Royalty® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlec' Encore® Autumn Royalty® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Royalty® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlec' Encore® Autumn Royalty® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Royalty® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlec' Encore® Autumn Royalty® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Royalty® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlen' Encore® Autumn Bravo® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Bravo® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlen' Encore® Autumn Bravo® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Bravo® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conleo' Encore® Autumn Monarch™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Monarch™ Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conleo' Encore® Autumn Monarch™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Monarch™ Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblec' PP15339 Encore® Autumn Carnation® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Carnation® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblec' PP15339 Encore® Autumn Carnation® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Carnation® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblec' PP15340 Encore® Autumn Carnation® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Carnation® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblec' PP15340 Encore® Autumn Carnation® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Carnation® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblee' PP15077 Encore® Autumn Sangria® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Sangria® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblee' PP15077 Encore® Autumn Sangria® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Sangria® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblen' PP16248 Encore® Autumn Sunset® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Sunset® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblen' PP16248 Encore® Autumn Sunset® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Sunset® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robles' PP22762 Encore® Autumn Lilac® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Lilac® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robles' PP22762 Encore® Autumn Lilac® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Lilac® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblex' 25073 Encore® Autumn Lily® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Lily® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblex' 25073 Encore® Autumn Lily® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Lily® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblex' 25074 Encore® Autumn Lily® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Lily® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblex' 25074 Encore® Autumn Lily® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Lily® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblez' 28279 Encore® Autumn Fire® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Fire® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblez' 28279 Encore® Autumn Fire® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Fire® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleze' 32506 Encore® Autumn Starburst® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Starburst® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleze' 32506 Encore® Autumn Starburst® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Starburst® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) h .'QbackA' PP27082 Solar Glow™ Sunbow® NativeAzaleaSolar Glow™ Sunbow® NativeAzalea 3 gal $29 Azalea(Rhododendron) h .'QbackA' PP27082 Solar Glow™ Sunbow® NativeAzaleaSolar Glow™ Sunbow® NativeAzalea 3 gal $29 Azalea(Rhododendron) h. 'QbackB' PP27083 Solar Flare™ Sunbow® Native AzaleaSolar Flare™ Sunbow® Native Azalea 3 gal $29 Azalea(Rhododendron) h. 'QbackB' PP27083 Solar Flare™ Sunbow® Native AzaleaSolar Flare™ Sunbow® Native Azalea 3 gal $29 Azalea(Rhododendron) x 'NCRX7' Perfecto Mundo® Double Dark Pink Reblooming AzaleaPerfecto Mundo® Double Dark Pink Reblooming Azalea 2 gal $28 Azalea(Rhododendron) x 'NCRX7' Perfecto Mundo® Double Dark Pink Reblooming AzaleaPerfecto Mundo® Double Dark Pink Reblooming Azalea 2 gal $28 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'NCRX4' PP33205 Perfecto Mundo® Double Purple Reblooming AzaleaPerfecto Mundo® Double Purple Reblooming Azalea 2 gal $28 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'NCRX4' PP33205 Perfecto Mundo® Double Purple Reblooming AzaleaPerfecto Mundo® Double Purple Reblooming Azalea 2 gal $28 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlee' Encore® Autumn Amethyst® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Amethyst® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlee' Encore® Autumn Amethyst® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Amethyst® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conles' Encore® Autumn Empress™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Empress™ Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conles' Encore® Autumn Empress™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Empress™ Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conles' Encore® Autumn Empress™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Empress™ Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conles' Encore® Autumn Empress™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Empress™ Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robled' PP 15862 Encore® Autumn Chiffon™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Chiffon™ Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robled' PP 15862 Encore® Autumn Chiffon™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Chiffon™ Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robled' PP 15863 Encore® Autumn Chiffon™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Chiffon™ Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robled' PP 15863 Encore® Autumn Chiffon™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Chiffon™ Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleg' PP15227 Encore® Autumn Angel® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Angel® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleg' PP15227 Encore® Autumn Angel® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Angel® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleg' PP15228 Encore® Autumn Angel® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Angel® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleg' PP15228 Encore® Autumn Angel® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Angel® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Berberis thunbergii ‘Crimson Pygmy’ Crimson Pygmy Dwarf Japanese BarberryCrimson Pygmy Dwarf Japanese Barberry 3 gal $15 Berberis thunbergii ‘Crimson Pygmy’ Crimson Pygmy Dwarf Japanese BarberryCrimson Pygmy Dwarf Japanese Barberry 3 gal $15 Berberis thunbergii ‘Rosy Glow’ Rosy Glow Dwarf Japanese BarberryRosy Glow Dwarf Japanese Barberry 3 gal $15 Berberis thunbergii ‘Rosy Glow’ Rosy Glow Dwarf Japanese BarberryRosy Glow Dwarf Japanese Barberry 3 gal $15 Berberis thunbergii 'Maria' USPP 18,082 Sunjoy® Gold Pillar BarberrySunjoy® Gold Pillar Barberry 2 gal $26 Berberis thunbergii 'Maria' USPP 18,082 Sunjoy® Gold Pillar BarberrySunjoy® Gold Pillar Barberry 2 gal $26 Berberis thunbergii 'NCBT1' PP30330 Sunjoy® Mini Maroon BarberrySunjoy® Mini Maroon Barberry 2 gal $26 Berberis thunbergii 'NCBT1' PP30330 Sunjoy® Mini Maroon BarberrySunjoy® Mini Maroon Barberry 2 gal $26 Buddleia x 'Buzz Velvet' Dwarf Buzz Velvet Butterfly BushDwarf Buzz Velvet Butterfly Bush 1 gal $6 Buddleia x 'Buzz Velvet' Dwarf Buzz Velvet Butterfly BushDwarf Buzz Velvet Butterfly Bush 1 gal $6 Buddleia x 'Raspberry' Dwarf Raspberry Butterfly BushDwarf Raspberry Butterfly Bush 1 gal $6 on order Buddleia x 'Raspberry' Dwarf Raspberry Butterfly BushDwarf Raspberry Butterfly Bush 1 gal $6 on order Buddleia x 'SMNBDBT' PP28794 Pugster Blue™ Butterfly BushPugster Blue™ Butterfly Bush 3 gal $26 Buddleia x 'SMNBDBT' PP28794 Pugster Blue™ Butterfly BushPugster Blue™ Butterfly Bush 3 gal $26 Buddleia x 'SMNBDW' PP28795 Pugster White® Butterfly BushPugster White® Butterfly Bush 2 gal $24 Buddleia x 'SMNBDW' PP28795 Pugster White® Butterfly BushPugster White® Butterfly Bush 2 gal $24 Buddleia x Chrysalis 'Blue' Chrysalis Blue Butterfly BushChrysalis Blue Butterfly Bush 1 gal $6 Buddleia x Chrysalis 'Blue' Chrysalis Blue Butterfly BushChrysalis Blue Butterfly Bush 1 gal $6 Buddleia x ‘Buzz Midnight’ Dwarf Dark Purple Butterfly BushDwarf Dark Purple Butterfly Bush 1 gal $6 on order Buddleia x ‘Buzz Midnight’ Dwarf Dark Purple Butterfly BushDwarf Dark Purple Butterfly Bush 1 gal $6 on order Buxus 'Annie's Dwarf' Dwarf Japanese BoxwoodDwarf Japanese Boxwood 3 gal $15 on order Buxus 'Annie's Dwarf' Dwarf Japanese BoxwoodDwarf Japanese Boxwood 3 gal $15 on order Buxus 'Green Gem' Green Gem BoxwoodGreen Gem Boxwood 3 gal $24 Buxus 'Green Gem' Green Gem BoxwoodGreen Gem Boxwood 3 gal $24 Buxus 'Green Velvet' Green Velvet BoxwoodGreen Velvet Boxwood 3 gal $28 Buxus 'Green Velvet' Green Velvet BoxwoodGreen Velvet Boxwood 3 gal $28 Buxus Hybrid ‘HER2010B02' PP32309 Heritage™ BoxwoodHeritage™ Boxwood 3 gal $24.50 Buxus Hybrid ‘HER2010B02' PP32309 Heritage™ BoxwoodHeritage™ Boxwood 3 gal $24.50 Buxus Little Missy Little Missy BoxwoodLittle Missy Boxwood 1 gal $9 on order Buxus Little Missy Little Missy BoxwoodLittle Missy Boxwood 1 gal $9 on order Buxus microphylla 'Bulthouse' PP25895 Sprinter® BoxwoodSprinter® Boxwood 2 gal $26 Buxus microphylla 'Bulthouse' PP25895 Sprinter® BoxwoodSprinter® Boxwood 2 gal $26 Buxus microphylla 'Bulthouse' PP25896 Sprinter® BoxwoodSprinter® Boxwood 3 gal $28 on order Buxus microphylla 'Bulthouse' PP25896 Sprinter® BoxwoodSprinter® Boxwood 3 gal $28 on order Buxus microphylla 'Sunburst' Sunburst BoxwoodSunburst Boxwood 1 qt $5 5/$20 Buxus microphylla 'Sunburst' Sunburst BoxwoodSunburst Boxwood 1 qt $5 5/$20 Buxus microphylla japonica Japanese BoxwoodJapanese Boxwood 1 gal $6 3/$15 Buxus microphylla japonica Japanese BoxwoodJapanese Boxwood 3 gal $12.50 Buxus microphylla japonica Japanese BoxwoodJapanese Boxwood 1 gal $6 3/$15 Buxus microphylla japonica Japanese BoxwoodJapanese Boxwood 3 gal $12.50 Buxus microphylla v Koreana Wintergreen BoxwoodWintergreen Boxwood 1 gal $6 3/$15 Buxus microphylla v Koreana Wintergreen BoxwoodWintergreen Boxwood 1 gal $6 3/$15 Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Wintergreen' Wintergreen BoxwoodWintergreen Boxwood 3 gal $15 Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Wintergreen' Wintergreen BoxwoodWintergreen Boxwood 7 gal $45 Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Wintergreen' Wintergreen BoxwoodWintergreen Boxwood 3 gal $15 Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Wintergreen' Wintergreen BoxwoodWintergreen Boxwood 7 gal $45 Buxus x 'Green Gem' Green Gem BoxwoodGreen Gem Boxwood 1 gal $15 Buxus x 'Green Gem' Green Gem BoxwoodGreen Gem Boxwood 1 gal $15 Buxus x 'Green Mountain' Green Mountian BoxwoodGreen Mountian Boxwood 1 gal $15 Buxus x 'Green Mountain' Green Mountian BoxwoodGreen Mountian Boxwood 1 gal $15 Callicarpa americana American BeautyberryAmerican Beautyberry 3 gal $24 Callicarpa americana American BeautyberryAmerican Beautyberry 3 gal $24 Camellia japonica 'Altheaiflora' Altheiaflora CamelliaAltheiaflora Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Altheaiflora' Altheiaflora CamelliaAltheiaflora Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'April Blush' April Blush CamelliaApril Blush Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'April Blush' April Blush CamelliaApril Blush Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia japonica 'April Blush' April Blush CamelliaApril Blush Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'April Blush' April Blush CamelliaApril Blush Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia japonica 'April Remembered' April Remembered CamlliaApril Remembered Camllia 3 gal $24 Camellia japonica 'April Remembered' April Remembered CamlliaApril Remembered Camllia 3 gal $24 Camellia japonica 'April Tryst' April Tryst CamelliaApril Tryst Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'April Tryst' April Tryst CamelliaApril Tryst Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia japonica 'April Tryst' April Tryst CamelliaApril Tryst Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'April Tryst' April Tryst CamelliaApril Tryst Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia japonica 'Artic Rose' Artic Rose CamelliaArtic Rose Camellia 1 gal $13.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Artic Rose' Artic Rose CamelliaArtic Rose Camellia 1 gal $13.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Blood of China' Blood of China CamelliaBlood of China Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Blood of China' Blood of China CamelliaBlood of China Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Buttons & Bows' Buttons & Bows CamelliaButtons & Bows Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Buttons & Bows' Buttons & Bows CamelliaButtons & Bows Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'CM Hovey' CM Hovey CamelliaCM Hovey Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'CM Hovey' CM Hovey CamelliaCM Hovey Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Dad's Pink' Dad's Pink CamelliaDad's Pink Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Dad's Pink' Dad's Pink CamelliaDad's Pink Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Dad's Pink' Dad's Pink CamelliaDad's Pink Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Dad's Pink' Dad's Pink CamelliaDad's Pink Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Debutante' Debutante CamelliaDebutante Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Debutante' Debutante CamelliaDebutante Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Debutante' Debutante CamelliaDebutante Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Debutante' Debutante CamelliaDebutante Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Desire' Desire CamelliaDesire Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Desire' Desire CamelliaDesire Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Early Autumn' Early Wonder® CamelliaEarly Wonder® Camellia 1 gal $13.50 Camellia japonica 'Early Autumn' Early Wonder® CamelliaEarly Wonder® Camellia 1 gal $13.50 Camellia japonica 'Flame' Flame CamelliaFlame Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Flame' Flame CamelliaFlame Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Glen 40' Glen 40 CamelliaGlen 40 Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Glen 40' Glen 40 CamelliaGlen 40 Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Goggy' Goggy CamelliaGoggy Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Goggy' Goggy CamelliaGoggy Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Goggy' Goggy CamelliaGoggy Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Goggy' Goggy CamelliaGoggy Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Grape Soda' Grape Soda CamelliaGrape Soda Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Grape Soda' Grape Soda CamelliaGrape Soda Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Gun Smoke' Gun Smoke CamelliaGun Smoke Camellia 3 gal $24 on order Camellia japonica 'Gun Smoke' Gun Smoke CamelliaGun Smoke Camellia 3 gal $24 on order Camellia japonica 'Harriet Bisbee' Harriet Bisbee CamelliaHarriet Bisbee Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Harriet Bisbee' Harriet Bisbee CamelliaHarriet Bisbee Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Herme Special' Herme Special CamelliaHerme Special Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Herme Special' Herme Special CamelliaHerme Special Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Herme' Herme CamelliaHerme Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Herme' Herme CamelliaHerme Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'High Fragrance' High Fragrance CamelliaHigh Fragrance Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'High Fragrance' High Fragrance CamelliaHigh Fragrance Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Jacks Variegata' Jack's Variegated CamelliaJack's Variegated Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Jacks Variegata' Jack's Variegated CamelliaJack's Variegated Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Jacks' Jack's CamelliaJack's Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Jacks' Jack's CamelliaJack's Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Jerry Hill' Jerry Hill CamelliaJerry Hill Camellia 1 gal $13.50 Camellia japonica 'Jerry Hill' Jerry Hill CamelliaJerry Hill Camellia 1 gal $13.50 Camellia japonica 'Kramer's Supreme' Kramer's Supreme CamelliaKramer's Supreme Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia japonica 'Kramer's Supreme' Kramer's Supreme CamelliaKramer's Supreme Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia japonica 'La Peppermint' La Peppermint CamelliaLa Peppermint Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'La Peppermint' La Peppermint CamelliaLa Peppermint Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Lady Vanistart' Lady Vanistart CamelliaLady Vanistart Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Lady Vanistart' Lady Vanistart CamelliaLady Vanistart Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Laura Walker' Laura Walker CamelliaLaura Walker Camellia 7 gal $80 Camellia japonica 'Laura Walker' Laura Walker CamelliaLaura Walker Camellia 7 gal $80 Camellia japonica 'Morning Glow' Morning Glow CamelliaMorning Glow Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Morning Glow' Morning Glow CamelliaMorning Glow Camellia 3 gal $24 Camellia japonica 'Morning Glow' Morning Glow CamelliaMorning Glow Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Morning Glow' Morning Glow CamelliaMorning Glow Camellia 3 gal $24 Camellia japonica 'Pink Perfection' Pink Perfection CamelliaPink Perfection Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Pink Perfection' Pink Perfection CamelliaPink Perfection Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Professor Sargent' Professor Sargent CamelliaProfessor Sargent Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Professor Sargent' Professor Sargent CamelliaProfessor Sargent Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia japonica 'Professor Sargent' Professor Sargent CamelliaProfessor Sargent Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Professor Sargent' Professor Sargent CamelliaProfessor Sargent Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia japonica 'Ragland Supreme' Ragland Supreme CamelliaRagland Supreme Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Ragland Supreme' Ragland Supreme CamelliaRagland Supreme Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Red Lion' Red Lion CamelliaRed Lion Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Red Lion' Red Lion CamelliaRed Lion Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Reg Ragland Supreme' Reg Ragland Supreme CamelliaReg Ragland Supreme Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Reg Ragland Supreme' Reg Ragland Supreme CamelliaReg Ragland Supreme Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Reg Ragland Supreme' Reg Ragland Supreme CamelliaReg Ragland Supreme Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Reg Ragland Supreme' Reg Ragland Supreme CamelliaReg Ragland Supreme Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Rosea Plena' Rosea Plena CamelliaRosea Plena Camellia 3 gal $24 Camellia japonica 'Rosea Plena' Rosea Plena CamelliaRosea Plena Camellia 3 gal $24 Camellia japonica 'Royal Velvet' Royal Velvet CamelliaRoyal Velvet Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia japonica 'Royal Velvet' Royal Velvet CamelliaRoyal Velvet Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia japonica 'Sea Foam' Sea Foam CamelliaSea Foam Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Sea Foam' Sea Foam CamelliaSea Foam Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Tama Vino' Tama Vino CamelliaTama Vino Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Tama Vino' Tama Vino CamelliaTama Vino Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Tama Vino' Tama Vino CamelliaTama Vino Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Tama Vino' Tama Vino CamelliaTama Vino Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Taylor's Perfection' Taylor's Perfection CamelliaTaylor's Perfection Camellia 3 gal $24 Camellia japonica 'Taylor's Perfection' Taylor's Perfection CamelliaTaylor's Perfection Camellia 3 gal $24 Camellia japonica 'Tom Knudsen' Tom Knudsen CamelliaTom Knudsen Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Tom Knudsen' Tom Knudsen CamelliaTom Knudsen Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Tom Knudsen' Tom Knudsen CamelliaTom Knudsen Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Tom Knudsen' Tom Knudsen CamelliaTom Knudsen Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Victory White' Victory White CamelliaVictory White Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia japonica 'Victory White' Victory White CamelliaVictory White Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia japonica Turandot' Turan'dot CamelliaTuran'dot Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica Turandot' Turan'dot CamelliaTuran'dot Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Alabama Beauty' Alabama Beauty CamelliaAlabama Beauty Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia sasanqua 'Alabama Beauty' Alabama Beauty CamelliaAlabama Beauty Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia sasanqua 'Autumn Rocket' Autumn Rocket CamelliaAutumn Rocket Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Autumn Rocket' Autumn Rocket CamelliaAutumn Rocket Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Cleopatra' Cleopatra CamelliaCleopatra Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Cleopatra' Cleopatra CamelliaCleopatra Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Daydream' Daydream CamelliaDaydream Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Daydream' Daydream CamelliaDaydream Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Dazzler' Dazzler CamelliaDazzler Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Dazzler' Dazzler CamelliaDazzler Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Green 02-003' PP24539 October Magic® Ruby™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Ruby™ Camellia 3 gal $27 Camellia sasanqua 'Green 02-003' PP24539 October Magic® Ruby™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Ruby™ Camellia 3 gal $27 Camellia sasanqua 'Green 94-035' PP20465 October Magic® Orchid™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Orchid™ Camellia 1 gal $13.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Green 94-035' PP20465 October Magic® Orchid™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Orchid™ Camellia 2 gal $25 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Green 94-035' PP20465 October Magic® Orchid™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Orchid™ Camellia 1 gal $13.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Green 94-035' PP20465 October Magic® Orchid™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Orchid™ Camellia 2 gal $25 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Green 97-039' PP20566 October Magic® Inspiration™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Inspiration™ Camellia 1 gal $13.50 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Green 97-039' PP20566 October Magic® Inspiration™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Inspiration™ Camellia 3 gal $37 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Green 97-039' PP20566 October Magic® Inspiration™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Inspiration™ Camellia 1 gal $13.50 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Green 97-039' PP20566 October Magic® Inspiration™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Inspiration™ Camellia 3 gal $37 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Kanjiro' Kanjiro CamelliaKanjiro Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia sasanqua 'Kanjiro' Kanjiro CamelliaKanjiro Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia sasanqua 'Mikuniko' Mikuniko CamelliaMikuniko Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Mikuniko' Mikuniko CamelliaMikuniko Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Mine No Yuki' Mine No Yuki CamelliaMine No Yuki Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Mine No Yuki' Mine No Yuki CamelliaMine No Yuki Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Mine No Yuki' Mine No Yuki CamelliaMine No Yuki Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Mine No Yuki' Mine No Yuki CamelliaMine No Yuki Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Red Bird' Red Bird CamelliaRed Bird Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia sasanqua 'Red Bird' Red Bird CamelliaRed Bird Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia sasanqua 'Snow Flurry' Snow Flurry CamelliaSnow Flurry Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Snow Flurry' Snow Flurry CamelliaSnow Flurry Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Winter's Fancy' Winter's Fancy CamelliaWinter's Fancy Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Winter's Fancy' Winter's Fancy CamelliaWinter's Fancy Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Winter's Snowman' Winter's Snowman CamelliaWinter's Snowman Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia sasanqua 'Winter's Snowman' Winter's Snowman CamelliaWinter's Snowman Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia sasanqua ‘Green 01-006’ PP27597 October Magic® Carpet™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Carpet™ Camellia 1 gal $13.50 on order Camellia sasanqua ‘Green 01-006’ PP27597 October Magic® Carpet™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Carpet™ Camellia 1 gal $13.50 on order Camellia sasanqua ‘TDN 1111’ Alabama Beauty™ CamelliaAlabama Beauty™ Camellia 15 gal $125 Camellia sasanqua ‘TDN 1111’ Alabama Beauty™ CamelliaAlabama Beauty™ Camellia 15 gal $125 Camellia x 'Autumn Spirit' Autumn Spirit CamelliaAutumn Spirit Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia x 'Autumn Spirit' Autumn Spirit CamelliaAutumn Spirit Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia x 'Shibori-Egao' Variegated Smiling Face CamelliaVariegated Smiling Face Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia x 'Shibori-Egao' Variegated Smiling Face CamelliaVariegated Smiling Face Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia x 'Shibori-Egao' Variegated Smiling Face CamelliaVariegated Smiling Face Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia x 'Shibori-Egao' Variegated Smiling Face CamelliaVariegated Smiling Face Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia x williamsii 'Lavender Prince II' Lavender Prince II CamelliaLavender Prince II Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia x williamsii 'Lavender Prince II' Lavender Prince II CamelliaLavender Prince II Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Cephalotaxus harr. 'Korean Gold' Korean Gold Japanese Plum YewKorean Gold Japanese Plum Yew 1 gal $20 Cephalotaxus harr. 'Korean Gold' Korean Gold Japanese Plum YewKorean Gold Japanese Plum Yew 1 gal $20 Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Duke Gardens' Duke Gardens Plum YewDuke Gardens Plum Yew 2.5 gal $18 Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Duke Gardens' Duke Gardens Plum YewDuke Gardens Plum Yew 2.5 gal $18 Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Prostrata' Spreading Japanese Plum YewSpreading Japanese Plum Yew 3 gal $20 on order Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Prostrata' Spreading Japanese Plum YewSpreading Japanese Plum Yew 3 gal $20 on order Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Yewtopia’ Yewtopia® Plum YewYewtopia® Plum Yew 1 gal $12.50 on order Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Yewtopia’ Yewtopia® Plum YewYewtopia® Plum Yew 3 gal $27 on order Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Yewtopia’ Yewtopia® Plum YewYewtopia® Plum Yew 1 gal $12.50 on order Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Yewtopia’ Yewtopia® Plum YewYewtopia® Plum Yew 3 gal $27 on order Chaenomeles s. 'Cameo' Double Peach Flowering QuinceDouble Peach Flowering Quince 1 gal $6 Chaenomeles s. 'Cameo' Double Peach Flowering QuinceDouble Peach Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. 'Cameo' Double Peach Flowering QuinceDouble Peach Flowering Quince 1 gal $6 Chaenomeles s. 'Cameo' Double Peach Flowering QuinceDouble Peach Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. 'Chojuraku' Double Orange Flowering QuinceDouble Orange Flowering Quince 1 gal $6 Chaenomeles s. 'Chojuraku' Double Orange Flowering QuinceDouble Orange Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. 'Chojuraku' Double Orange Flowering QuinceDouble Orange Flowering Quince 1 gal $6 Chaenomeles s. 'Chojuraku' Double Orange Flowering QuinceDouble Orange Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. 'O Yashima' Double White Flowering QuinceDouble White Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. 'O Yashima' Double White Flowering QuinceDouble White Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. 'Superb Fusion' Red Flowering QuinceRed Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. 'Superb Fusion' Red Flowering QuinceRed Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. Iwai Nishiki' Iwai Nishiki Flowering QuinceIwai Nishiki Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. Iwai Nishiki' Iwai Nishiki Flowering QuinceIwai Nishiki Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles speciosa 'Orange Storm' PP20950 Double Take® Orange Storm QuinceDouble Take® Orange Storm Quince 2 gal $28 Chaenomeles speciosa 'Orange Storm' PP20950 Double Take® Orange Storm QuinceDouble Take® Orange Storm Quince 2 gal $28 Chaenomeles speciosa 'SMNCSDW' PP35018 Double Take Eternal White® QuinceDouble Take Eternal White® Quince 2 gal $28 Chaenomeles speciosa 'SMNCSDW' PP35018 Double Take Eternal White® QuinceDouble Take Eternal White® Quince 2 gal $28 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Confucius' Yellow Hinoki CypressYellow Hinoki Cypress 1 gal $16 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Confucius' Yellow Hinoki CypressYellow Hinoki Cypress 1 gal $16 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Kamaeni Hiba' Kamaeni Hiba Dwarf Hinoki CypressKamaeni Hiba Dwarf Hinoki Cypress 1 gal $16 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Kamaeni Hiba' Kamaeni Hiba Dwarf Hinoki CypressKamaeni Hiba Dwarf Hinoki Cypress 1 gal $16 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Lutea' Golden Dwarf Hinoki CypressGolden Dwarf Hinoki Cypress 1 gal $30 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Lutea' Golden Dwarf Hinoki CypressGolden Dwarf Hinoki Cypress 1 gal $30 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Night Light' PP24666 Night Light™ ChamaecyparisNight Light™ Chamaecyparis 3 gal $27 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Night Light' PP24666 Night Light™ ChamaecyparisNight Light™ Chamaecyparis 3 gal $27 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Gold Mop' Gold Mop CypressGold Mop Cypress 1 gal $12.50 on order Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Gold Mop' Gold Mop CypressGold Mop Cypress 3 gal $25 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Gold Mop' Gold Mop CypressGold Mop Cypress 1 gal $12.50 on order Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Gold Mop' Gold Mop CypressGold Mop Cypress 3 gal $25 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'King's Gold' King's Gold False CypressKing's Gold False Cypress 3 gal $16 on order Chamaecyparis pisifera 'King's Gold' King's Gold False CypressKing's Gold False Cypress 3 gal $16 on order Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Paul’s Gold’ Paul's Gold® ChamaecyparisPaul's Gold® Chamaecyparis 3 gal $25 Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Paul’s Gold’ Paul's Gold® ChamaecyparisPaul's Gold® Chamaecyparis 3 gal $25 Choisya x 'Aztec Pearl' Aztec Pearl Mexican OrangeAztec Pearl Mexican Orange 1 gal $18 Choisya x 'Aztec Pearl' Aztec Pearl Mexican OrangeAztec Pearl Mexican Orange 1 gal $18 Cryptomeria japonica 'Black Dragon' Black Dragon CedarBlack Dragon Cedar 7 gal $62.50 Cryptomeria japonica 'Black Dragon' Black Dragon CedarBlack Dragon Cedar 7 gal $62.50 Cryptomeria japonica 'Golden Promise' Golden Promise Japanese CedarGolden Promise Japanese Cedar 1 gal $17 Cryptomeria japonica 'Golden Promise' Golden Promise Japanese CedarGolden Promise Japanese Cedar 3 gal $48 Cryptomeria japonica 'Golden Promise' Golden Promise Japanese CedarGolden Promise Japanese Cedar 1 gal $17 Cryptomeria japonica 'Golden Promise' Golden Promise Japanese CedarGolden Promise Japanese Cedar 3 gal $48 Cryptomeria japonica 'Spg-3-014' Dragon Prince™ CryptomeriaDragon Prince™ Cryptomeria 1 gal $13.50 on order Cryptomeria japonica 'Spg-3-014' Dragon Prince™ CryptomeriaDragon Prince™ Cryptomeria 3 gal $24 Cryptomeria japonica 'Spg-3-014' Dragon Prince™ CryptomeriaDragon Prince™ Cryptomeria 1 gal $13.50 on order Cryptomeria japonica 'Spg-3-014' Dragon Prince™ CryptomeriaDragon Prince™ Cryptomeria 3 gal $24 Cryptomeria japonica globosa 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese CedarDwarf Japanese Cedar 1 gal $6 on order Cryptomeria japonica globosa 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese CedarDwarf Japanese Cedar 3 gal $16 Cryptomeria japonica globosa 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese CedarDwarf Japanese Cedar 1 gal $6 on order Cryptomeria japonica globosa 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese CedarDwarf Japanese Cedar 3 gal $16 Cupressus (Hesperocyparis) macrocarpa ‘Goldcrest’ Goldcrest Lemon Cypress TopiaryGoldcrest Lemon Cypress Topiary 4.5 in $14.50 Cupressus (Hesperocyparis) macrocarpa ‘Goldcrest’ Goldcrest Lemon Cypress TopiaryGoldcrest Lemon Cypress Topiary 4.5 in $14.50 Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata Alba' White Variegated DaphneWhite Variegated Daphne 1 gal $18.50 Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata Alba' White Variegated DaphneWhite Variegated Daphne 1 gal $18.50 Daphne odora ‘Aureomarginata Rosea’ Pink Variegated DaphnePink Variegated Daphne 1 gal $18.50 Daphne odora ‘Aureomarginata Rosea’ Pink Variegated DaphnePink Variegated Daphne 1 gal $18.50 Distylium 'PIIDIST-V' PP27631 Cinnamon Girl® DistyliumCinnamon Girl® Distylium 3 gal $25 Distylium 'PIIDIST-V' PP27631 Cinnamon Girl® DistyliumCinnamon Girl® Distylium 3 gal $25 Distylium 'PIIDIST-VI' PP29779 Swing Low® DistyliumSwing Low® Distylium 3 gal $28 Distylium 'PIIDIST-VI' PP29779 Swing Low® DistyliumSwing Low® Distylium 3 gal $28 Distylium 'Vintage Jade' Vintage Jade DistyliumVintage Jade Distylium 3 gal $25 Distylium 'Vintage Jade' Vintage Jade DistyliumVintage Jade Distylium 3 gal $25 Distylium h. ‘BLDY01’ PP32816 Bayou Bliss™ DistyliumBayou Bliss™ Distylium 3 gal $28 Distylium h. ‘BLDY01’ PP32816 Bayou Bliss™ DistyliumBayou Bliss™ Distylium 3 gal $28 Distylium hybrid 'PIIDIST-II' PP29779 Blue Cascade® DistyliumBlue Cascade® Distylium 3 gal $30 Distylium hybrid 'PIIDIST-II' PP29779 Blue Cascade® DistyliumBlue Cascade® Distylium 3 gal $30 Distylium hybrid sPg-3-007’ PP 25,833 Spring Frost™ DistyliumSpring Frost™ Distylium 3 gal $24 on order Distylium hybrid sPg-3-007’ PP 25,833 Spring Frost™ DistyliumSpring Frost™ Distylium 3 gal $24 on order Edgeworth chrysantha Fragrant PaperbushFragrant Paperbush 3 gal $18 on order Edgeworth chrysantha Fragrant PaperbushFragrant Paperbush 3 gal $18 on order Elaegnus ebbengii ‘Viveleg’ PP20177 Olive Martini™ ElaeagnusOlive Martini™ Elaeagnus 3 gal $22 Elaegnus ebbengii ‘Viveleg’ PP20177 Olive Martini™ ElaeagnusOlive Martini™ Elaeagnus 3 gal $22 Fatsia japonica False AraliaFalse Aralia 3 gal $10 Fatsia japonica False AraliaFalse Aralia 3 gal $10 Fatsia japonica 'Spider Web' Speckled Japanese AraliaSpeckled Japanese Aralia 3 gal $26 Fatsia japonica 'Spider Web' Speckled Japanese AraliaSpeckled Japanese Aralia 3 gal $26 Forsythia 'Lynwood Gold' Lynwood Gold YellowbellsLynwood Gold Yellowbells 1 gal $9 Forsythia 'Lynwood Gold' Lynwood Gold YellowbellsLynwood Gold Yellowbells 3 gal $12.50 Forsythia 'Lynwood Gold' Lynwood Gold YellowbellsLynwood Gold Yellowbells 1 gal $9 Forsythia 'Lynwood Gold' Lynwood Gold YellowbellsLynwood Gold Yellowbells 3 gal $12.50 Forsythia x 'Minfor6' Show Off® Starlet® YellowbellsShow Off® Starlet® Yellowbells 2 gal $27 Forsythia x 'Minfor6' Show Off® Starlet® YellowbellsShow Off® Starlet® Yellowbells 2 gal $27 Forsythia x 'NIMBUS' PP23837 Show Off® Sugar Baby® YellowbellsShow Off® Sugar Baby® Yellowbells 2 gal $28 Forsythia x 'NIMBUS' PP23837 Show Off® Sugar Baby® YellowbellsShow Off® Sugar Baby® Yellowbells 2 gal $28 Forsythia x 'NIMBUS' PP23838 Show Off® Sugar Baby® YellowbellsShow Off® Sugar Baby® Yellowbells 3 gal $28 Forsythia x 'NIMBUS' PP23838 Show Off® Sugar Baby® YellowbellsShow Off® Sugar Baby® Yellowbells 3 gal $28 Fothergilla 'Mt Airy' Mt Airy FothergillaMt Airy Fothergilla 3 gal $18 on order Fothergilla 'Mt Airy' Mt Airy FothergillaMt Airy Fothergilla 3 gal $18 on order Fothergilla gardenii 'Redneck Nation' Redneck Nation FothergillaRedneck Nation Fothergilla 3 gal $18 Fothergilla gardenii 'Redneck Nation' Redneck Nation FothergillaRedneck Nation Fothergilla 3 gal $18 Fothergilla major 'Mount Airy', Mt Airy FothergillaMt Airy Fothergilla 1 gal $15 Fothergilla major 'Mount Airy', Mt Airy FothergillaMt Airy Fothergilla 1 gal $15 Gardenia augusta ‘RLH-GA1’ PP30894 Daisy Duke™ GardeniaDaisy Duke™ Gardenia 3 gal $26 on order Gardenia augusta ‘RLH-GA1’ PP30894 Daisy Duke™ GardeniaDaisy Duke™ Gardenia 3 gal $26 on order Gardenia jasminoides Florist GardeniaFlorist Gardenia 6 in $19.50 Gardenia jasminoides Florist GardeniaFlorist Gardenia 6 in $19.50 Gardenia jasminoides 'August Beauty' August Beauty GardeniaAugust Beauty Gardenia 1 gal $5 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'August Beauty' August Beauty GardeniaAugust Beauty Gardenia 3 gal $15 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'August Beauty' August Beauty GardeniaAugust Beauty Gardenia 1 gal $5 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'August Beauty' August Beauty GardeniaAugust Beauty Gardenia 3 gal $15 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'Buttons' Buttons GardeniaButtons Gardenia 3 gal $22.50 Gardenia jasminoides 'Buttons' Buttons GardeniaButtons Gardenia 3 gal $22.50 Gardenia jasminoides 'Daisy' Daisy GardeniaDaisy Gardenia 1 gal $5 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'Daisy' Daisy GardeniaDaisy Gardenia 3 gal $14 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'Daisy' Daisy GardeniaDaisy Gardenia 1 gal $5 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'Daisy' Daisy GardeniaDaisy Gardenia 3 gal $14 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'Diamond Spire' Diamond Spire GardeniaDiamond Spire Gardenia 3 gal $21 Gardenia jasminoides 'Diamond Spire' Diamond Spire GardeniaDiamond Spire Gardenia 3 gal $21 Gardenia jasminoides 'Frostproof' Frostproof GardeniaFrostproof Gardenia 1 gal $6 3/$15 Gardenia jasminoides 'Frostproof' Frostproof GardeniaFrostproof Gardenia 3 gal $10 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'Frostproof' Frostproof GardeniaFrostproof Gardenia 1 gal $6 3/$15 Gardenia jasminoides 'Frostproof' Frostproof GardeniaFrostproof Gardenia 3 gal $10 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans' Dwarf Trailing GardeniaDwarf Trailing Gardenia 1 gal $6 3/$15 Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans' Dwarf Trailing GardeniaDwarf Trailing Gardenia 3 gal $15 2/$25 Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans' Dwarf Trailing GardeniaDwarf Trailing Gardenia 1 gal $6 3/$15 Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans' Dwarf Trailing GardeniaDwarf Trailing Gardenia 3 gal $15 2/$25 Gardenia jasminoides 'Stairway to Heaven' PP34958 Stairway to Heaven GardeniaStairway to Heaven Gardenia 3 gal $22.50 Gardenia jasminoides 'Stairway to Heaven' PP34958 Stairway to Heaven GardeniaStairway to Heaven Gardenia 3 gal $22.50 Gardenia jasminoides 'Variegata' Mystery Variegated GardeniaMystery Variegated Gardenia 1 gal $6 Gardenia jasminoides 'Variegata' Mystery Variegated GardeniaMystery Variegated Gardenia 1 gal $6 Gardenia jasminoides ‘Steady As She Goes’ Steady As She Goes GardeniaSteady As She Goes Gardenia 2 gal $27 on order Gardenia jasminoides ‘Steady As She Goes’ Steady As She Goes GardeniaSteady As She Goes Gardenia 3 gal $32.50 Gardenia jasminoides ‘Steady As She Goes’ Steady As She Goes GardeniaSteady As She Goes Gardenia 2 gal $27 on order Gardenia jasminoides ‘Steady As She Goes’ Steady As She Goes GardeniaSteady As She Goes Gardenia 3 gal $32.50 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane' Diane Witch HazelDiane Witch Hazel 3 gal $45 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane' Diane Witch HazelDiane Witch Hazel 3 gal $45 Hibiscus syriacus 'Gandini Santiago' PP25568 Purple Pillar® - Rose of SharonPurple Pillar® - Rose of Sharon 3 gal $32.50 Hibiscus syriacus 'Gandini Santiago' PP25568 Purple Pillar® - Rose of SharonPurple Pillar® - Rose of Sharon 3 gal $32.50 Hibiscus syriacus 'GFNHSRP' PP35332 Red Pillar® - Rose of SharonRed Pillar® - Rose of Sharon 3 gal $32.50 Hibiscus syriacus 'GFNHSRP' PP35332 Red Pillar® - Rose of SharonRed Pillar® - Rose of Sharon 3 gal $32.50 Hibiscus syriacus 'Minsyrou17' USPP 33,258 Paraplu Rouge® Rose of SharonParaplu Rouge® Rose of Sharon 3 gal $28 Hibiscus syriacus 'Minsyrou17' USPP 33,258 Paraplu Rouge® Rose of SharonParaplu Rouge® Rose of Sharon 3 gal $28 Hibiscus syriacus 'Notwoodthree' PP20574 Blue Chiffon® - Rose of SharonBlue Chiffon® - Rose of Sharon 3 gal $32.50 Hibiscus syriacus 'Notwoodthree' PP20574 Blue Chiffon® - Rose of SharonBlue Chiffon® - Rose of Sharon 3 gal $32.50 Hydrangea arborescens ‘Abetwo’ PP20571 Incrediball® Smooth HydrangeaIncrediball® Smooth Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea arborescens ‘Abetwo’ PP20571 Incrediball® Smooth HydrangeaIncrediball® Smooth Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmacfive' PP30359 Summer Crush® Bigleaf HydrangeaSummer Crush® Bigleaf Hydrangea 3 gal $30 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmacfive' PP30359 Summer Crush® Bigleaf HydrangeaSummer Crush® Bigleaf Hydrangea 3 gal $30 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Big Daddy' Big Daddy HydrangeaBig Daddy Hydrangea 1 gal $13.50 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Big Daddy' Big Daddy HydrangeaBig Daddy Hydrangea 1 gal $13.50 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Endless Summer Pop Star' Pop Star™ Endless Summer® HydrangeaPop Star™ Endless Summer® Hydrangea 1 gal $16.50 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Endless Summer Pop Star' Pop Star™ Endless Summer® HydrangeaPop Star™ Endless Summer® Hydrangea 1 gal $16.50 Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-II' Endless Summer® Bloomstruck® HydrangeaEndless Summer® Bloomstruck® Hydrangea 1 gal $16.50 Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-II' Endless Summer® Bloomstruck® HydrangeaEndless Summer® Bloomstruck® Hydrangea 3 gal $30 Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-II' Endless Summer® Bloomstruck® HydrangeaEndless Summer® Bloomstruck® Hydrangea 1 gal $16.50 Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-II' Endless Summer® Bloomstruck® HydrangeaEndless Summer® Bloomstruck® Hydrangea 3 gal $30 Hydrangea macrophylla × serrata 'SMNHSME' PP34327 Let's Dance Sky View® Reblooming HydrangeaLet's Dance Sky View® Reblooming Hydrangea 3 gal $25 on order Hydrangea macrophylla × serrata 'SMNHSME' PP34327 Let's Dance Sky View® Reblooming HydrangeaLet's Dance Sky View® Reblooming Hydrangea 3 gal $25 on order Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Hokomaburlac‘ USPP34379 Cherry-Go-Round™ Mophead HydrangeaCherry-Go-Round™ Mophead Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Hokomaburlac‘ USPP34379 Cherry-Go-Round™ Mophead HydrangeaCherry-Go-Round™ Mophead Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Hokomagrito‘ USPP35207 Grin and Tonic™ Reblooming HydrangeaGrin and Tonic™ Reblooming Hydrangea 2 gal $26 Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Hokomagrito‘ USPP35207 Grin and Tonic™ Reblooming HydrangeaGrin and Tonic™ Reblooming Hydrangea 2 gal $26 Hydrangea paniculata 'ILVOBO' PP22782 Bobo® Panicle HydrangeaBobo® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 Hydrangea paniculata 'ILVOBO' PP22782 Bobo® Panicle HydrangeaBobo® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 Hydrangea paniculata 'Jane' PP 22330 Little Lime® Panicle HydrangeaLittle Lime® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea paniculata 'Jane' PP 22330 Little Lime® Panicle HydrangeaLittle Lime® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' PP12874 Limelight Panicle HydrageaLimelight Panicle Hydragea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' PP12874 Limelight Panicle HydrageaLimelight Panicle Hydragea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPH' PP33207 Little Lime Punch® Panicle HydrangeaLittle Lime Punch® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPH' PP33207 Little Lime Punch® Panicle HydrangeaLittle Lime Punch® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPPH' PP32511 Limelight Prime® Panicle HydrangeaLimelight Prime® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPPH' PP32511 Limelight Prime® Panicle HydrangeaLimelight Prime® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Quick Fire’ PP25136 Little Quick Fire® Panicle HydrangeaLittle Quick Fire® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Quick Fire’ PP25136 Little Quick Fire® Panicle HydrangeaLittle Quick Fire® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ruby Slippers' Ruby Slippers Oakleaf Hydrangea **nativeRuby Slippers Oakleaf Hydrangea **native 3 gal $19 on order Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ruby Slippers' Ruby Slippers Oakleaf Hydrangea **nativeRuby Slippers Oakleaf Hydrangea **native 3 gal $19 on order Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii Nana' Dwarf Buford HollyDwarf Buford Holly 3 gal $15 on order Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii Nana' Dwarf Buford HollyDwarf Buford Holly 3 gal $15 on order Ilex crenata 'Compacta' Compacta Japanese HollyCompacta Japanese Holly 1 gal $5 Ilex crenata 'Compacta' Compacta Japanese HollyCompacta Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex crenata 'Compacta' Compacta Pyramidal HollyCompacta Pyramidal Holly 5 gal $42.50 Ilex crenata 'Compacta' Compacta Japanese HollyCompacta Japanese Holly 1 gal $5 Ilex crenata 'Compacta' Compacta Japanese HollyCompacta Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex crenata 'Compacta' Compacta Pyramidal HollyCompacta Pyramidal Holly 5 gal $42.50 Ilex crenata 'Green Luster' Green Luster Japanese HollyGreen Luster Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex crenata 'Green Luster' Green Luster Japanese HollyGreen Luster Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex crenata 'Helleri Variegata' Variegated Heller's HollyVariegated Heller's Holly 3 gal $15 Ilex crenata 'Helleri Variegata' Variegated Heller's HollyVariegated Heller's Holly 3 gal $15 Ilex crenata 'Helleri' Heller's Japanese HollyHeller's Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex crenata 'Helleri' Heller's Japanese HollyHeller's Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex crenata 'Hoogendorn' Hoogendorn Japanese HollyHoogendorn Japanese Holly 1 gal $5 Ilex crenata 'Hoogendorn' Hoogendorn Japanese HollyHoogendorn Japanese Holly 3 gal $14 Ilex crenata 'Hoogendorn' Hoogendorn Japanese HollyHoogendorn Japanese Holly 1 gal $5 Ilex crenata 'Hoogendorn' Hoogendorn Japanese HollyHoogendorn Japanese Holly 3 gal $14 Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' Sky Pencil Japanese HollySky Pencil Japanese Holly 1 gal $5 Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' Sky Pencil Japanese HollySky Pencil Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' Sky Pencil Japanese HollySky Pencil Japanese Holly 7 gal $34 Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' Sky Pencil Japanese HollySky Pencil Japanese Holly 1 gal $5 Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' Sky Pencil Japanese HollySky Pencil Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' Sky Pencil Japanese HollySky Pencil Japanese Holly 7 gal $34 Ilex crenata 'Soft Touch' Soft Touch Japanese HollySoft Touch Japanese Holly 1 gal $5 on order Ilex crenata 'Soft Touch' Soft Touch Japanese HollySoft Touch Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex crenata 'Soft Touch' Soft Touch Japanese HollySoft Touch Japanese Holly 1 gal $5 on order Ilex crenata 'Soft Touch' Soft Touch Japanese HollySoft Touch Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex crenata 'Steeds' Steeds HollySteeds Holly 3 gal $21 Ilex crenata 'Steeds' Steeds HollySteeds Holly 3 gal $21 Ilex glabra Inkberry **nativeInkberry **native 3 gal $14 Ilex glabra Inkberry **nativeInkberry **native 3 gal $14 Ilex i. × l. 'Screen Play' PP27524 Screen Play HollyScreen Play Holly 3 gal $25 on order Ilex i. × l. 'Screen Play' PP27524 Screen Play HollyScreen Play Holly 3 gal $25 on order Ilex vomitoria 'Nana' Dwarf Yaupon HollyDwarf Yaupon Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex vomitoria 'Nana' Dwarf Yaupon HollyDwarf Yaupon Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex x 'Conaf' Oakleaf Holly **nativeOakleaf Holly **native 15 gal $90 Ilex x 'Conaf' Oakleaf Holly **nativeOakleaf Holly **native 3 gal $15 Ilex x 'Conaf' Oakleaf Holly **nativeOakleaf Holly **native 15 gal $90 Ilex x 'Conaf' Oakleaf Holly **nativeOakleaf Holly **native 3 gal $15 Ilex x 'Liberty' Liberty HollyLiberty Holly 3 gal $22.50 on order Ilex x 'Liberty' Liberty HollyLiberty Holly 3 gal $22.50 on order Ilex × aquipernyi 'Meschick' PP4996 Dragon Lady HollyDragon Lady Holly 3 gal $22.50 Ilex × aquipernyi 'Meschick' PP4996 Dragon Lady HollyDragon Lady Holly 3 gal $22.50 Illicium parviflorum Yellow Anise **nativeYellow Anise **native 3 gal $14 Illicium parviflorum Yellow Anise **nativeYellow Anise **native 3 gal $14 Illicium parviflorum 'Florida Sunshine' Florida Sunshine AniseFlorida Sunshine Anise 1 gal $13.50 on order Illicium parviflorum 'Florida Sunshine' Florida Sunshine AniseFlorida Sunshine Anise 3 gal $21 on order Illicium parviflorum 'Florida Sunshine' Florida Sunshine AniseFlorida Sunshine Anise 1 gal $13.50 on order Illicium parviflorum 'Florida Sunshine' Florida Sunshine AniseFlorida Sunshine Anise 3 gal $21 on order Illicium parviflorum 'Forest Green' Forest Green AniseForest Green Anise 3 gal $15 on order Illicium parviflorum 'Forest Green' Forest Green AniseForest Green Anise 3 gal $15 on order Jasminum nudiflorum Showy Winter JasmineShowy Winter Jasmine 3 gal $12.50 Jasminum nudiflorum Showy Winter JasmineShowy Winter Jasmine 3 gal $12.50 Juniperus 'Gold Coast Gold Coast JuniperGold Coast Juniper 3 gal $18 Juniperus 'Gold Coast Gold Coast JuniperGold Coast Juniper 3 gal $18 Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' Blue Point JuniperBlue Point Juniper 3 gal $17 Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' Blue Point Juniper SpiralBlue Point Juniper Spiral 15 gal $170 Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' Blue Point Juniper SpiralBlue Point Juniper Spiral 7 gal $110 Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' Blue Point JuniperBlue Point Juniper 3 gal $17 Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' Blue Point Juniper SpiralBlue Point Juniper Spiral 15 gal $170 Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' Blue Point Juniper SpiralBlue Point Juniper Spiral 7 gal $110 Juniperus chinensis 'Brodie' Brodie Juniper 2-BallBrodie Juniper 2-Ball 7 gal $98 Juniperus chinensis 'Brodie' Brodie Juniper 3-BallBrodie Juniper 3-Ball 7 gal $110 Juniperus chinensis 'Brodie' Brodie Juniper 2-BallBrodie Juniper 2-Ball 7 gal $98 Juniperus chinensis 'Brodie' Brodie Juniper 3-BallBrodie Juniper 3-Ball 7 gal $110 Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii Columnaris' Hetzii Juniper SpiralHetzii Juniper Spiral 7 gal $110 Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii Columnaris' Hetzii Juniper SpiralHetzii Juniper Spiral 7 gal $110 Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii' Hetz Juniper Globe TopiaryHetz Juniper Globe Topiary 7 gal $45 Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii' Hetz Juniper Globe TopiaryHetz Juniper Globe Topiary 7 gal $45 Juniperus chinensis 'Parsonii' Parson's JuniperParson's Juniper 1 gal $6 on order Juniperus chinensis 'Parsonii' Parson's JuniperParson's Juniper 3 gal $14 Juniperus chinensis 'Parsonii' Parson's JuniperParson's Juniper 1 gal $6 on order Juniperus chinensis 'Parsonii' Parson's JuniperParson's Juniper 3 gal $14 Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' Blue Pacific JuniperBlue Pacific Juniper 1 gal $5 Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' Blue Pacific JuniperBlue Pacific Juniper 3 gal $15 Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' Blue Pacific JuniperBlue Pacific Juniper 1 gal $5 Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' Blue Pacific JuniperBlue Pacific Juniper 3 gal $15 Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii' Blue Rug JuniperBlue Rug Juniper 1 gal $5 Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii' Blue Rug JuniperBlue Rug Juniper 3 gal $15 Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii' Blue Rug JuniperBlue Rug Juniper 1 gal $5 Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii' Blue Rug JuniperBlue Rug Juniper 3 gal $15 Juniperus proc 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper -stakedDwarf Japanese Garden Juniper -staked 1 gal $6 on order Juniperus proc 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper -stakedDwarf Japanese Garden Juniper -staked 1 gal $6 on order Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese Garden JuniperDwarf Japanese Garden Juniper 3 gal $16 Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper StakedDwarf Japanese Garden Juniper Staked 5 gal $55 on order Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese Garden JuniperDwarf Japanese Garden Juniper 3 gal $16 Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper StakedDwarf Japanese Garden Juniper Staked 5 gal $55 on order Juniperus procumbens ‘Green Mound’ Green Mound JuniperGreen Mound Juniper 3 gal $15 Juniperus procumbens ‘Green Mound’ Green Mound JuniperGreen Mound Juniper 3 gal $15 Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl' Grey Owl JuniperGrey Owl Juniper 3 gal $15 on order Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl' Grey Owl JuniperGrey Owl Juniper 3 gal $15 on order Ligustrum japonicum Waxleaf Ligustrum ***sale***Waxleaf Ligustrum ***sale*** 1 gal $5 on order Ligustrum japonicum Waxleaf Ligustrum ***sale***Waxleaf Ligustrum ***sale*** 1 gal $5 on order Ligustrum japonicum 'Howardi' Golden Wax Leaf LigustrumGolden Wax Leaf Ligustrum 3 gal $15 Ligustrum japonicum 'Howardi' Golden Wax Leaf LigustrumGolden Wax Leaf Ligustrum 7 gal $42.50 on order Ligustrum japonicum 'Howardi' Golden Wax Leaf LigustrumGolden Wax Leaf Ligustrum 3 gal $15 Ligustrum japonicum 'Howardi' Golden Wax Leaf LigustrumGolden Wax Leaf Ligustrum 7 gal $42.50 on order Ligustrum japonicum 'Jack Frost' Variegated Waxleaf Ligustrum ***sale***Variegated Waxleaf Ligustrum ***sale*** 3 gal $12.50 2/$20 Ligustrum japonicum 'Jack Frost' Variegated Waxleaf Ligustrum ***sale***Variegated Waxleaf Ligustrum ***sale*** 3 gal $12.50 2/$20 Ligustrum japonicum 'Recurvifolium' Curly Wax Leaf LigustrumCurly Wax Leaf Ligustrum 3 gal $13.25 Ligustrum japonicum 'Recurvifolium' Curly Wax Leaf LigustrumCurly Wax Leaf Ligustrum 7 gal $42.50 Ligustrum japonicum 'Recurvifolium' Curly Wax Leaf LigustrumCurly Wax Leaf Ligustrum 3 gal $13.25 Ligustrum japonicum 'Recurvifolium' Curly Wax Leaf LigustrumCurly Wax Leaf Ligustrum 7 gal $42.50 Ligustrum sinense 'Sunshine' PP20380 Sunshine LigustrumSunshine Ligustrum 3 gal $21 Ligustrum sinense 'Sunshine' PP20380 Sunshine LigustrumSunshine Ligustrum 3 gal $21 Loropetalum chinense 'CANRL01' Ever Red Mini Fringe FlowerEver Red Mini Fringe Flower 2 gal $22.50 Loropetalum chinense 'CANRL01' Ever Red Mini Fringe FlowerEver Red Mini Fringe Flower 2 gal $22.50 Loropetalum chinense 'Carolina Midnight' Carolina Midnight LoropetalumCarolina Midnight Loropetalum 3 gal $16 on order Loropetalum chinense 'Carolina Midnight' Carolina Midnight LoropetalumCarolina Midnight Loropetalum 3 gal $16 on order Loropetalum chinense 'Chang Nian Hong' Ever Red® Fringe FlowerEver Red® Fringe Flower 1 gal $5 Loropetalum chinense 'Chang Nian Hong' Ever Red® Fringe FlowerEver Red® Fringe Flower 3 gal $14 Loropetalum chinense 'Chang Nian Hong' Ever Red® Fringe FlowerEver Red® Fringe Flower 1 gal $5 Loropetalum chinense 'Chang Nian Hong' Ever Red® Fringe FlowerEver Red® Fringe Flower 3 gal $14 Loropetalum chinense 'KURENAI DAIOU' PP27748 Jazz Hands Bold® Pink Chinese Fringe FlowerJazz Hands Bold® Pink Chinese Fringe Flower 2 gal $24 on order Loropetalum chinense 'KURENAI DAIOU' PP27748 Jazz Hands Bold® Pink Chinese Fringe FlowerJazz Hands Bold® Pink Chinese Fringe Flower 2 gal $24 on order Loropetalum chinense 'Peack' PP18440 Purple Pixie® Dwarf Weeping LoropetalumPurple Pixie® Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum 1 gal $14.50 on order Loropetalum chinense 'Peack' PP18440 Purple Pixie® Dwarf Weeping LoropetalumPurple Pixie® Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum 1 gal $14.50 on order Loropetalum chinense 'Peack' PP18441 Purple Pixie® Dwarf Weeping LoropetalumPurple Pixie® Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum 3 gal $26 on order Loropetalum chinense 'Peack' PP18441 Purple Pixie® Dwarf Weeping LoropetalumPurple Pixie® Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum 3 gal $26 on order Loropetalum chinense 'Shang-hi' PP18331 Purple Diamond® Semi-dwarf LoropetalumPurple Diamond® Semi-dwarf Loropetalum 3 gal $25 Loropetalum chinense 'Shang-hi' PP18331 Purple Diamond® Semi-dwarf LoropetalumPurple Diamond® Semi-dwarf Loropetalum 3 gal $25 Loropetalum chinense 'Shang-Red' Red Diamond™ Midsize LoropetalumRed Diamond™ Midsize Loropetalum 3 gal $25 Loropetalum chinense 'Shang-Red' Red Diamond™ Midsize LoropetalumRed Diamond™ Midsize Loropetalum 3 gal $25 Loropetalum chinense 'Shang-white' PP21738 Emerald Snow® Fringe FlowerEmerald Snow® Fringe Flower 3 gal $24 Loropetalum chinense 'Shang-white' PP21738 Emerald Snow® Fringe FlowerEmerald Snow® Fringe Flower 3 gal $24 Loropetalum chinense rub. 'Ruby' Ruby Chinese Fringe Flower ***sale***Ruby Chinese Fringe Flower ***sale*** 1 gal $5 3/$10 Loropetalum chinense rub. 'Ruby' Ruby Chinese Fringe Flower ***sale***Ruby Chinese Fringe Flower ***sale*** 3 gal $12.50 2/$20 Loropetalum chinense rub. 'Ruby' Ruby Chinese Fringe Flower ***sale***Ruby Chinese Fringe Flower ***sale*** 1 gal $5 3/$10 Loropetalum chinense rub. 'Ruby' Ruby Chinese Fringe Flower ***sale***Ruby Chinese Fringe Flower ***sale*** 3 gal $12.50 2/$20 Loropetalum chinense 'Kurobijin' PP23176 Cerise Charm™ Fringe FlowerCerise Charm™ Fringe Flower 3 gal $22.50 Loropetalum chinense 'Kurobijin' PP23176 Cerise Charm™ Fringe FlowerCerise Charm™ Fringe Flower 3 gal $22.50 Loropetalum chinensis 'Crimson Fire' Crimson Fire Chinese Fringe FlowerCrimson Fire Chinese Fringe Flower 3 gal $28 Loropetalum chinensis 'Crimson Fire' Crimson Fire Chinese Fringe FlowerCrimson Fire Chinese Fringe Flower 3 gal $28 Loropetalum chinensis 'Daruma' Daruma Dwarf Fringe FlowerDaruma Dwarf Fringe Flower 1 gal $6 3/$15 Loropetalum chinensis 'Daruma' Daruma Dwarf Fringe FlowerDaruma Dwarf Fringe Flower 3 gal $14 Loropetalum chinensis 'Daruma' Daruma Dwarf Fringe FlowerDaruma Dwarf Fringe Flower 1 gal $6 3/$15 Loropetalum chinensis 'Daruma' Daruma Dwarf Fringe FlowerDaruma Dwarf Fringe Flower 3 gal $14 Loropetalum chinesis 'Kurenai' USPP 27750 Jazz Hands® Pink Chinese Fringe FlowerJazz Hands® Pink Chinese Fringe Flower 3 gal $32.50 Loropetalum chinesis 'Kurenai' USPP 27750 Jazz Hands® Pink Chinese Fringe FlowerJazz Hands® Pink Chinese Fringe Flower 3 gal $32.50 Loropetalum chinense 'Irodori' PP27713 Jazz Hands Variegated® Fringe FlowerJazz Hands Variegated® Fringe Flower 2 gal $32.50 Loropetalum chinense 'Irodori' PP27713 Jazz Hands Variegated® Fringe FlowerJazz Hands Variegated® Fringe Flower 2 gal $32.50 Magnolia figo h. 'Stellar Ruby' PP29778 Stellar Ruby MagnoliaStellar Ruby Magnolia 3 gal $24 on order Magnolia figo h. 'Stellar Ruby' PP29778 Stellar Ruby MagnoliaStellar Ruby Magnolia 3 gal $24 on order Mahonia eurybracteata 'Soft Caress' PP20183 Soft Caress Mahonia/ Grape HollySoft Caress Mahonia/ Grape Holly 3 gal $26 Mahonia eurybracteata 'Soft Caress' PP20183 Soft Caress Mahonia/ Grape HollySoft Caress Mahonia/ Grape Holly 3 gal $26 Myrica cerifera 'Don's Dwarf' Don's Dwarf Wax MyrtleDon's Dwarf Wax Myrtle 3 gal $20 Myrica cerifera 'Don's Dwarf' Don's Dwarf Wax MyrtleDon's Dwarf Wax Myrtle 3 gal $20 Myrica cerifera var. pumila Dwarf Wax Myrtle **nativeDwarf Wax Myrtle **native 7 gal $40 Myrica cerifera var. pumila Dwarf Wax Myrtle **nativeDwarf Wax Myrtle **native 7 gal $40 Nandina domestica 'Firepower' Dwarf Firepower NandinaDwarf Firepower Nandina 1 gal $7.50 on order Nandina domestica 'Firepower' Dwarf Firepower NandinaDwarf Firepower Nandina 3 gal $15 on order Nandina domestica 'Firepower' Dwarf Firepower NandinaDwarf Firepower Nandina 1 gal $7.50 on order Nandina domestica 'Firepower' Dwarf Firepower NandinaDwarf Firepower Nandina 3 gal $15 on order Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' Gulfstream NandinaGulfstream Nandina 1 gal $8 Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' Gulfstream NandinaGulfstream Nandina 3 gal $16 Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' Gulfstream NandinaGulfstream Nandina 1 gal $8 Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' Gulfstream NandinaGulfstream Nandina 3 gal $16 Nandina domestica 'Lemon Lime' PP24749 Lemon Lime NandinaLemon Lime Nandina 1 gal $12.50 Nandina domestica 'Lemon Lime' PP24749 Lemon Lime NandinaLemon Lime Nandina 1 gal $12.50 Nandina domestica ‘Blush Pink’ Blush Pink NandinaBlush Pink Nandina 2 gal $22.50 Nandina domestica ‘Blush Pink’ Blush Pink NandinaBlush Pink Nandina 2 gal $22.50 Nandina domestica ‘Seika' PP21891 Obsession™ NandinaObsession™ Nandina 2 gal $22.50 Nandina domestica ‘Seika' PP21891 Obsession™ NandinaObsession™ Nandina 2 gal $22.50 Osmanthus fortunei Fortune's OsmanthusFortune's Osmanthus 3 gal $15 on order Osmanthus fortunei Fortune's OsmanthusFortune's Osmanthus 3 gal $15 on order Osmanthus fragrans Sweet Tea OliveSweet Tea Olive 1 gal $10 on order Osmanthus fragrans Sweet Tea OliveSweet Tea Olive 3 gal $15 on order Osmanthus fragrans Sweet Tea OliveSweet Tea Olive 7 gal $48 on order Osmanthus fragrans Sweet Tea OliveSweet Tea Olive 1 gal $10 on order Osmanthus fragrans Sweet Tea OliveSweet Tea Olive 3 gal $15 on order Osmanthus fragrans Sweet Tea OliveSweet Tea Olive 7 gal $48 on order Osmanthus fragrans 'Apricot Echo' Apricot Echo Tea OliveApricot Echo Tea Olive 3 gal $18 Osmanthus fragrans 'Apricot Echo' Apricot Echo Tea OliveApricot Echo Tea Olive 3 gal $18 Osmanthus fragrans 'Fudingzhu' Pearls on Buddha's Head Tea OlivePearls on Buddha's Head Tea Olive 1 gal $8 on order Osmanthus fragrans 'Fudingzhu' Pearls on Buddha's Head Tea OlivePearls on Buddha's Head Tea Olive 1 gal $8 on order Osmanthus fragrans aurantiacus Orange Frangrant Tea OliveOrange Frangrant Tea Olive 1 qt $4 on order Osmanthus fragrans aurantiacus Orange Frangrant Tea OliveOrange Frangrant Tea Olive 3 gal $18 on order Osmanthus fragrans aurantiacus Orange Frangrant Tea OliveOrange Frangrant Tea Olive 1 qt $4 on order Osmanthus fragrans aurantiacus Orange Frangrant Tea OliveOrange Frangrant Tea Olive 3 gal $18 on order Osmanthus heter. Goshiki Variegated Tea OliveVariegated Tea Olive 1 gal $8 Osmanthus heter. Goshiki Variegated Tea OliveVariegated Tea Olive 2.5 gal $18 on order Osmanthus heter. Goshiki Variegated Tea OliveVariegated Tea Olive 1 gal $8 Osmanthus heter. Goshiki Variegated Tea OliveVariegated Tea Olive 2.5 gal $18 on order Pieris japonica ‘Planow’ Mountain Snow™ PierisMountain Snow™ Pieris 3 gal $27 on order Pieris japonica ‘Planow’ Mountain Snow™ PierisMountain Snow™ Pieris 3 gal $27 on order Pittosporum t. 'CNI Three' PP16188 Mojo® PittosporumMojo® Pittosporum 3 gal $29 Pittosporum t. 'CNI Three' PP16188 Mojo® PittosporumMojo® Pittosporum 3 gal $29 Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata' Variegated Mock OrangeVariegated Mock Orange 3 gal $12.50 2/$20 Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata' Variegated Mock OrangeVariegated Mock Orange 3 gal $12.50 2/$20 Podocarpus macrophyllus Fern Pine SpiralFern Pine Spiral 15 gal $170 Podocarpus macrophyllus Japanese YewJapanese Yew 7 gal $45 Podocarpus macrophyllus Japanese YewJapanese Yew 15 gal $95 on order Podocarpus macrophyllus Fern Pine SpiralFern Pine Spiral 15 gal $170 Podocarpus macrophyllus Japanese YewJapanese Yew 7 gal $45 Podocarpus macrophyllus Japanese YewJapanese Yew 15 gal $95 on order Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Meta' Meta Fern Pine Patio TreeMeta Fern Pine Patio Tree 7 gal $80 Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Meta' Meta Fern Pine Patio TreeMeta Fern Pine Patio Tree 7 gal $80 Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Sosa' PP28583 Mood Ring® Podocarpus/Fern PineMood Ring® Podocarpus/Fern Pine 1 gal $14 Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Sosa' PP28583 Mood Ring® Podocarpus/Fern PineMood Ring® Podocarpus/Fern Pine 1 gal $14 Podocarpus macropyllus ‘Maki’ Maki Fern PineMaki Fern Pine 7 gal $45 Podocarpus macropyllus ‘Maki’ Maki Fern PineMaki Fern Pine 7 gal $45 Pyracantha x 'Mohave' Mohave Firethorn ShrubMohave Firethorn Shrub 3 gal $20 on order Pyracantha x 'Mohave' Mohave Firethorn ShrubMohave Firethorn Shrub 3 gal $20 on order Rhaphiolepis indica 'Alba' White Indian HawthorneWhite Indian Hawthorne 3 gal $12.50 on order Rhaphiolepis indica 'Alba' White Indian HawthorneWhite Indian Hawthorne 3 gal $12.50 on order Rhaphiolepis indica 'Conor' Eleanor Taber™ Indian HawthornEleanor Taber™ Indian Hawthorn 3 gal $18 on order Rhaphiolepis indica 'Conor' Eleanor Taber™ Indian HawthornEleanor Taber™ Indian Hawthorn 3 gal $18 on order Rhaphiolepis indica 'Snow White' Snow White Indian HawthorneSnow White Indian Hawthorne 3 gal $12.50 on order Rhaphiolepis indica 'Snow White' Snow White Indian HawthorneSnow White Indian Hawthorne 3 gal $12.50 on order Rhapiolepis Hybrid 'DB-01' PP32786 Clean Sweep™ Snowbank™ Indian HawthornClean Sweep™ Snowbank™ Indian Hawthorn 3 gal $21 Rhapiolepis Hybrid 'DB-01' PP32786 Clean Sweep™ Snowbank™ Indian HawthornClean Sweep™ Snowbank™ Indian Hawthorn 3 gal $21 Rhododendorn 'Admiral Semmes' Admiral Semmes Fragrant Native AzaleaAdmiral Semmes Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 on order Rhododendorn 'Admiral Semmes' Admiral Semmes Fragrant Native AzaleaAdmiral Semmes Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 on order Rhododendron 'Canary Isles' Canary Isles Native Azalea/RhododendronCanary Isles Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Canary Isles' Canary Isles Native Azalea/RhododendronCanary Isles Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Catawbiense Album' White Catawba RhododendronWhite Catawba Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'Catawbiense Album' White Catawba RhododendronWhite Catawba Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'Chionoides' Chionoides RhododendronChionoides Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron 'Chionoides' Chionoides RhododendronChionoides Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron 'Chocolate Drop' Chocolate Drop Native Fragrant AzaleaChocolate Drop Native Fragrant Azalea 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Chocolate Drop' Chocolate Drop Native Fragrant AzaleaChocolate Drop Native Fragrant Azalea 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Clear Creek' Clear Creek Native Azalea/RhododendronClear Creek Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Clear Creek' Clear Creek Native Azalea/RhododendronClear Creek Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Clowning Around' Orange Fragrant Native AzaleaOrange Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Clowning Around' Orange Fragrant Native AzaleaOrange Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Dancing Rabbits' Dancing Rabbits Native Azalea/RhododendronDancing Rabbits Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Dancing Rabbits' Dancing Rabbits Native Azalea/RhododendronDancing Rabbits Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Frederick Douglas' Soft Pink Blush w/Ylw Fragrant Native AzaleaSoft Pink Blush w/Ylw Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Frederick Douglas' Soft Pink Blush w/Ylw Fragrant Native AzaleaSoft Pink Blush w/Ylw Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Holden's Solar Flair' Holden's™ Solar Flare RhododendronHolden's™ Solar Flare Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'Holden's Solar Flair' Holden's™ Solar Flare RhododendronHolden's™ Solar Flare Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'HoldenRhodo201 PP33594 Holden's™ Pink Flair RhododendronHolden's™ Pink Flair Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'HoldenRhodo201 PP33594 Holden's™ Pink Flair RhododendronHolden's™ Pink Flair Rhododendron 2 gal $35 Rhododendron 'HoldenRhodo201 PP33594 Holden's™ Pink Flair RhododendronHolden's™ Pink Flair Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'HoldenRhodo201 PP33594 Holden's™ Pink Flair RhododendronHolden's™ Pink Flair Rhododendron 2 gal $35 Rhododendron 'HoldenRhodo211' PP34628 Holden's™ Pink RhododendronHolden's™ Pink Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'HoldenRhodo211' PP34628 Holden's™ Pink RhododendronHolden's™ Pink Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'HoldenRhodo213' PP34540 Holden's™ Peach RhododendronHolden's™ Peach Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'HoldenRhodo213' PP34540 Holden's™ Peach RhododendronHolden's™ Peach Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'Jackpot' Orange Fragrant Native AzaleaOrange Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Jackpot' Orange Fragrant Native AzaleaOrange Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Jeb Stuart' Pink w/ Yellow Fragrant Native AzaleaPink w/ Yellow Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Jeb Stuart' Pink w/ Yellow Fragrant Native AzaleaPink w/ Yellow Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Lafayette Acre' Orange Fragrant Native AzaleaOrange Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Lafayette Acre' Orange Fragrant Native AzaleaOrange Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Marydel' Marydel Native Azalea/RhododendronMarydel Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 on order Rhododendron 'Marydel' Marydel Native Azalea/RhododendronMarydel Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 on order Rhododendron 'Pat Ryan' Pat Ryan Native Azalea/RhododendronPat Ryan Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Pat Ryan' Pat Ryan Native Azalea/RhododendronPat Ryan Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Purple Passion' Purple Passion RhododendronPurple Passion Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron 'Purple Passion' Purple Passion RhododendronPurple Passion Rhododendron 3 gal $45 Rhododendron 'Purple Passion' Purple Passion RhododendronPurple Passion Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron 'Purple Passion' Purple Passion RhododendronPurple Passion Rhododendron 3 gal $45 Rhododendron 'Roseum Pink' Roseum Pink RhododendronRoseum Pink Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron 'Roseum Pink' Roseum Pink RhododendronRoseum Pink Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron 'Stonewall Jackson' Orange Fragrant Native AzaleaOrange Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Stonewall Jackson' Orange Fragrant Native AzaleaOrange Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Boursalt' Boursalt Catawba RhododendronBoursalt Catawba Rhododendron 1 gal $14 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Boursalt' Boursalt Catawba RhododendronBoursalt Catawba Rhododendron 1 gal $14 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Grandiflorum' Catawba RhododendronCatawba Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Grandiflorum' Catawba RhododendronCatawba Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Purpureum Elegans' Purpureum Elegans RhododendronPurpureum Elegans Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Purpureum Elegans' Purpureum Elegans RhododendronPurpureum Elegans Rhododendron 2 gal $35 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Purpureum Elegans' Purpureum Elegans RhododendronPurpureum Elegans Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Purpureum Elegans' Purpureum Elegans RhododendronPurpureum Elegans Rhododendron 2 gal $35 Rhododendron hybrid 'GREARV' Abbey's Re-View® RhododendronAbbey's Re-View® Rhododendron 3 gal $29 Rhododendron hybrid 'GREARV' Abbey's Re-View® RhododendronAbbey's Re-View® Rhododendron 3 gal $29 Rhododendron x 'Nova Zembla' Nova Zembla RhododendronNova Zembla Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron x 'Nova Zembla' Nova Zembla RhododendronNova Zembla Rhododendron 3 gal $45 Rhododendron x 'Nova Zembla' Nova Zembla RhododendronNova Zembla Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron x 'Nova Zembla' Nova Zembla RhododendronNova Zembla Rhododendron 3 gal $45 Rhododendron x 'P.J.M.' P.J.M. RhododendronP.J.M. Rhododendron 3 gal $45 on order Rhododendron x 'P.J.M.' P.J.M. RhododendronP.J.M. Rhododendron 3 gal $45 on order Rhododendron yakushimanum 'Percy Wiseman' Percy Wiseman RhododendronPercy Wiseman Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron yakushimanum 'Percy Wiseman' Percy Wiseman RhododendronPercy Wiseman Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rosa 'Meigekanu' PP6384 Sevillana® RoseSevillana® Rose 2 gal $20 Rosa 'Meigekanu' PP6384 Sevillana® RoseSevillana® Rose 2 gal $20 Rosa 'Meiggili' PP18542 Peach Drift® Rose TopiaryPeach Drift® Rose Topiary 5 gal $65 Rosa 'Meiggili' PP18542 Peach Drift® Rose TopiaryPeach Drift® Rose Topiary 5 gal $65 Rosa 'Meisentmil' PP20635 Lemon Drift® RoseLemon Drift® Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa 'Meisentmil' PP20635 Lemon Drift® RoseLemon Drift® Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa 'Meiswetdom' PP21611 Sweet Drift® RoseSweet Drift® Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa 'Meiswetdom' PP21611 Sweet Drift® RoseSweet Drift® Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa 'Meiswetdom' PP21612 Sweet Drift® Rose TopiarySweet Drift® Rose Topiary 5 gal $65 Rosa 'Meiswetdom' PP21612 Sweet Drift® Rose TopiarySweet Drift® Rose Topiary 5 gal $65 Rosa 'Meizorland' PP28054 White Drift® RoseWhite Drift® Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa 'Meizorland' PP28054 White Drift® RoseWhite Drift® Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa 'Radsunny’ PP18562 Sunny Knock Out® RoseSunny Knock Out® Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa 'Radsunny’ PP18562 Sunny Knock Out® RoseSunny Knock Out® Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa 'WEKvosstuno' PP18473 Julia Child® RoseJulia Child® Rose 3 gal $26 on order Rosa 'WEKvosstuno' PP18473 Julia Child® RoseJulia Child® Rose 3 gal $26 on order Rosa Meitonje' Sweet Sunblaze® RoseSweet Sunblaze® Rose 2 gal $22.50 on order Rosa Meitonje' Sweet Sunblaze® RoseSweet Sunblaze® Rose 2 gal $22.50 on order Rosa x 'Radsunny' PP18562 Knock Out® Sunny RoseKnock Out® Sunny Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa x 'Radsunny' PP18562 Knock Out® Sunny RoseKnock Out® Sunny Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa ‘Meibenbino’ PP30811 Knock Out® Petite RoseKnock Out® Petite Rose 1.5 gal $16 Rosa ‘Meibenbino’ PP30811 Knock Out® Petite RoseKnock Out® Petite Rose 1.5 gal $16 Rosa ‘Radral’ PP19803 Knock Out® Coral RoseKnock Out® Coral Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa ‘Radral’ PP19803 Knock Out® Coral RoseKnock Out® Coral Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa ‘Radslam’ PP35826 Orange Glow™ Knock Out® RoseOrange Glow™ Knock Out® Rose 3 gal $25 Rosa ‘Radslam’ PP35826 Orange Glow™ Knock Out® RoseOrange Glow™ Knock Out® Rose 3 gal $25 Rosa ‘Radtko' PP16202 Double Knock Out® RoseDouble Knock Out® Rose 3 gal $22.50 Rosa ‘Radtko' PP16202 Double Knock Out® RoseDouble Knock Out® Rose 3 gal $22.50 Rosa ‘Radtkopink’ PP18507 Knock Out® Double Pink RoseKnock Out® Double Pink Rose 1 gal $13.50 Rosa ‘Radtkopink’ PP18507 Knock Out® Double Pink RoseKnock Out® Double Pink Rose 1 gal $13.50 Rosa ‘Radtko’ PP16202 Knock Out® Double Red RoseKnock Out® Double Red Rose 1 gal $13.50 Rosa ‘Radtko’ PP16202 Knock Out® Double Red RoseKnock Out® Double Red Rose 1 gal $13.50 Rosa ‘Radtko’ PP16203 Knock Out® Double Red RoseKnock Out® Double Red Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa ‘Radtko’ PP16203 Knock Out® Double Red RoseKnock Out® Double Red Rose 2 gal $22.50 Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' Dappled WillowDappled Willow 3 gal $28.50 Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' Dappled WillowDappled Willow 3 gal $28.50 Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis Himalayan Sweet BoxHimalayan Sweet Box 1 gal $17 on order Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis Himalayan Sweet BoxHimalayan Sweet Box 1 gal $17 on order Sarcococca ruscifolia Fragrant Sweet BoxFragrant Sweet Box 1 gal $17 Sarcococca ruscifolia Fragrant Sweet BoxFragrant Sweet Box 1 gal $17 Spiraea cantonensis ‘Reeves’ Reeve's Double SpireaReeve's Double Spirea 3 gal $15 on order Spiraea cantonensis ‘Reeves’ Reeve's Double SpireaReeve's Double Spirea 3 gal $15 on order Spiraea japonica 'Golden Select' USPPAF Pineapple Poprocks® SpireaPineapple Poprocks® Spirea 3 gal $26 on order Spiraea japonica 'Golden Select' USPPAF Pineapple Poprocks® SpireaPineapple Poprocks® Spirea 3 gal $26 on order Spiraea japonica 'NCSX1' PP28313 Double Play® Candy Corn® - SpireaDouble Play® Candy Corn® - Spirea 2 gal $26 on order Spiraea japonica 'NCSX1' PP28313 Double Play® Candy Corn® - SpireaDouble Play® Candy Corn® - Spirea 2 gal $26 on order Spiraea x 'SMNSJSA' PP35032 Double Play® Dolly® SpireaDouble Play® Dolly® Spirea 2 gal $26 Spiraea x 'SMNSJSA' PP35032 Double Play® Dolly® SpireaDouble Play® Dolly® Spirea 2 gal $26 Syringa pubescens subsp. patula 'Miss Kim Miss Kim Korean LilacMiss Kim Korean Lilac 1 gal $15 Syringa pubescens subsp. patula 'Miss Kim Miss Kim Korean LilacMiss Kim Korean Lilac 1 gal $15 Syringa x 'SMSJBP7' PP26549 Bloomerang® Dark Purple Reblooming LilacBloomerang® Dark Purple Reblooming Lilac 2 gal $28 on order Syringa x 'SMSJBP7' PP26549 Bloomerang® Dark Purple Reblooming LilacBloomerang® Dark Purple Reblooming Lilac 2 gal $28 on order Ternstroemia gymnanthera Japanese CleyeraJapanese Cleyera 3 gal $15 Ternstroemia gymnanthera Japanese CleyeraJapanese Cleyera 7 gal $45 Ternstroemia gymnanthera Japanese CleyeraJapanese Cleyera 3 gal $15 Ternstroemia gymnanthera Japanese CleyeraJapanese Cleyera 7 gal $45 Ternstroemia gymnanthera 'Contherann' PP11737 LeAnn™ CleyeraLeAnn™ Cleyera 3 gal $21 Ternstroemia gymnanthera 'Contherann' PP11737 LeAnn™ CleyeraLeAnn™ Cleyera 3 gal $21 Ternstroemia gymnanthera 'Conthery' PP11735 Bronze Beauty™ CleyeraBronze Beauty™ Cleyera 3 gal $21 Ternstroemia gymnanthera 'Conthery' PP11735 Bronze Beauty™ CleyeraBronze Beauty™ Cleyera 3 gal $21 Ternstroemia gymnanthera 'Sotall' Bigfoot™ CleyeraBigfoot™ Cleyera 3 gal $21 Ternstroemia gymnanthera 'Sotall' Bigfoot™ CleyeraBigfoot™ Cleyera 3 gal $21 Thuja occidentalis 'Bobazam' Mr. Bowling Ball® ArborvitaeMr. Bowling Ball® Arborvitae 2 gal $24 Thuja occidentalis 'Bobazam' Mr. Bowling Ball® ArborvitaeMr. Bowling Ball® Arborvitae 3 gal $28 Thuja occidentalis 'Bobazam' Mr. Bowling Ball® ArborvitaeMr. Bowling Ball® Arborvitae 2 gal $24 Thuja occidentalis 'Bobazam' Mr. Bowling Ball® ArborvitaeMr. Bowling Ball® Arborvitae 3 gal $28 Thuja occidentalis 'Congabe' PP19009 Fire Chief™ ArborvitaeFire Chief™ Arborvitae 2 gal $24 Thuja occidentalis 'Congabe' PP19009 Fire Chief™ ArborvitaeFire Chief™ Arborvitae 2 gal $24 Thuja occidentalis 'Congabe' PP19010 Fire Chief™ ArborvitaeFire Chief™ Arborvitae 3 gal $24 Thuja occidentalis 'Congabe' PP19010 Fire Chief™ ArborvitaeFire Chief™ Arborvitae 3 gal $24 Thuja occidentalis 'Lemon Burst' Lemon Burst™ ArborvitaeLemon Burst™ Arborvitae 2 gal $20 Thuja occidentalis 'Lemon Burst' Lemon Burst™ ArborvitaeLemon Burst™ Arborvitae 2 gal $20 Thuja occidentalis 'RUTTHU5' PP35180 Tall Guy® ArborvitaeTall Guy® Arborvitae 3 gal $27 Thuja occidentalis 'RUTTHU5' PP35180 Tall Guy® ArborvitaeTall Guy® Arborvitae 3 gal $27 Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Green ArborvitaeEmerald Green Arborvitae 3 gal $22.50 Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Green ArborvitaeEmerald Green Arborvitae 5 gal $58 Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Green ArborvitaeEmerald Green Arborvitae 7 gal $115 on order Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Green ArborvitaeEmerald Green Arborvitae 3 gal $22.50 Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Green ArborvitaeEmerald Green Arborvitae 5 gal $58 Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Green ArborvitaeEmerald Green Arborvitae 7 gal $115 on order Thuja occidentalis 'SMNTOBAB' PP30761 Tater Tot® ArborviateTater Tot® Arborviate 3 gal $28 Thuja occidentalis 'SMNTOBAB' PP30761 Tater Tot® ArborviateTater Tot® Arborviate 3 gal $28 Thuja occidentalis 'SMTOTM' PP25672 Full Speed A Hedge® Thin Man® ArborvitaeFull Speed A Hedge® Thin Man® Arborvitae 3 gal $22.50 Thuja occidentalis 'SMTOTM' PP25672 Full Speed A Hedge® Thin Man® ArborvitaeFull Speed A Hedge® Thin Man® Arborvitae 3 gal $22.50 Thuja occidentalis ‘American Pillar’ PP20209 Full Speed A Hedge® American Pillar ArborvitaeFull Speed A Hedge® American Pillar Arborvitae 3 gal $25 Thuja occidentalis ‘American Pillar’ PP20209 Full Speed A Hedge® American Pillar ArborvitaeFull Speed A Hedge® American Pillar Arborvitae 3 gal $25 Thuja occidentalis ‘Janed Gold’ PP21967 Highlights® ArborvitaeHighlights® Arborvitae 3 gal $28 Thuja occidentalis ‘Janed Gold’ PP21967 Highlights® ArborvitaeHighlights® Arborvitae 3 gal $28 Thuja occidentalis ‘Planet Earth’ Planet Earth ArborvitaePlanet Earth Arborvitae 2 gal $21 Thuja occidentalis ‘Planet Earth’ Planet Earth ArborvitaePlanet Earth Arborvitae 2 gal $21 Thuja occidentalis 'Art Boe' PP22174 North Pole® ArborvitaeNorth Pole® Arborvitae 3 gal $29 Thuja occidentalis 'Art Boe' PP22174 North Pole® ArborvitaeNorth Pole® Arborvitae 3 gal $29 Thuja plicata 'De Rakt' Sugar and Spice™ ArborviateSugar and Spice™ Arborviate 3 gal $22.50 Thuja plicata 'De Rakt' Sugar and Spice™ ArborviateSugar and Spice™ Arborviate 3 gal $22.50 Viburnum awabuki 'Chindo' Chindo ViburnumChindo Viburnum 3 gal $12.50 on order Viburnum awabuki 'Chindo' Chindo ViburnumChindo Viburnum 3 gal $12.50 on order Viburnum dentatum 'Christom' Blue Muffin® Arrowwood ViburnumBlue Muffin® Arrowwood Viburnum 2 gal $25 Viburnum dentatum 'Christom' Blue Muffin® Arrowwood ViburnumBlue Muffin® Arrowwood Viburnum 2 gal $25 Viburnum macrosepalum sterile Chinese Snowball BushChinese Snowball Bush 3 gal $22.50 Viburnum macrosepalum sterile Chinese Snowball BushChinese Snowball Bush 3 gal $22.50 Viburnum odoratissimum Sweet ViburnumSweet Viburnum 15 gal $95 Viburnum odoratissimum Sweet ViburnumSweet Viburnum 15 gal $95 Viburnum odoratissimum 'BRANT01' PP30449 Coppertop™ Sweet ViburnumCoppertop™ Sweet Viburnum 3 gal $24 Viburnum odoratissimum 'BRANT01' PP30449 Coppertop™ Sweet ViburnumCoppertop™ Sweet Viburnum 3 gal $24 Viburnum odoratissimum 'BRANT01' PP30450 Coppertop™ Sweet ViburnumCoppertop™ Sweet Viburnum 7 gal $55 Viburnum odoratissimum 'BRANT01' PP30450 Coppertop™ Sweet ViburnumCoppertop™ Sweet Viburnum 7 gal $55 Viburnum plicatum f. plicatum 'Popcorn' Popcorn Japanese SnowballPopcorn Japanese Snowball 3 gal $15 on order Viburnum plicatum f. plicatum 'Popcorn' Popcorn Japanese SnowballPopcorn Japanese Snowball 3 gal $15 on order Viburnum x 'Moonlit Lace' Moonlit Lace ViburnumMoonlit Lace Viburnum 3 gal $20 Viburnum x 'Moonlit Lace' Moonlit Lace ViburnumMoonlit Lace Viburnum 3 gal $20 Weigela x 'Slingco 2' USPP26841 Maroon Swoon® WeigelaMaroon Swoon® Weigela 2 gal $26 Weigela x 'Slingco 2' USPP26841 Maroon Swoon® WeigelaMaroon Swoon® Weigela 2 gal $26 Weigela x ‘Spring 2‘ PP30185 Stunner® WeigelaStunner® Weigela 2 gal $26 Weigela x ‘Spring 2‘ PP30185 Stunner® WeigelaStunner® Weigela 2 gal $26 Weigela x ‘ZR1‘ PP30065 Electric Love® WeigelaElectric Love® Weigela 2 gal $26 on order Weigela x ‘ZR1‘ PP30065 Electric Love® WeigelaElectric Love® Weigela 2 gal $26 on order Yucca 'Color Guard' Color Guard YuccaColor Guard Yucca 3 gal $18 on order Yucca 'Color Guard' Color Guard YuccaColor Guard Yucca 3 gal $18 on order VinesBOTANICAL/COMMON NAME COMMON NAME SIZE RETAIL SPECIAL Akebia quinata Chocolate VineChocolate Vine 1 gal $7 on order Akebia quinata Chocolate VineChocolate Vine 1 gal $7 on order Bignonia capreolata 'Shalimar Red' Shalimar Red Cross VineShalimar Red Cross Vine 3 gal $27 Bignonia capreolata 'Shalimar Red' Shalimar Red Cross VineShalimar Red Cross Vine 3 gal $27 Bignonia capreolata 'Tangerine Beauty' Tangerine Beauty Cross VineTangerine Beauty Cross Vine 3 gal $27 Bignonia capreolata 'Tangerine Beauty' Tangerine Beauty Cross VineTangerine Beauty Cross Vine 3 gal $27 Clematis armandi Armand Evergreen ClematisArmand Evergreen Clematis 1 gal $18 2/$30 Clematis armandi Armand Evergreen ClematisArmand Evergreen Clematis 1 gal $18 2/$30 Euonymus fortunei coloratus Purple Leaf WintercreeperPurple Leaf Wintercreeper 2.5 qt $6 on order Euonymus fortunei coloratus Purple Leaf WintercreeperPurple Leaf Wintercreeper 2.5 qt $6 on order Gelsemium rankinii & Gelsemium sempervirens Echo® Jasmine Duet® JessamineEcho® Jasmine Duet® Jessamine 2 gal $21 Gelsemium rankinii & Gelsemium sempervirens Echo® Jasmine Duet® JessamineEcho® Jasmine Duet® Jessamine 2 gal $21 Gelsemium sempervirens Carolina Jessamine -stakedCarolina Jessamine -staked 1 gal $7 Gelsemium sempervirens Carolina Jessamine -stakedCarolina Jessamine -staked 1 gal $7 Hedera helix English Ivy *round potEnglish Ivy *round pot 4 in $3.25 on order Hedera helix English IvyEnglish Ivy 6 in $12.50 Hedera helix English Ivy *round potEnglish Ivy *round pot 4 in $3.25 on order Hedera helix English IvyEnglish Ivy 6 in $12.50 Hedera helix 'Anne Marie' Anne Marie IvyAnne Marie Ivy 4pk $8 on order Hedera helix 'Anne Marie' Anne Marie IvyAnne Marie Ivy 4pk $8 on order Hedera helix 'Glacier' Glacier IvyGlacier Ivy 3.5 in $2.75 Hedera helix 'Glacier' Glacier Ivy *round potGlacier Ivy *round pot 4 in $3.25 Hedera helix 'Glacier' Glacier IvyGlacier Ivy 3.5 in $2.75 Hedera helix 'Glacier' Glacier Ivy *round potGlacier Ivy *round pot 4 in $3.25 Hedera helix 'Goldchild' Goldchild Ivy *square potGoldchild Ivy *square pot 4 in $2.50 5/$10 Hedera helix 'Goldchild' Goldchild Ivy *round potGoldchild Ivy *round pot 4 in $3.25 Hedera helix 'Goldchild' Goldchild Ivy *square potGoldchild Ivy *square pot 4 in $2.50 5/$10 Hedera helix 'Goldchild' Goldchild Ivy *round potGoldchild Ivy *round pot 4 in $3.25 Rosa 'New Dawn' New Dawn RoseNew Dawn Rose 5 gal $38 Rosa 'New Dawn' New Dawn RoseNew Dawn Rose 5 gal $38 Rosa banksiae 'Alba Plena' White Lady Banks Climbing RoseWhite Lady Banks Climbing Rose 5 gal $38 Rosa banksiae 'Alba Plena' White Lady Banks Climbing RoseWhite Lady Banks Climbing Rose 5 gal $38 Rosa banksiae ‘Lutea’ Yellow Lady Banks RoseYellow Lady Banks Rose 2 gal $27 on order Rosa banksiae ‘Lutea’ Yellow Lady Banks RoseYellow Lady Banks Rose 2 gal $27 on order Rose sp. Climbing Rose w/ TrellisClimbing Rose w/ Trellis 3 gal $21 Rose sp. Climbing Rose w/ TrellisClimbing Rose w/ Trellis 3 gal $21 Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Minsnow3' PP31720 Flirty Girl® False HydrangeaFlirty Girl® False Hydrangea 3 gal $45 Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Minsnow3' PP31720 Flirty Girl® False HydrangeaFlirty Girl® False Hydrangea 3 gal $45 Trachelospermum jasminoides Confederate/ Star Jasmine stakedConfederate/ Star Jasmine staked 1 gal $7 on order Trachelospermum jasminoides Confederate/ Star Jasmine stakedConfederate/ Star Jasmine staked 3 gal $15 on order Trachelospermum jasminoides Confederate/ Star Jasmine stakedConfederate/ Star Jasmine staked 1 gal $7 on order Trachelospermum jasminoides Confederate/ Star Jasmine stakedConfederate/ Star Jasmine staked 3 gal $15 on order Trachelospermum jasminoides ‘Madison’ Large leaf Star/ Confederate JasmineLarge leaf Star/ Confederate Jasmine 2 gal $22.50 Trachelospermum jasminoides ‘Madison’ Large leaf Star/ Confederate JasmineLarge leaf Star/ Confederate Jasmine 2 gal $22.50 Vinca minor 'Bowles' Bowle's Little Leaf PeriwinkleBowle's Little Leaf Periwinkle 4 in $2.50 5/$10 Vinca minor 'Bowles' Bowle's Little Leaf PeriwinkleBowle's Little Leaf Periwinkle 4pk $9 Vinca minor 'Bowles' Bowle's Little Leaf PeriwinkleBowle's Little Leaf Periwinkle 4 in $2.50 5/$10 Vinca minor 'Bowles' Bowle's Little Leaf PeriwinkleBowle's Little Leaf Periwinkle 4pk $9 Vinca minor 'Illumination' Illumination PeriwinkleIllumination Periwinkle 4 in $2.50 Vinca minor 'Illumination' Illumination PeriwinkleIllumination Periwinkle 5 in $4 Vinca minor 'Illumination' Illumination PeriwinkleIllumination Periwinkle 4 in $2.50 Vinca minor 'Illumination' Illumination PeriwinkleIllumination Periwinkle 5 in $4 Wisteria frutescens 'Amethyst Falls' Amethyst Falls America WisteriaAmethyst Falls America Wisteria 3 gal $18 Wisteria frutescens 'Amethyst Falls' Amethyst Falls America WisteriaAmethyst Falls America Wisteria 3 gal $18 TreesBOTANICAL/COMMON NAME COMMON NAME SIZE RETAIL SPECIAL Acer pal. 'Beni Maiko' Beni Maiko Japanese MapleBeni Maiko Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Beni Maiko' Beni Maiko Japanese MapleBeni Maiko Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Fireglow' Fireglow Japanese MapleFireglow Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Fireglow' Fireglow Japanese MapleFireglow Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Geisha Gone Wild' Geisha Gone Wild Japanese MapleGeisha Gone Wild Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Geisha Gone Wild' Geisha Gone Wild Japanese MapleGeisha Gone Wild Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Ilarian' Ilarian Japanese MapleIlarian Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Ilarian' Ilarian Japanese MapleIlarian Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Little Sango' Dwarf Coral Bark Japanese MapleDwarf Coral Bark Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Little Sango' Dwarf Coral Bark Japanese MapleDwarf Coral Bark Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Purple Ghost' Purple Ghost Japanese MaplePurple Ghost Japanese Maple 3 gal $100 Acer pal. 'Purple Ghost' Purple Ghost Japanese MaplePurple Ghost Japanese Maple 3 gal $100 Acer pal. 'Seiryu' Seiryu Laceleaf Japanese MapleSeiryu Laceleaf Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer pal. 'Seiryu' Seiryu Laceleaf Japanese MapleSeiryu Laceleaf Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer pal. 'Shishigashira' Shishigashira Japanese MapleShishigashira Japanese Maple 2 gal $80 Acer pal. 'Shishigashira' Shishigashira Japanese MapleShishigashira Japanese Maple 2 gal $80 Acer pal. 'Summer Gold' Summer Gold Japanese MapleSummer Gold Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Summer Gold' Summer Gold Japanese MapleSummer Gold Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Tobiosho' Tobiosho Japanese MapleTobiosho Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Tobiosho' Tobiosho Japanese MapleTobiosho Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Viridis' Viridis Laceleaf Japanese MapleViridis Laceleaf Japanese Maple 2 gal $80 Acer pal. 'Viridis' Viridis Laceleaf Japanese MapleViridis Laceleaf Japanese Maple 2 gal $80 Acer pal. dis. 'Crimson Queen' Crimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese MapleCrimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese Maple 2 gal $85 Acer pal. dis. 'Crimson Queen' Crimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese MapleCrimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese Maple 1 gal $32.50 Acer pal. dis. 'Crimson Queen' Crimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese MapleCrimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer pal. dis. 'Crimson Queen' Crimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese MapleCrimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese Maple 2 gal $85 Acer pal. dis. 'Crimson Queen' Crimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese MapleCrimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese Maple 1 gal $32.50 Acer pal. dis. 'Crimson Queen' Crimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese MapleCrimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer pal. dis. 'Inaba shidare' Inaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese MapleInaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese Maple 1 gal $32.50 Acer pal. dis. 'Inaba shidare' Inaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese MapleInaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer pal. dis. 'Inaba shidare' Inaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese MapleInaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese Maple 15 gal $350 Acer pal. dis. 'Inaba shidare' Inaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese MapleInaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese Maple 1 gal $32.50 Acer pal. dis. 'Inaba shidare' Inaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese MapleInaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer pal. dis. 'Inaba shidare' Inaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese MapleInaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese Maple 15 gal $350 Acer pal. dis. 'Orangeola' Orangeola Weeping Laceleaf Japanese MapleOrangeola Weeping Laceleaf Japanese Maple 1 gal $32.50 Acer pal. dis. 'Orangeola' Orangeola Weeping Laceleaf Japanese MapleOrangeola Weeping Laceleaf Japanese Maple 1 gal $32.50 Acer pal. dis. 'Tamuke yama' Tamukeyama Japanese MapleTamukeyama Japanese Maple 1 gal $32.50 Acer pal. dis. 'Tamuke yama' Tamukeyama Japanese MapleTamukeyama Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer pal. dis. 'Tamuke yama' Tamukeyama Japanese MapleTamukeyama Japanese Maple 1 gal $32.50 Acer pal. dis. 'Tamuke yama' Tamukeyama Japanese MapleTamukeyama Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' Bloodgood Japanese MapleBloodgood Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' Bloodgood Japanese MapleBloodgood Japanese Maple 7 gal $135 few Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' Bloodgood Japanese MapleBloodgood Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' Bloodgood Japanese MapleBloodgood Japanese Maple 7 gal $135 few Acer palmatum 'Emperor 1' Emperor 1 Red Japanese MapleEmperor 1 Red Japanese Maple 7 gal $135 on order Acer palmatum 'Emperor 1' Emperor 1 Red Japanese MapleEmperor 1 Red Japanese Maple 7 gal $135 on order Acer palmatum var. d. 'Tamukeyama' Tamukeyama Dwarf Laceleaf Japanese MapleTamukeyama Dwarf Laceleaf Japanese Maple 7 gal $145 Acer palmatum var. d. 'Tamukeyama' Tamukeyama Dwarf Laceleaf Japanese MapleTamukeyama Dwarf Laceleaf Japanese Maple 7 gal $145 Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula' Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar Serpentine 6-7'Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar Serpentine 6-7' B&B $265 Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula' Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar Serpentine 6-7'Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar Serpentine 6-7' B&B $265 Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca' Blue Atlas CedarBlue Atlas Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca' Blue Atlas CedarBlue Atlas Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus atlantica 'Sapphire Nymph' Sapphire Nymph Blue Atlas CedarSapphire Nymph Blue Atlas Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus atlantica 'Sapphire Nymph' Sapphire Nymph Blue Atlas CedarSapphire Nymph Blue Atlas Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus deodara 'Electra Blue' Electra Blue Deodar CedarElectra Blue Deodar Cedar 3 gal $85 Cedrus deodara 'Electra Blue' Electra Blue Deodar CedarElectra Blue Deodar Cedar 3 gal $85 Cedrus deodara 'Feelin Blue' Feelin' Blue Deodar CedarFeelin' Blue Deodar Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus deodara 'Feelin Blue' Feelin' Blue Deodar CedarFeelin' Blue Deodar Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus deodara 'Karl Fuchs' Karl Fuchs Himalayan CedarKarl Fuchs Himalayan Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus deodara 'Karl Fuchs' Karl Fuchs Himalayan CedarKarl Fuchs Himalayan Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus deodara 'Miles High' Miles High Weeping Deodar CedarMiles High Weeping Deodar Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus deodara 'Miles High' Miles High Weeping Deodar CedarMiles High Weeping Deodar Cedar 1 gal $30 Cercis canadensis 'Greswan' PP19654 Burgundy Hearts® RedbudBurgundy Hearts® Redbud 15 gal $195 on order Cercis canadensis 'Greswan' PP19654 Burgundy Hearts® RedbudBurgundy Hearts® Redbud 15 gal $195 on order Cercis canadensis 'NC2015-12' Golden Falls® RedbudGolden Falls® Redbud 7 gal $105 Cercis canadensis 'NC2015-12' Golden Falls® RedbudGolden Falls® Redbud 7 gal $105 Cercis canadensis 'Ruby Falls' Ruby Falls RedbudRuby Falls Redbud 7 gal $115 Cercis canadensis 'Ruby Falls' Ruby Falls RedbudRuby Falls Redbud 7 gal $115 Cercis canadensis var. tex 'NC2014-10' PP35080 Gilded Hearts™ RedbudGilded Hearts™ Redbud 7 gal $95 Cercis canadensis var. tex 'NC2014-10' PP35080 Gilded Hearts™ RedbudGilded Hearts™ Redbud 7 gal $95 Cercis canadensis x 'Merlot' Merlot RedbudMerlot Redbud 7 gal $110 Cercis canadensis x 'Merlot' Merlot RedbudMerlot Redbud 7 gal $110 Cornus 'Rutcan' Constellation® DogwoodConstellation® Dogwood 7 gal $80 Cornus 'Rutcan' Constellation® DogwoodConstellation® Dogwood 7 gal $80 Cornus alba 'Jefreb' Little Rebel® Dwarf Red Twig DogwoodLittle Rebel® Dwarf Red Twig Dogwood 1 gal $15 Cornus alba 'Jefreb' Little Rebel® Dwarf Red Twig DogwoodLittle Rebel® Dwarf Red Twig Dogwood 1 gal $15 Cornus florida 'Cherokee Princess' Cherokee Princess® White DogwoodCherokee Princess® White Dogwood 3 gal $22.50 on order Cornus florida 'Cherokee Princess' Cherokee Princess® White DogwoodCherokee Princess® White Dogwood 3 gal $22.50 on order Cornus florida 'Comco No. 1' PP10166 Cherokee Brave® Dark Pink DogwoodCherokee Brave® Dark Pink Dogwood 5 gal $42.50 on order Cornus florida 'Comco No. 1' PP10166 Cherokee Brave® Dark Pink DogwoodCherokee Brave® Dark Pink Dogwood 5 gal $42.50 on order Cornus florida 'Super Princess' Super Princess® White DogwoodSuper Princess® White Dogwood 7 gal $80 Cornus florida 'Super Princess' Super Princess® White DogwoodSuper Princess® White Dogwood 7 gal $80 Cornus kousa 'Little Poncho' Little Poncho Dwarf Dogwood TreeLittle Poncho Dwarf Dogwood Tree 3 gal $75 Cornus kousa 'Little Poncho' Little Poncho Dwarf Dogwood TreeLittle Poncho Dwarf Dogwood Tree 3 gal $75 Cornus x 'Celestial Shadow' Celestial Shadow® Variegated DogwoodCelestial Shadow® Variegated Dogwood 3 gal $40 Cornus x 'Celestial Shadow' Celestial Shadow® Variegated DogwoodCelestial Shadow® Variegated Dogwood 7 gal $80 Cornus x 'Celestial Shadow' Celestial Shadow® Variegated DogwoodCelestial Shadow® Variegated Dogwood 3 gal $40 Cornus x 'Celestial Shadow' Celestial Shadow® Variegated DogwoodCelestial Shadow® Variegated Dogwood 7 gal $80 Cornus x 'Rutgan' Stellar Pink® DogwoodStellar Pink® Dogwood 7 gal $80 Cornus x 'Rutgan' Stellar Pink® DogwoodStellar Pink® Dogwood 7 gal $80 Cotinus x 'Dusky Maiden' PP20358 Dusky Maiden SmokebushDusky Maiden Smokebush 1 gal $17 Cotinus x 'Dusky Maiden' PP20358 Dusky Maiden SmokebushDusky Maiden Smokebush 1 gal $17 Cryptomeria japonica 'Yoshino' Yoshino Japanese CedarYoshino Japanese Cedar 7 gal $80 Cryptomeria japonica 'Yoshino' Yoshino Japanese CedarYoshino Japanese Cedar 7 gal $80 Cryptomeria radicans Japanese CedarJapanese Cedar 15 gal $135 Cryptomeria radicans Japanese CedarJapanese Cedar 15 gal $135 Cupressocyparis x leylandii Leyland CypressLeyland Cypress 3 gal $15 on order Cupressocyparis x leylandii Leyland Cypress SpiralLeyland Cypress Spiral 10 gal $155 Cupressocyparis x leylandii Leyland Cypress 2 BallLeyland Cypress 2 Ball 10 gal $135 Cupressocyparis x leylandii Leyland Cypress 2 BallLeyland Cypress 2 Ball 7 gal $98 Cupressocyparis x leylandii Leyland CypressLeyland Cypress 3 gal $15 on order Cupressocyparis x leylandii Leyland Cypress SpiralLeyland Cypress Spiral 10 gal $155 Cupressocyparis x leylandii Leyland Cypress 2 BallLeyland Cypress 2 Ball 10 gal $135 Cupressocyparis x leylandii Leyland Cypress 2 BallLeyland Cypress 2 Ball 7 gal $98 Cupressocyparis x Murray Murray CypressMurray Cypress 1 gal $9 Cupressocyparis x Murray Murray CypressMurray Cypress 3 gal $20 on order Cupressocyparis x Murray Murray CypressMurray Cypress 7 gal $45 on order Cupressocyparis x Murray Murray CypressMurray Cypress 1 gal $9 Cupressocyparis x Murray Murray CypressMurray Cypress 3 gal $20 on order Cupressocyparis x Murray Murray CypressMurray Cypress 7 gal $45 on order Cupressus arizonica 'Blue Ice' Blue Ice Arizona CypressBlue Ice Arizona Cypress 1 gal $12.50 on order Cupressus arizonica 'Blue Ice' Blue Ice Arizona CypressBlue Ice Arizona Cypress 1 gal $12.50 on order Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress SpiralCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress Spiral 15 gal $170 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 4-BallCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 4-Ball 15 gal $170 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 2-BallCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 2-Ball 7 gal $98 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 3-BallCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 3-Ball 7 gal $110 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphira Arizona Cypress PomCarolina Sapphira Arizona Cypress Pom 7 gal $110 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress SpiralCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress Spiral 7 gal $110 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire CypressCarolina Sapphire Cypress 3 gal $15 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire CypressCarolina Sapphire Cypress 7 gal $40 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire CypressCarolina Sapphire Cypress 15 gal $95 on order Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress SpiralCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress Spiral 15 gal $170 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 4-BallCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 4-Ball 15 gal $170 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 2-BallCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 2-Ball 7 gal $98 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 3-BallCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 3-Ball 7 gal $110 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphira Arizona Cypress PomCarolina Sapphira Arizona Cypress Pom 7 gal $110 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress SpiralCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress Spiral 7 gal $110 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire CypressCarolina Sapphire Cypress 3 gal $15 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire CypressCarolina Sapphire Cypress 7 gal $40 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire CypressCarolina Sapphire Cypress 15 gal $95 on order Cupressus sempervirens Italian CypressItalian Cypress 7 gal $50 Cupressus sempervirens Italian CypressItalian Cypress 7 gal $50 Ginkgo biloba 'Princeton Sentry' Princeton Sentry™ Columnar Ginkgo TreePrinceton Sentry™ Columnar Ginkgo Tree 2 gal $60 Ginkgo biloba 'Princeton Sentry' Princeton Sentry™ Columnar Ginkgo TreePrinceton Sentry™ Columnar Ginkgo Tree 2 gal $60 Gordlinia grandiflora Sweet Tea Gordlinia grandiflora Sweet TeaGordlinia grandiflora Sweet Tea 3 gal $25 Gordlinia grandiflora Sweet Tea Gordlinia grandiflora Sweet TeaGordlinia grandiflora Sweet Tea 3 gal $25 Heptacodium miconioides 'SMNHMRF' Temple of Bloom® - Seven-Son FlowerTemple of Bloom® - Seven-Son Flower 10 gal $160 on order Heptacodium miconioides 'SMNHMRF' Temple of Bloom® - Seven-Son FlowerTemple of Bloom® - Seven-Son Flower 10 gal $160 on order Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' Nellie R Stevens HollyNellie R Stevens Holly 3 gal $17 Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' Nellie R Stevens HollyNellie R Stevens Holly 7 gal $45 Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' Nellie R Stevens HollyNellie R Stevens Holly 15 gal $115 Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' Nellie R Stevens HollyNellie R Stevens Holly 3 gal $17 Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' Nellie R Stevens HollyNellie R Stevens Holly 7 gal $45 Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' Nellie R Stevens HollyNellie R Stevens Holly 15 gal $115 Ilex hybrid 'MAGDEN' PP30451 Golden Oakland™ HollyGolden Oakland™ Holly 3 gal $25 on order Ilex hybrid 'MAGDEN' PP30451 Golden Oakland™ HollyGolden Oakland™ Holly 3 gal $25 on order Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14415 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 1 gal $9 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14415 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 1 gal $9 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14416 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 3 gal $16 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14416 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 3 gal $16 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14417 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 7 gal $45 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14417 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 10 gal $115 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14417 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 7 gal $45 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14417 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 10 gal $115 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14418 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 15 gal $115 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14418 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 15 gal $115 Ilex integra × latifolia ‘Screen Play’ PP27524 Screen Play HollyScreen Play Holly 7 gal $50 Ilex integra × latifolia ‘Screen Play’ PP27524 Screen Play HollyScreen Play Holly 7 gal $50 Ilex integra × latifolia ‘Screen Play’ PP27525 Screen Play HollyScreen Play Holly 15 gal $100 Ilex integra × latifolia ‘Screen Play’ PP27525 Screen Play HollyScreen Play Holly 15 gal $100 Lagerstroemia hybrid 'Ebony Embers' Red Hot™ Black Diamond® Crape Myrtle TreeRed Hot™ Black Diamond® Crape Myrtle Tree 3 gal $16 Lagerstroemia hybrid 'Ebony Embers' Red Hot™ Black Diamond® Crape Myrtle TreeRed Hot™ Black Diamond® Crape Myrtle Tree 7 gal $45 Lagerstroemia hybrid 'Ebony Embers' Red Hot™ Black Diamond® Crape Myrtle TreeRed Hot™ Black Diamond® Crape Myrtle Tree 3 gal $16 Lagerstroemia hybrid 'Ebony Embers' Red Hot™ Black Diamond® Crape Myrtle TreeRed Hot™ Black Diamond® Crape Myrtle Tree 7 gal $45 Lagerstroemia indica 'Natchez' Natchez Crape MyrtleNatchez Crape Myrtle 15 gal $90 Lagerstroemia indica 'Natchez' Natchez Crape MyrtleNatchez Crape Myrtle 15 gal $90 Lagerstroemia indica ‘Black Diamond Pure White’ Black Diamond® Pure White Crape MyrtleBlack Diamond® Pure White Crape Myrtle 3 gal $16 Lagerstroemia indica ‘Black Diamond Pure White’ Black Diamond® Pure White Crape MyrtleBlack Diamond® Pure White Crape Myrtle 3 gal $16 Lagerstroemia x 'JM2' PP31429 Thunderstruck™ Rublim' Red™ CrapemyrtleThunderstruck™ Rublim' Red™ Crapemyrtle 3 gal $21 Lagerstroemia x 'JM2' PP31429 Thunderstruck™ Rublim' Red™ CrapemyrtleThunderstruck™ Rublim' Red™ Crapemyrtle 3 gal $21 Magnolia 'Betty' Betty MagnoliaBetty Magnolia 3 gal $15 on order Magnolia 'Betty' Betty MagnoliaBetty Magnolia 3 gal $15 on order Magnolia 'Jane' Jane MagnoliaJane Magnolia 3 gal $15 on order Magnolia 'Jane' Jane MagnoliaJane Magnolia 3 gal $15 on order Magnolia grandiflora 'Claudia Wannamaker' Claudia Wannamaker Southern MagnoliaClaudia Wannamaker Southern Magnolia 15 gal $100 on order Magnolia grandiflora 'Claudia Wannamaker' Claudia Wannamaker Southern MagnoliaClaudia Wannamaker Southern Magnolia 15 gal $100 on order Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' Little Gem MagnoliaLittle Gem Magnolia 7 gal $78 Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' Little Gem MagnoliaLittle Gem Magnolia 15 gal $110 Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' Little Gem MagnoliaLittle Gem Magnolia 7 gal $78 Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' Little Gem MagnoliaLittle Gem Magnolia 15 gal $110 Magnolia grandiflora ‘Bracken’s Brown Beauty’ Bracken's Brown Beauty MagnoliaBracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia 15 gal $140 Magnolia grandiflora ‘Bracken’s Brown Beauty’ Bracken's Brown Beauty MagnoliaBracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia 15 gal $140 Magnolia grandiflora ‘DD Blanchard’ DD Blanchard MagnoliaDD Blanchard Magnolia 3 gal $25 Magnolia grandiflora ‘DD Blanchard’ DD Blanchard MagnoliaDD Blanchard Magnolia 3 gal $25 Magnolia grandiflora ‘Kay Parris’ Kay Parris MagnoliaKay Parris Magnolia 7 gal $110 Magnolia grandiflora ‘Kay Parris’ Kay Parris MagnoliaKay Parris Magnolia 15 gal $125 on order Magnolia grandiflora ‘Kay Parris’ Kay Parris MagnoliaKay Parris Magnolia 7 gal $110 Magnolia grandiflora ‘Kay Parris’ Kay Parris MagnoliaKay Parris Magnolia 15 gal $125 on order Magnolia stellata 'Centennial Blush' PP22248 Centennial Blush Star MagnoliaCentennial Blush Star Magnolia 3 gal $30 on order Magnolia stellata 'Centennial Blush' PP22248 Centennial Blush Star MagnoliaCentennial Blush Star Magnolia 3 gal $30 on order Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' Royal Star MagnoliaRoyal Star Magnolia 3 gal $15 on order Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' Royal Star MagnoliaRoyal Star Magnolia 3 gal $15 on order Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay MagnoliaSweetbay Magnolia 3 gal $20 Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay MagnoliaSweetbay Magnolia 3 gal $20 Magnolia x ‘Stellar Ruby’ PP29778 Stellar Ruby Fragrant Banana ShrubStellar Ruby Fragrant Banana Shrub 2 gal $26 Magnolia x ‘Stellar Ruby’ PP29778 Stellar Ruby Fragrant Banana ShrubStellar Ruby Fragrant Banana Shrub 2 gal $26 Myrica cerifera Tall Wax MyrtleTall Wax Myrtle 3 gal $12.50 Myrica cerifera Tall Wax MyrtleTall Wax Myrtle 7 gal $32.50 Myrica cerifera Tall Wax MyrtleTall Wax Myrtle 3 gal $12.50 Myrica cerifera Tall Wax MyrtleTall Wax Myrtle 7 gal $32.50 Prunus serotina Black CherryBlack Cherry 1 gal $11 on order Prunus serotina Black CherryBlack Cherry 1 gal $11 on order Prunus virginiana 'Canada Red' Canada Red ChokecherryCanada Red Chokecherry 7 gal $65 Prunus virginiana 'Canada Red' Canada Red ChokecherryCanada Red Chokecherry 7 gal $65 Prunus x incam 'Okame' Okame CherryOkame Cherry 7 gal $45 few Prunus x incam 'Okame' Okame CherryOkame Cherry 7 gal $45 few Prunus x yedoensis Yoshino CherryYoshino Cherry 7 gal $45 few Prunus x yedoensis Yoshino CherryYoshino Cherry 7 gal $45 few Rhodoleia henryi Evergreen Rose TreeEvergreen Rose Tree 3 gal $25 Rhodoleia henryi Evergreen Rose TreeEvergreen Rose Tree 3 gal $25 Salix caprea Pendula Weeping Pussy WillowWeeping Pussy Willow 6 in $32 on order Salix caprea Pendula Weeping Pussy WillowWeeping Pussy Willow 6 in $32 on order Styrax japonicus Snowbell TreeSnowbell Tree 7 gal $72.50 Styrax japonicus Snowbell TreeSnowbell Tree 7 gal $72.50 Styrax japonicus 'Pink Chimes' Pink Chimes Japanese SnowbellPink Chimes Japanese Snowbell 2 gal $55 Styrax japonicus 'Pink Chimes' Pink Chimes Japanese SnowbellPink Chimes Japanese Snowbell 2 gal $55 Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant Arborvitae ***sale***Green Giant Arborvitae ***sale*** 1 gal $6 on order Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant ArborvitaeGreen Giant Arborvitae 3 gal $15 on order Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant ArborvitaeGreen Giant Arborvitae 5 gal $30 on order Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant ArborvitaeGreen Giant Arborvitae 7 gal $50 Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant ArborvitaeGreen Giant Arborvitae 15 gal $48 on order Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant Arborvitae ***sale***Green Giant Arborvitae ***sale*** 1 gal $6 on order Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant ArborvitaeGreen Giant Arborvitae 3 gal $15 on order Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant ArborvitaeGreen Giant Arborvitae 5 gal $30 on order Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant ArborvitaeGreen Giant Arborvitae 7 gal $50 Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant ArborvitaeGreen Giant Arborvitae 15 gal $48 on order Thuja occidentalis 'American Pillar' Full Speed A Hedge® ArborvitaeFull Speed A Hedge® Arborvitae 15 gal $160 Thuja occidentalis 'American Pillar' Full Speed A Hedge® ArborvitaeFull Speed A Hedge® Arborvitae 15 gal $160 Thuja plicata ‘Grovepli’ Spring Grove® ArborvitaeSpring Grove® Arborvitae 3 gal $32.50 Thuja plicata ‘Grovepli’ Spring Grove® ArborvitaeSpring Grove® Arborvitae 3 gal $32.50 Tracycarpus fortunei Windmill PalmWindmill Palm 1 gal $8.50 on order Tracycarpus fortunei Windmill PalmWindmill Palm 7 gal $50 on order Tracycarpus fortunei Windmill PalmWindmill Palm 1 gal $8.50 on order Tracycarpus fortunei Windmill PalmWindmill Palm 7 gal $50 on order Bulbs/HardgoodsBOTANICAL/COMMON NAME COMMON NAME SIZE RETAIL SPECIAL Agave Agave -Sku-32-411Agave -Sku-32-411 Large $68 Agave Agave -Sku-32-411Agave -Sku-32-411 Medium $52 Agave Agave -Sku-32-411Agave -Sku-32-411 Small $38 Agave Agave -Sku-32-412Agave -Sku-32-412 10 in $18 Agave Agave -Sku-32-411Agave -Sku-32-411 Large $68 Agave Agave -Sku-32-411Agave -Sku-32-411 Medium $52 Agave Agave -Sku-32-411Agave -Sku-32-411 Small $38 Agave Agave -Sku-32-412Agave -Sku-32-412 10 in $18 Arizona Cactus Arizona Cactus -Sku-32-420Arizona Cactus -Sku-32-420 12 in $20 Arizona Cactus Arizona Cactus -Sku-32-420Arizona Cactus -Sku-32-420 12 in $20 Blue Bird Blue Bird -Sku-OOS-172Blue Bird -Sku-OOS-172 $15 Blue Bird Blue Bird -Sku-OOS-172Blue Bird -Sku-OOS-172 $15 Blue Tail Rooster Blue Tail Rooster -Sku-34-076Blue Tail Rooster -Sku-34-076 39 in $50 Blue Tail Rooster Blue Tail Rooster -Sku-34-076Blue Tail Rooster -Sku-34-076 39 in $50 Blue Vertical Spinner Blue Vertical Spinner -Sku-28-046Blue Vertical Spinner -Sku-28-046 $90 Blue Vertical Spinner Blue Vertical Spinner -Sku-28-046Blue Vertical Spinner -Sku-28-046 $90 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Grande -Sku-MR09Bright Mushroom, Grande -Sku-MR09 Grande $16.50 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Tall -Sku-MR07Bright Mushroom, Tall -Sku-MR07 Tall $16.50 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Large -Sku-LM20Bright Mushroom, Large -Sku-LM20 Large $11.50 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Medium -Sku-MR05Bright Mushroom, Medium -Sku-MR05 Medium $6.75 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Small -Sku-MR06Bright Mushroom, Small -Sku-MR06 Small $6 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Grande -Sku-MR09Bright Mushroom, Grande -Sku-MR09 Grande $16.50 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Tall -Sku-MR07Bright Mushroom, Tall -Sku-MR07 Tall $16.50 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Large -Sku-LM20Bright Mushroom, Large -Sku-LM20 Large $11.50 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Medium -Sku-MR05Bright Mushroom, Medium -Sku-MR05 Medium $6.75 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Small -Sku-MR06Bright Mushroom, Small -Sku-MR06 Small $6 Bumble Bee Bumble Bee -Sku-34-613Bumble Bee -Sku-34-613 $15 on order Bumble Bee Bumble Bee -Sku-34-613Bumble Bee -Sku-34-613 $15 on order Butterfly Butterfly -Sku-34-643Butterfly -Sku-34-643 12 in $15 Butterfly Butterfly -Sku-34-643Butterfly -Sku-34-643 12 in $15 Butterfly Stake Butterfly Stake -Sku-SR20Butterfly Stake -Sku-SR20 Medium $14.50 Butterfly Stake Butterfly Stake -Sku-30-160Butterfly Stake -Sku-30-160 $12 Butterfly Stake Butterfly Stake -Sku-SR20Butterfly Stake -Sku-SR20 Medium $14.50 Butterfly Stake Butterfly Stake -Sku-30-160Butterfly Stake -Sku-30-160 $12 Cactus with Flowers Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410 Large $90 Cactus with Flowers Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410 Medium $68 Cactus with Flowers Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410 Small $30 Cactus with Flowers Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410 Large $90 Cactus with Flowers Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410 Medium $68 Cactus with Flowers Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410 Small $30 Colorful Mushrooms Colorful Mushrooms -Sku-SR03Colorful Mushrooms -Sku-SR03 $7.50 Colorful Mushrooms Colorful Mushrooms -Sku-SR03Colorful Mushrooms -Sku-SR03 $7.50 Daisy Fence Daisy Fence -Sku-16-035Daisy Fence -Sku-16-035 $28 on order Daisy Fence Daisy Fence -Sku-16-035Daisy Fence -Sku-16-035 $28 on order Dancing Clown Cactus Dancing Clown Cactus -Sku-32-172Dancing Clown Cactus -Sku-32-172 Large $38 on order Dancing Clown Cactus Dancing Clown Cactus -Sku-32-172Dancing Clown Cactus -Sku-32-172 Small $30 on order Dancing Clown Cactus Dancing Clown Cactus -Sku-32-172Dancing Clown Cactus -Sku-32-172 Large $38 on order Dancing Clown Cactus Dancing Clown Cactus -Sku-32-172Dancing Clown Cactus -Sku-32-172 Small $30 on order Dragonfly Garden Stake Dragonfly Garden Stake -Sku728Dragonfly Garden Stake -Sku728 $19 Dragonfly Garden Stake Dragonfly Garden Stake -Sku728Dragonfly Garden Stake -Sku728 $19 Fox on Stand Fox on Stand -Sku-34-324Fox on Stand -Sku-34-324 $30 Fox on Stand Fox on Stand -Sku-34-324Fox on Stand -Sku-34-324 $30 Glowing Hydrangea Glowing Hydrangea -Sku-SR49Glowing Hydrangea -Sku-SR49 $24 Glowing Hydrangea Glowing Hydrangea -Sku-SR49Glowing Hydrangea -Sku-SR49 $24 Green Pincushion Cactus Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415 Large $22.50 Green Pincushion Cactus Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415 Medium $18 Green Pincushion Cactus Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415 Small $15 Green Pincushion Cactus Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415 Large $22.50 Green Pincushion Cactus Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415 Medium $18 Green Pincushion Cactus Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415 Small $15 Green Saguaro Cactus Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Large $68 Green Saguaro Cactus Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Medium $45 Green Saguaro Cactus Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Small $30 Green Saguaro Cactus Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 X-Large $95 Green Saguaro Cactus Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Large $68 Green Saguaro Cactus Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Medium $45 Green Saguaro Cactus Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Small $30 Green Saguaro Cactus Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 X-Large $95 Hippeastrum ‘Mont Blanc’ Mont Blanc AmaryllisMont Blanc Amaryllis 6 in $12.50 on order Hippeastrum ‘Mont Blanc’ Mont Blanc AmaryllisMont Blanc Amaryllis 7 in $15 Hippeastrum ‘Mont Blanc’ Mont Blanc AmaryllisMont Blanc Amaryllis 6 in $12.50 on order Hippeastrum ‘Mont Blanc’ Mont Blanc AmaryllisMont Blanc Amaryllis 7 in $15 Hyacinthus 'Apricot Passion' Apricot Passion HyacinthApricot Passion Hyacinth 4 in $3 Hyacinthus 'Apricot Passion' Apricot Passion HyacinthApricot Passion Hyacinth 4 in $3 Hyacinthus 'Carnegie' Carnegie HyacinthCarnegie Hyacinth 4 in $3 Hyacinthus 'Carnegie' Carnegie HyacinthCarnegie Hyacinth 4 in $3 Hyacinthus 'Purple Sensation' Purple Sensation HyacinthPurple Sensation Hyacinth 4 in $3 Hyacinthus 'Purple Sensation' Purple Sensation HyacinthPurple Sensation Hyacinth 4 in $3 Hyacinthus ‘Blue Jacket’ Blue Jacket HyacinthBlue Jacket Hyacinth 4 in $3 Hyacinthus ‘Blue Jacket’ Blue Jacket HyacinthBlue Jacket Hyacinth 4 in $3 Iron Hanging Star Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147 Large $18 Iron Hanging Star Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147 Medium $15 Iron Hanging Star Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147 Small $12 Iron Hanging Star Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147 Large $18 Iron Hanging Star Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147 Medium $15 Iron Hanging Star Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147 Small $12 Iron Spheres Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134 Large $24 Iron Spheres Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134 Medium $20 Iron Spheres Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134 Small $15 Iron Spheres Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134 Large $24 Iron Spheres Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134 Medium $20 Iron Spheres Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134 Small $15 Lady Bug Lady Bug -Sku-34-617Lady Bug -Sku-34-617 10 in $15 Lady Bug Lady Bug -Sku-34-617Lady Bug -Sku-34-617 10 in $15 Large Garden Lollipop Large Garden Lollipop -Sku-717Large Garden Lollipop -Sku-717 Large $12 Large Garden Lollipop Large Garden Lollipop -Sku-717Large Garden Lollipop -Sku-717 Large $12 Large Leaf Trellis Large Leaf Trellis -Sku-Z0730Large Leaf Trellis -Sku-Z0730 $70 Large Leaf Trellis Large Leaf Trellis -Sku-Z0730Large Leaf Trellis -Sku-Z0730 $70 Large Tin Hen Large Tin Hen -Sku-34-051Large Tin Hen -Sku-34-051 Large $30 Large Tin Hen Large Tin Hen -Sku-34-051Large Tin Hen -Sku-34-051 Large $30 Lerwick Trellis Lerwick Trellis -Sku-22-030Lerwick Trellis -Sku-22-030 $40 Lerwick Trellis Lerwick Trellis -Sku-22-030Lerwick Trellis -Sku-22-030 $40 Lime Green Saguaro Cactus Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Large $68 Lime Green Saguaro Cactus Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Medium $45 Lime Green Saguaro Cactus Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Small $30 Lime Green Saguaro Cactus Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 X-Large $95 Lime Green Saguaro Cactus Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Large $68 Lime Green Saguaro Cactus Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Medium $45 Lime Green Saguaro Cactus Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Small $30 Lime Green Saguaro Cactus Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 X-Large $95 Luminous Montana, Bronze Luminous Montana, Bronze -Sku-HH207Luminous Montana, Bronze -Sku-HH207 $155 Luminous Montana, Bronze Luminous Montana, Bronze -Sku-HH207Luminous Montana, Bronze -Sku-HH207 $155 Luminous Montana, Turquoise Luminous Montana, Turquoise -Sku-HH206Luminous Montana, Turquoise -Sku-HH206 $155 Luminous Montana, Turquoise Luminous Montana, Turquoise -Sku-HH206Luminous Montana, Turquoise -Sku-HH206 $155 Mammillaria Cactus Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079 Large $90 Mammillaria Cactus Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079 Medium $60 Mammillaria Cactus Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079 Small $42 Mammillaria Cactus Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079 Large $90 Mammillaria Cactus Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079 Medium $60 Mammillaria Cactus Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079 Small $42 Medium Garden Lollipop Medium Garden Lollipop-Sku-716Medium Garden Lollipop-Sku-716 Medium $8.50 Medium Garden Lollipop Medium Garden Lollipop-Sku-716Medium Garden Lollipop-Sku-716 Medium $8.50 Medium RCY Butterfly Medium RCY Butterfly -Sku-34-607Medium RCY Butterfly -Sku-34-607 Medium $38 Medium RCY Butterfly Medium RCY Butterfly -Sku-34-607Medium RCY Butterfly -Sku-34-607 Medium $38 Medium Tin Goat Medium Tin Goat -Sku-34-201Medium Tin Goat -Sku-34-201 Medium $34 Medium Tin Goat Medium Tin Goat -Sku-34-201Medium Tin Goat -Sku-34-201 Medium $34 Mini Tin Goat Mini Tin Goat -Sku-34-201Mini Tin Goat -Sku-34-201 Mini $15 on order Mini Tin Goat Mini Tin Goat -Sku-34-201Mini Tin Goat -Sku-34-201 Mini $15 on order Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly -Sku-OOS-568Monarch Butterfly -Sku-OOS-568 $12 Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624 Large $38 Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624 Medium $28 Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624 Small $15 Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly -Sku-OOS-568Monarch Butterfly -Sku-OOS-568 $12 Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624 Large $38 Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624 Medium $28 Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624 Small $15 Mushroom Trio Mushroom Trio -Sku-MRT1Mushroom Trio -Sku-MRT1 $21 on order Mushroom Trio Mushroom Trio -Sku-MRT1Mushroom Trio -Sku-MRT1 $21 on order Narcissus 'Chromacolor' Chromacolor DaffodilChromacolor Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Chromacolor' Chromacolor DaffodilChromacolor Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Cornish King' Cornish King DaffodilCornish King Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Cornish King' Cornish King DaffodilCornish King Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Dick Wilden' Dick Wilden DaffodilDick Wilden Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Dick Wilden' Dick Wilden DaffodilDick Wilden Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Dutchmaster' Dutchmaster DaffodilDutchmaster Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Dutchmaster' Dutchmaster DaffodilDutchmaster Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Elka' Elka DaffodilElka Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Elka' Elka DaffodilElka Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Fortune' Fortune DaffodilFortune Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Fortune' Fortune DaffodilFortune Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Geranium' Geranium DaffodilGeranium Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Geranium' Geranium DaffodilGeranium Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Golden Echo' Golden Echo DaffodilGolden Echo Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Golden Echo' Golden Echo DaffodilGolden Echo Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Icy Baby' Ice Baby DaffodilIce Baby Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Icy Baby' Ice Baby DaffodilIce Baby Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Isha' Isha DaffodilIsha Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Isha' Isha DaffodilIsha Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Merel's Favorite' Merel's Favorite DaffodilMerel's Favorite Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Merel's Favorite' Merel's Favorite DaffodilMerel's Favorite Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Mount Hood' Mount Hood DaffodilMount Hood Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Mount Hood' Mount Hood DaffodilMount Hood Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Obdam' Obdam DaffodilObdam Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Obdam' Obdam DaffodilObdam Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Pink Charm' Pink Charm DaffodilPink Charm Daffodil 1 gal $4 on order Narcissus 'Pink Charm' Pink Charm DaffodilPink Charm Daffodil 1 gal $4 on order Narcissus 'Red Devon' Red Devon DaffodilRed Devon Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Red Devon' Red Devon DaffodilRed Devon Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Sweetness' Sweetness DaffodilSweetness Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Sweetness' Sweetness DaffodilSweetness Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Tete a Tete' Tete a Tete DaffodilTete a Tete Daffodil 5 in $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Tete a Tete' Tete a Tete DaffodilTete a Tete Daffodil 1 gal $5 Narcissus 'Tete a Tete' Tete a Tete DaffodilTete a Tete Daffodil 5 in $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Tete a Tete' Tete a Tete DaffodilTete a Tete Daffodil 1 gal $5 Narcissus 'Thalia' Thalia DaffodilThalia Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Thalia' Thalia DaffodilThalia Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'White Petticoat' White Pettioat DaffodilWhite Pettioat Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'White Petticoat' White Pettioat DaffodilWhite Pettioat Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus ‘Carlton’ Carlton DaffodilCarlton Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus ‘Carlton’ Carlton DaffodilCarlton Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Nopal Cactus with Flower Nopal Cactus with Flower -Sku-32-423Nopal Cactus with Flower -Sku-32-423 $200 Nopal Cactus with Flower Nopal Cactus with Flower -Sku-32-423Nopal Cactus with Flower -Sku-32-423 $200 Pincushion Cactus Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-421Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-421 9 in $18 Pincushion Cactus Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-421Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-421 9 in $18 Polka Dot Mushroom Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606 Large $30 Polka Dot Mushroom Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606 Medium $18 Polka Dot Mushroom Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606 Small $12 Polka Dot Mushroom Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606 Large $30 Polka Dot Mushroom Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606 Medium $18 Polka Dot Mushroom Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606 Small $12 Polka Dot Rooster Polka Dot Rooster -Sku-34-092Polka Dot Rooster -Sku-34-092 $50 Polka Dot Rooster Polka Dot Rooster -Sku-34-092Polka Dot Rooster -Sku-34-092 $50 Poppy, Assorted Poppy, Assorted -SKU-X722Poppy, Assorted -SKU-X722 $15 Poppy, Assorted Poppy, Assorted -SKU-X722Poppy, Assorted -SKU-X722 $15 Promix Organic Herb & Vegetable Organic Vegetable & Herb MixOrganic Vegetable & Herb Mix 2 cuft $14.50 on order Promix Organic Herb & Vegetable Organic Vegetable & Herb MixOrganic Vegetable & Herb Mix 2 cuft $14.50 on order Promix Potting Mix Potting MixPotting Mix 1 cuft $9 Promix Potting Mix Potting MixPotting Mix 1 cuft $9 Promix with Mycorrhizae Promix with Mycorrhizae MixPromix with Mycorrhizae Mix 2.8 cuft $17.50 Promix with Mycorrhizae Promix with Mycorrhizae MixPromix with Mycorrhizae Mix 2.8 cuft $17.50 Small RCY Butterfly Small RCY Butterfly -Sku-34-607Small RCY Butterfly -Sku-34-607 Small $30 Small RCY Butterfly Small RCY Butterfly -Sku-34-607Small RCY Butterfly -Sku-34-607 Small $30 Small Tin Goat Small Tin Goat -Sku-34-201Small Tin Goat -Sku-34-201 Small $24 Small Tin Goat Small Tin Goat -Sku-34-201Small Tin Goat -Sku-34-201 Small $24 Songbird Garden Stake Songbird Garden Stake -Sku727Songbird Garden Stake -Sku727 $19 Songbird Garden Stake Songbird Garden Stake -Sku727Songbird Garden Stake -Sku727 $19 Spinning Wildflower Spinning Wildflower -Sku-SR60Spinning Wildflower -Sku-SR60 $21 Spinning Wildflower Spinning Wildflower -Sku-SR60Spinning Wildflower -Sku-SR60 $21 Sunflower Birdhouse with Stand Sunflower Birdhouse with Stand -Sku-32-169Sunflower Birdhouse with Stand -Sku-32-169 $44 Sunflower Birdhouse with Stand Sunflower Birdhouse with Stand -Sku-32-169Sunflower Birdhouse with Stand -Sku-32-169 $44 Sunflower on Stand Sunflower on Stand -Sku-32-504Sunflower on Stand -Sku-32-504 $18 Sunflower on Stand Sunflower on Stand -Sku-32-504Sunflower on Stand -Sku-32-504 $18 Tall Leaf Trellis Tall Leaf Trellis -Sku-Z0731Tall Leaf Trellis -Sku-Z0731 $57 Tall Leaf Trellis Tall Leaf Trellis -Sku-Z0731Tall Leaf Trellis -Sku-Z0731 $57 Triple Sunflower with Butterfly Triple Sunflower with Butterfly -Sku-32-165Triple Sunflower with Butterfly -Sku-32-165 $28 Triple Sunflower with Butterfly Triple Sunflower with Butterfly -Sku-32-165Triple Sunflower with Butterfly -Sku-32-165 $28 Tulip, Assorted Tulip, Assorted -Sku-SR32Tulip, Assorted -Sku-SR32 Small $12.50 Tulip, Assorted Tulip, Assorted -Sku-SR32Tulip, Assorted -Sku-SR32 Small $12.50 Tulipa 'Concerto' Concerto TulipConcerto Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Concerto' Concerto TulipConcerto Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Double Late Upstar' Double Late Upstar TulipDouble Late Upstar Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Double Late Upstar' Double Late Upstar TulipDouble Late Upstar Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Eagle Wings' Eagle Wings TulipEagle Wings Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Eagle Wings' Eagle Wings TulipEagle Wings Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Mount Tacoma' Mount Tacoma TulipMount Tacoma Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Mount Tacoma' Mount Tacoma TulipMount Tacoma Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Novi Sun' Novi Sun TulipNovi Sun Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Novi Sun' Novi Sun TulipNovi Sun Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Orange Van Eijk' Orange Van Eijk TulipOrange Van Eijk Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Orange Van Eijk' Orange Van Eijk TulipOrange Van Eijk Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Purple Dream' Purple Dream TulipPurple Dream Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Purple Dream' Purple Dream TulipPurple Dream Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Quebec' Quebec TulipQuebec Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Quebec' Quebec TulipQuebec Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Spring Song' Spring Song TulipSpring Song Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Spring Song' Spring Song TulipSpring Song Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa clusiana Clusiana Botanical SpeciesClusiana Botanical Species 4 in $3 Tulipa clusiana Clusiana Botanical SpeciesClusiana Botanical Species 4 in $3 Wall Sunflower Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086 Large $22.50 Wall Sunflower Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086 Medium $18 Wall Sunflower Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086 Small $12 Wall Sunflower Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086 Large $22.50 Wall Sunflower Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086 Medium $18 Wall Sunflower Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086 Small $12 White Home with Sunflower White Home with Sunflower -Sku-33-096White Home with Sunflower -Sku-33-096 $20 White Home with Sunflower White Home with Sunflower -Sku-33-096White Home with Sunflower -Sku-33-096 $20 X-Large Garden Lollipop X-Large Garden Lollipop -Sku-718X-Large Garden Lollipop -Sku-718 X-Large $15.50 X-Large Garden Lollipop X-Large Garden Lollipop -Sku-718X-Large Garden Lollipop -Sku-718 X-Large $15.50 Complete InventoryBOTANICAL/COMMON NAME COMMON NAME SIZE RETAIL SPECIAL Abelia 'Kaleidoscope' PP16988 Kaleidoscope AbeliaKaleidoscope Abelia 3 gal $28 on order Abelia 'Kaleidoscope' PP16988 Kaleidoscope AbeliaKaleidoscope Abelia 3 gal $28 on order Abelia hybrid ‘Radiance’ PP21928 Suntastic™ 'Radiance' AbeliaSuntastic™ 'Radiance' Abelia 2 gal $26 on order Abelia hybrid ‘Radiance’ PP21928 Suntastic™ 'Radiance' AbeliaSuntastic™ 'Radiance' Abelia 2 gal $26 on order Abelia hybrid ‘Radiance’ PP21929 Suntastic™ 'Radiance' AbeliaSuntastic™ 'Radiance' Abelia 3 gal $26 few Abelia hybrid ‘Radiance’ PP21929 Suntastic™ 'Radiance' AbeliaSuntastic™ 'Radiance' Abelia 3 gal $26 few Abutilon 'Lucky Lantern Series' Lucky Lantern Series Flowering MapleLucky Lantern Series Flowering Maple 5 in $4 on order Acalypha hispida Chenile Hanging BasketChenile Hanging Basket 6 in $14 Acanthus 'Whitewater’ PP23342 Whitewater Spiny Bear's BreechesWhitewater Spiny Bear's Breeches 1 gal $8 Acer pal. 'Beni Maiko' Beni Maiko Japanese MapleBeni Maiko Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Beni Maiko' Beni Maiko Japanese MapleBeni Maiko Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Fireglow' Fireglow Japanese MapleFireglow Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Fireglow' Fireglow Japanese MapleFireglow Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Geisha Gone Wild' Geisha Gone Wild Japanese MapleGeisha Gone Wild Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Geisha Gone Wild' Geisha Gone Wild Japanese MapleGeisha Gone Wild Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Ilarian' Ilarian Japanese MapleIlarian Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Ilarian' Ilarian Japanese MapleIlarian Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Little Sango' Dwarf Coral Bark Japanese MapleDwarf Coral Bark Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Little Sango' Dwarf Coral Bark Japanese MapleDwarf Coral Bark Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Purple Ghost' Purple Ghost Japanese MaplePurple Ghost Japanese Maple 3 gal $100 Acer pal. 'Purple Ghost' Purple Ghost Japanese MaplePurple Ghost Japanese Maple 3 gal $100 Acer pal. 'Seiryu' Seiryu Laceleaf Japanese MapleSeiryu Laceleaf Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer pal. 'Seiryu' Seiryu Laceleaf Japanese MapleSeiryu Laceleaf Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer pal. 'Shishigashira' Shishigashira Japanese MapleShishigashira Japanese Maple 2 gal $80 Acer pal. 'Shishigashira' Shishigashira Japanese MapleShishigashira Japanese Maple 2 gal $80 Acer pal. 'Summer Gold' Summer Gold Japanese MapleSummer Gold Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Summer Gold' Summer Gold Japanese MapleSummer Gold Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Tobiosho' Tobiosho Japanese MapleTobiosho Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Tobiosho' Tobiosho Japanese MapleTobiosho Japanese Maple 1 gal $30 Acer pal. 'Viridis' Viridis Laceleaf Japanese MapleViridis Laceleaf Japanese Maple 2 gal $80 Acer pal. 'Viridis' Viridis Laceleaf Japanese MapleViridis Laceleaf Japanese Maple 2 gal $80 Acer pal. dis. 'Crimson Queen' Crimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese MapleCrimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese Maple 2 gal $85 Acer pal. dis. 'Crimson Queen' Crimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese MapleCrimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese Maple 1 gal $32.50 Acer pal. dis. 'Crimson Queen' Crimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese MapleCrimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer pal. dis. 'Crimson Queen' Crimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese MapleCrimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese Maple 2 gal $85 Acer pal. dis. 'Crimson Queen' Crimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese MapleCrimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese Maple 1 gal $32.50 Acer pal. dis. 'Crimson Queen' Crimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese MapleCrimson Queen Dw Laceleaf Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer pal. dis. 'Inaba shidare' Inaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese MapleInaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese Maple 1 gal $32.50 Acer pal. dis. 'Inaba shidare' Inaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese MapleInaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese Maple 15 gal $350 Acer pal. dis. 'Inaba shidare' Inaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese MapleInaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer pal. dis. 'Inaba shidare' Inaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese MapleInaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese Maple 1 gal $32.50 Acer pal. dis. 'Inaba shidare' Inaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese MapleInaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese Maple 15 gal $350 Acer pal. dis. 'Inaba shidare' Inaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese MapleInaba Shidare Laceleaf Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer pal. dis. 'Orangeola' Orangeola Weeping Laceleaf Japanese MapleOrangeola Weeping Laceleaf Japanese Maple 1 gal $32.50 Acer pal. dis. 'Orangeola' Orangeola Weeping Laceleaf Japanese MapleOrangeola Weeping Laceleaf Japanese Maple 1 gal $32.50 Acer pal. dis. 'Tamuke yama' Tamukeyama Japanese MapleTamukeyama Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer pal. dis. 'Tamuke yama' Tamukeyama Japanese MapleTamukeyama Japanese Maple 1 gal $32.50 Acer pal. dis. 'Tamuke yama' Tamukeyama Japanese MapleTamukeyama Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer pal. dis. 'Tamuke yama' Tamukeyama Japanese MapleTamukeyama Japanese Maple 1 gal $32.50 Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' Bloodgood Japanese MapleBloodgood Japanese Maple 7 gal $135 few Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' Bloodgood Japanese MapleBloodgood Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' Bloodgood Japanese MapleBloodgood Japanese Maple 5 gal $100 Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' Bloodgood Japanese MapleBloodgood Japanese Maple 7 gal $135 few Acer palmatum 'Emperor 1' Emperor 1 Red Japanese MapleEmperor 1 Red Japanese Maple 7 gal $135 on order Acer palmatum 'Emperor 1' Emperor 1 Red Japanese MapleEmperor 1 Red Japanese Maple 7 gal $135 on order Acer palmatum var. d. 'Tamukeyama' Tamukeyama Dwarf Laceleaf Japanese MapleTamukeyama Dwarf Laceleaf Japanese Maple 7 gal $145 Acer palmatum var. d. 'Tamukeyama' Tamukeyama Dwarf Laceleaf Japanese MapleTamukeyama Dwarf Laceleaf Japanese Maple 7 gal $145 Achillea millefolium 'Sassy Summer Taffy' Sassy Summer Taffy YarrowSassy Summer Taffy Yarrow 1 gal $5 on order Achillea millefolium 'Saucy Seduction' Saucy Seduction YarrowSaucy Seduction Yarrow 1 gal $5.50 Achillea millefolium New Vintage 'Red' New Vintage™ Red YarrowNew Vintage™ Red Yarrow 1 gal $5 Achillea millefolium New Vintage ‘White’ New Vintage™ White YarrowNew Vintage™ White Yarrow 1 gal $5 Achillea millefolium ‘Balvinrose’ PP25712 New Vintage™ Rose YarrowNew Vintage™ Rose Yarrow 1 gal $5 Achillea millefolium ‘Desert Eve Red’ Desert Eve Red YarrowDesert Eve Red Yarrow 1 gal $5 Achillea millefolium ‘Desert Eve Terracotta’ Desert Eve Terracotta YarrowDesert Eve Terracotta Yarrow 1 gal $5 on order Achillea millefolium ‘Desert Eve Yellow’ Desert Eve Yellow YarrowDesert Eve Yellow Yarrow 1 gal $5 Achillea millefolium ‘Sassy Summer Sangria’ PP31355 Sassy Summer Sangria YarrowSassy Summer Sangria Yarrow 1 gal $5 Achillea millefolium ‘Summer Berries’ Summer Berries YarrowSummer Berries Yarrow 1 gal $5 Achillea millefolium ‘Tutti Frutti Pomegranate’ Tutti Frutti™ Pomegranate YarrowTutti Frutti™ Pomegranate Yarrow 1 gal $5 Acorus gramineus 'Minimus Aureus' Dwarf Golden SweetflagDwarf Golden Sweetflag 4 in $3 Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' Golden Variegated SweetflagGolden Variegated Sweetflag 4 in $3 Adiantum capillus-veneris Southern Maidenhair FernSouthern Maidenhair Fern 1 gal $6 Adiantum raddianum 'Fragrans' Maidenhair FernMaidenhair Fern 6 in $9 Adiantum x mairisii Mairis's Hardy Maidenhair FernMairis's Hardy Maidenhair Fern 1 gal $6 Aeschynanthus longicaulis 'Black Pagoda' Black Pagoda Lipstick PlantBlack Pagoda Lipstick Plant 4in $7.50 Aeschynanthus marmoratus Zebra Basket VineZebra Basket Vine 6 in $15 1 left Aeschynanthus obconicus 'Mona Lisa' Mona Lisa Lipstick HBMona Lisa Lipstick HB 6 in $9 few Aeschynanthus sp. 'Bolero Bicolor' Bolero Bicolor Lipstick PlantBolero Bicolor Lipstick Plant 4 in $6 few Agarista populifolia Florida Leucothoe **nativeFlorida Leucothoe **native 1 gal $6 Agarista populifolia Florida Leucothoe **nativeFlorida Leucothoe **native 3 gal $15 Agarista populifolia Florida Leucothoe **nativeFlorida Leucothoe **native 1 gal $6 Agarista populifolia Florida Leucothoe **nativeFlorida Leucothoe **native 3 gal $15 Agave Agave -Sku-32-411Agave -Sku-32-411 Large $68 Agave Agave -Sku-32-412Agave -Sku-32-412 10 in $18 Agave Agave -Sku-32-411Agave -Sku-32-411 Small $38 Agave Agave -Sku-32-411Agave -Sku-32-411 Medium $52 Agave Agave -Sku-32-412Agave -Sku-32-412 10 in $18 Agave Agave -Sku-32-411Agave -Sku-32-411 Small $38 Agave Agave -Sku-32-411Agave -Sku-32-411 Medium $52 Agave Agave -Sku-32-411Agave -Sku-32-411 Large $68 Agave geminiflora Twin Flowered AgaveTwin Flowered Agave 5 in $5 Agave victoriae-reginae 'Porcupine' Queen Victoria AgaveQueen Victoria Agave 5 in $5 Aglaonema 'Silver Bay' Silver Bay AglaonemaSilver Bay Aglaonema 10in $35 Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' Black Scallop BugleweedBlack Scallop Bugleweed 3.5 in $3.25 Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' Black Scallop BugleweedBlack Scallop Bugleweed 4 in $3 4/$10 Ajuga reptans 'Bronze Beauty' Bronze Beauty BugleweedBronze Beauty Bugleweed 4pk $9 Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' Burgundy Glow BugleweedBurgundy Glow Bugleweed 3.5in $2.75 Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' Burgundy Glow BugleweedBurgundy Glow Bugleweed 4pk $9 Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip' Chocolate Chip BugleweedChocolate Chip Bugleweed 4pk $9 Akebia quinata Chocolate VineChocolate Vine 1 gal $7 on order Akebia quinata Chocolate VineChocolate Vine 1 gal $7 on order Allium 'Mt Everest' Mt Everest AlliumMt Everest Allium 1 gal $7 Allium schoenoprasum ChivesChives 5 in $3 on order Alocasia 'Silver Dragon' Silver Dragon AlocasiaSilver Dragon Alocasia 4in $7 Aloe Vera Aloe VeraAloe Vera 4.5 in $6.50 big! Anemone 'Pretty Julia' Pretty Julia AnemonePretty Julia Anemone 1 gal $7 Anemone ‘Frilly Knickers’ Frilly Knickers AnemoneFrilly Knickers Anemone 1 gal $7 Antheum graveolens Fernleaf DillFernleaf Dill 5 in $3 4/$10 Antheum graveolens 'Bouquet' Bouquet DillBouquet Dill 5 in $3 4/$10 Anthurium sp. AnthuriumAnthurium 5 in $12.50 on order Antirrhinum m. Liberty Classic™ Series Liberty Classic™ Series SnapdragonLiberty Classic™ Series Snapdragon 1 gal $4 3/$10 Antirrhinum m. Liberty Classic™ Series Liberty Classic™ Series SnapdragonLiberty Classic™ Series Snapdragon 4.3 in $3.25 Antirrhinum majus 'Candy Showers' Trailing Snapdragon BasketTrailing Snapdragon Basket 10 in $8 Antirrhinum majus Snaptastic™ Series Snaptastic™ Series SnapdragonSnaptastic™ Series Snapdragon 4 in $1.75 18/$30 Antirrhinum majus Snaptini Series Snaptini Series SnapdragonSnaptini Series Snapdragon 4pk $5 Antirrhinum majus Snaptotshot™ Series Snapshot™ Series SnapdragonSnapshot™ Series Snapdragon 4 in $1.75 18/$30 Antirrhinum majus Sonnet Series Sonnet Series SnapdragonSonnet Series Snapdragon 4 in $2.25 15/$30 Aptenia cordifolia 'Variegata' Baby Sun Rose BasketBaby Sun Rose Basket 6 in $13.50 few Arizona Cactus Arizona Cactus -Sku-32-420Arizona Cactus -Sku-32-420 12 in $20 Arizona Cactus Arizona Cactus -Sku-32-420Arizona Cactus -Sku-32-420 12 in $20 Armeria pseudarmeria Dreameria® Dreameria® Dreamland Sea ThriftDreameria® Dreamland Sea Thrift 5 in $4 on order Aronia melanocarpa 'UCONNAM165' PP28789 Low Scape Mound® - AroniaLow Scape Mound® - Aronia 3 gal $32.50 Aronia melanocarpa 'UCONNAM165' PP28789 Low Scape Mound® - AroniaLow Scape Mound® - Aronia 3 gal $32.50 Asparagus densiflorus Foxtail FernFoxtail Fern 1 gal $6 on order Asparagus densiflorus Foxtail FernFoxtail Fern 5 in $3 Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri' Sprengeri FernSprengeri Fern 5 in $4 Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri' Sprengeri Fern BasketSprengeri Fern Basket 10 in $11 Asparagus plumosa 'Nanus' Plumosa FernPlumosa Fern 5 in $4 Aspidistra elatior Cast Iron PlantCast Iron Plant 3 gal $16 on order Aspidistra elatior Cast Iron PlantCast Iron Plant 3 gal $16 on order Asplenium nidus 'Avis' Bird's Nest FernBird's Nest Fern 4in $3 Aucuba 'Hosaba Hoshifu' Hosoba Hoshifu Variegated AucubaHosoba Hoshifu Variegated Aucuba 3 gal $15 on order Aucuba 'Hosaba Hoshifu' Hosoba Hoshifu Variegated AucubaHosoba Hoshifu Variegated Aucuba 3 gal $15 on order Azalea (Rhododendron) 'HinodeGiri' Kurume Azalea (Red, low ht)Kurume Azalea (Red, low ht) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea (Rhododendron) 'HinodeGiri' Kurume Azalea (Red, low ht)Kurume Azalea (Red, low ht) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Astronaut' Holly Springs Azalea (md ht, white/light pinkHolly Springs Azalea (md ht, white/light pink 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Astronaut' Holly Springs Azalea (md ht, white/light pinkHolly Springs Azalea (md ht, white/light pink 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Chinzan' Stasuki Azalea (low ht, pink)Stasuki Azalea (low ht, pink) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Chinzan' Stasuki Azalea (low ht, pink)Stasuki Azalea (low ht, pink) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Conversation Piece' Robin Hill Azalea (low ht,wh/soft pink)Robin Hill Azalea (low ht,wh/soft pink) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Conversation Piece' Robin Hill Azalea (low ht,wh/soft pink)Robin Hill Azalea (low ht,wh/soft pink) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Coronado Red' Harris Azalea (low ht, dk red)Harris Azalea (low ht, dk red) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Coronado Red' Harris Azalea (low ht, dk red)Harris Azalea (low ht, dk red) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Formosa' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, purple)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, purple) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Formosa' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, purple)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, purple) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'George L. Taber' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, white)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, white) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'George L. Taber' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, white)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, white) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Hardy Gardenia' Lynwood Azalea (lw ht, white)Lynwood Azalea (lw ht, white) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Hardy Gardenia' Lynwood Azalea (lw ht, white)Lynwood Azalea (lw ht, white) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Hardy Gardenia' Lynwood Azalea (lw ht, white)Lynwood Azalea (lw ht, white) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Hardy Gardenia' Lynwood Azalea (lw ht, white)Lynwood Azalea (lw ht, white) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Hershey Red' Kurume Azalea (lw ht, red)Kurume Azalea (lw ht, red) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Hershey Red' Kurume Azalea (lw ht, red)Kurume Azalea (lw ht, red) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Hilda Niblett' Robin Hill Azalea (low ht, soft pink)Robin Hill Azalea (low ht, soft pink) 3 gal $15 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Hilda Niblett' Robin Hill Azalea (low ht, soft pink)Robin Hill Azalea (low ht, soft pink) 3 gal $15 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Judge Solomon' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, bright pink)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, bright pink) 1 gal $5 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Judge Solomon' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, bright pink)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, bright pink) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Judge Solomon' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, bright pink)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, bright pink) 1 gal $5 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Judge Solomon' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, bright pink)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht, bright pink) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Karen' Gable Azalea (lw ht, lavender-purple)Gable Azalea (lw ht, lavender-purple) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Karen' Gable Azalea (lw ht, lavender-purple)Gable Azalea (lw ht, lavender-purple) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Koromo Shikibu' Macrosepalum Azalea(split petal lavender, med ht, unique)Macrosepalum Azalea(split petal lavender, med ht, unique) 3 gal $15 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Koromo Shikibu' Macrosepalum Azalea(split petal lavender, med ht, unique)Macrosepalum Azalea(split petal lavender, med ht, unique) 3 gal $15 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Midnight Flare' Harris Azalea (dk red, low ht)Harris Azalea (dk red, low ht) 3 gal $14 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Midnight Flare' Harris Azalea (dk red, low ht)Harris Azalea (dk red, low ht) 3 gal $14 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Momo No Haru' Satsuki Azalea (lw ht, pink)Satsuki Azalea (lw ht, pink) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Momo No Haru' Satsuki Azalea (lw ht, pink)Satsuki Azalea (lw ht, pink) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Nuccios Wild Cherry' Satsuki Azalea (lw ht, cherry-red)Satsuki Azalea (lw ht, cherry-red) 1 gal $6 3/$15 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Nuccios Wild Cherry' Satsuki Azalea (lw ht, cherry-red)Satsuki Azalea (lw ht, cherry-red) 1 gal $6 3/$15 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Pink Ruffle' Rutherford Azalea (med ht, clear pink)Rutherford Azalea (med ht, clear pink) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Pink Ruffle' Rutherford Azalea (med ht, clear pink)Rutherford Azalea (med ht, clear pink) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Poukhanense' Kurume Azalea (lw ht, lavender)Kurume Azalea (lw ht, lavender) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Poukhanense' Kurume Azalea (lw ht, lavender)Kurume Azalea (lw ht, lavender) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Pride of Mobile' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht,pink-red)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht,pink-red) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Pride of Mobile' Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht,pink-red)Southern Indica Azalea (lg ht,pink-red) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Red Formosa' Southern Indica Azalea (tall ht, cherry red)Southern Indica Azalea (tall ht, cherry red) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Red Formosa' Southern Indica Azalea (tall ht, cherry red)Southern Indica Azalea (tall ht, cherry red) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Red Ruffles' Rutherford Azalea (lw ht, bright red)Rutherford Azalea (lw ht, bright red) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Red Ruffles' Rutherford Azalea (lw ht, bright red)Rutherford Azalea (lw ht, bright red) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Red Slipper' Morrison Azalea (low ht, red)Morrison Azalea (low ht, red) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Red Slipper' Morrison Azalea (low ht, red)Morrison Azalea (low ht, red) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'RutRhod1' Augusta Echo® AzaleaAugusta Echo® Azalea 2 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'RutRhod1' Augusta Echo® AzaleaAugusta Echo® Azalea 2 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Snow' Kurume Azalea (lw ht, white)Kurume Azalea (lw ht, white) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Snow' Kurume Azalea (lw ht, white)Kurume Azalea (lw ht, white) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Sunglow' Carla Azalea (med ht,rosy-red)Carla Azalea (med ht,rosy-red) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Sunglow' Carla Azalea (med ht,rosy-red)Carla Azalea (med ht,rosy-red) 3 gal $15 2/$25 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Sunglow' Carla Azalea (med ht,rosy-red)Carla Azalea (med ht,rosy-red) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Sunglow' Carla Azalea (med ht,rosy-red)Carla Azalea (med ht,rosy-red) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Tama No Hada' Satsuki Azalea(very large pink/white, low ht)Satsuki Azalea(very large pink/white, low ht) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Tama No Hada' Satsuki Azalea(very large pink/white, low ht)Satsuki Azalea(very large pink/white, low ht) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Wakaebisu' Kurume Azalea (lw ht, salmon-pink)Kurume Azalea (lw ht, salmon-pink) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Wakaebisu' Kurume Azalea (lw ht, salmon-pink)Kurume Azalea (lw ht, salmon-pink) 1 gal $5 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Watchett' Robin Hill Azalea (3.5" pink/white, low ht, repeater)Robin Hill Azalea (3.5" pink/white, low ht, repeater) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'Watchett' Robin Hill Azalea (3.5" pink/white, low ht, repeater)Robin Hill Azalea (3.5" pink/white, low ht, repeater) 1 gal $5 5/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ''Roblet' PP25072 Encore® Autumn Sunburst® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Sunburst® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ''Roblet' PP25072 Encore® Autumn Sunburst® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Sunburst® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conleb’ Encore® Autumn Embers® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Embers® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conleb’ Encore® Autumn Embers® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Embers® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conled’ Encore® Autumn Coral® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Coral® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conled’ Encore® Autumn Coral® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Coral® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblev' PP25046 Encore® Autumn Ivory® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Ivory® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblev' PP25046 Encore® Autumn Ivory® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Ivory® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleza’ PP29770 Encore® Autumn Bonfire® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Bonfire® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleza’ PP29770 Encore® Autumn Bonfire® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Bonfire® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleza’ PP29771 Encore® Autumn Bonfire® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Bonfire® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleza’ PP29771 Encore® Autumn Bonfire® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Bonfire® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblezd' PP32967 Encore® Autumn Majesty® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Majesty® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblezd' PP32967 Encore® Autumn Majesty® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Majesty® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Conlep’ Encore® Autumn Twist® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Twist® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Conlep’ Encore® Autumn Twist® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Twist® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Conlep’ Encore® Autumn Twist® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Twist® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Conlep’ Encore® Autumn Twist® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Twist® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Mootum’ PP18416 Encore® Autumn Moonlight® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Moonlight® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Mootum’ PP18416 Encore® Autumn Moonlight® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Moonlight® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Mootum’ PP18417 Encore® Autumn Moonlight® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Moonlight® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Mootum’ PP18417 Encore® Autumn Moonlight® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Moonlight® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Roblee’ Encore® Autumn Sangria® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Sangria® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Roblee’ Encore® Autumn Sangria® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Sangria® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Roblel’ PP16278 Encore® Autumn Debutante® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Debutante® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® ‘Roblel’ PP16278 Encore® Autumn Debutante® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Debutante® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlea' Encore® Autumn Rouge® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Rouge® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlea' Encore® Autumn Rouge® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Rouge® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlec' Encore® Autumn Royalty® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Royalty® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlec' Encore® Autumn Royalty® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Royalty® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlec' Encore® Autumn Royalty® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Royalty® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlec' Encore® Autumn Royalty® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Royalty® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlen' Encore® Autumn Bravo® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Bravo® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlen' Encore® Autumn Bravo® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Bravo® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conleo' Encore® Autumn Monarch™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Monarch™ Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conleo' Encore® Autumn Monarch™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Monarch™ Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblec' PP15339 Encore® Autumn Carnation® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Carnation® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblec' PP15339 Encore® Autumn Carnation® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Carnation® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblec' PP15340 Encore® Autumn Carnation® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Carnation® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblec' PP15340 Encore® Autumn Carnation® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Carnation® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblee' PP15077 Encore® Autumn Sangria® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Sangria® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblee' PP15077 Encore® Autumn Sangria® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Sangria® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblen' PP16248 Encore® Autumn Sunset® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Sunset® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblen' PP16248 Encore® Autumn Sunset® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Sunset® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robles' PP22762 Encore® Autumn Lilac® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Lilac® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robles' PP22762 Encore® Autumn Lilac® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Lilac® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblex' 25073 Encore® Autumn Lily® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Lily® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblex' 25073 Encore® Autumn Lily® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Lily® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblex' 25074 Encore® Autumn Lily® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Lily® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblex' 25074 Encore® Autumn Lily® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Lily® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblez' 28279 Encore® Autumn Fire® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Fire® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Roblez' 28279 Encore® Autumn Fire® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Fire® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleze' 32506 Encore® Autumn Starburst® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Starburst® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleze' 32506 Encore® Autumn Starburst® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Starburst® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) h .'QbackA' PP27082 Solar Glow™ Sunbow® NativeAzaleaSolar Glow™ Sunbow® NativeAzalea 3 gal $29 Azalea(Rhododendron) h .'QbackA' PP27082 Solar Glow™ Sunbow® NativeAzaleaSolar Glow™ Sunbow® NativeAzalea 3 gal $29 Azalea(Rhododendron) h. 'QbackB' PP27083 Solar Flare™ Sunbow® Native AzaleaSolar Flare™ Sunbow® Native Azalea 3 gal $29 Azalea(Rhododendron) h. 'QbackB' PP27083 Solar Flare™ Sunbow® Native AzaleaSolar Flare™ Sunbow® Native Azalea 3 gal $29 Azalea(Rhododendron) x 'NCRX7' Perfecto Mundo® Double Dark Pink Reblooming AzaleaPerfecto Mundo® Double Dark Pink Reblooming Azalea 2 gal $28 Azalea(Rhododendron) x 'NCRX7' Perfecto Mundo® Double Dark Pink Reblooming AzaleaPerfecto Mundo® Double Dark Pink Reblooming Azalea 2 gal $28 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'NCRX4' PP33205 Perfecto Mundo® Double Purple Reblooming AzaleaPerfecto Mundo® Double Purple Reblooming Azalea 2 gal $28 Azalea(Rhododendron) 'NCRX4' PP33205 Perfecto Mundo® Double Purple Reblooming AzaleaPerfecto Mundo® Double Purple Reblooming Azalea 2 gal $28 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlee' Encore® Autumn Amethyst® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Amethyst® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conlee' Encore® Autumn Amethyst® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Amethyst® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conles' Encore® Autumn Empress™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Empress™ Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conles' Encore® Autumn Empress™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Empress™ Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conles' Encore® Autumn Empress™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Empress™ Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Conles' Encore® Autumn Empress™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Empress™ Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robled' PP 15862 Encore® Autumn Chiffon™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Chiffon™ Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robled' PP 15862 Encore® Autumn Chiffon™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Chiffon™ Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 2/$20 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robled' PP 15863 Encore® Autumn Chiffon™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Chiffon™ Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robled' PP 15863 Encore® Autumn Chiffon™ Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Chiffon™ Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleg' PP15227 Encore® Autumn Angel® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Angel® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleg' PP15227 Encore® Autumn Angel® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Angel® Reblooming Azalea 1 gal $12.50 on order Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleg' PP15228 Encore® Autumn Angel® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Angel® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Azalea(Rhododendron) Encore® 'Robleg' PP15228 Encore® Autumn Angel® Reblooming AzaleaEncore® Autumn Angel® Reblooming Azalea 3 gal $22.50 Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail PalmPonytail Palm 10in $27 on order Begonia 'Miss Mummy' Miss Mummy Angel Wing Begonia BasketMiss Mummy Angel Wing Begonia Basket 10 in $8.50 Begonia 'Sophia' Sophia Angel Wing Begonia BasketSophia Angel Wing Begonia Basket 10 in $8.50 Begonia interspecific ‘Hula Series’ Hula™ Series Spreading BegoniaHula™ Series Spreading Begonia 10 in $9 Begonia maculata Polka Dot BegoniaPolka Dot Begonia 4in $8 Begonia rex-cultorum Rex BegoniaRex Begonia 5 in $10 few Begonia sp. ‘Viking /Viking XLSeries’ Viking Series Begonia BasketViking Series Begonia Basket 10 in $8.50 Begonia x tuberhybrida Tuberous BegoniaTuberous Begonia 4.5 in $4.75 few Begonia x tuberhybrida Tuberous BegoniaTuberous Begonia 6 in $11 few Begonia ‘Canary Wing’ PP27148 Canary Wings BegoniaCanary Wings Begonia 5 in $3 4/$10 Begonia ‘Canary Wing’ PP27149 Canary Wings Begonia BasketCanary Wings Begonia Basket 10 in $9 Begonia ‘Looking Glass’ Looking Glass Angel Wing Begonia BasketLooking Glass Angel Wing Begonia Basket 10 in $8.50 Berberis thunbergii ‘Crimson Pygmy’ Crimson Pygmy Dwarf Japanese BarberryCrimson Pygmy Dwarf Japanese Barberry 3 gal $15 Berberis thunbergii ‘Crimson Pygmy’ Crimson Pygmy Dwarf Japanese BarberryCrimson Pygmy Dwarf Japanese Barberry 3 gal $15 Berberis thunbergii ‘Rosy Glow’ Rosy Glow Dwarf Japanese BarberryRosy Glow Dwarf Japanese Barberry 3 gal $15 Berberis thunbergii ‘Rosy Glow’ Rosy Glow Dwarf Japanese BarberryRosy Glow Dwarf Japanese Barberry 3 gal $15 Berberis thunbergii 'Maria' USPP 18,082 Sunjoy® Gold Pillar BarberrySunjoy® Gold Pillar Barberry 2 gal $26 Berberis thunbergii 'Maria' USPP 18,082 Sunjoy® Gold Pillar BarberrySunjoy® Gold Pillar Barberry 2 gal $26 Berberis thunbergii 'NCBT1' PP30330 Sunjoy® Mini Maroon BarberrySunjoy® Mini Maroon Barberry 2 gal $26 Berberis thunbergii 'NCBT1' PP30330 Sunjoy® Mini Maroon BarberrySunjoy® Mini Maroon Barberry 2 gal $26 Beta 'Bright Lights' Bright Lights Swiss ChardBright Lights Swiss Chard 9pk $5 on order Beta 'Ruby Red' Ruby Red Swiss ChardRuby Red Swiss Chard 9pk $5 on order Beta vulgaris 'Bulls Blood' Bull's Blood BeetsBull's Blood Beets 9pk $5 on order Beta vulgaris ‘Fresh Start’ Fresh Start BeetsFresh Start Beets 9pk $5 5/$20 Bignonia capreolata 'Shalimar Red' Shalimar Red Cross VineShalimar Red Cross Vine 3 gal $27 Bignonia capreolata 'Shalimar Red' Shalimar Red Cross VineShalimar Red Cross Vine 3 gal $27 Bignonia capreolata 'Tangerine Beauty' Tangerine Beauty Cross VineTangerine Beauty Cross Vine 3 gal $27 Bignonia capreolata 'Tangerine Beauty' Tangerine Beauty Cross VineTangerine Beauty Cross Vine 3 gal $27 Blue Bird Blue Bird -Sku-OOS-172Blue Bird -Sku-OOS-172 $15 Blue Bird Blue Bird -Sku-OOS-172Blue Bird -Sku-OOS-172 $15 Blue Tail Rooster Blue Tail Rooster -Sku-34-076Blue Tail Rooster -Sku-34-076 39 in $50 Blue Tail Rooster Blue Tail Rooster -Sku-34-076Blue Tail Rooster -Sku-34-076 39 in $50 Blue Vertical Spinner Blue Vertical Spinner -Sku-28-046Blue Vertical Spinner -Sku-28-046 $90 Blue Vertical Spinner Blue Vertical Spinner -Sku-28-046Blue Vertical Spinner -Sku-28-046 $90 Brassica oleacea 'Destiny' Destiny BroccoliDestiny Broccoli 3.5in $2 Brassica oleracea 'Castle Dome' Castle Dome BroccoliCastle Dome Broccoli 9pk $5 5/$20 Brassica oleracea 'Cheddar' Cheddar CauliflowerCheddar Cauliflower 3.5in $2 Brassica oleracea 'China King' China King CabbageChina King Cabbage 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea 'Copenhagen' Copenhagen CabbageCopenhagen Cabbage 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea 'Destiny' Destiny BroccoliDestiny Broccoli 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea 'Early Dutch Flat' Early Dutch Flat CabbageEarly Dutch Flat Cabbage 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea 'Flash' Flash CollardsFlash Collards 9pk $5 5/$20 Brassica oleracea 'Georgia' Georgia CollardsGeorgia Collards 4pk $2.50 Brassica oleracea 'Gypsy' Gypsy BroccoliGypsy Broccoli 9pk $5 5/$20 Brassica oleracea 'Jade Cross' Brussel SproutsBrussel Sprouts 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea 'Purple Magic' Purple Magic BroccoliPurple Magic Broccoli 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea 'Ruby Ball' Ruby Ball CabbageRuby Ball Cabbage 3.5in $2 Brassica oleracea 'Ruby Perfection' Ruby Perfection CabbageRuby Perfection Cabbage 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea 'Snowball Y Imp' Snowball Y Imp CauliflowerSnowball Y Imp Cauliflower 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea 'Stonehead' Stonehead CabbageStonehead Cabbage 9pk $5 5/$20 Brassica oleracea 'Top Bunch' Top Bunch CollardsTop Bunch Collards 9pk $5 5/$20 Brassica oleracea 'Twister' Twister CauliflowerTwister Cauliflower 9pk $5 on order Brassica oleracea ‘Green Magic’ Green Magic BroccoliGreen Magic Broccoli 9pk $5 5/$20 Brassica rapa var Pekinensis 'Blues' Blues Chinese (Napa)CabbageBlues Chinese (Napa)Cabbage 3.5in $2 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Tall -Sku-MR07Bright Mushroom, Tall -Sku-MR07 Tall $16.50 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Large -Sku-LM20Bright Mushroom, Large -Sku-LM20 Large $11.50 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Medium -Sku-MR05Bright Mushroom, Medium -Sku-MR05 Medium $6.75 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Small -Sku-MR06Bright Mushroom, Small -Sku-MR06 Small $6 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Grande -Sku-MR09Bright Mushroom, Grande -Sku-MR09 Grande $16.50 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Tall -Sku-MR07Bright Mushroom, Tall -Sku-MR07 Tall $16.50 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Large -Sku-LM20Bright Mushroom, Large -Sku-LM20 Large $11.50 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Medium -Sku-MR05Bright Mushroom, Medium -Sku-MR05 Medium $6.75 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Small -Sku-MR06Bright Mushroom, Small -Sku-MR06 Small $6 Bright Mushroom Bright Mushroom, Grande -Sku-MR09Bright Mushroom, Grande -Sku-MR09 Grande $16.50 Brunnera macrophylla ‘’Silver Heart’ Silver Heart Siberian BuglossSilver Heart Siberian Bugloss 6 in $8 Buddleia x 'Buzz Velvet' Dwarf Buzz Velvet Butterfly BushDwarf Buzz Velvet Butterfly Bush 1 gal $6 Buddleia x 'Buzz Velvet' Dwarf Buzz Velvet Butterfly BushDwarf Buzz Velvet Butterfly Bush 1 gal $6 Buddleia x 'Raspberry' Dwarf Raspberry Butterfly BushDwarf Raspberry Butterfly Bush 1 gal $6 on order Buddleia x 'Raspberry' Dwarf Raspberry Butterfly BushDwarf Raspberry Butterfly Bush 1 gal $6 on order Buddleia x 'SMNBDBT' PP28794 Pugster Blue™ Butterfly BushPugster Blue™ Butterfly Bush 3 gal $26 Buddleia x 'SMNBDBT' PP28794 Pugster Blue™ Butterfly BushPugster Blue™ Butterfly Bush 3 gal $26 Buddleia x 'SMNBDW' PP28795 Pugster White® Butterfly BushPugster White® Butterfly Bush 2 gal $24 Buddleia x 'SMNBDW' PP28795 Pugster White® Butterfly BushPugster White® Butterfly Bush 2 gal $24 Buddleia x Chrysalis 'Blue' Chrysalis Blue Butterfly BushChrysalis Blue Butterfly Bush 1 gal $6 Buddleia x Chrysalis 'Blue' Chrysalis Blue Butterfly BushChrysalis Blue Butterfly Bush 1 gal $6 Buddleia x ‘Buzz Midnight’ Dwarf Dark Purple Butterfly BushDwarf Dark Purple Butterfly Bush 1 gal $6 on order Buddleia x ‘Buzz Midnight’ Dwarf Dark Purple Butterfly BushDwarf Dark Purple Butterfly Bush 1 gal $6 on order Bumble Bee Bumble Bee -Sku-34-613Bumble Bee -Sku-34-613 $15 on order Bumble Bee Bumble Bee -Sku-34-613Bumble Bee -Sku-34-613 $15 on order Butterfly Butterfly -Sku-34-643Butterfly -Sku-34-643 12 in $15 Butterfly Butterfly -Sku-34-643Butterfly -Sku-34-643 12 in $15 Butterfly Stake Butterfly Stake -Sku-30-160Butterfly Stake -Sku-30-160 $12 Butterfly Stake Butterfly Stake -Sku-SR20Butterfly Stake -Sku-SR20 Medium $14.50 Butterfly Stake Butterfly Stake -Sku-SR20Butterfly Stake -Sku-SR20 Medium $14.50 Butterfly Stake Butterfly Stake -Sku-30-160Butterfly Stake -Sku-30-160 $12 Buxus 'Annie's Dwarf' Dwarf Japanese BoxwoodDwarf Japanese Boxwood 3 gal $15 on order Buxus 'Annie's Dwarf' Dwarf Japanese BoxwoodDwarf Japanese Boxwood 3 gal $15 on order Buxus 'Green Gem' Green Gem BoxwoodGreen Gem Boxwood 3 gal $24 Buxus 'Green Gem' Green Gem BoxwoodGreen Gem Boxwood 3 gal $24 Buxus 'Green Velvet' Green Velvet BoxwoodGreen Velvet Boxwood 3 gal $28 Buxus 'Green Velvet' Green Velvet BoxwoodGreen Velvet Boxwood 3 gal $28 Buxus Hybrid ‘HER2010B02' PP32309 Heritage™ BoxwoodHeritage™ Boxwood 3 gal $24.50 Buxus Hybrid ‘HER2010B02' PP32309 Heritage™ BoxwoodHeritage™ Boxwood 3 gal $24.50 Buxus Little Missy Little Missy BoxwoodLittle Missy Boxwood 1 gal $9 on order Buxus Little Missy Little Missy BoxwoodLittle Missy Boxwood 1 gal $9 on order Buxus microphylla 'Bulthouse' PP25895 Sprinter® BoxwoodSprinter® Boxwood 2 gal $26 Buxus microphylla 'Bulthouse' PP25895 Sprinter® BoxwoodSprinter® Boxwood 2 gal $26 Buxus microphylla 'Bulthouse' PP25896 Sprinter® BoxwoodSprinter® Boxwood 3 gal $28 on order Buxus microphylla 'Bulthouse' PP25896 Sprinter® BoxwoodSprinter® Boxwood 3 gal $28 on order Buxus microphylla 'Sunburst' Sunburst BoxwoodSunburst Boxwood 1 qt $5 5/$20 Buxus microphylla 'Sunburst' Sunburst BoxwoodSunburst Boxwood 1 qt $5 5/$20 Buxus microphylla japonica Japanese BoxwoodJapanese Boxwood 3 gal $12.50 Buxus microphylla japonica Japanese BoxwoodJapanese Boxwood 1 gal $6 3/$15 Buxus microphylla japonica Japanese BoxwoodJapanese Boxwood 3 gal $12.50 Buxus microphylla japonica Japanese BoxwoodJapanese Boxwood 1 gal $6 3/$15 Buxus microphylla v Koreana Wintergreen BoxwoodWintergreen Boxwood 1 gal $6 3/$15 Buxus microphylla v Koreana Wintergreen BoxwoodWintergreen Boxwood 1 gal $6 3/$15 Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Wintergreen' Wintergreen BoxwoodWintergreen Boxwood 7 gal $45 Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Wintergreen' Wintergreen BoxwoodWintergreen Boxwood 3 gal $15 Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Wintergreen' Wintergreen BoxwoodWintergreen Boxwood 7 gal $45 Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Wintergreen' Wintergreen BoxwoodWintergreen Boxwood 3 gal $15 Buxus x 'Green Gem' Green Gem BoxwoodGreen Gem Boxwood 1 gal $15 Buxus x 'Green Gem' Green Gem BoxwoodGreen Gem Boxwood 1 gal $15 Buxus x 'Green Mountain' Green Mountian BoxwoodGreen Mountian Boxwood 1 gal $15 Buxus x 'Green Mountain' Green Mountian BoxwoodGreen Mountian Boxwood 1 gal $15 Cactus Asst Cactus Asst in ceramic potCactus Asst in ceramic pot 2 in $7 Cactus Asst Cactus AsstCactus Asst 6 in $12 Cactus Asst Cactus AsstCactus Asst 4.5 in $10 Cactus Asst Cactus AsstCactus Asst 4 in $4.50 Cactus Asst Cactus AsstCactus Asst 2 in $4 Cactus with Flowers Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410 Medium $68 Cactus with Flowers Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410 Small $30 Cactus with Flowers Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410 Small $30 Cactus with Flowers Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410 Large $90 Cactus with Flowers Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410 Medium $68 Cactus with Flowers Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410Cactus with Flowers -Sku-32-410 Large $90 Calandiva sp. CalandivaCalandiva 2.5 in $3.75 Calandiva sp. CalandivaCalandiva 4.5 in $5 Calandiva sp. Calandivva TricolorCalandivva Tricolor 6 in $10.50 Calendula 'Bon Bon Mix' Bon Bon Mix CalendulaBon Bon Mix Calendula 4pk $5 5/$20 Calendula 'Bon Bon Yellow' Bon Bon Yellow CalendulaBon Bon Yellow Calendula 4pk $5 5/$20 Calibrachoa hybrid 'INCALTRSUN' PP29029 Superbells® Tropical Sunrise Million Bells BasketSuperbells® Tropical Sunrise Million Bells Basket 11 in $12.50 on order Calibrachoa ‘’Superbells Dreamsicle’ Dreamsicle Superbells Million Bells BasketDreamsicle Superbells Million Bells Basket 11 in $12.50 2/$20 Callicarpa americana American BeautyberryAmerican Beautyberry 3 gal $24 Callicarpa americana American BeautyberryAmerican Beautyberry 3 gal $24 Callisia repens 'Pink Panther' Pink Panther Turtle Vine BasketPink Panther Turtle Vine Basket 10in $9 Callisia repens 'Tortuga' Tortuga Turtle Vine BasketTortuga Turtle Vine Basket 10in $9 Camellia japonica 'Altheaiflora' Altheiaflora CamelliaAltheiaflora Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Altheaiflora' Altheiaflora CamelliaAltheiaflora Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'April Blush' April Blush CamelliaApril Blush Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'April Blush' April Blush CamelliaApril Blush Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia japonica 'April Blush' April Blush CamelliaApril Blush Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'April Blush' April Blush CamelliaApril Blush Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia japonica 'April Remembered' April Remembered CamlliaApril Remembered Camllia 3 gal $24 Camellia japonica 'April Remembered' April Remembered CamlliaApril Remembered Camllia 3 gal $24 Camellia japonica 'April Tryst' April Tryst CamelliaApril Tryst Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'April Tryst' April Tryst CamelliaApril Tryst Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia japonica 'April Tryst' April Tryst CamelliaApril Tryst Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'April Tryst' April Tryst CamelliaApril Tryst Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia japonica 'Artic Rose' Artic Rose CamelliaArtic Rose Camellia 1 gal $13.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Artic Rose' Artic Rose CamelliaArtic Rose Camellia 1 gal $13.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Blood of China' Blood of China CamelliaBlood of China Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Blood of China' Blood of China CamelliaBlood of China Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Buttons & Bows' Buttons & Bows CamelliaButtons & Bows Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Buttons & Bows' Buttons & Bows CamelliaButtons & Bows Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'CM Hovey' CM Hovey CamelliaCM Hovey Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'CM Hovey' CM Hovey CamelliaCM Hovey Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Dad's Pink' Dad's Pink CamelliaDad's Pink Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Dad's Pink' Dad's Pink CamelliaDad's Pink Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Dad's Pink' Dad's Pink CamelliaDad's Pink Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Dad's Pink' Dad's Pink CamelliaDad's Pink Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Debutante' Debutante CamelliaDebutante Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Debutante' Debutante CamelliaDebutante Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Debutante' Debutante CamelliaDebutante Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Debutante' Debutante CamelliaDebutante Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Desire' Desire CamelliaDesire Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Desire' Desire CamelliaDesire Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Early Autumn' Early Wonder® CamelliaEarly Wonder® Camellia 1 gal $13.50 Camellia japonica 'Early Autumn' Early Wonder® CamelliaEarly Wonder® Camellia 1 gal $13.50 Camellia japonica 'Flame' Flame CamelliaFlame Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Flame' Flame CamelliaFlame Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Glen 40' Glen 40 CamelliaGlen 40 Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Glen 40' Glen 40 CamelliaGlen 40 Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Goggy' Goggy CamelliaGoggy Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Goggy' Goggy CamelliaGoggy Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Goggy' Goggy CamelliaGoggy Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Goggy' Goggy CamelliaGoggy Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Grape Soda' Grape Soda CamelliaGrape Soda Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Grape Soda' Grape Soda CamelliaGrape Soda Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Gun Smoke' Gun Smoke CamelliaGun Smoke Camellia 3 gal $24 on order Camellia japonica 'Gun Smoke' Gun Smoke CamelliaGun Smoke Camellia 3 gal $24 on order Camellia japonica 'Harriet Bisbee' Harriet Bisbee CamelliaHarriet Bisbee Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Harriet Bisbee' Harriet Bisbee CamelliaHarriet Bisbee Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Herme Special' Herme Special CamelliaHerme Special Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Herme Special' Herme Special CamelliaHerme Special Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Herme' Herme CamelliaHerme Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Herme' Herme CamelliaHerme Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'High Fragrance' High Fragrance CamelliaHigh Fragrance Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'High Fragrance' High Fragrance CamelliaHigh Fragrance Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Jacks Variegata' Jack's Variegated CamelliaJack's Variegated Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Jacks Variegata' Jack's Variegated CamelliaJack's Variegated Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Jacks' Jack's CamelliaJack's Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Jacks' Jack's CamelliaJack's Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Jerry Hill' Jerry Hill CamelliaJerry Hill Camellia 1 gal $13.50 Camellia japonica 'Jerry Hill' Jerry Hill CamelliaJerry Hill Camellia 1 gal $13.50 Camellia japonica 'Kramer's Supreme' Kramer's Supreme CamelliaKramer's Supreme Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia japonica 'Kramer's Supreme' Kramer's Supreme CamelliaKramer's Supreme Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia japonica 'La Peppermint' La Peppermint CamelliaLa Peppermint Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'La Peppermint' La Peppermint CamelliaLa Peppermint Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Lady Vanistart' Lady Vanistart CamelliaLady Vanistart Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Lady Vanistart' Lady Vanistart CamelliaLady Vanistart Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Laura Walker' Laura Walker CamelliaLaura Walker Camellia 7 gal $80 Camellia japonica 'Laura Walker' Laura Walker CamelliaLaura Walker Camellia 7 gal $80 Camellia japonica 'Morning Glow' Morning Glow CamelliaMorning Glow Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Morning Glow' Morning Glow CamelliaMorning Glow Camellia 3 gal $24 Camellia japonica 'Morning Glow' Morning Glow CamelliaMorning Glow Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Morning Glow' Morning Glow CamelliaMorning Glow Camellia 3 gal $24 Camellia japonica 'Pink Perfection' Pink Perfection CamelliaPink Perfection Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Pink Perfection' Pink Perfection CamelliaPink Perfection Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Professor Sargent' Professor Sargent CamelliaProfessor Sargent Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Professor Sargent' Professor Sargent CamelliaProfessor Sargent Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia japonica 'Professor Sargent' Professor Sargent CamelliaProfessor Sargent Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Professor Sargent' Professor Sargent CamelliaProfessor Sargent Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia japonica 'Ragland Supreme' Ragland Supreme CamelliaRagland Supreme Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Ragland Supreme' Ragland Supreme CamelliaRagland Supreme Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Red Lion' Red Lion CamelliaRed Lion Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Red Lion' Red Lion CamelliaRed Lion Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Reg Ragland Supreme' Reg Ragland Supreme CamelliaReg Ragland Supreme Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Reg Ragland Supreme' Reg Ragland Supreme CamelliaReg Ragland Supreme Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Reg Ragland Supreme' Reg Ragland Supreme CamelliaReg Ragland Supreme Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Reg Ragland Supreme' Reg Ragland Supreme CamelliaReg Ragland Supreme Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Rosea Plena' Rosea Plena CamelliaRosea Plena Camellia 3 gal $24 Camellia japonica 'Rosea Plena' Rosea Plena CamelliaRosea Plena Camellia 3 gal $24 Camellia japonica 'Royal Velvet' Royal Velvet CamelliaRoyal Velvet Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia japonica 'Royal Velvet' Royal Velvet CamelliaRoyal Velvet Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia japonica 'Sea Foam' Sea Foam CamelliaSea Foam Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Sea Foam' Sea Foam CamelliaSea Foam Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Tama Vino' Tama Vino CamelliaTama Vino Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Tama Vino' Tama Vino CamelliaTama Vino Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Tama Vino' Tama Vino CamelliaTama Vino Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica 'Tama Vino' Tama Vino CamelliaTama Vino Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Taylor's Perfection' Taylor's Perfection CamelliaTaylor's Perfection Camellia 3 gal $24 Camellia japonica 'Taylor's Perfection' Taylor's Perfection CamelliaTaylor's Perfection Camellia 3 gal $24 Camellia japonica 'Tom Knudsen' Tom Knudsen CamelliaTom Knudsen Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Tom Knudsen' Tom Knudsen CamelliaTom Knudsen Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Tom Knudsen' Tom Knudsen CamelliaTom Knudsen Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia japonica 'Tom Knudsen' Tom Knudsen CamelliaTom Knudsen Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia japonica 'Victory White' Victory White CamelliaVictory White Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia japonica 'Victory White' Victory White CamelliaVictory White Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia japonica Turandot' Turan'dot CamelliaTuran'dot Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia japonica Turandot' Turan'dot CamelliaTuran'dot Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Alabama Beauty' Alabama Beauty CamelliaAlabama Beauty Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia sasanqua 'Alabama Beauty' Alabama Beauty CamelliaAlabama Beauty Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia sasanqua 'Autumn Rocket' Autumn Rocket CamelliaAutumn Rocket Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Autumn Rocket' Autumn Rocket CamelliaAutumn Rocket Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Cleopatra' Cleopatra CamelliaCleopatra Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Cleopatra' Cleopatra CamelliaCleopatra Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Daydream' Daydream CamelliaDaydream Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Daydream' Daydream CamelliaDaydream Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Dazzler' Dazzler CamelliaDazzler Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Dazzler' Dazzler CamelliaDazzler Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Green 02-003' PP24539 October Magic® Ruby™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Ruby™ Camellia 3 gal $27 Camellia sasanqua 'Green 02-003' PP24539 October Magic® Ruby™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Ruby™ Camellia 3 gal $27 Camellia sasanqua 'Green 94-035' PP20465 October Magic® Orchid™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Orchid™ Camellia 2 gal $25 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Green 94-035' PP20465 October Magic® Orchid™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Orchid™ Camellia 1 gal $13.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Green 94-035' PP20465 October Magic® Orchid™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Orchid™ Camellia 1 gal $13.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Green 94-035' PP20465 October Magic® Orchid™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Orchid™ Camellia 2 gal $25 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Green 97-039' PP20566 October Magic® Inspiration™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Inspiration™ Camellia 1 gal $13.50 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Green 97-039' PP20566 October Magic® Inspiration™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Inspiration™ Camellia 3 gal $37 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Green 97-039' PP20566 October Magic® Inspiration™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Inspiration™ Camellia 1 gal $13.50 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Green 97-039' PP20566 October Magic® Inspiration™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Inspiration™ Camellia 3 gal $37 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Kanjiro' Kanjiro CamelliaKanjiro Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia sasanqua 'Kanjiro' Kanjiro CamelliaKanjiro Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia sasanqua 'Mikuniko' Mikuniko CamelliaMikuniko Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Mikuniko' Mikuniko CamelliaMikuniko Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Mine No Yuki' Mine No Yuki CamelliaMine No Yuki Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Mine No Yuki' Mine No Yuki CamelliaMine No Yuki Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Mine No Yuki' Mine No Yuki CamelliaMine No Yuki Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia sasanqua 'Mine No Yuki' Mine No Yuki CamelliaMine No Yuki Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Red Bird' Red Bird CamelliaRed Bird Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia sasanqua 'Red Bird' Red Bird CamelliaRed Bird Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia sasanqua 'Snow Flurry' Snow Flurry CamelliaSnow Flurry Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Snow Flurry' Snow Flurry CamelliaSnow Flurry Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Winter's Fancy' Winter's Fancy CamelliaWinter's Fancy Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Winter's Fancy' Winter's Fancy CamelliaWinter's Fancy Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sasanqua 'Winter's Snowman' Winter's Snowman CamelliaWinter's Snowman Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia sasanqua 'Winter's Snowman' Winter's Snowman CamelliaWinter's Snowman Camellia 3 gal $26 Camellia sasanqua ‘Green 01-006’ PP27597 October Magic® Carpet™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Carpet™ Camellia 1 gal $13.50 on order Camellia sasanqua ‘Green 01-006’ PP27597 October Magic® Carpet™ CamelliaOctober Magic® Carpet™ Camellia 1 gal $13.50 on order Camellia sasanqua ‘TDN 1111’ Alabama Beauty™ CamelliaAlabama Beauty™ Camellia 15 gal $125 Camellia sasanqua ‘TDN 1111’ Alabama Beauty™ CamelliaAlabama Beauty™ Camellia 15 gal $125 Camellia sinensis Tea Camellia ShrubTea Camellia Shrub 2 gal $12.50 on order Camellia sinensis 'Korea' Korean Green Tea CamelliaKorean Green Tea Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia sinensis 'Tetraploid' Large Leaf Tea CamelliaLarge Leaf Tea Camellia 3 gal $32.50 on order Camellia x 'Autumn Spirit' Autumn Spirit CamelliaAutumn Spirit Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia x 'Autumn Spirit' Autumn Spirit CamelliaAutumn Spirit Camellia 1 gal $12.50 Camellia x 'Shibori-Egao' Variegated Smiling Face CamelliaVariegated Smiling Face Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia x 'Shibori-Egao' Variegated Smiling Face CamelliaVariegated Smiling Face Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia x 'Shibori-Egao' Variegated Smiling Face CamelliaVariegated Smiling Face Camellia 1 gal $12.50 on order Camellia x 'Shibori-Egao' Variegated Smiling Face CamelliaVariegated Smiling Face Camellia 3 gal $26 on order Camellia x williamsii 'Lavender Prince II' Lavender Prince II CamelliaLavender Prince II Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Camellia x williamsii 'Lavender Prince II' Lavender Prince II CamelliaLavender Prince II Camellia 3 gal $32.50 Campanula sp. CampanulaCampanula 4 in $7 few Campanula sp. Camapanula in Self Watering PotCamapanula in Self Watering Pot 2.5in $4 few Campanula x 'Birch' Birch's BellflowerBirch's Bellflower 5 in $4 on order Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' Evergold SedgeEvergold Sedge 1 gal $7.50 Carex oshimensis EverColor® 'Everillo' Variegated Japanese SedgeVariegated Japanese Sedge 1 gal $6 Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula' Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar Serpentine 6-7'Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar Serpentine 6-7' B&B $265 Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula' Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar Serpentine 6-7'Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar Serpentine 6-7' B&B $265 Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca' Blue Atlas CedarBlue Atlas Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca' Blue Atlas CedarBlue Atlas Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus atlantica 'Sapphire Nymph' Sapphire Nymph Blue Atlas CedarSapphire Nymph Blue Atlas Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus atlantica 'Sapphire Nymph' Sapphire Nymph Blue Atlas CedarSapphire Nymph Blue Atlas Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus deodara 'Electra Blue' Electra Blue Deodar CedarElectra Blue Deodar Cedar 3 gal $85 Cedrus deodara 'Electra Blue' Electra Blue Deodar CedarElectra Blue Deodar Cedar 3 gal $85 Cedrus deodara 'Feelin Blue' Feelin' Blue Deodar CedarFeelin' Blue Deodar Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus deodara 'Feelin Blue' Feelin' Blue Deodar CedarFeelin' Blue Deodar Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus deodara 'Karl Fuchs' Karl Fuchs Himalayan CedarKarl Fuchs Himalayan Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus deodara 'Karl Fuchs' Karl Fuchs Himalayan CedarKarl Fuchs Himalayan Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus deodara 'Miles High' Miles High Weeping Deodar CedarMiles High Weeping Deodar Cedar 1 gal $30 Cedrus deodara 'Miles High' Miles High Weeping Deodar CedarMiles High Weeping Deodar Cedar 1 gal $30 Cephalotaxus harr. 'Korean Gold' Korean Gold Japanese Plum YewKorean Gold Japanese Plum Yew 1 gal $20 Cephalotaxus harr. 'Korean Gold' Korean Gold Japanese Plum YewKorean Gold Japanese Plum Yew 1 gal $20 Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Duke Gardens' Duke Gardens Plum YewDuke Gardens Plum Yew 2.5 gal $18 Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Duke Gardens' Duke Gardens Plum YewDuke Gardens Plum Yew 2.5 gal $18 Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Prostrata' Spreading Japanese Plum YewSpreading Japanese Plum Yew 3 gal $20 on order Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Prostrata' Spreading Japanese Plum YewSpreading Japanese Plum Yew 3 gal $20 on order Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Yewtopia’ Yewtopia® Plum YewYewtopia® Plum Yew 3 gal $27 on order Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Yewtopia’ Yewtopia® Plum YewYewtopia® Plum Yew 1 gal $12.50 on order Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Yewtopia’ Yewtopia® Plum YewYewtopia® Plum Yew 3 gal $27 on order Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Yewtopia’ Yewtopia® Plum YewYewtopia® Plum Yew 1 gal $12.50 on order Cercis canadensis 'Greswan' PP19654 Burgundy Hearts® RedbudBurgundy Hearts® Redbud 15 gal $195 on order Cercis canadensis 'Greswan' PP19654 Burgundy Hearts® RedbudBurgundy Hearts® Redbud 15 gal $195 on order Cercis canadensis 'NC2015-12' Golden Falls® RedbudGolden Falls® Redbud 7 gal $105 Cercis canadensis 'NC2015-12' Golden Falls® RedbudGolden Falls® Redbud 7 gal $105 Cercis canadensis 'Ruby Falls' Ruby Falls RedbudRuby Falls Redbud 7 gal $115 Cercis canadensis 'Ruby Falls' Ruby Falls RedbudRuby Falls Redbud 7 gal $115 Cercis canadensis var. tex 'NC2014-10' PP35080 Gilded Hearts™ RedbudGilded Hearts™ Redbud 7 gal $95 Cercis canadensis var. tex 'NC2014-10' PP35080 Gilded Hearts™ RedbudGilded Hearts™ Redbud 7 gal $95 Cercis canadensis x 'Merlot' Merlot RedbudMerlot Redbud 7 gal $110 Cercis canadensis x 'Merlot' Merlot RedbudMerlot Redbud 7 gal $110 Chaenomeles s. 'Cameo' Double Peach Flowering QuinceDouble Peach Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. 'Cameo' Double Peach Flowering QuinceDouble Peach Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. 'Cameo' Double Peach Flowering QuinceDouble Peach Flowering Quince 1 gal $6 Chaenomeles s. 'Cameo' Double Peach Flowering QuinceDouble Peach Flowering Quince 1 gal $6 Chaenomeles s. 'Chojuraku' Double Orange Flowering QuinceDouble Orange Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. 'Chojuraku' Double Orange Flowering QuinceDouble Orange Flowering Quince 1 gal $6 Chaenomeles s. 'Chojuraku' Double Orange Flowering QuinceDouble Orange Flowering Quince 1 gal $6 Chaenomeles s. 'Chojuraku' Double Orange Flowering QuinceDouble Orange Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. 'O Yashima' Double White Flowering QuinceDouble White Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. 'O Yashima' Double White Flowering QuinceDouble White Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. 'Superb Fusion' Red Flowering QuinceRed Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. 'Superb Fusion' Red Flowering QuinceRed Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. Iwai Nishiki' Iwai Nishiki Flowering QuinceIwai Nishiki Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles s. Iwai Nishiki' Iwai Nishiki Flowering QuinceIwai Nishiki Flowering Quince 3 gal $15 Chaenomeles speciosa 'Orange Storm' PP20950 Double Take® Orange Storm QuinceDouble Take® Orange Storm Quince 2 gal $28 Chaenomeles speciosa 'Orange Storm' PP20950 Double Take® Orange Storm QuinceDouble Take® Orange Storm Quince 2 gal $28 Chaenomeles speciosa 'SMNCSDW' PP35018 Double Take Eternal White® QuinceDouble Take Eternal White® Quince 2 gal $28 Chaenomeles speciosa 'SMNCSDW' PP35018 Double Take Eternal White® QuinceDouble Take Eternal White® Quince 2 gal $28 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Confucius' Yellow Hinoki CypressYellow Hinoki Cypress 1 gal $16 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Confucius' Yellow Hinoki CypressYellow Hinoki Cypress 1 gal $16 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Kamaeni Hiba' Kamaeni Hiba Dwarf Hinoki CypressKamaeni Hiba Dwarf Hinoki Cypress 1 gal $16 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Kamaeni Hiba' Kamaeni Hiba Dwarf Hinoki CypressKamaeni Hiba Dwarf Hinoki Cypress 1 gal $16 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Lutea' Golden Dwarf Hinoki CypressGolden Dwarf Hinoki Cypress 1 gal $30 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Lutea' Golden Dwarf Hinoki CypressGolden Dwarf Hinoki Cypress 1 gal $30 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Night Light' PP24666 Night Light™ ChamaecyparisNight Light™ Chamaecyparis 3 gal $27 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Night Light' PP24666 Night Light™ ChamaecyparisNight Light™ Chamaecyparis 3 gal $27 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Gold Mop' Gold Mop CypressGold Mop Cypress 3 gal $25 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Gold Mop' Gold Mop CypressGold Mop Cypress 1 gal $12.50 on order Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Gold Mop' Gold Mop CypressGold Mop Cypress 1 gal $12.50 on order Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Gold Mop' Gold Mop CypressGold Mop Cypress 3 gal $25 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'King's Gold' King's Gold False CypressKing's Gold False Cypress 3 gal $16 on order Chamaecyparis pisifera 'King's Gold' King's Gold False CypressKing's Gold False Cypress 3 gal $16 on order Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Paul’s Gold’ Paul's Gold® ChamaecyparisPaul's Gold® Chamaecyparis 3 gal $25 Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Paul’s Gold’ Paul's Gold® ChamaecyparisPaul's Gold® Chamaecyparis 3 gal $25 Chamaedorea elegans Neanthe Bella PalmNeanthe Bella Palm 4in $5 Chlorophytum comosum Hawaiian Spider Plant BasketHawaiian Spider Plant Basket 10 in $8 Chlorophytum variegata Spider Plant BasketSpider Plant Basket 10 in $8 Choisya x 'Aztec Pearl' Aztec Pearl Mexican OrangeAztec Pearl Mexican Orange 1 gal $18 Choisya x 'Aztec Pearl' Aztec Pearl Mexican OrangeAztec Pearl Mexican Orange 1 gal $18 Chrysogonum virginianum Green and GoldGreen and Gold 4.5 in $4 Cineraria sp. CinerariaCineraria 6 in $7.50 few Citrus limon 'Eureka' Eureka LemonEureka Lemon 3 gal $27 Citrus limon 'Harvey' Harvey LemonHarvey Lemon 1 gal $18 Citrus limon 'Variegated Pink' Variegated Pink LemonVariegated Pink Lemon 1 gal $18 Citrus reticulata x sinensis Murcott Honey TangerineMurcott Honey Tangerine 3 gal $27 Citrus sinensis 'Washington' Navel OrangeNavel Orange 3 gal $27 Citrus unshiu Satsuma OrangeSatsuma Orange 5 gal $27 Citrus x latifolia Persian LimePersian Lime 1 gal $18 Citrus x latifolia Persian LimePersian Lime 3 gal $27 Citrus x limon 'Ponderosa' Ponderosa LemonPonderosa Lemon 1 gal $18 Citrus x meyeri Meyer LemonMeyer Lemon 1 gal $18 Citrus x meyeri Meyer Lemon Hanging BasketMeyer Lemon Hanging Basket 12in $27 few Citrus x meyeri Meyer LemonMeyer Lemon 3 gal $27 on order Citrus x microcarpa Calamondin Orange BushCalamondin Orange Bush 1 gal $18 Citrus x microcarpa Calamondin Orange Hanging BasketCalamondin Orange Hanging Basket 12in $27 2 left Citrus x microcarpa Calamondin Orange BushCalamondin Orange Bush 3 gal $27 Citrus x paradisi 'Ray Ruby' Ray Ruby GrapfruitRay Ruby Grapfruit 1 gal $18 Citrus x…. Citrus CocktailCitrus Cocktail 1 gal $25 on order Citrus × floridana 'Eustis' Key Lime (Limequat)Key Lime (Limequat) 1 gal $18 Citrus × floridana 'Eustis' Key Lime (Limequat)Key Lime (Limequat) 3 gal $27 Citrus × latifolia Persian Lime BushPersian Lime Bush 8in $35 few Citrus × meyeri Meyer Lemon BushMeyer Lemon Bush 8in $30 on order Citrus × microcarpa Calamodin Citrus BushCalamodin Citrus Bush 8in $35 few Clematis armandi Armand Evergreen ClematisArmand Evergreen Clematis 1 gal $18 2/$30 Clematis armandi Armand Evergreen ClematisArmand Evergreen Clematis 1 gal $18 2/$30 Codiaeum variegatum 'Petra' Petra CrotonPetra Croton 6in $6.50 Colorful Mushrooms Colorful Mushrooms -Sku-SR03Colorful Mushrooms -Sku-SR03 $7.50 Colorful Mushrooms Colorful Mushrooms -Sku-SR03Colorful Mushrooms -Sku-SR03 $7.50 Columnea nematanthus Goldfish premium BasketGoldfish premium Basket 6 in $15.50 few Cordyline australis 'Charlie Boy' PP20139 Charlie Boy CordylineCharlie Boy Cordyline 3 gal $26 on order Cordyline australis 'Red Sisiter' Red Sister CordylineRed Sister Cordyline 10in $20 Cordyline australis ‘Red Sensation’ Red Sensation CordylineRed Sensation Cordyline 1 gal $6 Cordyline australis ‘Red Sensation’ Red Sensation CordylineRed Sensation Cordyline 10 in $20 Cordyline indivisa Draceana SpikesDraceana Spikes 5 in $3 Cordyline indivisa Draceana SpikesDraceana Spikes 1 gal $6 Cordyline indivisa Draceana SpikesDraceana Spikes 5 in $3 Coreopsis grandiflora UpTick™ Series UpTick™ Series CoreopsisUpTick™ Series Coreopsis 1 gal $5 Coreopsis grandiflora ‘Leading Lady Charlize’ Leading Lady Charlize Corepsis/TickseedLeading Lady Charlize Corepsis/Tickseed 1 gal $5 Coreopsis ‘Mercury Rising’ PP24689 Big Bang™ Mercury Rising CoreopsisBig Bang™ Mercury Rising Coreopsis 1 gal $5 on order Cornus 'Rutcan' Constellation® DogwoodConstellation® Dogwood 7 gal $80 Cornus 'Rutcan' Constellation® DogwoodConstellation® Dogwood 7 gal $80 Cornus alba 'Jefreb' Little Rebel® Dwarf Red Twig DogwoodLittle Rebel® Dwarf Red Twig Dogwood 1 gal $15 Cornus alba 'Jefreb' Little Rebel® Dwarf Red Twig DogwoodLittle Rebel® Dwarf Red Twig Dogwood 1 gal $15 Cornus florida 'Cherokee Princess' Cherokee Princess® White DogwoodCherokee Princess® White Dogwood 3 gal $22.50 on order Cornus florida 'Cherokee Princess' Cherokee Princess® White DogwoodCherokee Princess® White Dogwood 3 gal $22.50 on order Cornus florida 'Comco No. 1' PP10166 Cherokee Brave® Dark Pink DogwoodCherokee Brave® Dark Pink Dogwood 5 gal $42.50 on order Cornus florida 'Comco No. 1' PP10166 Cherokee Brave® Dark Pink DogwoodCherokee Brave® Dark Pink Dogwood 5 gal $42.50 on order Cornus florida 'Super Princess' Super Princess® White DogwoodSuper Princess® White Dogwood 7 gal $80 Cornus florida 'Super Princess' Super Princess® White DogwoodSuper Princess® White Dogwood 7 gal $80 Cornus kousa 'Little Poncho' Little Poncho Dwarf Dogwood TreeLittle Poncho Dwarf Dogwood Tree 3 gal $75 Cornus kousa 'Little Poncho' Little Poncho Dwarf Dogwood TreeLittle Poncho Dwarf Dogwood Tree 3 gal $75 Cornus x 'Celestial Shadow' Celestial Shadow® Variegated DogwoodCelestial Shadow® Variegated Dogwood 7 gal $80 Cornus x 'Celestial Shadow' Celestial Shadow® Variegated DogwoodCelestial Shadow® Variegated Dogwood 3 gal $40 Cornus x 'Celestial Shadow' Celestial Shadow® Variegated DogwoodCelestial Shadow® Variegated Dogwood 7 gal $80 Cornus x 'Celestial Shadow' Celestial Shadow® Variegated DogwoodCelestial Shadow® Variegated Dogwood 3 gal $40 Cornus x 'Rutgan' Stellar Pink® DogwoodStellar Pink® Dogwood 7 gal $80 Cornus x 'Rutgan' Stellar Pink® DogwoodStellar Pink® Dogwood 7 gal $80 Cotinus x 'Dusky Maiden' PP20358 Dusky Maiden SmokebushDusky Maiden Smokebush 1 gal $17 Cotinus x 'Dusky Maiden' PP20358 Dusky Maiden SmokebushDusky Maiden Smokebush 1 gal $17 Cotyledon pendens Cliff (Hanger) CotyledonCliff (Hanger) Cotyledon 6 in $13.50 Crassula mesembryanthemoides 'Tenelli' Tenelli CrassulaTenelli Crassula 6 in $9.50 on order Crassula mesembryanthemoides 'Tenelli' Tenelli CrassulaTenelli Crassula 3.5 in $5 Crassula ovata Jade (Lucky) PlantJade (Lucky) Plant 6 in $9.50 Cryptomeria japonica 'Black Dragon' Black Dragon CedarBlack Dragon Cedar 7 gal $62.50 Cryptomeria japonica 'Black Dragon' Black Dragon CedarBlack Dragon Cedar 7 gal $62.50 Cryptomeria japonica 'Golden Promise' Golden Promise Japanese CedarGolden Promise Japanese Cedar 1 gal $17 Cryptomeria japonica 'Golden Promise' Golden Promise Japanese CedarGolden Promise Japanese Cedar 3 gal $48 Cryptomeria japonica 'Golden Promise' Golden Promise Japanese CedarGolden Promise Japanese Cedar 3 gal $48 Cryptomeria japonica 'Golden Promise' Golden Promise Japanese CedarGolden Promise Japanese Cedar 1 gal $17 Cryptomeria japonica 'Spg-3-014' Dragon Prince™ CryptomeriaDragon Prince™ Cryptomeria 3 gal $24 Cryptomeria japonica 'Spg-3-014' Dragon Prince™ CryptomeriaDragon Prince™ Cryptomeria 1 gal $13.50 on order Cryptomeria japonica 'Spg-3-014' Dragon Prince™ CryptomeriaDragon Prince™ Cryptomeria 1 gal $13.50 on order Cryptomeria japonica 'Spg-3-014' Dragon Prince™ CryptomeriaDragon Prince™ Cryptomeria 3 gal $24 Cryptomeria japonica 'Yoshino' Yoshino Japanese CedarYoshino Japanese Cedar 7 gal $80 Cryptomeria japonica 'Yoshino' Yoshino Japanese CedarYoshino Japanese Cedar 7 gal $80 Cryptomeria japonica globosa 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese CedarDwarf Japanese Cedar 1 gal $6 on order Cryptomeria japonica globosa 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese CedarDwarf Japanese Cedar 3 gal $16 Cryptomeria japonica globosa 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese CedarDwarf Japanese Cedar 1 gal $6 on order Cryptomeria japonica globosa 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese CedarDwarf Japanese Cedar 3 gal $16 Cryptomeria radicans Japanese CedarJapanese Cedar 15 gal $135 Cryptomeria radicans Japanese CedarJapanese Cedar 15 gal $135 Cupressocyparis x Murray Murray CypressMurray Cypress 7 gal $45 on order Cupressocyparis x Murray Murray CypressMurray Cypress 1 gal $9 Cupressocyparis x Murray Murray CypressMurray Cypress 3 gal $20 on order Cupressocyparis x Murray Murray CypressMurray Cypress 1 gal $9 Cupressocyparis x Murray Murray CypressMurray Cypress 7 gal $45 on order Cupressocyparis x Murray Murray CypressMurray Cypress 3 gal $20 on order Cupressocyparis x leylandii Leyland CypressLeyland Cypress 3 gal $15 on order Cupressocyparis x leylandii Leyland Cypress 2 BallLeyland Cypress 2 Ball 7 gal $98 Cupressocyparis x leylandii Leyland Cypress 2 BallLeyland Cypress 2 Ball 10 gal $135 Cupressocyparis x leylandii Leyland Cypress SpiralLeyland Cypress Spiral 10 gal $155 Cupressocyparis x leylandii Leyland Cypress 2 BallLeyland Cypress 2 Ball 7 gal $98 Cupressocyparis x leylandii Leyland Cypress 2 BallLeyland Cypress 2 Ball 10 gal $135 Cupressocyparis x leylandii Leyland Cypress SpiralLeyland Cypress Spiral 10 gal $155 Cupressocyparis x leylandii Leyland CypressLeyland Cypress 3 gal $15 on order Cupressus (Hesperocyparis) macrocarpa ‘Goldcrest’ Goldcrest Lemon Cypress TopiaryGoldcrest Lemon Cypress Topiary 4.5 in $14.50 Cupressus (Hesperocyparis) macrocarpa ‘Goldcrest’ Goldcrest Lemon Cypress TopiaryGoldcrest Lemon Cypress Topiary 4.5 in $14.50 Cupressus arizonica 'Blue Ice' Blue Ice Arizona CypressBlue Ice Arizona Cypress 1 gal $12.50 on order Cupressus arizonica 'Blue Ice' Blue Ice Arizona CypressBlue Ice Arizona Cypress 1 gal $12.50 on order Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire CypressCarolina Sapphire Cypress 7 gal $40 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 3-BallCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 3-Ball 7 gal $110 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphira Arizona Cypress PomCarolina Sapphira Arizona Cypress Pom 7 gal $110 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress SpiralCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress Spiral 7 gal $110 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 4-BallCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 4-Ball 15 gal $170 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire CypressCarolina Sapphire Cypress 3 gal $15 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire CypressCarolina Sapphire Cypress 15 gal $95 on order Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress SpiralCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress Spiral 15 gal $170 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress SpiralCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress Spiral 15 gal $170 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 2-BallCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 2-Ball 7 gal $98 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 4-BallCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 4-Ball 15 gal $170 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire CypressCarolina Sapphire Cypress 15 gal $95 on order Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 2-BallCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 2-Ball 7 gal $98 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 3-BallCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress 3-Ball 7 gal $110 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress SpiralCarolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress Spiral 7 gal $110 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphira Arizona Cypress PomCarolina Sapphira Arizona Cypress Pom 7 gal $110 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire CypressCarolina Sapphire Cypress 3 gal $15 Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sapphire CypressCarolina Sapphire Cypress 7 gal $40 Cupressus sempervirens Italian CypressItalian Cypress 7 gal $50 Cupressus sempervirens Italian CypressItalian Cypress 7 gal $50 Cyclamen sp. Cyclamen in ceramicCyclamen in ceramic 2.5 in $5.50 Cyclamen sp. Cyclamen in Self Watering PotCyclamen in Self Watering Pot 2.5 in $5.50 Cyclamen sp. CyclamenCyclamen 4.5 in $5.50 Cyclamen sp. CyclamenCyclamen 6 in $10 Cyrtomium falcatum ‘Rochfordianum’ Rochford's Holly FernRochford's Holly Fern 1 gal $6 Cyrtomium fortunei Fortune's Holly FernFortune's Holly Fern 1 gal $6 Dahlia sp. Assorted DahliaAssorted Dahlia 6.5in $8.50 Daisy Fence Daisy Fence -Sku-16-035Daisy Fence -Sku-16-035 $28 on order Daisy Fence Daisy Fence -Sku-16-035Daisy Fence -Sku-16-035 $28 on order Dancing Clown Cactus Dancing Clown Cactus -Sku-32-172Dancing Clown Cactus -Sku-32-172 Small $30 on order Dancing Clown Cactus Dancing Clown Cactus -Sku-32-172Dancing Clown Cactus -Sku-32-172 Small $30 on order Dancing Clown Cactus Dancing Clown Cactus -Sku-32-172Dancing Clown Cactus -Sku-32-172 Large $38 on order Dancing Clown Cactus Dancing Clown Cactus -Sku-32-172Dancing Clown Cactus -Sku-32-172 Large $38 on order Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata Alba' White Variegated DaphneWhite Variegated Daphne 1 gal $18.50 Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata Alba' White Variegated DaphneWhite Variegated Daphne 1 gal $18.50 Daphne odora ‘Aureomarginata Rosea’ Pink Variegated DaphnePink Variegated Daphne 1 gal $18.50 Daphne odora ‘Aureomarginata Rosea’ Pink Variegated DaphnePink Variegated Daphne 1 gal $18.50 Davallia tyermanii White Rabbit's Foot FernWhite Rabbit's Foot Fern 6 in $9 Davallia tyermanii White Rabbit's Foot Fern BasketWhite Rabbit's Foot Fern Basket 10 in $18 Delosperma 'Firespinner' Firespinner Ice PlantFirespinner Ice Plant 5 in $4 Delosperma Wheels of Wonder™ Hot Orange 'W1813' PP34533 Wheels of Wonder™ Hot Orange Ice PlantWheels of Wonder™ Hot Orange Ice Plant 5 in $4 Delosperma cooperi ‘Jewel of the Desert Grenade’ PP27014 Grenade Jewel of Desert Ice PlantGrenade Jewel of Desert Ice Plant 5 in $4 Delosperma cooperi ‘Ocean Sunset Series’ Ocean Sunset Series Ice PlantOcean Sunset Series Ice Plant 5 in $4 Delosperma cooperi ‘Ocean Sunset Series’ Ocean Sunset Series Ice PlantOcean Sunset Series Ice Plant 1 gal $5 Delosperma ‘Fire Wonder’ Fire Wonder Ice PlantFire Wonder Ice Plant 5 in $4 Delosperma ‘Topaz Perfect Orange Jewel of the Desert’ Topaz Orange Ice PlantTopaz Orange Ice Plant 5 in $4 Delphinium grandiflorum 'Blue Mirror' Blue Mirror DelphiniumBlue Mirror Delphinium 2.5qt $6.50 Delphinium grandiflorum 'Hunky Dory' Hunky Dory™ Blue LarkspurHunky Dory™ Blue Larkspur 6.6 in $10.50 on order Dianella tasmanica ‘Variegata’ White Striped Flax LilyWhite Striped Flax Lily 1 gal $6 Dianthus 'Barbarini Series' Barbarini Series DianthusBarbarini Series Dianthus 4pk $6 Dianthus 'Barbarini Series' Barbarini Series DianthusBarbarini Series Dianthus 5 in $4 Dianthus 'Coronet Series' Coronet Dianthus BasketCoronet Dianthus Basket 10 in $7 Dianthus 'Delilah Series' Delilah Series DianthusDelilah Series Dianthus 5 in $5 Dianthus 'Diamond Series' Diamond Series DianthusDiamond Series Dianthus 9pk $6 3/$15 Dianthus 'Eastern Star' Eastern Star DianthusEastern Star Dianthus 5 in $4 3/$10 Dianthus 'Firestar' Firestar DianthusFirestar Dianthus 1 gal $5 on order Dianthus 'Frosty Fire' Frosty Fire DianthusFrosty Fire Dianthus 1 gal $5 on order Dianthus 'Mad Magenta' Mad Magenta DianthusMad Magenta Dianthus 6 in $5 Dianthus 'Sunflor Series' Sunflor® Series DianthusSunflor® Series Dianthus 5 in $4 Dianthus 'Telstar Series' Telstar Series DianthusTelstar Series Dianthus 4 in $1.75 18/$28 Dianthus American Pie® 'Bumbleberry Pie' American Pie® Bumbleberry Pie DianthusAmerican Pie® Bumbleberry Pie Dianthus 5 in $4 Dianthus American Pie® 'Cherry Pie' American Pie® Cherry Pie DianthusAmerican Pie® Cherry Pie Dianthus 1 gal $5 Dianthus American Pie® 'Georgia Peach Pie' American Pie® Georgia Peach Pie DianthusAmerican Pie® Georgia Peach Pie Dianthus 1 gal $5 Dianthus Jolt™ ‘Purple’ Jolt™ Purple DianthusJolt™ Purple Dianthus 4pk $5 Dianthus Jolt™ ‘Purple’ Jolt™ Purple DianthusJolt™ Purple Dianthus 4 in $2.25 15/$30 Dianthus PP21016 Beauties Kahori® DianthusBeauties Kahori® Dianthus 1 gal $7 Dianthus PP21017 Beauties Kahori® DianthusBeauties Kahori® Dianthus 5 in $4 Dianthus Pretty Poppers™ 'Electric Red' Pretty Poppers™ Electric Red DianthusPretty Poppers™ Electric Red Dianthus 5 in $4 3/$10 Dianthus Pretty Poppers™ ‘Double Bubble’ PP29972 Pretty Poppers™ Double Bubble DianthusPretty Poppers™ Double Bubble Dianthus 1 gal $5 Dianthus h. ‘Coral Reef’ PP19660 Scent First® Coral Reef DianthusScent First® Coral Reef Dianthus 5 in $4 Dianthus h. ‘WP05Yves’ PP18828 Scent First® Coconut Surprise DianthusScent First® Coconut Surprise Dianthus 1 gal $5 on order Dianthus x 'KonD1014K3' PP30190 Mountain Frost™ Pink Pom Pom DianthusMountain Frost™ Pink Pom Pom Dianthus 5 in $4 3/$10 Digitalis purpurea 'Camelot Lavender' Camelot Lavender FoxgloveCamelot Lavender Foxglove 5 in $3 4/$10 Digitalis purpurea 'Camelot Rose' Camelot Rose FoxgloveCamelot Rose Foxglove 5 in $3 4/$10 Digitalis purpurea 'Dalmation Series' Dalmation Series FoxgloveDalmation Series Foxglove 5 in $3 4/$10 Dionaea muscipula Carnivorous Venus Fly TrapCarnivorous Venus Fly Trap 3 in $9.50 Diospyros virginiana American PersimmonAmerican Persimmon 3 gal $22.50 Distylium 'PIIDIST-V' PP27631 Cinnamon Girl® DistyliumCinnamon Girl® Distylium 3 gal $25 Distylium 'PIIDIST-V' PP27631 Cinnamon Girl® DistyliumCinnamon Girl® Distylium 3 gal $25 Distylium 'PIIDIST-VI' PP29779 Swing Low® DistyliumSwing Low® Distylium 3 gal $28 Distylium 'PIIDIST-VI' PP29779 Swing Low® DistyliumSwing Low® Distylium 3 gal $28 Distylium 'Vintage Jade' Vintage Jade DistyliumVintage Jade Distylium 3 gal $25 Distylium 'Vintage Jade' Vintage Jade DistyliumVintage Jade Distylium 3 gal $25 Distylium h. ‘BLDY01’ PP32816 Bayou Bliss™ DistyliumBayou Bliss™ Distylium 3 gal $28 Distylium h. ‘BLDY01’ PP32816 Bayou Bliss™ DistyliumBayou Bliss™ Distylium 3 gal $28 Distylium hybrid 'PIIDIST-II' PP29779 Blue Cascade® DistyliumBlue Cascade® Distylium 3 gal $30 Distylium hybrid 'PIIDIST-II' PP29779 Blue Cascade® DistyliumBlue Cascade® Distylium 3 gal $30 Distylium hybrid sPg-3-007’ PP 25,833 Spring Frost™ DistyliumSpring Frost™ Distylium 3 gal $24 on order Distylium hybrid sPg-3-007’ PP 25,833 Spring Frost™ DistyliumSpring Frost™ Distylium 3 gal $24 on order Dragonfly Garden Stake Dragonfly Garden Stake -Sku728Dragonfly Garden Stake -Sku728 $19 Dragonfly Garden Stake Dragonfly Garden Stake -Sku728Dragonfly Garden Stake -Sku728 $19 Dryopteris erythrosora ‘Brillance’ Brilliance Autumn FernBrilliance Autumn Fern 1 gal $6 Dryopteris erythrosora ‘Brillance’ Brilliance Autumn FernBrilliance Autumn Fern 3 gal $15 Dryopteris erythrosora ‘Brillance’ Brilliance Autumn FernBrilliance Autumn Fern 2 gal $10 Dryopteris ludoviciana Southern Shield FernSouthern Shield Fern 1 gal $6 Echeveria /Succulents Asst White OvalWhite Oval 9 in $24.50 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Asst SucculentAsst Succulent 2 in $3 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Stoneware HedgehogStoneware Hedgehog 4.75 $14 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Ceramic Animal Planter AsstCeramic Animal Planter Asst 4 in $14.50 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Crookneck Gourd PlanterCrookneck Gourd Planter 5 in x 3 in $11 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Asst CrassulaAsst Crassula 2 in $3 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Saratoga RoundSaratoga Round 3 in $10.50 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Dovah PotDovah Pot 3.5 in $12.50 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Blue Tile Round and SquareBlue Tile Round and Square 3 in $7.75 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Buddha Head PlanterBuddha Head Planter 6 in $15 Echeveria /Succulents Asst White/Clay Two Tone CubeWhite/Clay Two Tone Cube 4.5 in $10 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Ceramic CatCeramic Cat 4 in $14 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Ceramic Cat OvalCeramic Cat Oval 6 in $15.50 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Echeveria AsstEcheveria Asst 2 in $3 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Hanging Ceramic Cylnder Succulent PotHanging Ceramic Cylnder Succulent Pot 3.5 in $12.50 Echeveria /Succulents Asst Asst HawthoriaAsst Hawthoria 2 in $3 Echinops bannaticus ‘Blue Glow’ Blue Glow Globe ThistleBlue Glow Globe Thistle 1 gal $6 3/$15 Edgeworth chrysantha Fragrant PaperbushFragrant Paperbush 3 gal $18 on order Edgeworth chrysantha Fragrant PaperbushFragrant Paperbush 3 gal $18 on order Elaegnus ebbengii ‘Viveleg’ PP20177 Olive Martini™ ElaeagnusOlive Martini™ Elaeagnus 3 gal $22 Elaegnus ebbengii ‘Viveleg’ PP20177 Olive Martini™ ElaeagnusOlive Martini™ Elaeagnus 3 gal $22 Epipremnum aureum Golden PothosGolden Pothos 6 in $8 on order Epipremnum aureum 'Jade' Jade PothosJade Pothos 4 in $4.50 Epipremnum aureum 'Marble Queen' Marble Queen PothosMarble Queen Pothos 4in $6.50 Epipremnum aureum 'Neon' Neon PothosNeon Pothos 4in $6.50 Epipremnum aureum 'Pearls & Jade' Pearls & Jade PothosPearls & Jade Pothos 6in $18 Epipremnum pinnatum 'Cebu Blue' Cebu Blue PothosCebu Blue Pothos 4 in $9 Erica carnea Winter HeatherWinter Heather 4 in $7 Eucalyptus pulverulent ‘Baby Blue’ Baby Blue EucalyptusBaby Blue Eucalyptus 4 in $3 on order Eucalyptus pulverulent ‘Baby Blue’ Baby Blue EucalyptusBaby Blue Eucalyptus 5 in $3 Euonymus fortunei coloratus Purple Leaf WintercreeperPurple Leaf Wintercreeper 2.5 qt $6 on order Euonymus fortunei coloratus Purple Leaf WintercreeperPurple Leaf Wintercreeper 2.5 qt $6 on order Euphorbia milii 'Charlotte' Charlotte Crown of ThornsCharlotte Crown of Thorns 4 in $6.75 Euphorbia trigona Variegata Cathederal CactusCathederal Cactus 4 in $7.50 few Euphorbia x martini ‘Ascot Rainbow’ Ascot Rainbow SpurgeAscot Rainbow Spurge 1 gal $6 Farfugium jap. 'Giganteum' Giant Leopard PlantGiant Leopard Plant 1 gal $6.50 on order Farfugium jap. 'Giganteum' Giant Leopard PlantGiant Leopard Plant 3 gal $24 Fatsia japonica False AraliaFalse Aralia 3 gal $10 Fatsia japonica False AraliaFalse Aralia 3 gal $10 Fatsia japonica 'Spider Web' Speckled Japanese AraliaSpeckled Japanese Aralia 3 gal $26 Fatsia japonica 'Spider Web' Speckled Japanese AraliaSpeckled Japanese Aralia 3 gal $26 Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple GuavaPineapple Guava 3 gal $12.50 on order Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' Elijah Blue FescueElijah Blue Fescue 5 in $3 4/$10 Festuca glauca ‘Beyond Blue’ Beyond Blue FescueBeyond Blue Fescue 1 gal $8 on order Ficus carica 'Black Mission' Black Mission FigBlack Mission Fig 3 gal $18 on order Ficus carica 'Black Mission' Black Mission FigBlack Mission Fig 1 gal $8 on order Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey' Brown Turkey FigBrown Turkey Fig 1 gal $8 on order Ficus carica 'Celeste' Celeste FigCeleste Fig 3 gal $18 Ficus carica 'Celeste' Celeste FigCeleste Fig 1 gal $8 on order Ficus carica 'Italian Honey' Italian Honey FigItalian Honey Fig 1 gal $8 Ficus carica 'Italian Honey' Italian Honey FigItalian Honey Fig 3 gal $18 Ficus carica 'LSU Purple' LSU Purple FigLSU Purple Fig 3 gal $18 on order Ficus lyrata Fiddleleaf FigFiddleleaf Fig 8in $30 few Ficus repens Creeping FigCreeping Fig 1 gal $6 Forsythia 'Lynwood Gold' Lynwood Gold YellowbellsLynwood Gold Yellowbells 1 gal $9 Forsythia 'Lynwood Gold' Lynwood Gold YellowbellsLynwood Gold Yellowbells 1 gal $9 Forsythia 'Lynwood Gold' Lynwood Gold YellowbellsLynwood Gold Yellowbells 3 gal $12.50 Forsythia 'Lynwood Gold' Lynwood Gold YellowbellsLynwood Gold Yellowbells 3 gal $12.50 Forsythia x 'Minfor6' Show Off® Starlet® YellowbellsShow Off® Starlet® Yellowbells 2 gal $27 Forsythia x 'Minfor6' Show Off® Starlet® YellowbellsShow Off® Starlet® Yellowbells 2 gal $27 Forsythia x 'NIMBUS' PP23837 Show Off® Sugar Baby® YellowbellsShow Off® Sugar Baby® Yellowbells 2 gal $28 Forsythia x 'NIMBUS' PP23837 Show Off® Sugar Baby® YellowbellsShow Off® Sugar Baby® Yellowbells 2 gal $28 Forsythia x 'NIMBUS' PP23838 Show Off® Sugar Baby® YellowbellsShow Off® Sugar Baby® Yellowbells 3 gal $28 Forsythia x 'NIMBUS' PP23838 Show Off® Sugar Baby® YellowbellsShow Off® Sugar Baby® Yellowbells 3 gal $28 Fothergilla 'Mt Airy' Mt Airy FothergillaMt Airy Fothergilla 3 gal $18 on order Fothergilla 'Mt Airy' Mt Airy FothergillaMt Airy Fothergilla 3 gal $18 on order Fothergilla gardenii 'Redneck Nation' Redneck Nation FothergillaRedneck Nation Fothergilla 3 gal $18 Fothergilla gardenii 'Redneck Nation' Redneck Nation FothergillaRedneck Nation Fothergilla 3 gal $18 Fothergilla major 'Mount Airy', Mt Airy FothergillaMt Airy Fothergilla 1 gal $15 Fothergilla major 'Mount Airy', Mt Airy FothergillaMt Airy Fothergilla 1 gal $15 Fox on Stand Fox on Stand -Sku-34-324Fox on Stand -Sku-34-324 $30 Fox on Stand Fox on Stand -Sku-34-324Fox on Stand -Sku-34-324 $30 Fragraria 'Eversweet Everbearer’ Eversweet Everbearer StrawberryEversweet Everbearer Strawberry 9pk $8 on order Fragraria 'Eversweet Everbearer’ Eversweet Everbearer StrawberryEversweet Everbearer Strawberry 10 in $8 on order Fragraria 'Ozark Beauty' Ozark Beauty StrawberryOzark Beauty Strawberry 10 in $8 on order Freesia sp. FreesiaFreesia 6 in $17.50 few Gaillardia Gusto™ Series Gusto™ Series Blanket FlowerGusto™ Series Blanket Flower 1 gal $5 Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Spintop Mango' SpinTop® Mango Blanket FlowerSpinTop® Mango Blanket Flower 1 gal $5 Gaillardia x grandiflora ‘Arizona Red Shades’ Arizona Red Shades Blanket FlowerArizona Red Shades Blanket Flower 1 gal $5 Gaillardia x grandiflora ‘Spintop Mariachi Sky’ SpinTop® Mariachi Red Sky Blanket FlowerSpinTop® Mariachi Red Sky Blanket Flower 1 gal $5 Gaillardia x grandiflora ‘Spintop Orange Halo’ SpinTop® Orange Halo Blanket FlowerSpinTop® Orange Halo Blanket Flower 1 gal $5 on order Gaillardia x grandiflora ‘Spintop Red’ SpinTop® Red Blanket FlowerSpinTop® Red Blanket Flower 1 gal $5 Gardenia augusta ‘RLH-GA1’ PP30894 Daisy Duke™ GardeniaDaisy Duke™ Gardenia 3 gal $26 on order Gardenia augusta ‘RLH-GA1’ PP30894 Daisy Duke™ GardeniaDaisy Duke™ Gardenia 3 gal $26 on order Gardenia jasminoides Florist GardeniaFlorist Gardenia 6 in $19.50 Gardenia jasminoides GardeniaGardenia 6 in $19 Gardenia jasminoides Florist GardeniaFlorist Gardenia 6 in $19.50 Gardenia jasminoides 'August Beauty' August Beauty GardeniaAugust Beauty Gardenia 1 gal $5 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'August Beauty' August Beauty GardeniaAugust Beauty Gardenia 3 gal $15 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'August Beauty' August Beauty GardeniaAugust Beauty Gardenia 1 gal $5 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'August Beauty' August Beauty GardeniaAugust Beauty Gardenia 3 gal $15 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'Buttons' Buttons GardeniaButtons Gardenia 3 gal $22.50 Gardenia jasminoides 'Buttons' Buttons GardeniaButtons Gardenia 3 gal $22.50 Gardenia jasminoides 'Daisy' Daisy GardeniaDaisy Gardenia 1 gal $5 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'Daisy' Daisy GardeniaDaisy Gardenia 3 gal $14 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'Daisy' Daisy GardeniaDaisy Gardenia 1 gal $5 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'Daisy' Daisy GardeniaDaisy Gardenia 3 gal $14 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'Diamond Spire' Diamond Spire GardeniaDiamond Spire Gardenia 3 gal $21 Gardenia jasminoides 'Diamond Spire' Diamond Spire GardeniaDiamond Spire Gardenia 3 gal $21 Gardenia jasminoides 'Frostproof' Frostproof GardeniaFrostproof Gardenia 3 gal $10 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'Frostproof' Frostproof GardeniaFrostproof Gardenia 1 gal $6 3/$15 Gardenia jasminoides 'Frostproof' Frostproof GardeniaFrostproof Gardenia 3 gal $10 on order Gardenia jasminoides 'Frostproof' Frostproof GardeniaFrostproof Gardenia 1 gal $6 3/$15 Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans' Dwarf Trailing GardeniaDwarf Trailing Gardenia 3 gal $15 2/$25 Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans' Dwarf Trailing GardeniaDwarf Trailing Gardenia 1 gal $6 3/$15 Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans' Dwarf Trailing GardeniaDwarf Trailing Gardenia 3 gal $15 2/$25 Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans' Dwarf Trailing GardeniaDwarf Trailing Gardenia 1 gal $6 3/$15 Gardenia jasminoides 'Stairway to Heaven' PP34958 Stairway to Heaven GardeniaStairway to Heaven Gardenia 3 gal $22.50 Gardenia jasminoides 'Stairway to Heaven' PP34958 Stairway to Heaven GardeniaStairway to Heaven Gardenia 3 gal $22.50 Gardenia jasminoides 'Variegata' Mystery Variegated GardeniaMystery Variegated Gardenia 1 gal $6 Gardenia jasminoides 'Variegata' Mystery Variegated GardeniaMystery Variegated Gardenia 1 gal $6 Gardenia jasminoides ‘Steady As She Goes’ Steady As She Goes GardeniaSteady As She Goes Gardenia 3 gal $32.50 Gardenia jasminoides ‘Steady As She Goes’ Steady As She Goes GardeniaSteady As She Goes Gardenia 2 gal $27 on order Gardenia jasminoides ‘Steady As She Goes’ Steady As She Goes GardeniaSteady As She Goes Gardenia 3 gal $32.50 Gardenia jasminoides ‘Steady As She Goes’ Steady As She Goes GardeniaSteady As She Goes Gardenia 2 gal $27 on order Gasteria 'Flow' Flow GasteriaFlow Gasteria 4in $4 Gaura lindheimeri 'Ballerina Rose' Ballerina™ Rose Whirling ButterfliesBallerina™ Rose Whirling Butterflies 1 gal $5 Gaura lindheimeri 'Baltincite' PP20326 Ballerina™ White Whirling ButterfliesBallerina™ White Whirling Butterflies 1 gal $5 Gaura lindheimeri 'KLEAU04263' Belleza® Dark Pink Gaura /Whirling ButterfliesBelleza® Dark Pink Gaura /Whirling Butterflies 1 gal $5 Gaura lindheimeri ‘Passionate Rainbow Petite’ Dwarf Passionate Rainbow Whirling ButterfliesDwarf Passionate Rainbow Whirling Butterflies 1 gal $5 Gaura lindheimeri ‘Siskiyou Pink’ Siskiyou Pink Butterfly Whorl GauraSiskiyou Pink Butterfly Whorl Gaura 1 gal $5 Gaura linheimeri ‘Sparkle White’ Sparkle White Wand FlowerSparkle White Wand Flower 1 gal $5 Gelsemium rankinii & Gelsemium sempervirens Echo® Jasmine Duet® JessamineEcho® Jasmine Duet® Jessamine 2 gal $21 Gelsemium rankinii & Gelsemium sempervirens Echo® Jasmine Duet® JessamineEcho® Jasmine Duet® Jessamine 2 gal $21 Gelsemium sempervirens Carolina Jessamine -stakedCarolina Jessamine -staked 1 gal $7 Gelsemium sempervirens Carolina Jessamine -stakedCarolina Jessamine -staked 1 gal $7 Gerbera jamesoni Gerber DaisyGerber Daisy 6 in $9.50 few Gerbera jamesoni Gerber DaisyGerber Daisy 4.5 in $5.50 few Geum 'Double Bloody Mary' Double Red AvensDouble Red Avens 6 in $5 Geum 'Double Bloody Mary' Double Red AvensDouble Red Avens 5 in $4 3/$10 Geum coccineum ‘Koi’ Koi AvensKoi Avens 6 in $5 Gibasis geniculata 'Purple Plush' Purple Plush Bridal VeilPurple Plush Bridal Veil 5 in $4 Gibasis geniculata 'Purple Plush' Purple Plush Bridal VeilPurple Plush Bridal Veil 10 in $9 Ginkgo biloba 'Princeton Sentry' Princeton Sentry™ Columnar Ginkgo TreePrinceton Sentry™ Columnar Ginkgo Tree 2 gal $60 Ginkgo biloba 'Princeton Sentry' Princeton Sentry™ Columnar Ginkgo TreePrinceton Sentry™ Columnar Ginkgo Tree 2 gal $60 Glowing Hydrangea Glowing Hydrangea -Sku-SR49Glowing Hydrangea -Sku-SR49 $24 Glowing Hydrangea Glowing Hydrangea -Sku-SR49Glowing Hydrangea -Sku-SR49 $24 Goeppertia burel marxii Burle Marx CalatheaBurle Marx Calathea 6in $5 Goeppertia lietzei 'White Fusion' White Fusion CalatheaWhite Fusion Calathea 6in $17 on order Goeppertia roseopicta 'Mysty' Mysty CalatheaMysty Calathea 4in $5 Gordlinia grandiflora Sweet Tea Gordlinia grandiflora Sweet TeaGordlinia grandiflora Sweet Tea 3 gal $25 Gordlinia grandiflora Sweet Tea Gordlinia grandiflora Sweet TeaGordlinia grandiflora Sweet Tea 3 gal $25 Grafted Cactus Grafted CactusGrafted Cactus 3.5 in $5.75 few Green Pincushion Cactus Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415 Medium $18 Green Pincushion Cactus Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415 Small $15 Green Pincushion Cactus Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415 Medium $18 Green Pincushion Cactus Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415 Large $22.50 Green Pincushion Cactus Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415 Small $15 Green Pincushion Cactus Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415Green Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-415 Large $22.50 Green Saguaro Cactus Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Large $68 Green Saguaro Cactus Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Small $30 Green Saguaro Cactus Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Medium $45 Green Saguaro Cactus Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Small $30 Green Saguaro Cactus Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 X-Large $95 Green Saguaro Cactus Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Large $68 Green Saguaro Cactus Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Medium $45 Green Saguaro Cactus Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 X-Large $95 Guzmania sp. Guzmania BromeliadGuzmania Bromeliad 6in $18 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane' Diane Witch HazelDiane Witch Hazel 3 gal $45 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane' Diane Witch HazelDiane Witch Hazel 3 gal $45 Hedera helix English IvyEnglish Ivy 6 in $12.50 Hedera helix English Ivy *round potEnglish Ivy *round pot 4 in $3.25 on order Hedera helix English IvyEnglish Ivy 6 in $12.50 Hedera helix English Ivy *round potEnglish Ivy *round pot 4 in $3.25 on order Hedera helix 'Anne Marie' Anne Marie IvyAnne Marie Ivy 4pk $8 on order Hedera helix 'Anne Marie' Anne Marie IvyAnne Marie Ivy 4pk $8 on order Hedera helix 'Glacier' Glacier Ivy *round potGlacier Ivy *round pot 4 in $3.25 Hedera helix 'Glacier' Glacier IvyGlacier Ivy 3.5 in $2.75 Hedera helix 'Glacier' Glacier Ivy *round potGlacier Ivy *round pot 4 in $3.25 Hedera helix 'Glacier' Glacier IvyGlacier Ivy 3.5 in $2.75 Hedera helix 'Goldchild' Goldchild Ivy *square potGoldchild Ivy *square pot 4 in $2.50 5/$10 Hedera helix 'Goldchild' Goldchild Ivy *round potGoldchild Ivy *round pot 4 in $3.25 Hedera helix 'Goldchild' Goldchild Ivy *square potGoldchild Ivy *square pot 4 in $2.50 5/$10 Hedera helix 'Goldchild' Goldchild Ivy *round potGoldchild Ivy *round pot 4 in $3.25 Helleborus HCG 'Maestro' Maestro Lenten RoseMaestro Lenten Rose 4 in $9 on order Helleborus Honeymoon® 'California Dreaming' Honeymoon® California Dreaming Lenten RoseHoneymoon® California Dreaming Lenten Rose 1 gal $15 Helleborus Wedding Party® 'Blushing Bridesmaid' Wedding Party® Blushing Bridesmaid Lenten RoseWedding Party® Blushing Bridesmaid Lenten Rose 1 gal $15 Helleborus x HCG 'Joker' Joker Lenten RoseJoker Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Helleborus x Ice N Roses® 'Red Romance' Ice N Roses® Red Romance Lenten RoseIce N Roses® Red Romance Lenten Rose 1 gal $15 Helleborus x Ice N Roses® 'Red Romance' Ice N Roses® Red Romance Lenten RoseIce N Roses® Red Romance Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Helleborus x Ice N Roses® 'Red' Ice N Roses® Red Lenten RoseIce N Roses® Red Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Helleborus x Ice N' Roses 'Corvina' Ice N' Roses Corvina Lenten RoseIce N' Roses Corvina Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Helleborus x Ice N' Roses® 'Brunello' Ice N' Roses® Brunello Lenten RoseIce N' Roses® Brunello Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Helleborus x Ice N' Roses® 'Pink Promise' Ice N' Roses® Pink Promise Lenten RoseIce N' Roses® Pink Promise Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Helleborus x Ice N' Roses® 'Rose' Ice N' Roses® Rose Lenten RoseIce N' Roses® Rose Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Helleborus x Ice N' Roses® 'White' Ice N' Roses® White Lenten RoseIce N' Roses® White Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Helleborus x ballardiae 'Merlin' HGC® Merlin® Lenten RoseHGC® Merlin® Lenten Rose 6 in $19 few Helleborus x ericsmithii 'Pink Frost' HGC® Pink Frost® Lenten RoseHGC® Pink Frost® Lenten Rose 6 in $19 few Helleborus 'HGC Jacob' Jacob Lenten RoseJacob Lenten Rose 4 in $9 Hemionitis arifolia Heart fernHeart fern 6 in $14 Heptacodium miconioides 'SMNHMRF' Temple of Bloom® - Seven-Son FlowerTemple of Bloom® - Seven-Son Flower 10 gal $160 on order Heptacodium miconioides 'SMNHMRF' Temple of Bloom® - Seven-Son FlowerTemple of Bloom® - Seven-Son Flower 10 gal $160 on order Heuchera 'Citronelle' Citronelle Coral BellsCitronelle Coral Bells 6 in $7 Heuchera 'Fire Chief' Fire Chief Coral BellsFire Chief Coral Bells 6 in $7 Heuchera 'Forever Red' Forever Red Coral BellsForever Red Coral Bells 6 in $7 Heuchera Carnival™ Series ‘Rose Granita’ Carnival™ Rose Granita Coral BellsCarnival™ Rose Granita Coral Bells 6 in $7 Heuchera villosa 'Caramel' Caramel Coral BellsCaramel Coral Bells 6 in $7 Heuchera villosa ‘Red Lightning’ Red Lightning Coral BellsRed Lightning Coral Bells 6 in $7 Heucherella 'Cracked Ice' Cracked Ice Foamy BellsCracked Ice Foamy Bells 6 in $7 Heucherella 'Tapestry' Tapestry Foamy BellsTapestry Foamy Bells 6 in $7 Heucherella villosa 'Sweet Tea' Sweet Tea Foamy BellsSweet Tea Foamy Bells 6 in $7 Heucherella ‘Gold Zebra’ Gold Zebra Foamy BellsGold Zebra Foamy Bells 6 in $7 Heucherella ‘Hot Buttered Rum’ Hot Butered Rum Foamy BellsHot Butered Rum Foamy Bells 6 in $7 Hibiscus syriacus 'GFNHSRP' PP35332 Red Pillar® - Rose of SharonRed Pillar® - Rose of Sharon 3 gal $32.50 Hibiscus syriacus 'GFNHSRP' PP35332 Red Pillar® - Rose of SharonRed Pillar® - Rose of Sharon 3 gal $32.50 Hibiscus syriacus 'Gandini Santiago' PP25568 Purple Pillar® - Rose of SharonPurple Pillar® - Rose of Sharon 3 gal $32.50 Hibiscus syriacus 'Gandini Santiago' PP25568 Purple Pillar® - Rose of SharonPurple Pillar® - Rose of Sharon 3 gal $32.50 Hibiscus syriacus 'Minsyrou17' USPP 33,258 Paraplu Rouge® Rose of SharonParaplu Rouge® Rose of Sharon 3 gal $28 Hibiscus syriacus 'Minsyrou17' USPP 33,258 Paraplu Rouge® Rose of SharonParaplu Rouge® Rose of Sharon 3 gal $28 Hibiscus syriacus 'Notwoodthree' PP20574 Blue Chiffon® - Rose of SharonBlue Chiffon® - Rose of Sharon 3 gal $32.50 Hibiscus syriacus 'Notwoodthree' PP20574 Blue Chiffon® - Rose of SharonBlue Chiffon® - Rose of Sharon 3 gal $32.50 Hippeastrum ‘Mont Blanc’ Mont Blanc AmaryllisMont Blanc Amaryllis 7 in $15 Hippeastrum ‘Mont Blanc’ Mont Blanc AmaryllisMont Blanc Amaryllis 6 in $12.50 on order Hippeastrum ‘Mont Blanc’ Mont Blanc AmaryllisMont Blanc Amaryllis 7 in $15 Hippeastrum ‘Mont Blanc’ Mont Blanc AmaryllisMont Blanc Amaryllis 6 in $12.50 on order Hoya australis 'Tri-color' Tricolor Hoya BasketTricolor Hoya Basket 6 in $14 Hoya sp. Asst HoyaAsst Hoya 4in $14 Humulus Cascade Cascade HopsCascade Hops 1 gal $8 Hyacinthus 'Apricot Passion' Apricot Passion HyacinthApricot Passion Hyacinth 4 in $3 Hyacinthus 'Apricot Passion' Apricot Passion HyacinthApricot Passion Hyacinth 4 in $3 Hyacinthus 'Carnegie' Carnegie HyacinthCarnegie Hyacinth 4 in $3 Hyacinthus 'Carnegie' Carnegie HyacinthCarnegie Hyacinth 4 in $3 Hyacinthus 'Purple Sensation' Purple Sensation HyacinthPurple Sensation Hyacinth 4 in $3 Hyacinthus 'Purple Sensation' Purple Sensation HyacinthPurple Sensation Hyacinth 4 in $3 Hyacinthus ‘Blue Jacket’ Blue Jacket HyacinthBlue Jacket Hyacinth 4 in $3 Hyacinthus ‘Blue Jacket’ Blue Jacket HyacinthBlue Jacket Hyacinth 4 in $3 Hydrangea arborescens ‘Abetwo’ PP20571 Incrediball® Smooth HydrangeaIncrediball® Smooth Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea arborescens ‘Abetwo’ PP20571 Incrediball® Smooth HydrangeaIncrediball® Smooth Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmacfive' PP30359 Summer Crush® Bigleaf HydrangeaSummer Crush® Bigleaf Hydrangea 3 gal $30 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmacfive' PP30359 Summer Crush® Bigleaf HydrangeaSummer Crush® Bigleaf Hydrangea 3 gal $30 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Big Daddy' Big Daddy HydrangeaBig Daddy Hydrangea 1 gal $13.50 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Big Daddy' Big Daddy HydrangeaBig Daddy Hydrangea 1 gal $13.50 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Endless Summer Pop Star' Pop Star™ Endless Summer® HydrangeaPop Star™ Endless Summer® Hydrangea 1 gal $16.50 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Endless Summer Pop Star' Pop Star™ Endless Summer® HydrangeaPop Star™ Endless Summer® Hydrangea 1 gal $16.50 Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-II' Endless Summer® Bloomstruck® HydrangeaEndless Summer® Bloomstruck® Hydrangea 1 gal $16.50 Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-II' Endless Summer® Bloomstruck® HydrangeaEndless Summer® Bloomstruck® Hydrangea 3 gal $30 Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-II' Endless Summer® Bloomstruck® HydrangeaEndless Summer® Bloomstruck® Hydrangea 3 gal $30 Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-II' Endless Summer® Bloomstruck® HydrangeaEndless Summer® Bloomstruck® Hydrangea 1 gal $16.50 Hydrangea macrophylla × serrata 'SMNHSME' PP34327 Let's Dance Sky View® Reblooming HydrangeaLet's Dance Sky View® Reblooming Hydrangea 3 gal $25 on order Hydrangea macrophylla × serrata 'SMNHSME' PP34327 Let's Dance Sky View® Reblooming HydrangeaLet's Dance Sky View® Reblooming Hydrangea 3 gal $25 on order Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Hokomaburlac‘ USPP34379 Cherry-Go-Round™ Mophead HydrangeaCherry-Go-Round™ Mophead Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Hokomaburlac‘ USPP34379 Cherry-Go-Round™ Mophead HydrangeaCherry-Go-Round™ Mophead Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Hokomagrito‘ USPP35207 Grin and Tonic™ Reblooming HydrangeaGrin and Tonic™ Reblooming Hydrangea 2 gal $26 Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Hokomagrito‘ USPP35207 Grin and Tonic™ Reblooming HydrangeaGrin and Tonic™ Reblooming Hydrangea 2 gal $26 Hydrangea paniculata 'ILVOBO' PP22782 Bobo® Panicle HydrangeaBobo® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 Hydrangea paniculata 'ILVOBO' PP22782 Bobo® Panicle HydrangeaBobo® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 Hydrangea paniculata 'Jane' PP 22330 Little Lime® Panicle HydrangeaLittle Lime® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea paniculata 'Jane' PP 22330 Little Lime® Panicle HydrangeaLittle Lime® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' PP12874 Limelight Panicle HydrageaLimelight Panicle Hydragea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' PP12874 Limelight Panicle HydrageaLimelight Panicle Hydragea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPH' PP33207 Little Lime Punch® Panicle HydrangeaLittle Lime Punch® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPH' PP33207 Little Lime Punch® Panicle HydrangeaLittle Lime Punch® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPPH' PP32511 Limelight Prime® Panicle HydrangeaLimelight Prime® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPPH' PP32511 Limelight Prime® Panicle HydrangeaLimelight Prime® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 on order Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Quick Fire’ PP25136 Little Quick Fire® Panicle HydrangeaLittle Quick Fire® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Quick Fire’ PP25136 Little Quick Fire® Panicle HydrangeaLittle Quick Fire® Panicle Hydrangea 2 gal $26 Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ruby Slippers' Ruby Slippers Oakleaf Hydrangea **nativeRuby Slippers Oakleaf Hydrangea **native 3 gal $19 on order Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ruby Slippers' Ruby Slippers Oakleaf Hydrangea **nativeRuby Slippers Oakleaf Hydrangea **native 3 gal $19 on order Hypericum calycinum St John's WortSt John's Wort 1 gal $5 on order Hypericum calycinum St. JohnswortSt. Johnswort 3.5in $3 Iberis s. 'SnowCone Imp.' Snow Cone™ Imp CandytuftSnow Cone™ Imp Candytuft 2.5qt $7 Iberis s. 'Snowsation' Snowsation CandytuftSnowsation Candytuft 2.5qt $7 Iberis s. 'Whistler White' Whistler™ White CandytuftWhistler™ White Candytuft 2.5qt $7 Iberis semperviren 'Purity' Evergreen CandytuftEvergreen Candytuft 5 in $4 3/$10 Iberis semperviren 'Summer Snowdrift' Summer Snowdrift Evergreen CandytuftSummer Snowdrift Evergreen Candytuft 5 in $4 3/$10 Iberis sempervirens 'Snowsurfer Forte' Snowsurfer™ Forte CandytuftSnowsurfer™ Forte Candytuft 5 in $4 3/$10 Iberis sempervirens 'Snowsurfer Forte' Snowsurfer™ Forte CandytuftSnowsurfer™ Forte Candytuft 2.5 qt $7 Iberis sempervirens ‘Snowsation’ Snowsation Evergreen CandytuftSnowsation Evergreen Candytuft 5 in $4 3/$10 Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' Nellie R Stevens HollyNellie R Stevens Holly 15 gal $115 Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' Nellie R Stevens HollyNellie R Stevens Holly 7 gal $45 Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' Nellie R Stevens HollyNellie R Stevens Holly 7 gal $45 Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' Nellie R Stevens HollyNellie R Stevens Holly 3 gal $17 Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' Nellie R Stevens HollyNellie R Stevens Holly 3 gal $17 Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' Nellie R Stevens HollyNellie R Stevens Holly 15 gal $115 Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii Nana' Dwarf Buford HollyDwarf Buford Holly 3 gal $15 on order Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii Nana' Dwarf Buford HollyDwarf Buford Holly 3 gal $15 on order Ilex crenata 'Compacta' Compacta Japanese HollyCompacta Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex crenata 'Compacta' Compacta Pyramidal HollyCompacta Pyramidal Holly 5 gal $42.50 Ilex crenata 'Compacta' Compacta Pyramidal HollyCompacta Pyramidal Holly 5 gal $42.50 Ilex crenata 'Compacta' Compacta Japanese HollyCompacta Japanese Holly 1 gal $5 Ilex crenata 'Compacta' Compacta Japanese HollyCompacta Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex crenata 'Compacta' Compacta Japanese HollyCompacta Japanese Holly 1 gal $5 Ilex crenata 'Green Luster' Green Luster Japanese HollyGreen Luster Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex crenata 'Green Luster' Green Luster Japanese HollyGreen Luster Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex crenata 'Helleri Variegata' Variegated Heller's HollyVariegated Heller's Holly 3 gal $15 Ilex crenata 'Helleri Variegata' Variegated Heller's HollyVariegated Heller's Holly 3 gal $15 Ilex crenata 'Helleri' Heller's Japanese HollyHeller's Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex crenata 'Helleri' Heller's Japanese HollyHeller's Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex crenata 'Hoogendorn' Hoogendorn Japanese HollyHoogendorn Japanese Holly 1 gal $5 Ilex crenata 'Hoogendorn' Hoogendorn Japanese HollyHoogendorn Japanese Holly 3 gal $14 Ilex crenata 'Hoogendorn' Hoogendorn Japanese HollyHoogendorn Japanese Holly 1 gal $5 Ilex crenata 'Hoogendorn' Hoogendorn Japanese HollyHoogendorn Japanese Holly 3 gal $14 Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' Sky Pencil Japanese HollySky Pencil Japanese Holly 1 gal $5 Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' Sky Pencil Japanese HollySky Pencil Japanese Holly 7 gal $34 Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' Sky Pencil Japanese HollySky Pencil Japanese Holly 1 gal $5 Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' Sky Pencil Japanese HollySky Pencil Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' Sky Pencil Japanese HollySky Pencil Japanese Holly 7 gal $34 Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' Sky Pencil Japanese HollySky Pencil Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 Ilex crenata 'Soft Touch' Soft Touch Japanese HollySoft Touch Japanese Holly 1 gal $5 on order Ilex crenata 'Soft Touch' Soft Touch Japanese HollySoft Touch Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex crenata 'Soft Touch' Soft Touch Japanese HollySoft Touch Japanese Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex crenata 'Soft Touch' Soft Touch Japanese HollySoft Touch Japanese Holly 1 gal $5 on order Ilex crenata 'Steeds' Steeds HollySteeds Holly 3 gal $21 Ilex crenata 'Steeds' Steeds HollySteeds Holly 3 gal $21 Ilex glabra Inkberry **nativeInkberry **native 3 gal $14 Ilex glabra Inkberry **nativeInkberry **native 3 gal $14 Ilex hybrid 'MAGDEN' PP30451 Golden Oakland™ HollyGolden Oakland™ Holly 3 gal $25 on order Ilex hybrid 'MAGDEN' PP30451 Golden Oakland™ HollyGolden Oakland™ Holly 3 gal $25 on order Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14415 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 1 gal $9 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14415 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 1 gal $9 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14416 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 3 gal $16 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14416 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 3 gal $16 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14417 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 7 gal $45 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14417 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 10 gal $115 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14417 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 7 gal $45 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14417 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 10 gal $115 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14418 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 15 gal $115 Ilex hybrid 'Magland' PP14418 Oakland™ HollyOakland™ Holly 15 gal $115 Ilex i. × l. 'Screen Play' PP27524 Screen Play HollyScreen Play Holly 3 gal $25 on order Ilex i. × l. 'Screen Play' PP27524 Screen Play HollyScreen Play Holly 3 gal $25 on order Ilex integra × latifolia ‘Screen Play’ PP27524 Screen Play HollyScreen Play Holly 7 gal $50 Ilex integra × latifolia ‘Screen Play’ PP27524 Screen Play HollyScreen Play Holly 7 gal $50 Ilex integra × latifolia ‘Screen Play’ PP27525 Screen Play HollyScreen Play Holly 15 gal $100 Ilex integra × latifolia ‘Screen Play’ PP27525 Screen Play HollyScreen Play Holly 15 gal $100 Ilex vomitoria 'Nana' Dwarf Yaupon HollyDwarf Yaupon Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex vomitoria 'Nana' Dwarf Yaupon HollyDwarf Yaupon Holly 3 gal $15 2/$25 Ilex x 'Conaf' Oakleaf Holly **nativeOakleaf Holly **native 15 gal $90 Ilex x 'Conaf' Oakleaf Holly **nativeOakleaf Holly **native 3 gal $15 Ilex x 'Conaf' Oakleaf Holly **nativeOakleaf Holly **native 15 gal $90 Ilex x 'Conaf' Oakleaf Holly **nativeOakleaf Holly **native 3 gal $15 Ilex x 'Liberty' Liberty HollyLiberty Holly 3 gal $22.50 on order Ilex x 'Liberty' Liberty HollyLiberty Holly 3 gal $22.50 on order Ilex × aquipernyi 'Meschick' PP4996 Dragon Lady HollyDragon Lady Holly 3 gal $22.50 Ilex × aquipernyi 'Meschick' PP4996 Dragon Lady HollyDragon Lady Holly 3 gal $22.50 Illicium parviflorum Yellow Anise **nativeYellow Anise **native 3 gal $14 Illicium parviflorum Yellow Anise **nativeYellow Anise **native 3 gal $14 Illicium parviflorum 'Florida Sunshine' Florida Sunshine AniseFlorida Sunshine Anise 3 gal $21 on order Illicium parviflorum 'Florida Sunshine' Florida Sunshine AniseFlorida Sunshine Anise 1 gal $13.50 on order Illicium parviflorum 'Florida Sunshine' Florida Sunshine AniseFlorida Sunshine Anise 1 gal $13.50 on order Illicium parviflorum 'Florida Sunshine' Florida Sunshine AniseFlorida Sunshine Anise 3 gal $21 on order Illicium parviflorum 'Forest Green' Forest Green AniseForest Green Anise 3 gal $15 on order Illicium parviflorum 'Forest Green' Forest Green AniseForest Green Anise 3 gal $15 on order Iris 'Dashing' Dashing IrisDashing Iris 1 gal $8 3/$20 Iris 'His Royal Highness' His Royal Highness Bearded IrisHis Royal Highness Bearded Iris 1 gal $8 3/$20 Iris 'Persian Berry' Persian Berry Bearded IrisPersian Berry Bearded Iris 1 gal $8 3/$20 Iris 'Renown' Renown IrisRenown Iris 1 gal $8 3/$20 Iris 'Victoria Falls' Victoria Falls Bearded IrisVictoria Falls Bearded Iris 1 gal $8 3/$20 Iris germanica ‘Pleasant Peasant’ Pleasant Peasant IrisPleasant Peasant Iris 1 gal $8 3/$20 Iris germanica ’October Splendor’ October Splendor IrisOctober Splendor Iris 1 gal $8 3/$20 Iron Hanging Star Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147 Medium $15 Iron Hanging Star Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147 Large $18 Iron Hanging Star Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147 Large $18 Iron Hanging Star Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147 Medium $15 Iron Hanging Star Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147 Small $12 Iron Hanging Star Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147Iron Hanging Star -Sku-24-147 Small $12 Iron Spheres Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134 Large $24 Iron Spheres Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134 Small $15 Iron Spheres Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134 Medium $20 Iron Spheres Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134 Small $15 Iron Spheres Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134 Medium $20 Iron Spheres Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134Iron Spheres -Sku-24-134 Large $24 Jasminum nudiflorum Showy Winter JasmineShowy Winter Jasmine 3 gal $12.50 Jasminum nudiflorum Showy Winter JasmineShowy Winter Jasmine 3 gal $12.50 Juniperus 'Gold Coast Gold Coast JuniperGold Coast Juniper 3 gal $18 Juniperus 'Gold Coast Gold Coast JuniperGold Coast Juniper 3 gal $18 Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' Blue Point Juniper SpiralBlue Point Juniper Spiral 15 gal $170 Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' Blue Point JuniperBlue Point Juniper 3 gal $17 Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' Blue Point Juniper SpiralBlue Point Juniper Spiral 7 gal $110 Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' Blue Point JuniperBlue Point Juniper 3 gal $17 Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' Blue Point Juniper SpiralBlue Point Juniper Spiral 15 gal $170 Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' Blue Point Juniper SpiralBlue Point Juniper Spiral 7 gal $110 Juniperus chinensis 'Brodie' Brodie Juniper 3-BallBrodie Juniper 3-Ball 7 gal $110 Juniperus chinensis 'Brodie' Brodie Juniper 2-BallBrodie Juniper 2-Ball 7 gal $98 Juniperus chinensis 'Brodie' Brodie Juniper 3-BallBrodie Juniper 3-Ball 7 gal $110 Juniperus chinensis 'Brodie' Brodie Juniper 2-BallBrodie Juniper 2-Ball 7 gal $98 Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii Columnaris' Hetzii Juniper SpiralHetzii Juniper Spiral 7 gal $110 Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii Columnaris' Hetzii Juniper SpiralHetzii Juniper Spiral 7 gal $110 Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii' Hetz Juniper Globe TopiaryHetz Juniper Globe Topiary 7 gal $45 Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii' Hetz Juniper Globe TopiaryHetz Juniper Globe Topiary 7 gal $45 Juniperus chinensis 'Parsonii' Parson's JuniperParson's Juniper 3 gal $14 Juniperus chinensis 'Parsonii' Parson's JuniperParson's Juniper 1 gal $6 on order Juniperus chinensis 'Parsonii' Parson's JuniperParson's Juniper 1 gal $6 on order Juniperus chinensis 'Parsonii' Parson's JuniperParson's Juniper 3 gal $14 Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' Blue Pacific JuniperBlue Pacific Juniper 3 gal $15 Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' Blue Pacific JuniperBlue Pacific Juniper 1 gal $5 Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' Blue Pacific JuniperBlue Pacific Juniper 3 gal $15 Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' Blue Pacific JuniperBlue Pacific Juniper 1 gal $5 Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii' Blue Rug JuniperBlue Rug Juniper 3 gal $15 Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii' Blue Rug JuniperBlue Rug Juniper 1 gal $5 Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii' Blue Rug JuniperBlue Rug Juniper 3 gal $15 Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii' Blue Rug JuniperBlue Rug Juniper 1 gal $5 Juniperus proc 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper -stakedDwarf Japanese Garden Juniper -staked 1 gal $6 on order Juniperus proc 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper -stakedDwarf Japanese Garden Juniper -staked 1 gal $6 on order Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese Garden JuniperDwarf Japanese Garden Juniper 3 gal $16 Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper StakedDwarf Japanese Garden Juniper Staked 5 gal $55 on order Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese Garden JuniperDwarf Japanese Garden Juniper 3 gal $16 Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper StakedDwarf Japanese Garden Juniper Staked 5 gal $55 on order Juniperus procumbens ‘Green Mound’ Green Mound JuniperGreen Mound Juniper 3 gal $15 Juniperus procumbens ‘Green Mound’ Green Mound JuniperGreen Mound Juniper 3 gal $15 Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl' Grey Owl JuniperGrey Owl Juniper 3 gal $15 on order Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl' Grey Owl JuniperGrey Owl Juniper 3 gal $15 on order Kalanchoe sp. Kalanchoe duo 2ppKalanchoe duo 2pp 4.5 in $6 Kalanchoe sp. Kalanchoe YellowKalanchoe Yellow 6 in $9.50 Kniphofia 'Orange Blaze' PP31545 Pyromania® Orange Blaze Red Hot PokerPyromania® Orange Blaze Red Hot Poker 1 gal $11.50 Kniphofia hybrid PP31185 Pyromania® Hot and Cold Red Hot PokerPyromania® Hot and Cold Red Hot Poker 1 gal $11.50 Kniphofia uvaria ‘Border Ballet’ Border Ballet Hot PokerBorder Ballet Hot Poker 1 gal $5 on order Lactuca Simply Salad Alfresco Blend Simply Salad Alfresco Blend LettuceSimply Salad Alfresco Blend Lettuce 9pk $5 few Lactuca Simply Salad City Garden Mix Simply Salad City Garden Mix LettuceSimply Salad City Garden Mix Lettuce 9pk $5 few Lactuca Simply Salad Global Gourmet Mix Simply Salad Gourmet Mix LettuceSimply Salad Gourmet Mix Lettuce 9pk $5 few Lactuca sativa 'Buttercrunch' Buttercrunch LettuceButtercrunch Lettuce 9pk $5 Lactuca sativa 'Great Lakes' Great Lakes LettuceGreat Lakes Lettuce 9pk $5 Lactuca sativa 'Romaine Pariss Island' Romaine Pariss Island LettuceRomaine Pariss Island Lettuce 9pk $5 few Lady Bug Lady Bug -Sku-34-617Lady Bug -Sku-34-617 10 in $15 Lady Bug Lady Bug -Sku-34-617Lady Bug -Sku-34-617 10 in $15 Lagerstroemia hybrid 'Ebony Embers' Red Hot™ Black Diamond® Crape Myrtle TreeRed Hot™ Black Diamond® Crape Myrtle Tree 7 gal $45 Lagerstroemia hybrid 'Ebony Embers' Red Hot™ Black Diamond® Crape Myrtle TreeRed Hot™ Black Diamond® Crape Myrtle Tree 3 gal $16 Lagerstroemia hybrid 'Ebony Embers' Red Hot™ Black Diamond® Crape Myrtle TreeRed Hot™ Black Diamond® Crape Myrtle Tree 7 gal $45 Lagerstroemia hybrid 'Ebony Embers' Red Hot™ Black Diamond® Crape Myrtle TreeRed Hot™ Black Diamond® Crape Myrtle Tree 3 gal $16 Lagerstroemia indica 'Natchez' Natchez Crape MyrtleNatchez Crape Myrtle 15 gal $90 Lagerstroemia indica 'Natchez' Natchez Crape MyrtleNatchez Crape Myrtle 15 gal $90 Lagerstroemia indica ‘Black Diamond Pure White’ Black Diamond® Pure White Crape MyrtleBlack Diamond® Pure White Crape Myrtle 3 gal $16 Lagerstroemia indica ‘Black Diamond Pure White’ Black Diamond® Pure White Crape MyrtleBlack Diamond® Pure White Crape Myrtle 3 gal $16 Lagerstroemia x 'JM2' PP31429 Thunderstruck™ Rublim' Red™ CrapemyrtleThunderstruck™ Rublim' Red™ Crapemyrtle 3 gal $21 Lagerstroemia x 'JM2' PP31429 Thunderstruck™ Rublim' Red™ CrapemyrtleThunderstruck™ Rublim' Red™ Crapemyrtle 3 gal $21 Lamium mac. 'Ghost' Ghost DeadnettleGhost Deadnettle 3.5 in $2.75 Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver' Beacon Silver DeadnettleBeacon Silver Deadnettle 4.5in $4 Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy' White Nancy DeadnettleWhite Nancy Deadnettle 4.5in $4 Lamium maculatum ‘Orchid Frost’ Orchid Frost DeadnettleOrchid Frost Deadnettle 4pk $6 on order Large Garden Lollipop Large Garden Lollipop -Sku-717Large Garden Lollipop -Sku-717 Large $12 Large Garden Lollipop Large Garden Lollipop -Sku-717Large Garden Lollipop -Sku-717 Large $12 Large Leaf Trellis Large Leaf Trellis -Sku-Z0730Large Leaf Trellis -Sku-Z0730 $70 Large Leaf Trellis Large Leaf Trellis -Sku-Z0730Large Leaf Trellis -Sku-Z0730 $70 Large Tin Hen Large Tin Hen -Sku-34-051Large Tin Hen -Sku-34-051 Large $30 Large Tin Hen Large Tin Hen -Sku-34-051Large Tin Hen -Sku-34-051 Large $30 Laurentia fluviatilis Blue Star CreeperBlue Star Creeper 3.5in $3 Laurentia fluviatilis Blue Star CreeperBlue Star Creeper 4.5in $4 on order Laurus nobilis Bay LaurelBay Laurel 3 gal $22.50 on order Leptinella squalida 'Platt's Black' Platt's Black Black Brass ButtonsPlatt's Black Black Brass Buttons 4.5in $4 Lerwick Trellis Lerwick Trellis -Sku-22-030Lerwick Trellis -Sku-22-030 $40 Lerwick Trellis Lerwick Trellis -Sku-22-030Lerwick Trellis -Sku-22-030 $40 Leucanthemum x superbum 'White Lion' White Lion Shasta DaisyWhite Lion Shasta Daisy 1 gal $5 Leucanthemum x superbum Sweet Daisy 'Jane' Sweet Daisy Jane Shasta DaisySweet Daisy Jane Shasta Daisy 1 gal $5 Leucanthemum x superbum Sweet Daisy 'Rebecca' Sweet Daisy Rebecca Shasta DaisySweet Daisy Rebecca Shasta Daisy 1 gal $5 Leucanthemum x superbum Sweet Daisy 'Sophia' Sweet Daisy Sophia Shasta DaisySweet Daisy Sophia Shasta Daisy 1 gal $5 Leucanthemum × superbum 'Madonna' Madonna Shasta DaisyMadonna Shasta Daisy 5 in $3 4/$10 Leucanthemum × superbum 'Real Goldcup' Real Gold Cup Shasta DaisyReal Gold Cup Shasta Daisy 1 gal $5 Leucanthemum × superbum Sweet Daisy Birdy’ Sweet Birdy Shasta DaisySweet Birdy Shasta Daisy 1 gal $5 Leucanthemum × superbum ‘Sweet Daisy Christine’ Sweet Daisy Christine Shasta DaisySweet Daisy Christine Shasta Daisy 1 gal $5 Ligustrum japonicum Waxleaf Ligustrum ***sale***Waxleaf Ligustrum ***sale*** 1 gal $5 on order Ligustrum japonicum Waxleaf Ligustrum ***sale***Waxleaf Ligustrum ***sale*** 1 gal $5 on order Ligustrum japonicum 'Howardi' Golden Wax Leaf LigustrumGolden Wax Leaf Ligustrum 3 gal $15 Ligustrum japonicum 'Howardi' Golden Wax Leaf LigustrumGolden Wax Leaf Ligustrum 7 gal $42.50 on order Ligustrum japonicum 'Howardi' Golden Wax Leaf LigustrumGolden Wax Leaf Ligustrum 3 gal $15 Ligustrum japonicum 'Howardi' Golden Wax Leaf LigustrumGolden Wax Leaf Ligustrum 7 gal $42.50 on order Ligustrum japonicum 'Jack Frost' Variegated Waxleaf Ligustrum ***sale***Variegated Waxleaf Ligustrum ***sale*** 3 gal $12.50 2/$20 Ligustrum japonicum 'Jack Frost' Variegated Waxleaf Ligustrum ***sale***Variegated Waxleaf Ligustrum ***sale*** 3 gal $12.50 2/$20 Ligustrum japonicum 'Recurvifolium' Curly Wax Leaf LigustrumCurly Wax Leaf Ligustrum 3 gal $13.25 Ligustrum japonicum 'Recurvifolium' Curly Wax Leaf LigustrumCurly Wax Leaf Ligustrum 7 gal $42.50 Ligustrum japonicum 'Recurvifolium' Curly Wax Leaf LigustrumCurly Wax Leaf Ligustrum 7 gal $42.50 Ligustrum japonicum 'Recurvifolium' Curly Wax Leaf LigustrumCurly Wax Leaf Ligustrum 3 gal $13.25 Ligustrum sinense 'Sunshine' PP20380 Sunshine LigustrumSunshine Ligustrum 3 gal $21 Ligustrum sinense 'Sunshine' PP20380 Sunshine LigustrumSunshine Ligustrum 3 gal $21 Lime Green Saguaro Cactus Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Medium $45 Lime Green Saguaro Cactus Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Medium $45 Lime Green Saguaro Cactus Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Large $68 Lime Green Saguaro Cactus Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 X-Large $95 Lime Green Saguaro Cactus Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Small $30 Lime Green Saguaro Cactus Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Small $30 Lime Green Saguaro Cactus Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 Large $68 Lime Green Saguaro Cactus Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419Lime Green Saguaro Cactus -Sku-32-419 X-Large $95 Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' Big Blue LiriopeBig Blue Liriope 18pk $28 on order Liriope muscari 'Emerald Goddess' Emerald Goddess LiriopeEmerald Goddess Liriope 1 gal $6 Liriope muscari 'Marc Anthony' Marc Anthony Variegated Liriope/LilyturfMarc Anthony Variegated Liriope/Lilyturf 1 gal $5.75 Liriope muscari 'Super Blue' Super Blue LilyturfSuper Blue Lilyturf 18pk $32.50 on order Liriope muscari 'Variegata' Variegated LilyturfVariegated Lilyturf 18pk $28 on order Lithodora diffusa 'Grace Ward' Grace Ward LithodoraGrace Ward Lithodora 2.5qt $7 Lobelia speciosa 'Starship Blue' Starship Blue Cardinal FlowerStarship Blue Cardinal Flower 5 in $4 Lobularia Crystal® Series Clear Crystal® Series AlyssumClear Crystal® Series Alyssum 4 in $1.75 18/$28 Lomandra longifolia ‘Roma 13’ PP25962 Platinum Beauty® LomandraPlatinum Beauty® Lomandra 2.5 qt $7.50 Loropetalum chinense 'CANRL01' Ever Red Mini Fringe FlowerEver Red Mini Fringe Flower 2 gal $22.50 Loropetalum chinense 'CANRL01' Ever Red Mini Fringe FlowerEver Red Mini Fringe Flower 2 gal $22.50 Loropetalum chinense 'Carolina Midnight' Carolina Midnight LoropetalumCarolina Midnight Loropetalum 3 gal $16 on order Loropetalum chinense 'Carolina Midnight' Carolina Midnight LoropetalumCarolina Midnight Loropetalum 3 gal $16 on order Loropetalum chinense 'Chang Nian Hong' Ever Red® Fringe FlowerEver Red® Fringe Flower 1 gal $5 Loropetalum chinense 'Chang Nian Hong' Ever Red® Fringe FlowerEver Red® Fringe Flower 3 gal $14 Loropetalum chinense 'Chang Nian Hong' Ever Red® Fringe FlowerEver Red® Fringe Flower 3 gal $14 Loropetalum chinense 'Chang Nian Hong' Ever Red® Fringe FlowerEver Red® Fringe Flower 1 gal $5 Loropetalum chinense 'KURENAI DAIOU' PP27748 Jazz Hands Bold® Pink Chinese Fringe FlowerJazz Hands Bold® Pink Chinese Fringe Flower 2 gal $24 on order Loropetalum chinense 'KURENAI DAIOU' PP27748 Jazz Hands Bold® Pink Chinese Fringe FlowerJazz Hands Bold® Pink Chinese Fringe Flower 2 gal $24 on order Loropetalum chinense 'Peack' PP18440 Purple Pixie® Dwarf Weeping LoropetalumPurple Pixie® Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum 1 gal $14.50 on order Loropetalum chinense 'Peack' PP18440 Purple Pixie® Dwarf Weeping LoropetalumPurple Pixie® Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum 1 gal $14.50 on order Loropetalum chinense 'Peack' PP18441 Purple Pixie® Dwarf Weeping LoropetalumPurple Pixie® Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum 3 gal $26 on order Loropetalum chinense 'Peack' PP18441 Purple Pixie® Dwarf Weeping LoropetalumPurple Pixie® Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum 3 gal $26 on order Loropetalum chinense 'Shang-Red' Red Diamond™ Midsize LoropetalumRed Diamond™ Midsize Loropetalum 3 gal $25 Loropetalum chinense 'Shang-Red' Red Diamond™ Midsize LoropetalumRed Diamond™ Midsize Loropetalum 3 gal $25 Loropetalum chinense 'Shang-hi' PP18331 Purple Diamond® Semi-dwarf LoropetalumPurple Diamond® Semi-dwarf Loropetalum 3 gal $25 Loropetalum chinense 'Shang-hi' PP18331 Purple Diamond® Semi-dwarf LoropetalumPurple Diamond® Semi-dwarf Loropetalum 3 gal $25 Loropetalum chinense 'Shang-white' PP21738 Emerald Snow® Fringe FlowerEmerald Snow® Fringe Flower 3 gal $24 Loropetalum chinense 'Shang-white' PP21738 Emerald Snow® Fringe FlowerEmerald Snow® Fringe Flower 3 gal $24 Loropetalum chinense rub. 'Ruby' Ruby Chinese Fringe Flower ***sale***Ruby Chinese Fringe Flower ***sale*** 1 gal $5 3/$10 Loropetalum chinense rub. 'Ruby' Ruby Chinese Fringe Flower ***sale***Ruby Chinese Fringe Flower ***sale*** 3 gal $12.50 2/$20 Loropetalum chinense rub. 'Ruby' Ruby Chinese Fringe Flower ***sale***Ruby Chinese Fringe Flower ***sale*** 1 gal $5 3/$10 Loropetalum chinense rub. 'Ruby' Ruby Chinese Fringe Flower ***sale***Ruby Chinese Fringe Flower ***sale*** 3 gal $12.50 2/$20 Loropetalum chinense 'Kurobijin' PP23176 Cerise Charm™ Fringe FlowerCerise Charm™ Fringe Flower 3 gal $22.50 Loropetalum chinense 'Kurobijin' PP23176 Cerise Charm™ Fringe FlowerCerise Charm™ Fringe Flower 3 gal $22.50 Loropetalum chinensis 'Crimson Fire' Crimson Fire Chinese Fringe FlowerCrimson Fire Chinese Fringe Flower 3 gal $28 Loropetalum chinensis 'Crimson Fire' Crimson Fire Chinese Fringe FlowerCrimson Fire Chinese Fringe Flower 3 gal $28 Loropetalum chinensis 'Daruma' Daruma Dwarf Fringe FlowerDaruma Dwarf Fringe Flower 1 gal $6 3/$15 Loropetalum chinensis 'Daruma' Daruma Dwarf Fringe FlowerDaruma Dwarf Fringe Flower 1 gal $6 3/$15 Loropetalum chinensis 'Daruma' Daruma Dwarf Fringe FlowerDaruma Dwarf Fringe Flower 3 gal $14 Loropetalum chinensis 'Daruma' Daruma Dwarf Fringe FlowerDaruma Dwarf Fringe Flower 3 gal $14 Loropetalum chinesis 'Kurenai' USPP 27750 Jazz Hands® Pink Chinese Fringe FlowerJazz Hands® Pink Chinese Fringe Flower 3 gal $32.50 Loropetalum chinesis 'Kurenai' USPP 27750 Jazz Hands® Pink Chinese Fringe FlowerJazz Hands® Pink Chinese Fringe Flower 3 gal $32.50 Loropetalum chinense 'Irodori' PP27713 Jazz Hands Variegated® Fringe FlowerJazz Hands Variegated® Fringe Flower 2 gal $32.50 Loropetalum chinense 'Irodori' PP27713 Jazz Hands Variegated® Fringe FlowerJazz Hands Variegated® Fringe Flower 2 gal $32.50 Luminous Montana, Bronze Luminous Montana, Bronze -Sku-HH207Luminous Montana, Bronze -Sku-HH207 $155 Luminous Montana, Bronze Luminous Montana, Bronze -Sku-HH207Luminous Montana, Bronze -Sku-HH207 $155 Luminous Montana, Turquoise Luminous Montana, Turquoise -Sku-HH206Luminous Montana, Turquoise -Sku-HH206 $155 Luminous Montana, Turquoise Luminous Montana, Turquoise -Sku-HH206Luminous Montana, Turquoise -Sku-HH206 $155 Lycium barbarum Goji BerryGoji Berry 1 gal $8 on order Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’ Creeping JennyCreeping Jenny 5 in $3 Magnolia 'Betty' Betty MagnoliaBetty Magnolia 3 gal $15 on order Magnolia 'Betty' Betty MagnoliaBetty Magnolia 3 gal $15 on order Magnolia 'Jane' Jane MagnoliaJane Magnolia 3 gal $15 on order Magnolia 'Jane' Jane MagnoliaJane Magnolia 3 gal $15 on order Magnolia figo h. 'Stellar Ruby' PP29778 Stellar Ruby MagnoliaStellar Ruby Magnolia 3 gal $24 on order Magnolia figo h. 'Stellar Ruby' PP29778 Stellar Ruby MagnoliaStellar Ruby Magnolia 3 gal $24 on order Magnolia grandiflora 'Claudia Wannamaker' Claudia Wannamaker Southern MagnoliaClaudia Wannamaker Southern Magnolia 15 gal $100 on order Magnolia grandiflora 'Claudia Wannamaker' Claudia Wannamaker Southern MagnoliaClaudia Wannamaker Southern Magnolia 15 gal $100 on order Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' Little Gem MagnoliaLittle Gem Magnolia 7 gal $78 Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' Little Gem MagnoliaLittle Gem Magnolia 15 gal $110 Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' Little Gem MagnoliaLittle Gem Magnolia 7 gal $78 Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' Little Gem MagnoliaLittle Gem Magnolia 15 gal $110 Magnolia grandiflora ‘Bracken’s Brown Beauty’ Bracken's Brown Beauty MagnoliaBracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia 15 gal $140 Magnolia grandiflora ‘Bracken’s Brown Beauty’ Bracken's Brown Beauty MagnoliaBracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia 15 gal $140 Magnolia grandiflora ‘DD Blanchard’ DD Blanchard MagnoliaDD Blanchard Magnolia 3 gal $25 Magnolia grandiflora ‘DD Blanchard’ DD Blanchard MagnoliaDD Blanchard Magnolia 3 gal $25 Magnolia grandiflora ‘Kay Parris’ Kay Parris MagnoliaKay Parris Magnolia 15 gal $125 on order Magnolia grandiflora ‘Kay Parris’ Kay Parris MagnoliaKay Parris Magnolia 7 gal $110 Magnolia grandiflora ‘Kay Parris’ Kay Parris MagnoliaKay Parris Magnolia 15 gal $125 on order Magnolia grandiflora ‘Kay Parris’ Kay Parris MagnoliaKay Parris Magnolia 7 gal $110 Magnolia stellata 'Centennial Blush' PP22248 Centennial Blush Star MagnoliaCentennial Blush Star Magnolia 3 gal $30 on order Magnolia stellata 'Centennial Blush' PP22248 Centennial Blush Star MagnoliaCentennial Blush Star Magnolia 3 gal $30 on order Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' Royal Star MagnoliaRoyal Star Magnolia 3 gal $15 on order Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' Royal Star MagnoliaRoyal Star Magnolia 3 gal $15 on order Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay MagnoliaSweetbay Magnolia 3 gal $20 Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay MagnoliaSweetbay Magnolia 3 gal $20 Magnolia x ‘Stellar Ruby’ PP29778 Stellar Ruby Fragrant Banana ShrubStellar Ruby Fragrant Banana Shrub 2 gal $26 Magnolia x ‘Stellar Ruby’ PP29778 Stellar Ruby Fragrant Banana ShrubStellar Ruby Fragrant Banana Shrub 2 gal $26 Mahonia eurybracteata 'Soft Caress' PP20183 Soft Caress Mahonia/ Grape HollySoft Caress Mahonia/ Grape Holly 3 gal $26 Mahonia eurybracteata 'Soft Caress' PP20183 Soft Caress Mahonia/ Grape HollySoft Caress Mahonia/ Grape Holly 3 gal $26 Malpighia emarginata Barbados CherryBarbados Cherry 1 gal $12.50 Malus domestica 'Anna' Anna AppleAnna Apple 5 gal $26 Malus domestica 'Callaway' Callaway CrabappleCallaway Crabapple 5 gal $26 Malus domestica 'Dorset Gold' Dorset Gold AppleDorset Gold Apple 5 gal $26 Malus domestica 'Fuji' Fuji AppleFuji Apple 5 gal $26 Malus domestica 'Gala' Gala AppleGala Apple 5 gal $26 Malus domestica 'Granny Smith' Grannysmith AppleGrannysmith Apple 5 gal $26 Malus domestica 'Honey Crisp' Honeycrisp AppleHoneycrisp Apple 5 gal $26 on order Malus domestica 'Prairifire' Prairiefire CrabapplePrairiefire Crabapple 5 gal $26 Malus domestica 'Yates' Yates AppleYates Apple 5 gal $26 Mammillaria Cactus Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079 Small $42 Mammillaria Cactus Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079 Large $90 Mammillaria Cactus Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079 Large $90 Mammillaria Cactus Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079 Medium $60 Mammillaria Cactus Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079 Small $42 Mammillaria Cactus Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079Mammillaria Cactus -Sku-32-079 Medium $60 Mangave 'Mad About Moonglow' Moonglow Mad About MangaveMoonglow Mad About Mangave 1 gal $8 Mangave 'Mad About Racing Stripes' Racing Stripes Mad About MangaveRacing Stripes Mad About Mangave 1 gal $8 Mangave 'Mad About Red Wing' Red Wing Mad About MangaveRed Wing Mad About Mangave 1 gal $8 Mangave 'Mad About Silver Fox' Silver Fox Mad About MangaveSilver Fox Mad About Mangave 1 gal $8 Mangave ‘Mad About Falling Waters’ Falling Waters Mad About MangaveFalling Waters Mad About Mangave 1 gal $8 Matthiola 'Mime Series' Mime StockMime Stock 4pk $5 few Matthiola incana ‘Harmony Series’ Harmony Fragrant StockHarmony Fragrant Stock 4pk $5 Mazus reptans Blue Creeping MazusBlue Creeping Mazus 3.5in $3 Mazus reptans Purple MazusPurple Mazus 18pk $32.50 on order Mazus reptans 'Alba' White MazusWhite Mazus 18pk $32.50 few Mazus reptans 'Albus' White Creeping MazusWhite Creeping Mazus 3.5in $3 Medium Garden Lollipop Medium Garden Lollipop-Sku-716Medium Garden Lollipop-Sku-716 Medium $8.50 Medium Garden Lollipop Medium Garden Lollipop-Sku-716Medium Garden Lollipop-Sku-716 Medium $8.50 Medium RCY Butterfly Medium RCY Butterfly -Sku-34-607Medium RCY Butterfly -Sku-34-607 Medium $38 Medium RCY Butterfly Medium RCY Butterfly -Sku-34-607Medium RCY Butterfly -Sku-34-607 Medium $38 Medium Tin Goat Medium Tin Goat -Sku-34-201Medium Tin Goat -Sku-34-201 Medium $34 Medium Tin Goat Medium Tin Goat -Sku-34-201Medium Tin Goat -Sku-34-201 Medium $34 Mentha piperata 'Moroccan' Moroccan PeppermintMoroccan Peppermint 5 in $3 4/$10 Mentha piperata 'Orange' Orange MintOrange Mint 5 in $3 on order Mentha spicata SpearmintSpearmint 5 in $3 on order Mentha spicata 'Kentucky Colonel' Kentucky Colonel SpearmintKentucky Colonel Spearmint 5 in $3 4/$10 Mentha suaveolens 'Apple' Apple MintApple Mint 5 in $3 4/$10 Mini Tin Goat Mini Tin Goat -Sku-34-201Mini Tin Goat -Sku-34-201 Mini $15 on order Mini Tin Goat Mini Tin Goat -Sku-34-201Mini Tin Goat -Sku-34-201 Mini $15 on order Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624 Large $38 Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624 Medium $28 Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly -Sku-OOS-568Monarch Butterfly -Sku-OOS-568 $12 Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624 Small $15 Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624 Small $15 Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624 Medium $28 Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624Monarch Butterfly -Sku-34-624 Large $38 Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly -Sku-OOS-568Monarch Butterfly -Sku-OOS-568 $12 Monarda didyma ‘Grape Gumball’ Sugar Buzz® Grape Gumball Bee BalmSugar Buzz® Grape Gumball Bee Balm 1 gal $5 Monarda ‘BeeMine Red’ BeeMine Red Bee BalmBeeMine Red Bee Balm 1 gal $5 Monstera 'Thai Constellation' Thai Constellation MonsteraThai Constellation Monstera 4 in $24 few Monstera adansonii Climbing Swiss CheeseClimbing Swiss Cheese 6in $14 Monstera adansonii Climbing Swiss CheeseClimbing Swiss Cheese 8in $19 Monstera delciciosa Climbing Swiss Cheese BasketClimbing Swiss Cheese Basket 8in $21 on order Monstera delciciosa Swiss Cheese Philodendron BasketSwiss Cheese Philodendron Basket 6 in $22 Monstera delciciosa Swiss Cheese PlantSwiss Cheese Plant 10in $28 Monstera delciciosa Swiss Cheese PlantSwiss Cheese Plant 4in $8.50 Monstera pinnatipartita Monstera PinnatipatiaMonstera Pinnatipatia 6in $20 Morus nigra Dwarf Everbearing MulberryDwarf Everbearing Mulberry 1 gal $12.50 Muhlenbergia capillaris Pink Muhly Grass **special buy!Pink Muhly Grass **special buy! 3 gal $12.50 on order Muhlenbergia capillaris 'White Cloud' White Cloud Muhly GrassWhite Cloud Muhly Grass 3 gal $15 on order Musa acuminata 'Dwarf Cavendish' Dwarf Cavendish BananaDwarf Cavendish Banana 1 gal $12.50 Mushroom Trio Mushroom Trio -Sku-MRT1Mushroom Trio -Sku-MRT1 $21 on order Mushroom Trio Mushroom Trio -Sku-MRT1Mushroom Trio -Sku-MRT1 $21 on order Myosotis sylvatica ‘Mon Ami Series’ Mon Amie Forget Me NotMon Amie Forget Me Not 5 in $3 4/$10 Myrica cerifera Tall Wax MyrtleTall Wax Myrtle 7 gal $32.50 Myrica cerifera Tall Wax MyrtleTall Wax Myrtle 3 gal $12.50 Myrica cerifera Tall Wax MyrtleTall Wax Myrtle 3 gal $12.50 Myrica cerifera Tall Wax MyrtleTall Wax Myrtle 7 gal $32.50 Myrica cerifera 'Don's Dwarf' Don's Dwarf Wax MyrtleDon's Dwarf Wax Myrtle 3 gal $20 Myrica cerifera 'Don's Dwarf' Don's Dwarf Wax MyrtleDon's Dwarf Wax Myrtle 3 gal $20 Myrica cerifera var. pumila Dwarf Wax Myrtle **nativeDwarf Wax Myrtle **native 7 gal $40 Myrica cerifera var. pumila Dwarf Wax Myrtle **nativeDwarf Wax Myrtle **native 7 gal $40 Nandina domestica 'Firepower' Dwarf Firepower NandinaDwarf Firepower Nandina 3 gal $15 on order Nandina domestica 'Firepower' Dwarf Firepower NandinaDwarf Firepower Nandina 1 gal $7.50 on order Nandina domestica 'Firepower' Dwarf Firepower NandinaDwarf Firepower Nandina 1 gal $7.50 on order Nandina domestica 'Firepower' Dwarf Firepower NandinaDwarf Firepower Nandina 3 gal $15 on order Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' Gulfstream NandinaGulfstream Nandina 1 gal $8 Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' Gulfstream NandinaGulfstream Nandina 3 gal $16 Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' Gulfstream NandinaGulfstream Nandina 1 gal $8 Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' Gulfstream NandinaGulfstream Nandina 3 gal $16 Nandina domestica 'Lemon Lime' PP24749 Lemon Lime NandinaLemon Lime Nandina 1 gal $12.50 Nandina domestica 'Lemon Lime' PP24749 Lemon Lime NandinaLemon Lime Nandina 1 gal $12.50 Nandina domestica ‘Blush Pink’ Blush Pink NandinaBlush Pink Nandina 2 gal $22.50 Nandina domestica ‘Blush Pink’ Blush Pink NandinaBlush Pink Nandina 2 gal $22.50 Nandina domestica ‘Seika' PP21891 Obsession™ NandinaObsession™ Nandina 2 gal $22.50 Nandina domestica ‘Seika' PP21891 Obsession™ NandinaObsession™ Nandina 2 gal $22.50 Narcissus 'Chromacolor' Chromacolor DaffodilChromacolor Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Chromacolor' Chromacolor DaffodilChromacolor Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Cornish King' Cornish King DaffodilCornish King Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Cornish King' Cornish King DaffodilCornish King Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Dick Wilden' Dick Wilden DaffodilDick Wilden Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Dick Wilden' Dick Wilden DaffodilDick Wilden Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Dutchmaster' Dutchmaster DaffodilDutchmaster Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Dutchmaster' Dutchmaster DaffodilDutchmaster Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Elka' Elka DaffodilElka Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Elka' Elka DaffodilElka Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Fortune' Fortune DaffodilFortune Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Fortune' Fortune DaffodilFortune Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Geranium' Geranium DaffodilGeranium Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Geranium' Geranium DaffodilGeranium Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Golden Echo' Golden Echo DaffodilGolden Echo Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Golden Echo' Golden Echo DaffodilGolden Echo Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Icy Baby' Ice Baby DaffodilIce Baby Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Icy Baby' Ice Baby DaffodilIce Baby Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Isha' Isha DaffodilIsha Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Isha' Isha DaffodilIsha Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Merel's Favorite' Merel's Favorite DaffodilMerel's Favorite Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Merel's Favorite' Merel's Favorite DaffodilMerel's Favorite Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Mount Hood' Mount Hood DaffodilMount Hood Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Mount Hood' Mount Hood DaffodilMount Hood Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Obdam' Obdam DaffodilObdam Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Obdam' Obdam DaffodilObdam Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Pink Charm' Pink Charm DaffodilPink Charm Daffodil 1 gal $4 on order Narcissus 'Pink Charm' Pink Charm DaffodilPink Charm Daffodil 1 gal $4 on order Narcissus 'Red Devon' Red Devon DaffodilRed Devon Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Red Devon' Red Devon DaffodilRed Devon Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Sweetness' Sweetness DaffodilSweetness Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Sweetness' Sweetness DaffodilSweetness Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Tete a Tete' Tete a Tete DaffodilTete a Tete Daffodil 1 gal $5 Narcissus 'Tete a Tete' Tete a Tete DaffodilTete a Tete Daffodil 1 gal $5 Narcissus 'Tete a Tete' Tete a Tete DaffodilTete a Tete Daffodil 5 in $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Tete a Tete' Tete a Tete DaffodilTete a Tete Daffodil 5 in $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Thalia' Thalia DaffodilThalia Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'Thalia' Thalia DaffodilThalia Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'White Petticoat' White Pettioat DaffodilWhite Pettioat Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus 'White Petticoat' White Pettioat DaffodilWhite Pettioat Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus ‘Carlton’ Carlton DaffodilCarlton Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Narcissus ‘Carlton’ Carlton DaffodilCarlton Daffodil 1 gal $4 3/$10 Nepeta 'Picture Purrfect' PP34502 Picture Purfect CatmintPicture Purfect Catmint 2.5 qt $7 Nepeta cataria CatnipCatnip 1.5 gal $8 Nepeta racemosa 'Blue Wonder' Blue Wonder CatmintBlue Wonder Catmint 1 gal $5 Nepeta x faassenii 'Novanepjun' PP23074 Junior Walker's Low Dwarf CatmintJunior Walker's Low Dwarf Catmint 1 gal $5 Nepeta x faassenii ‘Cat’s Pajama’s’ Cat's Pajama's CatmintCat's Pajama's Catmint 1 gal $9 on order Nopal Cactus with Flower Nopal Cactus with Flower -Sku-32-423Nopal Cactus with Flower -Sku-32-423 $200 Nopal Cactus with Flower Nopal Cactus with Flower -Sku-32-423Nopal Cactus with Flower -Sku-32-423 $200 Olea europaea 'Arbequina' Arbequina OliveArbequina Olive 1 gal $15 Olea europaea 'Arbequina' Arbequina OliveArbequina Olive 15 gal $155 Ophiopogon japonicus Tall mondo GrassTall mondo Grass 18pk $28 Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana' Dwarf Mondo GrassDwarf Mondo Grass 18pk $28 Origanum vulgare 'Aureum' Golden Culinary OreganoGolden Culinary Oregano 5 in $3 on order Origanum vulgare 'hirtum' Greek Culinary OreganoGreek Culinary Oregano 5 in $3 on order Origanum x majoricum Italian Culinary OreganoItalian Culinary Oregano 5 in $3 on order Osmanthus fortunei Fortune's OsmanthusFortune's Osmanthus 3 gal $15 on order Osmanthus fortunei Fortune's OsmanthusFortune's Osmanthus 3 gal $15 on order Osmanthus fragrans Sweet Tea OliveSweet Tea Olive 7 gal $48 on order Osmanthus fragrans Sweet Tea OliveSweet Tea Olive 3 gal $15 on order Osmanthus fragrans Sweet Tea OliveSweet Tea Olive 1 gal $10 on order Osmanthus fragrans Sweet Tea OliveSweet Tea Olive 7 gal $48 on order Osmanthus fragrans Sweet Tea OliveSweet Tea Olive 1 gal $10 on order Osmanthus fragrans Sweet Tea OliveSweet Tea Olive 3 gal $15 on order Osmanthus fragrans 'Apricot Echo' Apricot Echo Tea OliveApricot Echo Tea Olive 3 gal $18 Osmanthus fragrans 'Apricot Echo' Apricot Echo Tea OliveApricot Echo Tea Olive 3 gal $18 Osmanthus fragrans 'Fudingzhu' Pearls on Buddha's Head Tea OlivePearls on Buddha's Head Tea Olive 1 gal $8 on order Osmanthus fragrans 'Fudingzhu' Pearls on Buddha's Head Tea OlivePearls on Buddha's Head Tea Olive 1 gal $8 on order Osmanthus fragrans aurantiacus Orange Frangrant Tea OliveOrange Frangrant Tea Olive 3 gal $18 on order Osmanthus fragrans aurantiacus Orange Frangrant Tea OliveOrange Frangrant Tea Olive 1 qt $4 on order Osmanthus fragrans aurantiacus Orange Frangrant Tea OliveOrange Frangrant Tea Olive 3 gal $18 on order Osmanthus fragrans aurantiacus Orange Frangrant Tea OliveOrange Frangrant Tea Olive 1 qt $4 on order Osmanthus heter. Goshiki Variegated Tea OliveVariegated Tea Olive 1 gal $8 Osmanthus heter. Goshiki Variegated Tea OliveVariegated Tea Olive 2.5 gal $18 on order Osmanthus heter. Goshiki Variegated Tea OliveVariegated Tea Olive 1 gal $8 Osmanthus heter. Goshiki Variegated Tea OliveVariegated Tea Olive 2.5 gal $18 on order Othonna capensis Ruby Necklace HBRuby Necklace HB 6 in $13.50 Oxalis regnellii Green ShamrockGreen Shamrock 6 in $8 Oxalis regnellii 'Francis' Purple ShamrockPurple Shamrock 2qt $7 Oxalis sp. Green ShamrockGreen Shamrock 4 in $3.25 Oxalis sp. Red ShamrockRed Shamrock 4 in $3.50 Oxalis sp. Red ShamrockRed Shamrock 6 in $8.25 Oxalis tetraphylla 'Iron Cross' Iron Cross ShamrockIron Cross Shamrock 6.5in $5 Pachira aquatica Money Tree in Clay PotMoney Tree in Clay Pot 5 in $8.50 Pachysandra terminalis Japanese PachysandraJapanese Pachysandra 4in $2.50 18/$40 Pelargonium citrosum ‘Van Leenii’ Citronella GeraniumCitronella Geranium 1 gal $6 Pelargonium ‘Savannah Series’ Savannah Series Geranium BasketSavannah Series Geranium Basket 10 in $9 Penstemon 'Husker's Red' Bearded Tongue PenstemonBearded Tongue Penstemon 1 gal $5 Penstemon barbatus 'Novapenblu' PP 27786 Rock Candy® Blue Bearded TongueRock Candy® Blue Bearded Tongue 1 gal $5 Penstemon barbatus 'Novapenpin' PP 26701 Rock Candy® Pink Bearded TongueRock Candy® Pink Bearded Tongue 1 gal $5 Penstemon barbatus 'Pristine Primrose' Pristine Primrose Bearded ToungePristine Primrose Bearded Tounge 1 gal $5 Penstemon barbatus ‘Pristine Lilac Purple’ Pristine Lilac Purple Bearded ToungePristine Lilac Purple Bearded Tounge 1 gal $5 Penstemon barbatus ‘Pristine Scarlet’ Pristine Scarlet Bearded ToungePristine Scarlet Bearded Tounge 1 gal $5 Penstemon hybrida 'Amethyst Quartz' Quartz® Amethyst Bearded TongueQuartz® Amethyst Bearded Tongue 1 gal $5 Peperomia 'Frost' Frost PeperomiaFrost Peperomia 4in $3.50 Peperomia 'San Marino' San Marino PeperomiaSan Marino Peperomia 4in $3.50 Peperomia tetraphylla 'Hope' Hope Peperomia HBHope Peperomia HB 6 in $13.50 Petchoa x 'Caliburst Yellow' Caliburst Yellow PetchoaCaliburst Yellow Petchoa 10 in $8 Petroselinum crispum Moss Curled ParlseyMoss Curled Parlsey 5 in $3 4/$10 Petroselinum neapolitanum Italian Flat ParsleyItalian Flat Parsley 5 in $3 4/$10 Petunia 'Headliner Series’ Headliner Series Petunia BasketHeadliner Series Petunia Basket 10 in $8 Petunia Crazytunia® 'Black Mamba' Crazytunia® Black Mamba PetuniaCrazytunia® Black Mamba Petunia 10 in $8 Petunia Crazytunia® 'Black Mamba' Crazytunia® Black Mamba PetuniaCrazytunia® Black Mamba Petunia 5 in $3 Petunia h. 'WNPESVJAZ' PP34152 Supertunia® Vista Jazzberry® Petunia BasketSupertunia® Vista Jazzberry® Petunia Basket 11 in $12.50 on order Petunia hybrid 'BBTUN91601' PP29663 Supertunia® Lovie Dovie™ Petunia BasketSupertunia® Lovie Dovie™ Petunia Basket 11 in $12.50 2/$20 Petunia hybrid 'Sunremi' PP16803 Supertunia® Really Red Petunia BasketSupertunia® Really Red Petunia Basket 11 in $12.50 on order Petunia hybrid 'USTUNI6001' PP17730 Supertunia Vista® Bubblegum® Petunia BasketSupertunia Vista® Bubblegum® Petunia Basket 11 in $12.50 on order Petunia hybrida 'MIPEKA001' Frost Sapphire Petunia BasketFrost Sapphire Petunia Basket 10 in $9 Petunia hybrid 'USTUN3003' PP27312 Supertunia® Black Cherry® Petunia BasketSupertunia® Black Cherry® Petunia Basket 11 in $12.50 2/$20 Petunia sp. 'Dreams Series' Dreams Series PetuniaDreams Series Petunia 4 in $1.75 18/$30 Petunia x hybrida 'Balvoged' PP33378 Vogue™ Red Double Petunia BasketVogue™ Red Double Petunia Basket 10 in $9 Petunia x hybrida 'Balvogink' PP33337 Vogue™ Pink Double Petunia BasketVogue™ Pink Double Petunia Basket 10 in $9 Petunia x hybrida 'Balvogite' PP33400 Vogue™ White Double Petunia BasketVogue™ White Double Petunia Basket 10 in $9 Petunia x hybrida 'Kervovein' Vogue™ Lavender Vein Double Petunia BasketVogue™ Lavender Vein Double Petunia Basket 10 in $9 Petunia ‘E3 Easy Wave Series’ E3 Easy Wave® Series Petunia BasketE3 Easy Wave® Series Petunia Basket 10 in $8 Phalaenopsis sp. Orchids in CeramicOrchids in Ceramic 2.5 in $12.50 Phalaenopsis sp. Waterfall in CeramicWaterfall in Ceramic 5 in $32.50 Philodendorn'White Princess' White Princess PhilodendornWhite Princess Philodendorn 4in $12.50 Philodendron Birkin PremiumBirkin Premium 5 in $5.50 on order Philodendron Ring of FireRing of Fire 4 in $12 few Philodendron Ring of Fire VariegatedRing of Fire Variegated 4 in $6 Philodendron 'Moonlight' Moonlight PhilodendronMoonlight Philodendron 4 in $11.50 Philodendron 'Pink Princess' Pink Princess PhilodendronPink Princess Philodendron 4 in $11 Philodendron hederaceum 'Brasil' Brasil PhilodendronBrasil Philodendron 8in $19 Philodendron hederaceum 'Brasil' Brasil PhilodendronBrasil Philodendron 4in $5.50 Philodendron micans Velvet-Leaf PhilodendronVelvet-Leaf Philodendron 6in $14 Philodendron sp. Asst PhilodendronAsst Philodendron 4in $8 Phlebodium aureum Blue Star FernBlue Star Fern 6 in $9 Phlebodium aureum Blue Star Fern BasketBlue Star Fern Basket 10 in $18 Phlox divaricata ‘Blue Moon’ Blue Moon Woodland PhloxBlue Moon Woodland Phlox 1 gal $6 3/$15 Phlox drummondii '21st Century Blue' 21st Century Blue Phlox21st Century Blue Phlox 4 in $1.75 on order Phlox interspecific 'Woodlander Pink' Woodlander Pink Smooth PhloxWoodlander Pink Smooth Phlox 2.5 qt $7 Phlox stolonifera 'Sherwood Purple' Sherwood Purple Woodland PhloxSherwood Purple Woodland Phlox 1 gal $5 Phlox subulata 'Candy Stripe' Candy Stripe Creeping PhloxCandy Stripe Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Crimson Beauty' Crimson Beauty Creeping PhloxCrimson Beauty Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Drummons Pink' Drummons Pink Creeping PhloxDrummons Pink Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Early Spring Dark Blue' Early Spring Dark Blue Creeping PhloxEarly Spring Dark Blue Creeping Phlox 6 in $5 Phlox subulata 'Emerald Blue' Emerald Blue Creeping PhloxEmerald Blue Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Eye Candy' Eye Candy Creeping PhloxEye Candy Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Fort Hill' Fort Hill Creeping PhloxFort Hill Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'McDaniel's Cushion' McDaniels Cushion Creeping PhloxMcDaniels Cushion Creeping Phlox 2.5qt $7 Phlox subulata 'Purple Beauty' Purple Beauty Creeping PhloxPurple Beauty Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Red Wings' Red Wings Creeping PhloxRed Wings Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Scarlet Flame' Scarlet Flame Creeping PhloxScarlet Flame Creeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Snowflake' White Ceeping PhloxWhite Ceeping Phlox 5 in $4 3/$10 Phlox subulata 'Spring Lavender' Spring Lavender Creeping PhloxSpring Lavender Creeping Phlox 2.5 qt $7 Phlox subulata 'Spring Pink' Spring Pink Creeping PhloxSpring Pink Creeping Phlox 2.5 qt $7 Phlox subulata 'Spring Purple' Spring Purple Creeping PhloxSpring Purple Creeping Phlox 2.5 qt $7 Phlox x h. 'PHL090201' 'Jagger' Paparazzi® Jagger PhloxPaparazzi® Jagger Phlox 2.5qt $7 on order Pieris japonica ‘Planow’ Mountain Snow™ PierisMountain Snow™ Pieris 3 gal $27 on order Pieris japonica ‘Planow’ Mountain Snow™ PierisMountain Snow™ Pieris 3 gal $27 on order Pilea cadierei Aluminum PlantAluminum Plant 4 in $5 Pilea glauca 'Aquamarine' Aquamarine PileaAquamarine Pilea 4 in $5 Pilea glauca 'Aquamarine' Aquamarine PileaAquamarine Pilea 6 in $7 Pilea glauca 'Aquamarine' Aquamarine Pilea BasketAquamarine Pilea Basket 6 in $13.50 Pincushion Cactus Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-421Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-421 9 in $18 Pincushion Cactus Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-421Pincushion Cactus -Sku-32-421 9 in $18 Pittosporum t. 'CNI Three' PP16188 Mojo® PittosporumMojo® Pittosporum 3 gal $29 Pittosporum t. 'CNI Three' PP16188 Mojo® PittosporumMojo® Pittosporum 3 gal $29 Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata' Variegated Mock OrangeVariegated Mock Orange 3 gal $12.50 2/$20 Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata' Variegated Mock OrangeVariegated Mock Orange 3 gal $12.50 2/$20 Platycerium bifurcatum Staghorn FernStaghorn Fern 4 in $6 Platycerium bifurcatum 'Netherlands' Staghorn FernStaghorn Fern 4in $8 Podocarpus macrophyllus Fern Pine SpiralFern Pine Spiral 15 gal $170 Podocarpus macrophyllus Japanese YewJapanese Yew 7 gal $45 Podocarpus macrophyllus Japanese YewJapanese Yew 15 gal $95 on order Podocarpus macrophyllus Fern Pine SpiralFern Pine Spiral 15 gal $170 Podocarpus macrophyllus Japanese YewJapanese Yew 7 gal $45 Podocarpus macrophyllus Japanese YewJapanese Yew 15 gal $95 on order Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Meta' Meta Fern Pine Patio TreeMeta Fern Pine Patio Tree 7 gal $80 Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Meta' Meta Fern Pine Patio TreeMeta Fern Pine Patio Tree 7 gal $80 Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Sosa' PP28583 Mood Ring® Podocarpus/Fern PineMood Ring® Podocarpus/Fern Pine 1 gal $14 Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Sosa' PP28583 Mood Ring® Podocarpus/Fern PineMood Ring® Podocarpus/Fern Pine 1 gal $14 Podocarpus macropyllus ‘Maki’ Maki Fern PineMaki Fern Pine 7 gal $45 Podocarpus macropyllus ‘Maki’ Maki Fern PineMaki Fern Pine 7 gal $45 Polemonium boreale 'Heavenly Habit' Heavenly Habit Jacob's LadderHeavenly Habit Jacob's Ladder 1 gal $5.50 Polemonium ‘Brise d’Anjou’ Brise d' Anjou Jacob's LadderBrise d' Anjou Jacob's Ladder 1 gal $7 Polka Dot Mushroom Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606 Large $30 Polka Dot Mushroom Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606 Medium $18 Polka Dot Mushroom Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606 Large $30 Polka Dot Mushroom Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606 Small $12 Polka Dot Mushroom Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606 Medium $18 Polka Dot Mushroom Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606Polka Dot Mushroom -Sku-32-606 Small $12 Polka Dot Rooster Polka Dot Rooster -Sku-34-092Polka Dot Rooster -Sku-34-092 $50 Polka Dot Rooster Polka Dot Rooster -Sku-34-092Polka Dot Rooster -Sku-34-092 $50 Polygonatum biflorum var. commutatum Large Solomon's SealLarge Solomon's Seal 1 gal $9 on order Polystichum polyblepharum Japanese Tassel/ Lace FernJapanese Tassel/ Lace Fern 1 gal $6 Polystichum tsus-simense Korean Rock FernKorean Rock Fern 1 gal $6 Poppy, Assorted Poppy, Assorted -SKU-X722Poppy, Assorted -SKU-X722 $15 Poppy, Assorted Poppy, Assorted -SKU-X722Poppy, Assorted -SKU-X722 $15 Primula 'Danova Series' Danova Series PrimroseDanova Series Primrose 5 in $3 4/$10 Primula 'Sweetheart Mixed' SweetHeart Double Mixed PrimroseSweetHeart Double Mixed Primrose 4 in $3.50 few Promix Organic Herb & Vegetable Organic Vegetable & Herb MixOrganic Vegetable & Herb Mix 2 cuft $14.50 on order Promix Organic Herb & Vegetable Organic Vegetable & Herb MixOrganic Vegetable & Herb Mix 2 cuft $14.50 on order Promix Potting Mix Potting MixPotting Mix 1 cuft $9 Promix Potting Mix Potting MixPotting Mix 1 cuft $9 Promix with Mycorrhizae Promix with Mycorrhizae MixPromix with Mycorrhizae Mix 2.8 cuft $17.50 Promix with Mycorrhizae Promix with Mycorrhizae MixPromix with Mycorrhizae Mix 2.8 cuft $17.50 Prunus persica 'AU Rosa' AU Rosa PlumAU Rosa Plum 5 gal $26 Prunus persica 'Belle of Georgia' Belle of Georgia Peach TreeBelle of Georgia Peach Tree 5 gal $28 on order Prunus persica 'Contender' Contender PeachContender Peach 5 gal $26 on order Prunus persica 'Redhaven' Red Haven PeachRed Haven Peach 5 gal $26 Prunus salicina 'Methley' Methley PlumMethley Plum 5 gal $26 Prunus salicina x angustifolia 'Bruce' Bruce PlumBruce Plum 5 gal $26 on order Prunus serotina Black CherryBlack Cherry 1 gal $11 on order Prunus serotina Black CherryBlack Cherry 1 gal $11 on order Prunus virginiana 'Canada Red' Canada Red ChokecherryCanada Red Chokecherry 7 gal $65 Prunus virginiana 'Canada Red' Canada Red ChokecherryCanada Red Chokecherry 7 gal $65 Prunus x incam 'Okame' Okame CherryOkame Cherry 7 gal $45 few Prunus x incam 'Okame' Okame CherryOkame Cherry 7 gal $45 few Prunus x yedoensis Yoshino CherryYoshino Cherry 7 gal $45 few Prunus x yedoensis Yoshino CherryYoshino Cherry 7 gal $45 few Psidium guajava 'Tropical Pink' Tropical Pink Patio Pot GuavaTropical Pink Patio Pot Guava 2.25 gal $28 Pulmonaria 'Trevi Fountain' Trevi Fountain LungwortTrevi Fountain Lungwort 1 gal $7 Punica granatum 'Nana' Dwarf PomegranateDwarf Pomegranate 1 gal $8 on order Punica granatum 'Parfianka' Parfianka PomegranateParfianka Pomegranate 1 gal $8 on order Punica granatum 'Salavatski' Salavatski PomegranateSalavatski Pomegranate 3 gal $20 on order Punica granatum 'Salavatski' Salavatski PomegranateSalavatski Pomegranate 1 gal $8 on order Punica granatum 'Wonderful' Wonderful PomegranateWonderful Pomegranate 3 gal $20 on order Pycnanthemum muticum Short Toothed Mountain MintShort Toothed Mountain Mint 1 gal $6 Pyracantha x 'Mohave' Mohave Firethorn ShrubMohave Firethorn Shrub 3 gal $20 on order Pyracantha x 'Mohave' Mohave Firethorn ShrubMohave Firethorn Shrub 3 gal $20 on order Pyrus communis 'Bartlett' Bartlett PearBartlett Pear 5 gal $26 Pyrus communis 'Moonglow' Moonglow PearMoonglow Pear 5 gal $26 Pyrus comunis 'Kieffer' Kieffer PearKieffer Pear 5 gal $26 Ranunculus asiaticus ‘Maché™’ Series Mache Series RanunculusMache Series Ranunculus 5 in $3 4/$10 Rhaphiolepis indica 'Alba' White Indian HawthorneWhite Indian Hawthorne 3 gal $12.50 on order Rhaphiolepis indica 'Alba' White Indian HawthorneWhite Indian Hawthorne 3 gal $12.50 on order Rhaphiolepis indica 'Conor' Eleanor Taber™ Indian HawthornEleanor Taber™ Indian Hawthorn 3 gal $18 on order Rhaphiolepis indica 'Conor' Eleanor Taber™ Indian HawthornEleanor Taber™ Indian Hawthorn 3 gal $18 on order Rhaphiolepis indica 'Snow White' Snow White Indian HawthorneSnow White Indian Hawthorne 3 gal $12.50 on order Rhaphiolepis indica 'Snow White' Snow White Indian HawthorneSnow White Indian Hawthorne 3 gal $12.50 on order Rhapiolepis Hybrid 'DB-01' PP32786 Clean Sweep™ Snowbank™ Indian HawthornClean Sweep™ Snowbank™ Indian Hawthorn 3 gal $21 Rhapiolepis Hybrid 'DB-01' PP32786 Clean Sweep™ Snowbank™ Indian HawthornClean Sweep™ Snowbank™ Indian Hawthorn 3 gal $21 Rhododendorn 'Admiral Semmes' Admiral Semmes Fragrant Native AzaleaAdmiral Semmes Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 on order Rhododendorn 'Admiral Semmes' Admiral Semmes Fragrant Native AzaleaAdmiral Semmes Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 on order Rhododendron 'Canary Isles' Canary Isles Native Azalea/RhododendronCanary Isles Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Canary Isles' Canary Isles Native Azalea/RhododendronCanary Isles Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Catawbiense Album' White Catawba RhododendronWhite Catawba Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'Catawbiense Album' White Catawba RhododendronWhite Catawba Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'Chionoides' Chionoides RhododendronChionoides Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron 'Chionoides' Chionoides RhododendronChionoides Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron 'Chocolate Drop' Chocolate Drop Native Fragrant AzaleaChocolate Drop Native Fragrant Azalea 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Chocolate Drop' Chocolate Drop Native Fragrant AzaleaChocolate Drop Native Fragrant Azalea 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Clear Creek' Clear Creek Native Azalea/RhododendronClear Creek Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Clear Creek' Clear Creek Native Azalea/RhododendronClear Creek Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Clowning Around' Orange Fragrant Native AzaleaOrange Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Clowning Around' Orange Fragrant Native AzaleaOrange Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Dancing Rabbits' Dancing Rabbits Native Azalea/RhododendronDancing Rabbits Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Dancing Rabbits' Dancing Rabbits Native Azalea/RhododendronDancing Rabbits Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Frederick Douglas' Soft Pink Blush w/Ylw Fragrant Native AzaleaSoft Pink Blush w/Ylw Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Frederick Douglas' Soft Pink Blush w/Ylw Fragrant Native AzaleaSoft Pink Blush w/Ylw Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Holden's Solar Flair' Holden's™ Solar Flare RhododendronHolden's™ Solar Flare Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'Holden's Solar Flair' Holden's™ Solar Flare RhododendronHolden's™ Solar Flare Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'HoldenRhodo201 PP33594 Holden's™ Pink Flair RhododendronHolden's™ Pink Flair Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'HoldenRhodo201 PP33594 Holden's™ Pink Flair RhododendronHolden's™ Pink Flair Rhododendron 2 gal $35 Rhododendron 'HoldenRhodo201 PP33594 Holden's™ Pink Flair RhododendronHolden's™ Pink Flair Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'HoldenRhodo201 PP33594 Holden's™ Pink Flair RhododendronHolden's™ Pink Flair Rhododendron 2 gal $35 Rhododendron 'HoldenRhodo211' PP34628 Holden's™ Pink RhododendronHolden's™ Pink Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'HoldenRhodo211' PP34628 Holden's™ Pink RhododendronHolden's™ Pink Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'HoldenRhodo213' PP34540 Holden's™ Peach RhododendronHolden's™ Peach Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'HoldenRhodo213' PP34540 Holden's™ Peach RhododendronHolden's™ Peach Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron 'Jackpot' Orange Fragrant Native AzaleaOrange Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Jackpot' Orange Fragrant Native AzaleaOrange Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Jeb Stuart' Pink w/ Yellow Fragrant Native AzaleaPink w/ Yellow Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Jeb Stuart' Pink w/ Yellow Fragrant Native AzaleaPink w/ Yellow Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Lafayette Acre' Orange Fragrant Native AzaleaOrange Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Lafayette Acre' Orange Fragrant Native AzaleaOrange Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Marydel' Marydel Native Azalea/RhododendronMarydel Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 on order Rhododendron 'Marydel' Marydel Native Azalea/RhododendronMarydel Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 on order Rhododendron 'Pat Ryan' Pat Ryan Native Azalea/RhododendronPat Ryan Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Pat Ryan' Pat Ryan Native Azalea/RhododendronPat Ryan Native Azalea/Rhododendron 2.5 gal $16 Rhododendron 'Purple Passion' Purple Passion RhododendronPurple Passion Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron 'Purple Passion' Purple Passion RhododendronPurple Passion Rhododendron 3 gal $45 Rhododendron 'Purple Passion' Purple Passion RhododendronPurple Passion Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron 'Purple Passion' Purple Passion RhododendronPurple Passion Rhododendron 3 gal $45 Rhododendron 'Roseum Pink' Roseum Pink RhododendronRoseum Pink Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron 'Roseum Pink' Roseum Pink RhododendronRoseum Pink Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron 'Stonewall Jackson' Orange Fragrant Native AzaleaOrange Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron 'Stonewall Jackson' Orange Fragrant Native AzaleaOrange Fragrant Native Azalea 3 gal $20 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Boursalt' Boursalt Catawba RhododendronBoursalt Catawba Rhododendron 1 gal $14 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Boursalt' Boursalt Catawba RhododendronBoursalt Catawba Rhododendron 1 gal $14 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Grandiflorum' Catawba RhododendronCatawba Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Grandiflorum' Catawba RhododendronCatawba Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Purpureum Elegans' Purpureum Elegans RhododendronPurpureum Elegans Rhododendron 2 gal $35 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Purpureum Elegans' Purpureum Elegans RhododendronPurpureum Elegans Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Purpureum Elegans' Purpureum Elegans RhododendronPurpureum Elegans Rhododendron 2 gal $35 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Purpureum Elegans' Purpureum Elegans RhododendronPurpureum Elegans Rhododendron 1 gal $21 Rhododendron hybrid 'GREARV' Abbey's Re-View® RhododendronAbbey's Re-View® Rhododendron 3 gal $29 Rhododendron hybrid 'GREARV' Abbey's Re-View® RhododendronAbbey's Re-View® Rhododendron 3 gal $29 Rhododendron x 'Nova Zembla' Nova Zembla RhododendronNova Zembla Rhododendron 3 gal $45 Rhododendron x 'Nova Zembla' Nova Zembla RhododendronNova Zembla Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron x 'Nova Zembla' Nova Zembla RhododendronNova Zembla Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron x 'Nova Zembla' Nova Zembla RhododendronNova Zembla Rhododendron 3 gal $45 Rhododendron x 'P.J.M.' P.J.M. RhododendronP.J.M. Rhododendron 3 gal $45 on order Rhododendron x 'P.J.M.' P.J.M. RhododendronP.J.M. Rhododendron 3 gal $45 on order Rhododendron yakushimanum 'Percy Wiseman' Percy Wiseman RhododendronPercy Wiseman Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhododendron yakushimanum 'Percy Wiseman' Percy Wiseman RhododendronPercy Wiseman Rhododendron 1 gal $15 Rhodoleia henryi Evergreen Rose TreeEvergreen Rose Tree 3 gal $25 Rhodoleia henryi Evergreen Rose TreeEvergreen Rose Tree 3 gal $25 Rosa 'Meigekanu' PP6384 Sevillana® RoseSevillana® Rose 2 gal $20 Rosa 'Meigekanu' PP6384 Sevillana® RoseSevillana® Rose 2 gal $20 Rosa 'Meiggili' PP18542 Peach Drift® Rose TopiaryPeach Drift® Rose Topiary 5 gal $65 Rosa 'Meiggili' PP18542 Peach Drift® Rose TopiaryPeach Drift® Rose Topiary 5 gal $65 Rosa 'Meisentmil' PP20635 Lemon Drift® RoseLemon Drift® Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa 'Meisentmil' PP20635 Lemon Drift® RoseLemon Drift® Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa 'Meiswetdom' PP21611 Sweet Drift® RoseSweet Drift® Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa 'Meiswetdom' PP21611 Sweet Drift® RoseSweet Drift® Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa 'Meiswetdom' PP21612 Sweet Drift® Rose TopiarySweet Drift® Rose Topiary 5 gal $65 Rosa 'Meiswetdom' PP21612 Sweet Drift® Rose TopiarySweet Drift® Rose Topiary 5 gal $65 Rosa 'Meizorland' PP28054 White Drift® RoseWhite Drift® Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa 'Meizorland' PP28054 White Drift® RoseWhite Drift® Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa 'New Dawn' New Dawn RoseNew Dawn Rose 5 gal $38 Rosa 'New Dawn' New Dawn RoseNew Dawn Rose 5 gal $38 Rosa 'Radsunny’ PP18562 Sunny Knock Out® RoseSunny Knock Out® Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa 'Radsunny’ PP18562 Sunny Knock Out® RoseSunny Knock Out® Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa 'WEKvosstuno' PP18473 Julia Child® RoseJulia Child® Rose 3 gal $26 on order Rosa 'WEKvosstuno' PP18473 Julia Child® RoseJulia Child® Rose 3 gal $26 on order Rosa Meitonje' Sweet Sunblaze® RoseSweet Sunblaze® Rose 2 gal $22.50 on order Rosa Meitonje' Sweet Sunblaze® RoseSweet Sunblaze® Rose 2 gal $22.50 on order Rosa banksiae 'Alba Plena' White Lady Banks Climbing RoseWhite Lady Banks Climbing Rose 5 gal $38 Rosa banksiae 'Alba Plena' White Lady Banks Climbing RoseWhite Lady Banks Climbing Rose 5 gal $38 Rosa banksiae ‘Lutea’ Yellow Lady Banks RoseYellow Lady Banks Rose 2 gal $27 on order Rosa banksiae ‘Lutea’ Yellow Lady Banks RoseYellow Lady Banks Rose 2 gal $27 on order Rosa sp. Mini RoseMini Rose 4 in $6.50 few Rosa sp. Mini RoseMini Rose 6 in $11.50 Rosa sp. Mini Rose in Self Watering PotMini Rose in Self Watering Pot 2.5in $6 few Rosa sp. RosaromaRosaroma 4 in $9 few Rosa x 'Radsunny' PP18562 Knock Out® Sunny RoseKnock Out® Sunny Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa x 'Radsunny' PP18562 Knock Out® Sunny RoseKnock Out® Sunny Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa ‘Meibenbino’ PP30811 Knock Out® Petite RoseKnock Out® Petite Rose 1.5 gal $16 Rosa ‘Meibenbino’ PP30811 Knock Out® Petite RoseKnock Out® Petite Rose 1.5 gal $16 Rosa ‘Radral’ PP19803 Knock Out® Coral RoseKnock Out® Coral Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa ‘Radral’ PP19803 Knock Out® Coral RoseKnock Out® Coral Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa ‘Radslam’ PP35826 Orange Glow™ Knock Out® RoseOrange Glow™ Knock Out® Rose 3 gal $25 Rosa ‘Radslam’ PP35826 Orange Glow™ Knock Out® RoseOrange Glow™ Knock Out® Rose 3 gal $25 Rosa ‘Radtko' PP16202 Double Knock Out® RoseDouble Knock Out® Rose 3 gal $22.50 Rosa ‘Radtko' PP16202 Double Knock Out® RoseDouble Knock Out® Rose 3 gal $22.50 Rosa ‘Radtkopink’ PP18507 Knock Out® Double Pink RoseKnock Out® Double Pink Rose 1 gal $13.50 Rosa ‘Radtkopink’ PP18507 Knock Out® Double Pink RoseKnock Out® Double Pink Rose 1 gal $13.50 Rosa ‘Radtko’ PP16202 Knock Out® Double Red RoseKnock Out® Double Red Rose 1 gal $13.50 Rosa ‘Radtko’ PP16202 Knock Out® Double Red RoseKnock Out® Double Red Rose 1 gal $13.50 Rosa ‘Radtko’ PP16203 Knock Out® Double Red RoseKnock Out® Double Red Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rosa ‘Radtko’ PP16203 Knock Out® Double Red RoseKnock Out® Double Red Rose 2 gal $22.50 Rose sp. Climbing Rose w/ TrellisClimbing Rose w/ Trellis 3 gal $21 Rose sp. Climbing Rose w/ TrellisClimbing Rose w/ Trellis 3 gal $21 Rubus 'Ouachita' Ouachita BlackberryOuachita Blackberry 1 gal $8 on order Rubus cv 'Prime Ark Freedom' Prime Ark Freedom BlackberryPrime Ark Freedom Blackberry 1 gal $8 Rubus cv 'Sweet Ark Ponca' Sweet Ark Ponka BlackberrySweet Ark Ponka Blackberry 1 gal $8 on order Rubus idaeus 'Caroline' Caroline RaspberryCaroline Raspberry 1 gal $8 on order Rubus idaeus 'Fall Gold' Fall Gold RaspberryFall Gold Raspberry 1 gal $8 on order Rubus idaeus 'Heritage' Heritage RaspberryHeritage Raspberry 1 gal $8 on order Rubus idaeus 'Nova' Nova RaspberryNova Raspberry 1 gal $8 Sagina subulata 'Aurea' Scotch MossScotch Moss 4.5in $4 Saintpaulia ionantha African Violet in ceramicAfrican Violet in ceramic 4 in $7.50 Salix caprea Pendula Weeping Pussy WillowWeeping Pussy Willow 6 in $32 on order Salix caprea Pendula Weeping Pussy WillowWeeping Pussy Willow 6 in $32 on order Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' Dappled WillowDappled Willow 3 gal $28.50 Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' Dappled WillowDappled Willow 3 gal $28.50 Salix matsudana Curly Willow 6' tall stems (cut flower)Curly Willow 6' tall stems (cut flower) 10pk $20 Salva officinalis 'Tricolor' Tricolor Culinary SageTricolor Culinary Sage 5 in $3 Salvia Artic Blaze® 'Fuschia' Artic Blaze® Fuschia SageArtic Blaze® Fuschia Sage 1 gal $6 3/$15 Salvia Artic Blaze® 'Red' Artic Blaze® Red SageArtic Blaze® Red Sage 1 gal $6 3/$15 Salvia farinacea 'Victoria Blue' Victoria Blue SalviaVictoria Blue Salvia 4 in $1.75 18/$30 Salvia nemerosa 'April Night' April Night SalviaApril Night Salvia 6 in $5 Salvia nemerosa 'Blue Marvel' Blue Marvel SalviaBlue Marvel Salvia 1 gal $5 Salvia nemerosa 'Caradonna' Caradonna SageCaradonna Sage 1 gal $5 Salvia nemerosa 'Noble Knight' Noble Knight SageNoble Knight Sage 1 gal $5 Salvia nemerosa 'Pink Nebula' Pink Nebula™ Meadow SagePink Nebula™ Meadow Sage 2.5qt $7 Salvia nemerosa ‘Bordeau™ Steel Blue’ Bordeau™ Steel Blue SageBordeau™ Steel Blue Sage 2.5 qt $7 Salvia nemorosa 'Dark Matter' Dark Matter™ Meadow SageDark Matter™ Meadow Sage 2.5qt $7 Salvia nemorosa 'Salute Ice Blue' Salute™ Ice Blue Meadow SageSalute™ Ice Blue Meadow Sage 1 gal $5 Salvia nemorosa PP31033 Blue By You SageBlue By You Sage 1 gal $5 Salvia officinalis 'Aurea' Golden Culinary SageGolden Culinary Sage 5 in $3 on order Salvia officinalis 'Purpurescens' Purple Leaf SagePurple Leaf Sage 5 in $3 Salvia rosmarinus 'Tuscan Blue' Tuscan Blue Upright RosemaryTuscan Blue Upright Rosemary 1 gal $7 on order Salvia rosmarinus 'Tuscan Blue' Tuscan Blue Upright RosemaryTuscan Blue Upright Rosemary 3 gal $14 Salvia x hybrida 'Novasalpur' PP28717 Artic Blaze® Purple SageArtic Blaze® Purple Sage 1 gal $6 3/$15 Sanseveria 'Boncel' Boncel Snake PlantBoncel Snake Plant 4 in $8 few Sanseveria 'Victoria' Whale Fin Snake PlantWhale Fin Snake Plant 4 in $5.75 Sansevieria trifasciata 'Black Coral' Black Coral Snake PlantBlack Coral Snake Plant 4 in $4.50 Sansevieria trifasciata 'Black Coral' Black Coral Snake PlantBlack Coral Snake Plant 8in $28 on order Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii' Variegated Snake PlantVariegated Snake Plant 8in $18 on order Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii' Variegated Snake PlantVariegated Snake Plant 6in $14.50 on order Sansevieria trifasciata 'Lotus Hahnii' Lotus Compact Snake PlantLotus Compact Snake Plant 4in $4 Sansevieria trifasciata 'Moonshine' Moonshine Snake PlantMoonshine Snake Plant 6in $11.50 few Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis Himalayan Sweet BoxHimalayan Sweet Box 1 gal $17 on order Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis Himalayan Sweet BoxHimalayan Sweet Box 1 gal $17 on order Sarcococca ruscifolia Fragrant Sweet BoxFragrant Sweet Box 1 gal $17 Sarcococca ruscifolia Fragrant Sweet BoxFragrant Sweet Box 1 gal $17 Scabiosa columbaria 'Butterfly Blue' Butterfly Blue Pincushion FlowerButterfly Blue Pincushion Flower 1 gal $5 Scabiosa columbaria 'Vivid Violet' Vivid Violet Pincushion FlowerVivid Violet Pincushion Flower 1 gal $5 Scabiosa columbaria ‘Flutter™ Series Flutter™ Rose Pink Pincushion FlowerFlutter™ Rose Pink Pincushion Flower 1 gal $5 Scabiosa columbaria ‘Flutter™ Series Flutter™ Pure White Pincushion FlowerFlutter™ Pure White Pincushion Flower 1 gal $5 Scabiosa columbaria ‘Flutter™ Series Flutter™ Deep Blue Pincushion FlowerFlutter™ Deep Blue Pincushion Flower 1 gal $5 Scabiosa japonica ‘Pink Mist’ Pink Mist Pincushion FlowerPink Mist Pincushion Flower 1 gal $5 Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Minsnow3' PP31720 Flirty Girl® False HydrangeaFlirty Girl® False Hydrangea 3 gal $45 Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Minsnow3' PP31720 Flirty Girl® False HydrangeaFlirty Girl® False Hydrangea 3 gal $45 Scindapsus pictus ’Silver Satin’ Silver Satin PothosSilver Satin Pothos 4 in $5 on order Scindapsus pictus ’Silver Satin’ Silver Satin Pothos BasketSilver Satin Pothos Basket 6 in $22 Sedum 'Lemon Ball' Lemon Ball SedumLemon Ball Sedum 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum SunSparkler 'Angelina's Teacup' SunSparkler® Angelina's Teacup SedumSunSparkler® Angelina's Teacup Sedum 5 in $4 on order Sedum SunSparkler 'Blue Elf' SunSparkler® Blue Elf SedumSunSparkler® Blue Elf Sedum 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum SunSparkler 'Firecracker' SunSparkler® Firecracker StonecropSunSparkler® Firecracker Stonecrop 5 in $4 on order Sedum hybrid 'Lime Zinger' PP24632 SunSparkler® Lime Zinger SedumSunSparkler® Lime Zinger Sedum 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum kamtschaticum variegatum Variegated Russian StonecropVariegated Russian Stonecrop 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum makinoi ‘Ogon’ Golden Japanese Woodland StonecropGolden Japanese Woodland Stonecrop 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum morganianum Burro's Tail Sedum HBBurro's Tail Sedum HB 6 in $13.50 Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce' Blue Spruce SedumBlue Spruce Sedum 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce' Blue Spruce SedumBlue Spruce Sedum 1 gal $5 Sedum rupestre 'Angelina' Angelina StonecropAngelina Stonecrop 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum spurium 'Pink' Spot On™ Pink StonecropSpot On™ Pink Stonecrop 5 in $4 Sedum takesimense 'Atlantis' Atlantis StonecropAtlantis Stonecrop 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum tetractinum ‘Coral Reef’ Coral Reef SedumCoral Reef Sedum 5 in $4 3/$10 Sedum x Autumn Fire Autumn Fire SedumAutumn Fire Sedum 6 in $5 Selaginella kraussiana 'Aurea' Golden Club MossGolden Club Moss 4in $6.50 Sempervivium 'Royal Ruby' Royal Ruby Hens and ChicksRoyal Ruby Hens and Chicks 5 in $4 Sempervivum 'Carmen' Carmen Hens and ChicksCarmen Hens and Chicks 5 in $4 Sempervivum 'Commander Hay' Commander Hay Hens and ChicksCommander Hay Hens and Chicks 5 in $4 Sempervivum 'Red Beauty' Red Beauty Hens and ChicksRed Beauty Hens and Chicks 5 in $4 Sempervivum 'Ruby Hearts' Ruby Hearts Hens and ChicksRuby Hearts Hens and Chicks 5 in $4 Sempervivum 'Silver King' Silver King Hens and ChicksSilver King Hens and Chicks 5 in $4 Sempervivum 'Silverine' Silverine Hens and ChicksSilverine Hens and Chicks 5 in $4 3/$10 Semprevivum 'Hippie Chicks' Hippie Chicks Hens and ChicksHippie Chicks Hens and Chicks 5 in $4.50 Senecio 'Cirrus' Cirrus Dusty MillerCirrus Dusty Miller 4 in $1.75 18/$28 Senecio 'New Look' New Look Dusty MillerNew Look Dusty Miller 9pk $6 3/$15 Senecio 'Quicksilver' Quicksilver Dusty MillerQuicksilver Dusty Miller 9pk $6 3/$15 Senecio 'Silverdust' Silverdust Dusty MillerSilverdust Dusty Miller 4 in $1.75 18/$28 Senecio (Curio) / Ceropegia sp. Asst String AsstString Asst 2 in $3 on order Senecio (Curio) radicans String of Bananas HBString of Bananas HB 6 in $13.50 Senecio peregrinus String of DolphinsString of Dolphins 4 in $5.50 on order Senecio rowleyanus 'Variegata' Variegated String of PearlsVariegated String of Pearls 6 in $21 on order Senecio(Curio) rowleyanus String of PearlsString of Pearls 2 in $4 on order Senecio(Curio) rowleyanus String of Pearls Hanging BasketString of Pearls Hanging Basket 6 in $13.50 Setcreasea pallida Purple Heart SetcreaseaPurple Heart Setcreasea 10 in $9 Setcreasea pallida Purple Heart SetcreaseaPurple Heart Setcreasea 5 in $4 Setcreasea pallida 'Variegata' Variegated Purple Heart SetcreaseaVariegated Purple Heart Setcreasea 5 in $4 3/$10 Sisyrinchium 'Blue Note' Blue Eyed Grass **native**Blue Eyed Grass **native** 1 gal $6 3/$15 Sisyrinchium 'Moody Blues' Moody Blues Blue Eyed GrassMoody Blues Blue Eyed Grass 1 gal $6 3/$15 Small RCY Butterfly Small RCY Butterfly -Sku-34-607Small RCY Butterfly -Sku-34-607 Small $30 Small RCY Butterfly Small RCY Butterfly -Sku-34-607Small RCY Butterfly -Sku-34-607 Small $30 Small Tin Goat Small Tin Goat -Sku-34-201Small Tin Goat -Sku-34-201 Small $24 Small Tin Goat Small Tin Goat -Sku-34-201Small Tin Goat -Sku-34-201 Small $24 Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks' Fireworks GoldenrodFireworks Goldenrod 1 gal $6 Songbird Garden Stake Songbird Garden Stake -Sku727Songbird Garden Stake -Sku727 $19 Songbird Garden Stake Songbird Garden Stake -Sku727Songbird Garden Stake -Sku727 $19 Spathiphyllum 'Domino' Domino Variegated Peace LilyDomino Variegated Peace Lily 6in $14.50 Spathiphyllum sp. Peace LilyPeace Lily 6 in $9.75 Spathyphyllum 'Sweet Pablo' Sweet Pablo Peace LilySweet Pablo Peace Lily 6 in $9.75 Spinacia oleracea 'Seaside' Seaside SpinachSeaside Spinach 9pk $5 on order Spinning Wildflower Spinning Wildflower -Sku-SR60Spinning Wildflower -Sku-SR60 $21 Spinning Wildflower Spinning Wildflower -Sku-SR60Spinning Wildflower -Sku-SR60 $21 Spiraea cantonensis ‘Reeves’ Reeve's Double SpireaReeve's Double Spirea 3 gal $15 on order Spiraea cantonensis ‘Reeves’ Reeve's Double SpireaReeve's Double Spirea 3 gal $15 on order Spiraea japonica 'Golden Select' USPPAF Pineapple Poprocks® SpireaPineapple Poprocks® Spirea 3 gal $26 on order Spiraea japonica 'Golden Select' USPPAF Pineapple Poprocks® SpireaPineapple Poprocks® Spirea 3 gal $26 on order Spiraea japonica 'NCSX1' PP28313 Double Play® Candy Corn® - SpireaDouble Play® Candy Corn® - Spirea 2 gal $26 on order Spiraea japonica 'NCSX1' PP28313 Double Play® Candy Corn® - SpireaDouble Play® Candy Corn® - Spirea 2 gal $26 on order Spiraea x 'SMNSJSA' PP35032 Double Play® Dolly® SpireaDouble Play® Dolly® Spirea 2 gal $26 Spiraea x 'SMNSJSA' PP35032 Double Play® Dolly® SpireaDouble Play® Dolly® Spirea 2 gal $26 Stachys byzantina 'Balstaclamb' PP35738 Little Lamb Lamb's EarLittle Lamb Lamb's Ear 1 gal $5 Stachys byzantina 'Furby' Furby Lamb's EarFurby Lamb's Ear 5 in $3 4/$10 Stachys byzantine ‘Helen von Stein’ Lamb's EarLamb's Ear 1 gal $5 Stachys byzantine ‘Silver Carpet’ Silver Carpet Lamb's EarSilver Carpet Lamb's Ear 1 gal $5 Stephanotis floribunda Madagascar Jasmine in ceramic potMadagascar Jasmine in ceramic pot 5 in $32.50 few Stokesia laevis ‘Colorwheel’ Colorwheel Stoke's AsterColorwheel Stoke's Aster 1 gal $5 Stokesia laevis 'Divinity' Divinity Stoke's AsterDivinity Stoke's Aster 1 gal $5 Stokesia laevis 'Mary Gregory' Mary Gregory Stoke's AsterMary Gregory Stoke's Aster 1 gal $5 Stokesia laevis 'Mel's Blue' Mel's Blue Stoke's AsterMel's Blue Stoke's Aster 1 gal $5 Stokesia laevis 'Peachies Pick' Peachie's Pick Stoke's AsterPeachie's Pick Stoke's Aster 1 gal $5 Styrax japonicus Snowbell TreeSnowbell Tree 7 gal $72.50 Styrax japonicus Snowbell TreeSnowbell Tree 7 gal $72.50 Styrax japonicus 'Pink Chimes' Pink Chimes Japanese SnowbellPink Chimes Japanese Snowbell 2 gal $55 Styrax japonicus 'Pink Chimes' Pink Chimes Japanese SnowbellPink Chimes Japanese Snowbell 2 gal $55 Succulent Asst Succulent AsstSucculent Asst 3.5 in $5 Succulent Asst Succulent AsstSucculent Asst 6 in $9 on order Succulent Asst Succulent AsstSucculent Asst 3.5 in $5 Succulent Asst Succulent Asst in ceramicSucculent Asst in ceramic 2 in $3.50 Succulent Asst Succulent AsstSucculent Asst 6 in $9 on order Succulent Asst Succulent Asst in ceramicSucculent Asst in ceramic 2 in $3.50 Sunflower Birdhouse with Stand Sunflower Birdhouse with Stand -Sku-32-169Sunflower Birdhouse with Stand -Sku-32-169 $44 Sunflower Birdhouse with Stand Sunflower Birdhouse with Stand -Sku-32-169Sunflower Birdhouse with Stand -Sku-32-169 $44 Sunflower on Stand Sunflower on Stand -Sku-32-504Sunflower on Stand -Sku-32-504 $18 Sunflower on Stand Sunflower on Stand -Sku-32-504Sunflower on Stand -Sku-32-504 $18 Syringa pubescens subsp. patula 'Miss Kim Miss Kim Korean LilacMiss Kim Korean Lilac 1 gal $15 Syringa pubescens subsp. patula 'Miss Kim Miss Kim Korean LilacMiss Kim Korean Lilac 1 gal $15 Syringa x 'SMSJBP7' PP26549 Bloomerang® Dark Purple Reblooming LilacBloomerang® Dark Purple Reblooming Lilac 2 gal $28 on order Syringa x 'SMSJBP7' PP26549 Bloomerang® Dark Purple Reblooming LilacBloomerang® Dark Purple Reblooming Lilac 2 gal $28 on order Tagetes erecta 'Endurance Series' Endurance Series MarigoldEndurance Series Marigold 9pk $6 3/$15 Tagetes erecta 'Endurance Series' Endurance Series MarigoldEndurance Series Marigold 9pk $6 3/$15 Tall Leaf Trellis Tall Leaf Trellis -Sku-Z0731Tall Leaf Trellis -Sku-Z0731 $57 Tall Leaf Trellis Tall Leaf Trellis -Sku-Z0731Tall Leaf Trellis -Sku-Z0731 $57 Ternstroemia gymnanthera Japanese CleyeraJapanese Cleyera 3 gal $15 Ternstroemia gymnanthera Japanese CleyeraJapanese Cleyera 7 gal $45 Ternstroemia gymnanthera Japanese CleyeraJapanese Cleyera 3 gal $15 Ternstroemia gymnanthera Japanese CleyeraJapanese Cleyera 7 gal $45 Ternstroemia gymnanthera 'Contherann' PP11737 LeAnn™ CleyeraLeAnn™ Cleyera 3 gal $21 Ternstroemia gymnanthera 'Contherann' PP11737 LeAnn™ CleyeraLeAnn™ Cleyera 3 gal $21 Ternstroemia gymnanthera 'Conthery' PP11735 Bronze Beauty™ CleyeraBronze Beauty™ Cleyera 3 gal $21 Ternstroemia gymnanthera 'Conthery' PP11735 Bronze Beauty™ CleyeraBronze Beauty™ Cleyera 3 gal $21 Ternstroemia gymnanthera 'Sotall' Bigfoot™ CleyeraBigfoot™ Cleyera 3 gal $21 Ternstroemia gymnanthera 'Sotall' Bigfoot™ CleyeraBigfoot™ Cleyera 3 gal $21 Thelypteris kunthii Southern River Wood FernSouthern River Wood Fern 1 gal $6 Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant ArborvitaeGreen Giant Arborvitae 7 gal $50 Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant ArborvitaeGreen Giant Arborvitae 15 gal $48 on order Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant Arborvitae ***sale***Green Giant Arborvitae ***sale*** 1 gal $6 on order Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant ArborvitaeGreen Giant Arborvitae 3 gal $15 on order Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant ArborvitaeGreen Giant Arborvitae 5 gal $30 on order Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant ArborvitaeGreen Giant Arborvitae 7 gal $50 Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant ArborvitaeGreen Giant Arborvitae 15 gal $48 on order Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant Arborvitae ***sale***Green Giant Arborvitae ***sale*** 1 gal $6 on order Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant ArborvitaeGreen Giant Arborvitae 3 gal $15 on order Thuja 'Green Giant' Green Giant ArborvitaeGreen Giant Arborvitae 5 gal $30 on order Thuja occidentalis 'American Pillar' Full Speed A Hedge® ArborvitaeFull Speed A Hedge® Arborvitae 15 gal $160 Thuja occidentalis 'American Pillar' Full Speed A Hedge® ArborvitaeFull Speed A Hedge® Arborvitae 15 gal $160 Thuja occidentalis 'Bobazam' Mr. Bowling Ball® ArborvitaeMr. Bowling Ball® Arborvitae 2 gal $24 Thuja occidentalis 'Bobazam' Mr. Bowling Ball® ArborvitaeMr. Bowling Ball® Arborvitae 3 gal $28 Thuja occidentalis 'Bobazam' Mr. Bowling Ball® ArborvitaeMr. Bowling Ball® Arborvitae 3 gal $28 Thuja occidentalis 'Bobazam' Mr. Bowling Ball® ArborvitaeMr. Bowling Ball® Arborvitae 2 gal $24 Thuja occidentalis 'Congabe' PP19009 Fire Chief™ ArborvitaeFire Chief™ Arborvitae 2 gal $24 Thuja occidentalis 'Congabe' PP19009 Fire Chief™ ArborvitaeFire Chief™ Arborvitae 2 gal $24 Thuja occidentalis 'Congabe' PP19010 Fire Chief™ ArborvitaeFire Chief™ Arborvitae 3 gal $24 Thuja occidentalis 'Congabe' PP19010 Fire Chief™ ArborvitaeFire Chief™ Arborvitae 3 gal $24 Thuja occidentalis 'Lemon Burst' Lemon Burst™ ArborvitaeLemon Burst™ Arborvitae 2 gal $20 Thuja occidentalis 'Lemon Burst' Lemon Burst™ ArborvitaeLemon Burst™ Arborvitae 2 gal $20 Thuja occidentalis 'RUTTHU5' PP35180 Tall Guy® ArborvitaeTall Guy® Arborvitae 3 gal $27 Thuja occidentalis 'RUTTHU5' PP35180 Tall Guy® ArborvitaeTall Guy® Arborvitae 3 gal $27 Thuja occidentalis 'SMNTOBAB' PP30761 Tater Tot® ArborviateTater Tot® Arborviate 3 gal $28 Thuja occidentalis 'SMNTOBAB' PP30761 Tater Tot® ArborviateTater Tot® Arborviate 3 gal $28 Thuja occidentalis 'SMTOTM' PP25672 Full Speed A Hedge® Thin Man® ArborvitaeFull Speed A Hedge® Thin Man® Arborvitae 3 gal $22.50 Thuja occidentalis 'SMTOTM' PP25672 Full Speed A Hedge® Thin Man® ArborvitaeFull Speed A Hedge® Thin Man® Arborvitae 3 gal $22.50 Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Green ArborvitaeEmerald Green Arborvitae 3 gal $22.50 Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Green ArborvitaeEmerald Green Arborvitae 5 gal $58 Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Green ArborvitaeEmerald Green Arborvitae 3 gal $22.50 Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Green ArborvitaeEmerald Green Arborvitae 7 gal $115 on order Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Green ArborvitaeEmerald Green Arborvitae 5 gal $58 Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Green ArborvitaeEmerald Green Arborvitae 7 gal $115 on order Thuja occidentalis ‘American Pillar’ PP20209 Full Speed A Hedge® American Pillar ArborvitaeFull Speed A Hedge® American Pillar Arborvitae 3 gal $25 Thuja occidentalis ‘American Pillar’ PP20209 Full Speed A Hedge® American Pillar ArborvitaeFull Speed A Hedge® American Pillar Arborvitae 3 gal $25 Thuja occidentalis ‘Janed Gold’ PP21967 Highlights® ArborvitaeHighlights® Arborvitae 3 gal $28 Thuja occidentalis ‘Janed Gold’ PP21967 Highlights® ArborvitaeHighlights® Arborvitae 3 gal $28 Thuja occidentalis ‘Planet Earth’ Planet Earth ArborvitaePlanet Earth Arborvitae 2 gal $21 Thuja occidentalis ‘Planet Earth’ Planet Earth ArborvitaePlanet Earth Arborvitae 2 gal $21 Thuja occidentalis 'Art Boe' PP22174 North Pole® ArborvitaeNorth Pole® Arborvitae 3 gal $29 Thuja occidentalis 'Art Boe' PP22174 North Pole® ArborvitaeNorth Pole® Arborvitae 3 gal $29 Thuja plicata 'De Rakt' Sugar and Spice™ ArborviateSugar and Spice™ Arborviate 3 gal $22.50 Thuja plicata 'De Rakt' Sugar and Spice™ ArborviateSugar and Spice™ Arborviate 3 gal $22.50 Thuja plicata ‘Grovepli’ Spring Grove® ArborvitaeSpring Grove® Arborvitae 3 gal $32.50 Thuja plicata ‘Grovepli’ Spring Grove® ArborvitaeSpring Grove® Arborvitae 3 gal $32.50 Thymus praecox ‘Coccineus’ Red Creeping ThymeRed Creeping Thyme 5 in $4.50 on order Thymus serpyllum 'Pink Chintz' Pink Chintz Creeping ThymePink Chintz Creeping Thyme 4.5in $4 Thymus serpyllum 'Pink Chintz' Creeping ThymeCreeping Thyme 3.5in $3 Thymus vulgaris English ThymeEnglish Thyme 4 in $3.25 Thymus x citriodorus Lemon ThymeLemon Thyme 5 in $3 Thymus x citriodorus 'Archer's Gold' Archer's Gold Lemon ThymeArcher's Gold Lemon Thyme 4.5in $4 Tiarella 'Angel Wings' Angel Wings FoamflowerAngel Wings Foamflower 6 in $7 Tiarella 'Appalachian Trail' Appalachian Trail FoamflowerAppalachian Trail Foamflower 6 in $6 Tiarella 'Running Tapestry' Running Tapestry FoamflowerRunning Tapestry Foamflower 6 in $7 Tiarella 'Spring Symphony' Spring Symphony FoamflowerSpring Symphony Foamflower 6 in $6 Tiarella 'Sugar and Spice' Sugar and Spice FoamflowerSugar and Spice Foamflower 6 in $6 Tillandsia cyanea Pink Quill BromeliadPink Quill Bromeliad 4in $8 Tillandsia cyanea Pink Quill BromeliadPink Quill Bromeliad 4in $8 Trachelospermum asiaticum Asiatic JasmineAsiatic Jasmine 4in $2.50 5/$10 Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Snow-N-Summer' Snow-N-Summer™ Asiatic JasmineSnow-N-Summer™ Asiatic Jasmine 1 gal $10 on order Trachelospermum jasminoides Confederate/ Star Jasmine stakedConfederate/ Star Jasmine staked 1 gal $7 on order Trachelospermum jasminoides Confederate/ Star Jasmine stakedConfederate/ Star Jasmine staked 3 gal $15 on order Trachelospermum jasminoides Confederate/ Star Jasmine stakedConfederate/ Star Jasmine staked 1 gal $7 on order Trachelospermum jasminoides Confederate/ Star Jasmine stakedConfederate/ Star Jasmine staked 3 gal $15 on order Trachelospermum jasminoides ‘Madison’ Large leaf Star/ Confederate JasmineLarge leaf Star/ Confederate Jasmine 2 gal $22.50 Trachelospermum jasminoides ‘Madison’ Large leaf Star/ Confederate JasmineLarge leaf Star/ Confederate Jasmine 2 gal $22.50 Tracycarpus fortunei Windmill PalmWindmill Palm 7 gal $50 on order Tracycarpus fortunei Windmill PalmWindmill Palm 1 gal $8.50 on order Tracycarpus fortunei Windmill PalmWindmill Palm 7 gal $50 on order Tracycarpus fortunei Windmill PalmWindmill Palm 1 gal $8.50 on order Tradescanita 'Nanouk' Nanouk Wandering JewNanouk Wandering Jew 5 in $6 Tradescanita 'Nanouk' Nanouk Wandering JewNanouk Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescanita 'Nanouk' Nanouk Wandering JewNanouk Wandering Jew 5 in $6 Tradescanita 'Nanouk' Nanouk Wandering JewNanouk Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia 'Rainbow' Rainbow Wandering JewRainbow Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia 'Rainbow' Rainbow Wandering JewRainbow Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia 'Sanna' Sanna Wandering JewSanna Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia 'Sanna' Sanna Wandering JewSanna Wandering Jew 5 in $5 Tradescantia 'Sanna' Sanna Wandering JewSanna Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia 'Sanna' Sanna Wandering JewSanna Wandering Jew 5 in $5 Tradescantia 'Sweetness' Sweetness Wandering JewSweetness Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia 'Sweetness' Sweetness Wandering JewSweetness Wandering Jew 5 in $5 Tradescantia 'Sweetness' Sweetness Wandering JewSweetness Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia 'Sweetness' Sweetness Wandering JewSweetness Wandering Jew 5 in $5 Tradescantia f. v. 'Yellow Zebra' Zebra Series Wandering JewZebra Series Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia f. v. 'Yellow Zebra' Zebra Series Wandering JewZebra Series Wandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia f. v. 'Yellow Zebra' Zebra Series Wandering JewZebra Series Wandering Jew 5 in $5 Tradescantia f. v. 'Yellow Zebra' Zebra Series Wandering JewZebra Series Wandering Jew 5 in $5 Tradescantia zebrina Wandering JewWandering Jew 10 in $9 Tradescantia zebrina Wandering JewWandering Jew 10 in $9 Triple Sunflower with Butterfly Triple Sunflower with Butterfly -Sku-32-165Triple Sunflower with Butterfly -Sku-32-165 $28 Triple Sunflower with Butterfly Triple Sunflower with Butterfly -Sku-32-165Triple Sunflower with Butterfly -Sku-32-165 $28 Tulip, Assorted Tulip, Assorted -Sku-SR32Tulip, Assorted -Sku-SR32 Small $12.50 Tulip, Assorted Tulip, Assorted -Sku-SR32Tulip, Assorted -Sku-SR32 Small $12.50 Tulipa 'Concerto' Concerto TulipConcerto Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Concerto' Concerto TulipConcerto Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Double Late Upstar' Double Late Upstar TulipDouble Late Upstar Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Double Late Upstar' Double Late Upstar TulipDouble Late Upstar Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Eagle Wings' Eagle Wings TulipEagle Wings Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Eagle Wings' Eagle Wings TulipEagle Wings Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Mount Tacoma' Mount Tacoma TulipMount Tacoma Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Mount Tacoma' Mount Tacoma TulipMount Tacoma Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Novi Sun' Novi Sun TulipNovi Sun Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Novi Sun' Novi Sun TulipNovi Sun Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Orange Van Eijk' Orange Van Eijk TulipOrange Van Eijk Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Orange Van Eijk' Orange Van Eijk TulipOrange Van Eijk Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Purple Dream' Purple Dream TulipPurple Dream Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Purple Dream' Purple Dream TulipPurple Dream Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Quebec' Quebec TulipQuebec Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Quebec' Quebec TulipQuebec Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Spring Song' Spring Song TulipSpring Song Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa 'Spring Song' Spring Song TulipSpring Song Tulip 6 in $4 3/$10 Tulipa clusiana Clusiana Botanical SpeciesClusiana Botanical Species 4 in $3 Tulipa clusiana Clusiana Botanical SpeciesClusiana Botanical Species 4 in $3 Vaccinium 'Pink Lemonade' Pink Lemonade BlueberryPink Lemonade Blueberry 3 gal $18 on order Vaccinium 'Pink Lemonade' Pink Lemonade BlueberryPink Lemonade Blueberry 1 gal $8 on order Vaccinium Rosa's Blush Rosa's Blush Blueberry **nativeRosa's Blush Blueberry **native 3 gal $15 on order Vaccinium ashei 'Alapaha' Alapaha Rabbiteye Blueberry BushAlapaha Rabbiteye Blueberry Bush 3 gal $18 Vaccinium ashei 'Alapaha' Alapaha Rabbiteye Blueberry BushAlapaha Rabbiteye Blueberry Bush 3 gal $18 Vaccinium ashei 'Alapaha' Alapaha BlueberryAlapaha Blueberry 1 gal $8 Vaccinium ashei 'Brightwell' Brightwell BlueberryBrightwell Blueberry 3 gal $18 Vaccinium ashei 'Krewer' Krewer BlueberryKrewer Blueberry 3 gal $18 on order Vaccinium ashei 'Krewer' Krewer BlueberryKrewer Blueberry 1 gal $8 Vaccinium ashei 'Powder Blue' Blueberry (Late Season)Blueberry (Late Season) 3 gal $18 Vaccinium ashei 'Titan' Titan BlueberryTitan Blueberry 3 gal $18 Vaccinium ashei 'Vernon' Vernon BlueberryVernon Blueberry 1 gal $8 Vaccinium ashei 'Vernon' Vernon BlueberryVernon Blueberry 3 gal $18 Vaccinium ashei 'Vernon' PP18291 Takes the Cake® BlueberryTakes the Cake® Blueberry 1 gal $9 Vaccinium ashei 'Vernon' PP18292 Takes the Cake® BlueberryTakes the Cake® Blueberry 3 gal $18 Vaccinium ashei Brightwell Brightwell BlueberryBrightwell Blueberry 1 gal $8 on order Vaccinium ashei Tifblue Tifblue BlueberryTifblue Blueberry 1 gal $8 on order Vaccinium corymbosum 'ZF06-079' PP23336 Pink Icing® Blueberry BushPink Icing® Blueberry Bush 2 gal $22.50 on order Vaccinium corymbosum ‘ZF06-043’ PP23325 Peach Sorbet® Blueberry BushPeach Sorbet® Blueberry Bush 2 gal $22.50 on order Verbascum 'Southern Charm' Southern Charm VerbascumSouthern Charm Verbascum 5 in $3 4/$10 Verbena 'Homestead Pink' Homestead Pink VerbenaHomestead Pink Verbena 1 gal $5 Verbena 'Lanai Series' Lanai Series Verbena BasketLanai Series Verbena Basket 10 in $8 Verbena 'Lanai Series' Lanai Series Verbena BasketLanai Series Verbena Basket 10 in $8 Verbena EnduraScape™ Series EnduraScape™ Series Verbena BasketEnduraScape™ Series Verbena Basket 10 in $9 3/$24 Verbena EnduraScape™ Series EnduraScape™ Purple VerbenaEnduraScape™ Purple Verbena 1 gal $10 Verbena hybrid ’Superbena Series’ Superbena® Verbena Series BasketSuperbena® Verbena Series Basket 11 in $12.50 2/$20 Verbena hybrid ’Superbena Series’ Superbena® Verbena Series BasketSuperbena® Verbena Series Basket 11 in $12.50 2/$20 Verbena ‘Homestead Purple’ Homestead Purple VerbenaHomestead Purple Verbena 1 gal $5 Veronica 'Perfectly Picasso' Perfectly Picasso SpeedwellPerfectly Picasso Speedwell 1 gal $5 Veronica 'Royal Rembrandt' Royal Rembrandt SpeedwellRoyal Rembrandt Speedwell 1 gal $5 Veronica 'Tidal Pool' Tidal Pool Creeping SpeedwellTidal Pool Creeping Speedwell 1 gal $5 Veronica 'Very Van Gogh' Very Van Gogh SpeedwellVery Van Gogh Speedwell 1 gal $5 Veronica hybrida Moody Blues® 'Mauve' PP31833 Moody Blues® Mauve SpeedwellMoody Blues® Mauve Speedwell 1 gal $5 on order Veronica peduncularis ‘Georgia Blue’ Georgia Blue VeronicaGeorgia Blue Veronica 1 gal $5 Veronica repens Creeping SpeedwellCreeping Speedwell 5in $3 Veronica spicata 'Novaverpin' PP25748 Pink Moody Blues™ SpeedwellPink Moody Blues™ Speedwell 1 gal $5 Veronica spicata 'Royal Candles' Royal Candles SpeedwellRoyal Candles Speedwell 1 gal $6 Veronica spicata 'Verpurg' PP33094 Purplegum Candles Spikes SpeedwellPurplegum Candles Spikes Speedwell 1 gal $5 Veronica ‘Novaverblu’ PP26602 Dark Blue Moody Blues™ SpeedwellDark Blue Moody Blues™ Speedwell 1 gal $5 Viburnum awabuki 'Chindo' Chindo ViburnumChindo Viburnum 3 gal $12.50 on order Viburnum awabuki 'Chindo' Chindo ViburnumChindo Viburnum 3 gal $12.50 on order Viburnum dentatum 'Christom' Blue Muffin® Arrowwood ViburnumBlue Muffin® Arrowwood Viburnum 2 gal $25 Viburnum dentatum 'Christom' Blue Muffin® Arrowwood ViburnumBlue Muffin® Arrowwood Viburnum 2 gal $25 Viburnum macrosepalum sterile Chinese Snowball BushChinese Snowball Bush 3 gal $22.50 Viburnum macrosepalum sterile Chinese Snowball BushChinese Snowball Bush 3 gal $22.50 Viburnum odoratissimum Sweet ViburnumSweet Viburnum 15 gal $95 Viburnum odoratissimum Sweet ViburnumSweet Viburnum 15 gal $95 Viburnum odoratissimum 'BRANT01' PP30449 Coppertop™ Sweet ViburnumCoppertop™ Sweet Viburnum 3 gal $24 Viburnum odoratissimum 'BRANT01' PP30449 Coppertop™ Sweet ViburnumCoppertop™ Sweet Viburnum 3 gal $24 Viburnum odoratissimum 'BRANT01' PP30450 Coppertop™ Sweet ViburnumCoppertop™ Sweet Viburnum 7 gal $55 Viburnum odoratissimum 'BRANT01' PP30450 Coppertop™ Sweet ViburnumCoppertop™ Sweet Viburnum 7 gal $55 Viburnum plicatum f. plicatum 'Popcorn' Popcorn Japanese SnowballPopcorn Japanese Snowball 3 gal $15 on order Viburnum plicatum f. plicatum 'Popcorn' Popcorn Japanese SnowballPopcorn Japanese Snowball 3 gal $15 on order Viburnum x 'Moonlit Lace' Moonlit Lace ViburnumMoonlit Lace Viburnum 3 gal $20 Viburnum x 'Moonlit Lace' Moonlit Lace ViburnumMoonlit Lace Viburnum 3 gal $20 Vinca minor 'Bowles' Bowle's Little Leaf PeriwinkleBowle's Little Leaf Periwinkle 4pk $9 Vinca minor 'Bowles' Bowle's Little Leaf PeriwinkleBowle's Little Leaf Periwinkle 4 in $2.50 5/$10 Vinca minor 'Bowles' Bowle's Little Leaf PeriwinkleBowle's Little Leaf Periwinkle 4 in $2.50 5/$10 Vinca minor 'Bowles' Bowle's Little Leaf PeriwinkleBowle's Little Leaf Periwinkle 4pk $9 Vinca minor 'Illumination' Illumination PeriwinkleIllumination Periwinkle 5 in $4 Vinca minor 'Illumination' Illumination PeriwinkleIllumination Periwinkle 4 in $2.50 Vinca minor 'Illumination' Illumination PeriwinkleIllumination Periwinkle 5 in $4 Vinca minor 'Illumination' Illumination PeriwinkleIllumination Periwinkle 4 in $2.50 Viola 'Penny Series' Penny SeriesPenny Series 4 in $1.75 18/$28 Viola 'Penny Series' Penny SeriesPenny Series 4 in $1.75 18/$28 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet Series Low BowlSorbet Series Low Bowl 10 in $7 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet SeriesSorbet Series 18pk $9 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet SeriesSorbet Series 10 in $7 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet SeriesSorbet Series 9pk $6 3/$15 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet SeriesSorbet Series 10 in $7 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet SeriesSorbet Series 18pk $9 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet Series Low BowlSorbet Series Low Bowl 11 in $8 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet Series Low BowlSorbet Series Low Bowl 10 in $7 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet Series Low BowlSorbet Series Low Bowl 11 in $8 Viola 'Sorbet Series' Sorbet SeriesSorbet Series 9pk $6 3/$15 Vitis 'Catawba' Catawba GrapeCatawba Grape 1 gal $12.50 on order Vitis rotundifolia 'Cowart' Muscadine CowartMuscadine Cowart 1 gal $8 Vitis rotundifolia 'Hall' Muscadine HallMuscadine Hall 1 gal $8 Wall Sunflower Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086 Large $22.50 Wall Sunflower Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086 Small $12 Wall Sunflower Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086 Small $12 Wall Sunflower Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086 Large $22.50 Wall Sunflower Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086 Medium $18 Wall Sunflower Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086Wall Sunflower -Sku-32-086 Medium $18 Weigela x 'Slingco 2' USPP26841 Maroon Swoon® WeigelaMaroon Swoon® Weigela 2 gal $26 Weigela x 'Slingco 2' USPP26841 Maroon Swoon® WeigelaMaroon Swoon® Weigela 2 gal $26 Weigela x ‘Spring 2‘ PP30185 Stunner® WeigelaStunner® Weigela 2 gal $26 Weigela x ‘Spring 2‘ PP30185 Stunner® WeigelaStunner® Weigela 2 gal $26 Weigela x ‘ZR1‘ PP30065 Electric Love® WeigelaElectric Love® Weigela 2 gal $26 on order Weigela x ‘ZR1‘ PP30065 Electric Love® WeigelaElectric Love® Weigela 2 gal $26 on order White Home with Sunflower White Home with Sunflower -Sku-33-096White Home with Sunflower -Sku-33-096 $20 White Home with Sunflower White Home with Sunflower -Sku-33-096White Home with Sunflower -Sku-33-096 $20 Wisteria frutescens 'Amethyst Falls' Amethyst Falls America WisteriaAmethyst Falls America Wisteria 3 gal $18 Wisteria frutescens 'Amethyst Falls' Amethyst Falls America WisteriaAmethyst Falls America Wisteria 3 gal $18 X-Large Garden Lollipop X-Large Garden Lollipop -Sku-718X-Large Garden Lollipop -Sku-718 X-Large $15.50 X-Large Garden Lollipop X-Large Garden Lollipop -Sku-718X-Large Garden Lollipop -Sku-718 X-Large $15.50 Yucca 'Color Guard' Color Guard YuccaColor Guard Yucca 3 gal $18 on order Yucca 'Color Guard' Color Guard YuccaColor Guard Yucca 3 gal $18 on order Zamioculcas zamiifolia ZZ PlantZZ Plant 10in $35 on order Zamioculcas zamiifolia ZZ PlantZZ Plant 4in $10 Zamioculcas zamiifolia ZZ PlantZZ Plant 10in $35 on order Zamioculcas zamiifolia ZZ PlantZZ Plant 4in $10 Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Raven' Black ZZ PlantBlack ZZ Plant 4in $11.50 Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Raven' Black ZZ PlantBlack ZZ Plant 4in $11.50 Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Supernova' PP26262 SuperNova ZZ PlantSuperNova ZZ Plant 6in $25 new! Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Supernova' PP26262 SuperNova ZZ PlantSuperNova ZZ Plant 6in $25 new! Zantedeschia 'Airbrush' Airbrush Calla LilyAirbrush Calla Lily 5 in $6 Zantedeschia 'Frozen Queen' Lily Frozen Queen CallaLily Frozen Queen Calla 6.5in $12.50 Zantedeschia sp. Lily Assorted CallaLily Assorted Calla 6.5in $11 Please remember that we are an outlet and not a full-service garden center. We offer superior signage so that customers can get all the plant info they need instantly. There are minimal employees to keep prices low.